Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960627-00088 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                          GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP
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  wRITERS DIRECT DIAL NUMBER                                                                                  our FILE NUMBER

        (202) 887—3514                                                                                          26218—00001


          Federal Communications Commission
          International Bureau — Satellites
          P.O. Box 358210
          Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5210

                     Re:        Applicationsfor Special Temporary Authority

          Dear Sirs:

                 Enclosed you will find: (1) EchoStar Satellite Corporation‘s Request for Extension of
          Special Temporary Authority; (2) Directsat Corporation‘s Request for Special Temporary
          Authority; (3) an FCC Remittance Advice, FCC Form 159; and (4) a check in the amount of
          $230.00, to cover the filing fees associated with these materials.

                 In addition to the original filings, I have enclosed a "stamp and receipt" copy of each filing
          along with a self—addressed stamped envelope. Please mark the extra copies as received and send
          them back to me.


                                                                William M. Wiltshire


                                                                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                        Approved by OMB
                                                                                 FCC REMITIMANCE ADVICE                                                             Expires 2/28/97
                                                                                                                         PAGE NO.              1      OFr
                                  (RESERVED)                                                           SPRCIAL USE
                                                                                                                     FCCIMELLON                         JUN 25 1996

                                                                                                       ree useontyAE..LLONM                   JUN 28 1996
                 (Read instructions carefully BEFORE proceeding.)

                                                                    PAYOR INFORMATION
 (1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                                  Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.                 (2) TOTAL A’MQUNT PAID (dollars and cents)
 Lo [ a [ s [ 1 [ s [ 1 11 12 | 3 [ 4                       1|        |    [ [       |        |        | L       J        [s$             5                     230 e 00
 (3) PAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)
                                                                                                                                              Al        7
        Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP                                                                                                           AUG 0          1996
     1050 Connecticut Ave., NW                                                                                                          Satellite Policy Branci
 (5) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                                                                                           inter        onal Bureau

 (6) CITY                                                                                                (7) STATE                  (8) ZIP CODE
     Washington                                                                                              DC                         20036
 (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                        (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A.)
                                                                    ITTEM #1 INFORMATION
 (11A) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                c{       FCC USE ONLY

     EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                       »Ah—S—                                                p
 (12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                         (18A) ZIP CODE                (14A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                      (15A) QUANTITY             (16A) mE pus For
                                                                                                                                                            PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                                            IN BLOCK 14
                                                          80112                          M         G         D                                              g 115,.00
 (17A) FCC CODE 1                                                                   (18A) FCC CODE 2

 (19A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                             (20A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2)                                      (21A) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

     90          Inverness Cir.              East]                                                                    Englewood,                   CO
                                                                    ITEM #2 INFORMATION
 (118) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                qb                       FCC USE ONLY

    Directsat Corporation                                 \%’         % M'— Sl                     C
 (12B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                         (13B) ZIP CODE                (14B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                      (15B) QUANTITY             (16B) rek pu® ror
                                                                                                                                                            PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                                            IN BLOCK 14
                                                            80112                    M            G          D                                              $    115.00
 (178) FCC CODE 1                                                                   (18B) FCC CODE 2

 (19B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                            (20B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                        (218) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

90 Inverness Cir. East                                                                                                Englewood, CO
                                                     CREDIT CARD PAYMENT InFormATion &
 (22)                           MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:

 D      Mastercard                                                                           EXPIRATION DATE:

             ;                                                                                                                  Month          Your
 D      Visa
                                                                                                  AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                          DATE
 (23) I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard                    is
         for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.
                                                               See public burden estimate on reverse.                                                               FCC FORM 159
                                                                                                                                                                    Anril 1994

                                                  Before the
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

ECHOSTAR SATELLITE CORPORATION                                       File No.

Application for Extension of Special Temporary
Authority to Operate a Direct Broadcast Satellite

                            EchoStar Satellite Corporation‘s Request for
                              Extension of Special Temporary Authority

        Pursuant to Section 309(f) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended," and Section

25.119 of the Commission‘s Rules,2 EchoStar Satellite Corporation ("EchoStar") hereby requests

an extension of the special temporary authority ("STA") previously granted by Order dated March

1, 1996 ("STA Order")? authorizing EchoStar to continue operating the eastern satellite ofits

Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") system on channels 1—31 (odd—numbered) at 119° W.L. for an

additional 180 days after the expiration of its current STA.* As discussed below, granting this

 1 47 U.8.C. §309(D.

