Attachment request STA july 3 1

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960703-00096 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                   _     Approved by OMB
                                                                             FCC REMITIANCE ADVICE                                                           Expires 228/97
                                                                                                                   pace no.          _1     or 1
                              (RESERVED)                                                      SPECIAL USE

                                                                                               {               ECmErion JUL 0 3 1996
               lotSAT 30— lp                                                                  FCC USE ONLY

             (Read instructions carefully BEFORE proceeding.)

                                                                PAYOR INFORMATION
(1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                               Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.                (2) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)

121 5 1 2 LA L ETE C T® L812                            IL_ T L        1t 1J F CC                                   sSS
(3) PAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

            Columbia Communications Corporation
(4) STREET ADDRESS          LINE N                                                                                           |              006
            c/% Levent IF Senter & Lerman                                                                                    UL 1 1 1996
    5) ST         A.Q,D ESS LINE NO. 2
6           %’%       Etreet
                           NW, Suite 600
    6) CI                                                                                          (7) STATE            8) ZIP CODE
8           ’Washington                                                                                   DC            is                   20006
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                   (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A.)
                                                                ITEM #1 INFORMATION
(114) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                FCC USE ONLY
            Columbia Communications Corporation
(12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                      (13A) ZIP CODE                (14A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                (15A) QUANTITY             (16A) FEE DUE FOR

                                                                                          C           R        Y                 1                §$575
(17A) FCC CODE 1                                                                (18A) FCC CODE 2

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                                                                ITEM #2 INFORMATION
(11B) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                FCC USE ONLY

(12B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                      (18B) ZIP CODE                (14B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                (15B) QUANTITY             (16B) EB DUE FOR
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(17B) FCC CODE 1                                                                (18B) FCC CODE 2

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h croprt cans Payvent nwrormamo
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[]] Mastercard                                                                       EXPIRATION DATE:
D       Visa                                                                                                         Month           Yoar
                                                                                        AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                              DATE
(23) I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard                 1x
     for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.

                                                            See public burden estimate on reverse.                                                           FCC FORM 159
                                                                                                                                                             April 1994

                                                      LAW OFFICES
                                      LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN
                                                        sUITE 600
NORMAN P. LEVENTHAL                                2000 K STREET, NW.                                    TELEPHONE
MEREDITH S. SENTER, JR.                                                                                (202) 429—8970
STEVEN ALMAN LERMAN                          Washmcton, D.C. 20006—1809
RAUL R. RODRIGUEZ                                                                                        TELECOPIER
DENNIS P. CORBETT                                                                                      (202) 293—7783
BRIAN M. MADDEN                                       July 3, 1996
STEPHEN D. BARUCH                                                                                     Senior Communications
SALLY A, BUCKMAN                                                                                         ConsULTANT
NANCY L. woLF                                                                                        MORTON 1. HAMBURG
NANCY A. ORY                                                                                    WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL
WALTER P. JACOB                                                                                        202—416—6742
RENEE L. ROLAND                                                                                      WRITER‘S E—MAIL
JOHN D. POUTASSE®                                                                               DKEIR@LSL—LAW.COM


         BY COURIER

         Federal Communications Commission
         International Bureau — Satellites
         PO Box 358210
         Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5210

                          RE:    Request of Columbia Communications Corporation for Extension of
                                 Special Temporary Authority for the TDRS—4 Satellite at 41° W.L.

         To Whom It May Concern:

                        Transmitted herewith on behalf of Columbia Communications Corporation are the
         original and two duplicates of its Request for extension of Special Temporary Authority ("STA")
         by which it seeks continuation of a previously granted STA suspending operating conditions for
         the TDRS—4 satellite. Included with this filing are a completed FCC remittance advice "Form
         159" and a check payable to the "Federal Communications Commission" in the amount of $575 in
         payment of the required filing fee.

                          Also enclosed is a copy of this filing stamped "Return Copy." Please date stamp
         this copy and return it to the courier delivering this package.

                          Should there be any questions concerning this matter, please contact the
         undersigned counsel.

