Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960701-00091 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                 t     99   man

                                           HOGAN & HARTSON

                                                                                                              COLUMBIA SQUARE
                                                                                                         555 THIRTEENTH STREET, NW
                                                                                                         WASHINGTON, DC 20004—1109
Writer‘s Direct Dial
  (202) 637—6920                                                                                               TEL (202) 687—5600
                                                                                                               FAX (202) 687—5010
                                                           June 28, 1996

BY HAND DELIVERY                                                                                 (¥)! —xp<4y96
William F. Caton
Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau —— Satellites
P.0. Box 358210
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5210

                       Re:       Application for Special Temporary Authority
                                 to Continue Operations on GSTAR II

Dear Mr. Caton:

              Enclosed for filing is an original and four copies of the Application of
GE American Communications Satellites, Inc. for special temporary authority to
continue operations on GSTAR II. Please return a date—stamped copy of the
Application using the enclosed extra copy. If you have any questions regarding
this, please contact the undersigned.

                                                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                          $. D.
                                                                               Kyle D. Dixon


cc: Kathleen Campbell

                                       BRUSSELS   LONDON   MOSCOW PARIS®        FRAGUE WARSAW

\\\DC — 307641 — 0308644.01                                 *Affiiated Offce

                                                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                             Approved by OMB
                                                                             FCC REI\HT'D\NCE ADVICE                                                              Expires 22897

                                                                                                             pacE wno. __1L__or                             _1
                                                                                              SPECIAL USE

                                                                                                                               [nifl s1 i2 ala _.3\“‘ i.f__.\

                                                                PAYOR INFORMATION
 ( FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                                 Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.         (2) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (doliars and cents)

p [1]f3f2]f 81 4[° °[ 81 °J                              [ | [ l | [ | | | |                                 |3s                                            575 e 099
 (3) PAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactlyas it appears on your card)

 CE American Communications, Inc.
 Four Research Way                       ®
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) CITY                                                                   *                     (7) STATE            (8) ZIP CODE
Princeton                                         *                                                 NJ                   08540—6684
(2) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                               (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.§.A.)
                                            TITEM #1 INFORMATION
 CE American Communications Satellites, IncZ                                                                        lerk o en decwnon          e t w S u2 _..'.,,» C Sm         AsS

(12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                     (18A) ZIP CODE                 (14A) PAYMENTTYPECODE              |(15A) QUANT!TY                      (16A) FEE DUE FOR
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                                                  08540—6684                              C     R        Y                   1                                     0
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{(19A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                        (20A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2)                             (Z1A) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE
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                                                              ITEM #2 INFORMATION
(11B) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                            FCC USE ONLY

(12B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                     (138B) ZIP CODE                 (14B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE           |(15B) QUANTITY                      (IGB) FEE DUE FOR
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(19B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                         (20B) ADDRESS LINE NO..2                              (21B) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE >

e cCreort carp PpAyeEnt momnon—
122) .                 MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:

J Mastercard                                                                        EXPIRATION DATE:
j    Visa                                                                                                      Month                    Year

                                                                                        AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                                DATE
 23) Ihereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard
     for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.                       t

                                                            See public burden estimate on reverse.                                                                FCC FORM 159
                                                                                                                                                                  Anril 10904

                                    _ Before the       ‘
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application by                            )
                   .                                       )
GE American Communications Satellites, Inc.                )   File No.
For Special Temporary Authorization                        )
to Continue Operations on GSTAR II                         )

                                     APPLICATION OF

  e                     .GEAmerican Communications Satellites, Inc. (°GE Americom

Satellites"), licensee of the GSTAR II communications satellite, respectfully

requests special temporary authority to continue operations on its GSTAR II

satellite. Grant of this request wi]l:,a]low continued service to customers and

promote efficient use of orbital resources.

                         GSTAR II was placed into service in March 1986 and is operating at*

the 125° W.L. orbital location, with a ten—year license term that expired March

1996. On September.29, 1995, the Commission granted GE Americom Satellites

authority. to operate GSTAR II in an inclined orbit mode, stating that such

authority would extend GSTAR II‘s operating life and provide an bpportunity for

the public to continue receiving services from the satellite. 1/ GE Americom

Satellites now requests authority to continue operation of GSTAR II beyond the

1/          GE American Communications, Inc., 10 FCC Red 11021 (1995).

\\\DC — 8076471 — 08307856.01

 expiration of its license term for the maximum statutory period, through September

 30, 1996..2/

                         GSTAR II continues to be capable of providing reliable and affordable

services to customers, including television networks, news gatherers and others.

Granting special temporary authority for the licensee to operate GSTAR II for six

months beyond its license term would serve the public interest because it would

allow the licensee to continue serving existing customers.


2/     GE Americom Satellites acknowledges that a request for special temporary
 authority to continue to operate GSTAR II should have been filed prior to the
—expiration of its license term. However, the GE Americom Satellites staff member
with primary responsibility for addressing such matters left the company late last
year, and as a result, need for any request for authority to extend operations
‘beyond .March 1996 was overlooked. GE Americom Satellites has taken prompt
steps to discuss this matter with the Commission staff and file the instant request
since it became aware of this situation.

\\\DC — 8076471 — 0807356.01

                         ANTI—DRUG CERTIFICATION

             GE American Communications Satellites,Inc. hereby certifies that no
party tothe foregoing application is subjectto a denial of federal benefits pursuant
to—§ 5301 of the Axnti—DrugAbuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

                                       ‘GE AMERICAN
                                       COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITES, INC.

                                       » Larrl/(bt&>
                                             Phxhp. Otero
                                             ~Vice I’resxdent and General Counsel

Dated:       June /3 1996


Document Created: 2016-11-09 17:42:59
Document Modified: 2016-11-09 17:42:59

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