 2 47CFR § 25.119.
 3 See EchoStar Satellite Corp., DA 96—270 (Sat. and Rad. Div, Int‘l Bu         OK‘\ C'J U¥ L‘e

4 EchoStar has applied for a license to cover the eleven channels at 11
   Commission issues that license before granting the requested extensi1
   five additional channels 23, 25, 27, 29, and 31.

request will serve the public interest by promoting both the efficient use of spectrum and greater

competition in the multichannel video programming distribution markets while avoiding any

interference with other satellite systems and safeguarding against any potential confusion among


        A.       Granting the Requested STA Extension Will Serve the Public Interest.

        EchoStar has been assigned eleven odd—numbered channels 1—21 with which to operate

from its eastern DBS orbital location." Directsat Corporation, an affiliate of EchoStar, has been

assigned ten even—numbered channels 2—20 with which to operate from the same 119° orbital

location.© The remaining eleven channels at that orbital location have been conditionally assigned

to Tempo Satellite, Inc. ("Tempo"). The STA granted to EchoStar authorizes it to use five of the

channels assigned to Tempo, subject to the condition that EchoStar will immediately cease

operations on those channels upon Tempo‘s launch of a satellite to the 119° location. Tempo did

not object to granting the original STA so long as it contained this condition.?" The first of

 5 See EchoStar Satellite Corp., 7 F.C.C.R. 1765 (1992). EchoStar applied for authorization to operate on 16
    eastern and 16 western channels. The Commission authorized EchoStar to operate on 11 channels at two
    orbital locations, but further provided that EchoStar retained the right to "receive reservations for additional
    channels, up to the total number of half—CONUS channels necessary to fulfill the proposal in its application, if
    DBS allocations are surrendered by other permittees or canceled by the Commission." Continental Satellite
    Corp., 4 F.C.C.R. 6292, 6300 (1989). Although the Commission subsequently canceled a DBS permit,
    EchoStar did not receive any further channel assignments, a decision which EchoStar has appealed. See
    DIRECTV, Inc., et al., Docket Nos. 96—1001, 96—1005, 96—1010, and 96—1011 (D.C. Cir.).

 6 See Directsat Corp., 8 F.C.C.R. 7962 (Vid. Sve. Div., MMB 1993). In a separate Request filed herewith,
   Directsat has also sought an STA to use channels assigned to Tempo but not currently in use.

 7 See STA Order at [ 5 ("Tempo has stated that such a condition will ensure that any of its future operations at
    119° will be appropriately protected").

Tempo‘s satellites is set for launch in November 1996 at the earliest,8 which ensures that without

an extension of the STA these channels would remain unused for several months at a minimum.

        The resulting STA effectively enables use of spectrum that would otherwise lie fallow,

unless and until Tempo is able to make use of it. The authorization therefore strikes an

appropriate balance between the public interest in making intense and productive use of spectrum

and Tempo‘s private interest in having its channel assignments available if and when it launches a

satellite to the 119° location. Under the circumstances, and as conditioned by the Commission,

"denying or deferring action on [the STAJ application will only serve to waste in—orbit capacity

and deprive the public of service.">

        As the Commission previously recognized in the STA Order, the requested STA will also

serve the public interest by allowing EchoStar to use additional satellite capacity to offer a

substantially expanded range of programming options for American consumers than would

otherwise be possible.!" Using additional channels, EchoStar would be able to offer a total of

approximately 95 programming channels from 16 transponders as opposed to approximately 65

programming channels if only 11 transponders were used. In fact, this expanded capacity will

enable transmission of educational and culturally diverse programming that could not otherwise be

 8 See Declaration of David P. Beddow at 7. attached as Exhibit 1 to the Consolidated Opposition to Petitions
   to Deny and Request for Expedited Action of Western Tele—Communications, Inc. (File No. 844—DSE—P/L—96,
    dated May 20, 1996).

 9 Mobile Datacom Corp., 10 F.C.C.R. 4552, 4553 (1995)(granting Mobile Datacom‘s application for authority to
   construct and operate on a temporary basis 10,000 mobile earth stations to provide radio location and
   messaging services to mobile customers).

