Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960816-00106 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                             Approved by !
                                                                               FCC REMImNCE A.DWCE                                                    Expires .‘_J-

                                                                                                                pace xo          _L    or       _1
                               (RESERVED)       _                                              SPECIAL USE

                                                                                               FCC USE ONLY

              (Read instructions carefully BEFORE proceeding.)                                                         AUb £    () 1770

                                                                 PAYOR INFORMATION
 (1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                                Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.           (2) TOTALAMOUNT PAID (dollars and ceni
 [@{lil:]:(s l4 (s s [sIs                                 I [ [          L [       ! f J [              j        ig!                            575 & 00
 (3) PAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

       GE American Communications, Inc.
       Four Research Way                                          w                                                     _
(5) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                                                                 /(53__fl$_5774_,, 7é
e emy                                       ediocoimmunmca, islon|MSTATE       |(® ZIP cops
   Princeton                              .ionenenmaresy.__1                        08540—6684
0) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                  (10) COUNTRY CODE uif not uSA)
    t609) 987—4000
                                             ITEM #1 INFORMATION
(11A) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                FCC USE ONLY
     CE American Communications Satellites, Inc.

         > GE—]
                                                    (13A) ZIP CODE
                                                                                 (14A) PAYMENTTYPE CODE
                                                                                   c       r     |v                         1
                                                                                                                       (15A) QUANTITY (16A) FEE DUE For
                                                                                                                                            § 575.00
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                                                                 ITEM #2 INFORMATION
(11B) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                FCC UBE ONLY

(128) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (13B) ZIP CODE                (14B) PAYMENT TyPE CobE              (15B) QUANTITY       (16B) FEE DUE For
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(178) FCC CODE 1                                                                  (18B) FCC CODE 2

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[L] Mastereard                                                                         EXPIRATION DATE:
D      Viss                                                                                                       Month         Year

                                                                                          AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                  DaTe
(23)   1 hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard

                                         HOGAN & HARTSON

                                                                                                             COLUMBIA SQUARE

                                                                                                         555 THIRTEENTH STREET, NW
                                                                                                         WASHINGTON, DC 200041109
Writer‘s Direct Dial
  (202) 637—5767                                                                                              TEL (202) 637—5600
                                                                                                              FAX (202) 687—5910

                                                 August 16, 1996


Mr. William F. Caton                                                     *                             AUG 2 3 1996
Secretary                                                                    _                          syoule &
Federal Qommunications Conllmission                          AIG 2 8 1996                     nadiooor:"--at':»cg&;.“ d
International Bureau — Satellites                                                                     international Bureau
P.O. Box 858210
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5210

                   Re:    Request of GE American Communications, Inc. for
                          Special Temporary Authority to Test GE—1 at 101° W.L.


Dear Mr. Caton:

                   GE American Communications, Inc. ((GE Americom"), by its attorneys
and pursuant to Section 25.119 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.119,
hereby requests special temporary authority to perform limited testing of
GE Americom‘s GE—1 satellite at 101° W.L. before the satellite is placed in its
permanent orbital position at 103° W.L. Grant of this authority is necessary to
permit testing of GE—1 without interfering with services that are currently being
provided. Because GE—1 is scheduled for launch on August 30, GE Americom
requests expedited action on this request.

              GE Americom intends to test the majority of the transponders on GE—1
in its assigned location of 103° W.L. That orbital location, however, is currently
occupied by GSTAR I, which is licensed to GE Americom‘s wholly—owned subsidiary
GE American Communications Satellites, Inc. (°GE Americom Satellites"). Two of
the transponders on GSTAR I are used to provide 24 hour a day, seven day a week
service to multiple customers. As a result, GE Americom cannot test the

                                   BRUSSELS   LONDON   MOSCOW PARIS®     PRAGUE WaRsAw


                                                       *Afftiaud Offie

Mr. William F. Caton
August 16, 1996
Page 2

corresponding transponders on GE—1 at 103° without interfering with GSTAR I‘s
service to these customers.

             Accordingly, GE Americom proposes to test those two transponders
when GE—1 is at the 101° W.L. location. The planned length of the test for each
transponder is approximately ten minutes, so GE—1 will be transmitting from 101°
W.L. for a very short period of time. The 101° W.L. location is currently occupied by
Satcom SN—4 (formerly Spacenet 4), which is also licensed to GE Americom
Satellites. However, Satcom SN—4 has no transponders operating in the frequencies
on which the test will be occurring. Accordingly, the test will not interfere with
Satcom SN—4‘s operations.

             Furthermore, testing these two transponders at 101° W.L. will not
result in harmful interference to adjacent satellites. As noted above, the satellite at
103° W.L. is GSTAR I, licensed to GE Americom Satellites. The purpose of testing
the two GE—1 transponders at 101° W.L. is to ensure that no harmful interference
will result to GSTAR I. On the other side at 99° W.L. is Galaxy IV, which is
licensed to Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. ((HCG®"). After discussions with
GE Americom personnel, HCG has consented to the proposed testing of GE—1 at
101° W.L. provided that GE Americom informs HCG precisely when the testing is to
take place. GE Americom has committed to do so as soon as possible.
GE Americom should be able to determine when the test will occur shortly after
launch of the satellite. GE Americom has also agreed to terminate testing
immediately if HCG informs GE Americom of any harmful interference to
Galaxy IV.

              Grant of the STA is in the public interest because it will permit
GE Americom to provide uninterrupted service to customers who are currently
using GSTAR I until that service can be transferred to GE—1. GE Americom
requests expedited action on this application because GE—1 is scheduled for launch
on August 30. GE Americom was unable to file this request earlier because it only
recently verified its inability to briefly effect service on the subject transponders on


Mr. William F. Caton
August 16, 1996
Page 3

             A check for $575 to cover the applicable filing fee, a completed Form
159 and a certification regarding the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988 are attached.
Please address any questions concerning this request to the undersigned.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                             Karis A. Hastings
                                              Counsel for GE American
                                              Communications, Inc.


go:   Columbia, Maryland Field Office
      Fern Jarmulnek
      Kathleen Campbell
      Michael McCoin

To: Philig AUG. 15. 1996          6:34PM    GE AMERICOM: Karis Hastings                   g~INO.60035ipm P.6/6   of 5

                                              ANTLDRUG CERTIFICATION

                                   GE American Communications, Inc. horeby certifics that no party to
            the foregoing application is subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to § 5301
            of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C, § 858a.

                                                              GE AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                              By: %M (/Qféc?c::
                                                                     Philip J. Otero
                                                                     Vice President & General Counsel


            \W\DG . 8670¢) . 0807087 O

Document Created: 2016-11-15 16:45:00
Document Modified: 2016-11-15 16:45:00

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