                                                            Res         lly submitted,

                                                            David S. Keir


                                               7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 701 * Bethesoa, MaRyLanc 20814
                                                        TecepHone (301) 907—8800 * Facsimice (301) 907—2420

                                                July 2, 1996


   Mr. William F. Caton
    Acting Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission
   1919 M Street, Room 222
   Washington, D.C. 20554

                  RE:     Request of Columbia Communications Corporation for Extension of
                          Special Temporary Authority for the TDRS—4 Satellite at 41° W.L.
                          (File No. 95—SAT—STA—96)

   Dear Mr. Caton:

                  Columbia Communications Corporation ("Columbia") hereby requests extension
   of the above—referenced grant of special temporary authority ("STA") for an additional 180 days
   pursuant to Section 25.119(b) of the FCC‘s rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.119(b) (1995). This
   authority was granted by the International Bureau on May 6, 1996 for an initial period of sixty
   days, with the stipulation that it would "be renewable for good causs shown at regular intervals"
   during the pendency offurther negotiations between Columbia and the International
   Telecommunications Satellite Organization ("Intelsat") concerning the future use of the orbital
   slot at 41° W.L. See Columbia Communications Corp., DA 96—703, slip op. at 9 (1] 19) (released
   May 6, 1996). ("STA Order")

                    The STA is premised on two important considerations. First, the Bureau acted "to
   provide a public interest determination as to Columbia‘s continued operation at 41° W.L. absent
   other viable alternatives." STA Order at 8 (( 19). Second, it found that it was necessary "to send
   a clear signal to Intelsat that this matter is not closed and that the United States intends to pursue
   it to a successful conclusion." Id. The STA remains necessary for both of these reasons, and
   grant of an extension is therefore appropriate at this time.

Mr. William F. Caton
July 2, 1996
Page 2

                 With respect to the first point, Columbia‘s need for assurance that its authorization
to operate the TDRS—4 capacity at 41° W.L. will not be automatically subordinated to Intelsat‘s
proposed operation at 40.5° W.L. is no less urgent than it was when the STA was granted. See
STA Order at 8 («f 18). Indeed, with each month that passes, the STA grows more important as a
means of assuring Columbia‘s continued viability in the marketplace. For this reason, Columbia
believes that the FCC should act expeditiously to modify Columbia‘s authorization on a
permanent basis, as Columbia requested in its application filed May 21, 1996. See FCC File No.

                Moreover, it is a manifest necessity that the FCC continue to provide its support
for the principle that the dispute over the 41° W.L. orbital location must be decided fairly through
negotiation and application of neutral International Telecommunications Union procedures, with
the object of accommodating the needs of both parties. See, e.g., STA Order at 9 («] 20).
Currently, Intelsat remains wedded to a strategy of protecting only its own interests, asserting that
it has no obligation to pursue a compromise that could allow both it and Columbia to operate
satellite facilities in the Atlantic. See Letter from Claudio Burgio, Vice President Engineering,
Intelsat, to Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satellite and Radiocommunication Division, FCC, dated
June 12, 1996.

                Given the fact that the extended satellite life of the TDRS—4 satellite should allow
Columbia to provide service at least through the year 2001, as well as the fact that Intelsat now
proposes to use a different satellite at 40.5° W.L., the circumstances of both parties have changed
substantially since the 1991 consultation agreement was concluded. Accordingly, Intelsat‘s
assertion that the 1991 consultation remains fully operative does not withstand scrutiny, and it is
appropriate for the FCC to continue using the authority it has over U.S. licensing to encourage
Intelsat to work toward a solution that will serve the public interest. See STA Order at 9 (« 21).

               Finally, inasmuch as Columbia has now filed its application for permanent
modification of its authorization, the FCC is not now constrained by the restriction in Section
309(c)(2)(G) limiting STA grants to a period of sixty days "pending the filing of an application for
.. . regular operation." 47 U.S.C. §309(c)(2)(G). Accordingly, Columbia requests that this STA
be extended for a period of 180 days consistent with the Commission‘s rules. See 47 C.FR.
§ 25.119(b) (1995).
               The undersigned hereby certifies individually and on behalf of Columbia that the
foregoing statements are true, complete and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief, and
are made in good faith. The undersigned further certifies that neither Columbia nor any party to

Mr, William F. Caton
July 2, 1996
Page 3

this applicationis subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
Abuse Act of 1988 (22 U.S.C. § 862).

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Kenneth Gross
                                               Chief Operating Officer

ce:      Donald D. Wear, Jr., Esq. (by mail)
         Bert W. Rein, Esq. (by mail)
         Donald H. Gips (by hand)
         James L. Ball (by hand)
         Thomas S. Tycz (by hand)

Document Created: 2016-11-03 14:29:14
Document Modified: 2016-11-03 14:29:14

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