10 gTA Order at 4 2.

accommodated by EchoStar‘s channel assignments alone. For example, EchoStar currently uses

this extra satellite capacity to transmit Greek and Croatian programming continuously together

with basic education, human resource coursework, and self improvement and retraining programs.

The company is also in the process of negotiating arrangements that would result in five channels

of Hispanic programming, and single channels devoted to distance learning, computer training

courses, and health—related programming. None of this programming is currently available to

customers from any other DBS source.

       In addition, EchoStar hopes to use the additional capacity provided by the STA to test

new and innovative technologies, such as High Definition Television, or to augment the

capabilities of existing techologies, as by, for example, linking to the Internet or transmitting large

amounts of data needed to make DBS service even more productive for distance learning.

Without an extension of the STA, capacity constraints would ensure that EchoStar could provide

neither this type of innovation nor the educational and cultural programming discussed above.

Thus, by "[alllowing the temporary use of existing orbital resources," the Commission will assist

the public in "receiv[ing] services that would not otherwise be available."!!

       Granting this request will also enable EchoStar to offer a more comprehensive and

competitive DBS service to the public by making use of all sixteen transponders available on its

satellite. This will further one of the Commission‘s goals by bringing much—needed competition

both within the DBS service and throughout the multichannel video programming distribution

11 Newcomb Communications. Inc., 8 F.C.C.R. 3631, 3632 (1993).

("MVPD") market, which is currently dominated by cable television.‘ In tandem with Directsat‘s

sixteen—transponder satellite, EchoStar will be able to offer American consumers a wide variety of

programming utilizing all thirty—two channels allocated to the United States for DBS service from

the 119° orbital location, thereby making the fullest possible use of the nation‘s valuable spectrum

resources. Such a robust system —— with transponder capacity equal to that of the incumbent DBS

provider, DIRECTV/USSB —— will offer the kind of healthy competition that the Commission

recently sought to foster in the DBS service as a way to benefit all consumers of MVPD


        B.       The STA Will Not Result in Harmful Interference or Consumer Confusion.

        EchoStar‘s current STA includes two conditions designed to ensure that EchoStar‘s use of

additional DBS channels at 119° does not interfere with other lawfully operating systems. The

first calls for EchoStar to cease operations from the STA channels immediately upon launch of a

satellite by Tempo to the 119° orbital location. The second requires EchoStar to cease operations

from the STA channels immediately upon notification that such operations are causing harmful

interference to any other lawfully operated radio station.!4 EchoStar does not object to the

extension of these conditions along with extension of the STA. EchoStar recognizes and respects

12 See, e.g., Revision of Rules and Policies for the Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, 1Com. Reg. (P&F) 928 at
     23 ("we have consistently sought to promote effective competition to the services provided by cable systems,
    and we have encouraged the development of the DBS spectrum in precisely that context").

13 1d. at [ 64 (goal of one—time auction rule limiting full—CONUS spectrum aggregation is to foster competitive
   rivalry between DBS operators and other MVPD providers through entry by independent operator with robust
   28—channel system).

14 STA Orderat" 10.

Tempo‘s conditional assignment of channels at this location. And, as discussed in EchoStar‘s

initial STA request, EchoStar has submitted technical information demonstrating that the

operations of its 16—transponder satellite at 119° will not cause harmful interference with any

authorized user of the spectrum.!" Where, as here, "temporary operations do not adversely affect

other licensed satellites, the Commission readily authorizes their use."!© The Commission should

do so in this case by extending the STA for an additional 180 days.

         The STA Order noted that in order to avoid confusion and disruption among consumers in

the event that temporary authorization to use these additional channels expires and EchoStar‘s

service from them terminates, the Commission would normally require written notice to any

subscribers who receive programming made possible by use of those additional channels that such

programming is being provided on a temporary basis only.!7 If the requested STA extension is

granted, EchoStar proposes to implement a three—step program to comply with this requirement.

First, EchoStar will prepare an explanation of the temporary nature of the STA to be read by its

customer service representatives to any customer who contacts EchoStar to subscribe to a service

involving programming made possible by the additional channel capacity provided by the STA.

Second, the paperwork sent to such a subscriber to confirm his service order will contain a similar

15 See, e.g., EchoStar‘s Minor Amendment to Request for Special Temporary Authority at 2—3.

16 Mobile Datacom, 10 F.C.C.R. at 4553.

17 STA Order at{ 6. The STA Order did not apply such a requirement to EchoStar since any loss of capacity
   due to expiration or termination of the STA could be offset by the additional capacity available upon launch of
   Directsat‘s satellite.

explanation of the nature and limitations of an STA. Third, the initial bill sent to such a subscriber

will include similar explanatory material.

       EchoStar proposes to use the following language for purposes of providing the notices to

subscribers discussed above:

       Dear Subscriber:

       You have subscribed to programming on channels __, __, and __. As indicated when you
       originally ordered this programming, the DISH Network has been granted temporary
       authority by the Federal Communications Commission to use those channels. Should the
       DISH Network be required to cease transmitting programming over those channels, we
       will provide you notice as far in advance as reasonably practicable, and if we are unable to
       make alternative arrangements for transmission of this programming we will adjust your
       subscription charge as appropriate to reflect any change in your service level that may
       result. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our service and will make
       every effort to provide you with the programming you desire. If you have any questions,
       please call us toll—free at 1—800—333—DISH.

Should the Commission desire to modify this informational statement, EchoStar would be

amenable to any reasonable alternative. We believe that the notification arrangements outlined

herein should ensure a smooth transition with minimal confusion, if any, among consumers if the

requested STA is ever terminated or expires without extension.

       C.      Section 304 Waiver

       In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 304,

EchoStar hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or ofthe electromagnetic

spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the

same, whether by license or otherwise.

       D.      Conglusion

       For the foregoing reasons, EchoStar respoctfully submite that the Commission should

grent the instant application for an extention of speciel temporary authority because the use ofthe

requested channels wall serve the public Interest and will not result in either barmful interference

or cousumer confusion.

                                               Respectfully submiited,

                                               EchoSter Satollite Corporation

                                               By:    IDM//?/| /M
                                                       David K. Moskovitz
                                                       Sr. YVieg Pregident and          Counsgel

                                                       90 Inverness Circle Bast
                                                       Englewood, CO 80112
                                                       (303) 799—8223

Mark A. Grannis
Cibson, Durn & Cnuicher LLP
1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
Washington, D.C,. 20036
(202) 955—8500

Counsel for EchoStar Satellite Corporation

Dated: June 24, 1996

                            ANTLRPDEUG ABUSE CERTHLMCATION

       Pursuant to Section 1.2002 ofthe Compmission‘s Rules, 47 CFR. § 1.2002, EchoSter

Sateilite Corporstion certifies that neither the Applicant nor any of its officers or directors, nor

any person holding 5% or more of the ontstanding stock or shares (voting and/or non—voting) of

the Applicant, nor any party to this Application is subject to a denial ofFederal benefits pursuant

to authorfity granted in Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. $ 862.

                                               KehaStar Sateilits Corporation

                                               By:    -TD_,“&//?’//
                                                       David K. Mosko¥itz
                                                       Sr. Vice Pregident and     Géneral Counsel

                                                       90 Inverness Cirole East
                                                       Englewood, CO 80112
                                                       (303) 799—8222

 WLS61560.070/ 11

                                             Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

DIRECTSAT CORPORATION                                         File No.

Application for Special Temporary Authority
to Operate a Direct Broadcast Satellite

              Directsat Corporation‘s Request for Special Temporary Authority

        Pursuant to Section 309(F) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended," and Section

25.119 ofthe Commission‘s Rules,2 Directsat Corporation ("Directsat") hereby requests special

temporary authority ("STA") to operate the eastern satellite of its Direct Broadcast Satellite

("DBS") system on channels 2—32 (even—numbered) at 119° W.L. As discussed below, granting

this request will serve the public interest by promoting both the efficient use of spectrum and

greater competition in the multichannel video programming distribution markets while avoiding

any interference with other satellite systems and safeguarding against any potential confusion

among consumers.

 1 47 U.S.C. § 309(D.

 2 47 CFR. § 25.119.

        A.       Granting the Requested STA Will Serve the Public Interest.

        Directsat has been assigned ten even—numbered channels 2—20 with which to operate from

its the 119° DBS orbital location.3 EchoStar Satellite Corporation, an affiliate of Directsat, has

been assigned eleven odd—numbered channels 1—21 with which to operate from the same 119°

orbital location.4 The remaining eleven channels at that orbital location have been conditionally

assigned to Tempo Satellite, Inc. ("Tempo"). By Order dated March 1, 1996, the Commission

granted EchoStar an STA authorizing it to use five of the channels assigned to Tempo, subject to

the condition that EchoStar will immediately cease operations on those channels upon Tempo‘s

launch of a satellite to the 119° location." Tempo did not object to granting the STA to EchoStar

so long as it contained this condition.© The first of Tempo‘s satellites is set for launch in

 3 See Directsat Corp., 8 F.C.C.R. 7962 (Vid. Svc. Div., MMB 1993). Directsat applied for authorization to
    operate on 16 eastern and 16 western channels. The Commission authorized Directsat to operate on 10
    channels at 119°, one channel at 110°, and 11 channels at 175°, but further provided that Directsat retained
   the right to "receive reservations for additinoal channels, up to the total number of half—CONUS channels
   necessary to fulfill the proposal in its application, if DBS allocations are surrendered by other permittees or
   canceled by the Commission." Continental Satellite Corp., 4 F.C.C.R. 6292, 6300 (1989). Although the
   Commission subsequently canceled a DBS permit, Directsat did not receive any further channel assignments, a
   decision which Directsat has appealed. See DIRECTV, Inc., ef al., Docket Nos. 96—1001, 96—1005, 96—1010,
   and 96—1011 (D.C. Cir.).

4 See EchoStar Satellite Corp., 7 F.C.C.R. 1765 (1992). In a separate Request filed herewith, EchoStar has also
   sought an extension of its STA to continue using channels assigned to Tempo.

5 EchoStar Satellite Corp., DA 96—270 (Sat. and Rad. Comm. Div., Int‘l Bur. 1996)("STA Order").

6 See STA Order at [ 5 ("Tempo has stated that such a condition will ensure that any ofits future operations at
  119° will be appropriately protected").

November 1996 at the earliest," which ensures that without the requested STA these channels

would remain unused for some time.

        The STA granted to EchoStar effectively enables use of spectrum that would otherwise lie

fallow, unless and until Tempo is able to make use of it. Such an authorization therefore strikes

an appropriate balance between the public interest in making intense and productive use of

spectrum and Tempo‘s private interest in having its channel assignments available if and when it

launches a satellite to the 119° location. Directsat now seeks an STA similar to that granted to its

sister company three months ago. Under the circumstances, and with the conditions previously

imposed in the STA Order, "denying or deferring action on [the STA] application will only serve

to waste in—orbit capacity and deprive the public of service."8

        As the Commission previously recognized in the STA Order with respect to EchoStar, the

STA requested by Directsat will also serve the public interest by allowing Directsat to use

additional satellite capacity to offer a substantially expanded range of programming options for

American consumers than would otherwise be possible." Using additional channels, Directsat

would be able to offer a total of approximately 95 programming channels from 16 transponders as

opposed to approximately 59 programming channels if only 10 transponders were used. In fact,

 7 See Declaration of David P. Beddow at 7, attached as Exhibit 1 to the Consolidated Opposition to Petitions
   to Deny and Request for Expedited Action of Western Tele—Communications, Inc. (File No. 844—DSE—P/L—96,
    dated May 20, 1996).
 8 Mobile Datacom Corp., 10 F.C.C.R. 4552, 4553 (1995)(granting Mobile Datacom‘s application for authority to
   construct and operate on a temporary basis 10,000 mobile earth stations to provide radio location and
   messaging services to mobile customers).

 9 STA Orderat 2.

this expanded capacity will enable transmission of educational and culturally diverse programming

that could not otherwise be accommodated by Directsat‘s channel assignments alone. It will also

enable Directsat to test new and innovative technologies, such as High Definition Television, and

to experiment with data transmission and other services that can expand the choices available to

the public. Without the requested STA, capacity constraints would ensure that Directsat could

provide neither this type of innovation nor the amount of educational and cultural programming it

would like to offer to the public. Thus, by "[alllowing the temporary use of existing orbital

resources," the Commission will assist the public in "receiv[ing] services that would not otherwise

be available.""0

        Granting this request will also enable Directsat to offer a more comprehensive and

competitive DBS service to the public by making use of all sixteen transponders available on its

satellite. This will further one of the Commission‘s goals by bringing much—needed competition

both within the DBS service and throughout the multichannel video programming distribution

("MVPD") market, which is currently dominated by cable television.!* In tandem with EchoStar‘s

sixteen—transponder satellite, Directsat will be able to offer American consumers a wide variety of

programming utilizing all thirty—two channels allocated to the United States for DBS service from

the 119° orbital location, thereby making the fullest possible use of the nation‘s valuable spectrum

resources. Such a robust system —— with transponder capacity equal to that ofthe incumbent DBS

10 Newcomb Communications, Inc., 8 F.C.C.R. 3631, 3632 (1993).

11 See, e.g., Revision of Rules and Policies for the Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, 1 Com. Reg. (P&F) 928 at
    «[ 23 ("we have consistently sought to promote effective competition to the services provided by cable systems,
    and we have encouraged the development of the DBS spectrum in precisely that context").

provider, DIRECTV/USSB —— will offer the kind of healthy competition that the Commission

recently sought to foster in the DBS service as a way to benefit all consumers of MVPD


        B.        Grant of the Requested STA Is Consistent With Commission Precedent and Policy

         In its STA Order, the Commission established the precedent for allowing one DBS

permittee to make temporary use of channels assigned to a second DBS permittee unless and until

that second permittee is in a position to use those channels. That order was, in turn, consistent

with other decisions in which the Commission had granted such temporary authoizations in order

to make efficient and timely use of valuable spectrum resources."

        Directsat requests that its STA be issued in tandem with the extension sought by EchoStar

of its own STA. This will enable both the Commission and the combined EchoStar/Directsat

DBS service to deal with these two STAs on a coordinated basis in the future. Directsat

recognizes that some of the period covered by the requested STA may fall before the scheduled

launch of its satellite on September 10, 1996. However, grant of an STA at this time is justified

because of the immediate impact it will have on the company‘s ability to utilize the spectrum

12 1d. at [ 64 (goal of one—time auction rule limiting full—CONUS spectrum aggregation is to foster competitive
    rivalry between DBS operators and other MVPD providers through entry by independent operator with robust
    28—channel system).

13 See, e.g., Newcomb Communications, supra;, ARC Professional Sves. Group, 5 F.C.C.R. 5398 (Com. Car. Bur.
    1990)(applicant granted temporary authority to operate tracking and data relay satellite system on a
    commercial basis until that orbital location was ready to be occupied by a regularly assigned licensee); Satellite
    Business Systems, Mimeo No. 5207 (Com. Car. Bur. 1984)(licensee granted temporary authority to operate its
    SBS—4 satellite at 101° W.L. to enable a customer to provide interim satellite service until regularly assigned
    FSS licensee was prepared to occupy that orbital location).

efficiently. Any delay in the grant oftemporary authority to Directsat would seriously prejudice

the public interest by compromising Directsat‘s ability to serve its customers and crippling its

ability to compete effectively for business. For example, until it has authorization to use the

additional capacity, Directsat has no way of knowing whether to acquire rights to programming

for those additional channels and take other steps necessary to implement a service operating with

sixteen transponders instead of ten.!4 Accordingly, grant of the requested STA would be

consistent with Commission‘s recent action in Columbia Communications Corp.!" where the

Commission granted an STA to a satellite operator already licensed to operate for two more years

based on the impact that doubt about operations after that period would have had on the

company‘s ability to make business arrangements necessary to the provision of its service.

         C.       The STA Will Not Result in Harmful Interference or Consumer Confusion.

         The STA granted to EchoStar includes two conditions designed to ensure that the use of

additional DBS channels at 119° does not interfere with other lawfully operating systems. The

first calls for EchoStar to cease operations from the STA channels immediately upon launch of a

satellite by Tempo to the 119° orbital location. The second requires EchoStar to cease operations

from the STA channels immediately upon notification that such operations are causing harmful

interference to any other lawfully operated radio station.!© Directsat anticipates that these same

14 Thus, Directsat‘s request is not based upon the "convenience to the applicant, such as marketing considerations
    of meeting scheduled customer in—service dates," which is an insufficient basis for granting an STA. 47
    C.F.C. §25.119(b). Rather, the basis for the request goes directly to Directsat‘s ability to make use of these
    valuable spectrum resources to the fullest extent at the earliest time possible.

15 Columbia Communications Corp., DA 96—703 (Int‘l Bureau, May 6, 1996).

16 STA Order at 4 10.

conditions would be included in any STA it received, and does not object to them. Directsat

recognizes and respects Tempo‘s conditional assignment of channels at this location. And, as

discussed in EchoStar‘s initial STA request, EchoStar and Directsat have submitted technical

information demonstrating that the operations of their 16—transponder satellites at 119° will not

cause harmful intereference with any authorized user of the spectrum.‘7 Where, as here,

"temporary operations do not adversely affect other licensed satellites, the Commission readily

authorizes their use."8 The Commission should do so in this case by granting Directsat‘s request

for an STA.

        The STA Order noted that in order to avoid confusion and disruption among consumers in

the event that temporary authorization to use these additional channels expires and a licensee‘s

service from them terminates, the Commission would normally require written notice to any

subscribers who receive programming made possible by use of those additional channels that such

programming is being provided on a temporary basis only.!° If the requested STA is granted,

Directsat proposes to implement a three—step program to comply with this requirement. First,

Directsat will prepare an explanation of the temporary nature of the STA to be read by its

customer service representatives to any customer who contacts Directsat to subscribe to a service

involving programming provided over channels subject to the STA. Second, the paperwork sent

17 See, e.g., EchoStar‘s Minor Amendment to Request for Special Temporary Authority at 2—3.

18 Mobile Datacom, 10 F.C.C.R. at 4553.

19 STA Order at{6. The STA Order did not apply such a requirement to EchoStar since any loss of capacity
   due to expiration or termination of the STA could be offset by the additional capacity available upon launch of
   Directsat‘s satellite.

to such a subscriber to confirm his service order will contain a similar explanation of the nature

and limitations of an STA. Third, the initial bill sent to such a subscriber will include similar

explanatory material.

       Directsat proposes to use the following language for purposes of providing the notices

discussed above:

       Dear Subscriber:

       You have subscribed to programming on channels __, __, and __. As indicated when you
       originally ordered this programming, the DISH Network has been granted temporary
       authority by the Federal Communications Commission to use those channels. Should the
       DISH Network be required to cease transmitting programming over those channels, we
       will provide you notice as far in advance as reasonably practicable, and if we are unable to
       make alternative arrangements for transmission of this programming we will adjust your
       subscription charge as appropriate to reflect any change in your service level that may
       result. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our service and will make
       every effort to provide you with the programming you desire. If you have any questions,
       please call us toll—free at 1—800—333—DISH.

Should the Commission desire to modify this informational statement, Directsat would be

amenable to any reasonable alternative. We believe that the notification arrangements outlined

herein should ensure a smooth transition with minimal confusion, if any, among consumers if the

requested STA is ever terminated or expires without extention.

       C.      Section 304 Waiver

       In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 304,

Directsat hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic

spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the

same, whether by license or otherwise.

       D.      Conclusion

       For the foregoing creasons, Directsat respectfully submits that the Commission should

grant the instert application for speciel temporary authority because the use ofthe requested

channels will sorve the public interest and will not regult in erther hanmful interference or

comsumer confusion.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               BDirectsat Corporation

                                               By: M?//Mwy%
                                                       David K. MosKowité
                                                       §r. Vice President and          1 Counsel

                                                       90 Invernoess Circle East
                                                       Englewsod, CO 80112
                                                       (303) 7998222

Mark A. CGrannis
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
1050 Comnectiont Avenue, NW.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 955—8500
Counsel for Dirsctsat Corporation

Dated: June 24, 1996

                            ANTLDBZEUG ABUSE CER

       Purszant to Section 1.2002 of the Commisslon‘s Rules, 47 C.P.R. § 1.2002, Duirectsat

Corporation certifies that neithor the Applicant nor any of its charcholders, nor any ofits officers

or directors, nor any party to this Application is subject to a denial ofFederal benefits pursuant to

authority granted in Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                              Rireetsat Corporation

                                              my:. 2D.llHbrrip
                                                   David K. Morkowitz
                                                      Sr. Viese Prosident and      eral Counsel

                                                      90 Inverness Cirele East
                                                      Englewood, CO 20112
                                                      (303) 799—8222



                                                                                              TOTAL P. 20

Document Created: 2016-11-07 17:59:29
Document Modified: 2016-11-07 17:59:29

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