Attachment Comsat STA may 29 19

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960604-00079 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


@co                       T
 International Communications
                                                                                                  Nancy J. Thompson
                                                                                                          General Attoney

                                                                                                    6560 Rock Spring Drive
                                                                                                 Bethesda, Maryland 20817
                                                 May 29,   1996                                   Telephone 301 214 3473
                                                                                                        Fax 301 214 714§
                                                                                                             Telex 197800

                                                                                  \3 |/5A‘F51’\"qé
 Mr.       William F.                 Caton,   Acting Secretary
  Federal Communications Commission
  1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222
  Washington, D.C. 20554

                        ATTN: Thomas S. Tycz, Chief
                              Satellite and Radiocommunications Division

                                RE:   Request for Special Temporary Authority to
                                      Interconnect with Commercial Internet Service
                                       Provider(s)   to Offer Commercial Internet
                                      Services to COMSAT‘s Maritime,            Land Mobile,         and
                                      Aeronautical Customers.

 Dear Mr.             Caton:

             COMSAT Corporation,                  through its COMSAT Mobile Communications
 business unit ("COMSAT"), hereby requests a grant of special
 temporary authority ("STA"), pursuant to Sections 214 and 309 of
  the Communications Act of 1934,                          as amended,     to interconnect its
  Inmarsat satellite communications facilities with the facilities
 of commercial Internet service providers commencing on June 10,
 1996, to allow its maritime, land mobile, and aeronautical
 customers to access and exchange information without restriction
 over the global Internet computer network using the Inmarsat
 system and COMSAT‘s land earth stations ("LES").  On April 30,
  1996,        COMSAT filed an application with the Commission requesting
 Section 214 authority to interconnect its Inmarsat facilities
 with the facilities of commercial Internet servers to allow its
 customers to access the Internet network.   That Section 214
 application is pending before the Commission.‘   Special temporary
 authority is requested herein in order to meet COMSAT‘s

           B            See I—T—C—96—278.                                 Received

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                                                                  <_    Iniem       |   Bureau


customers‘    demand for immediate access to the global Internet
computer network through various commercial Internet service

      In 1993, COMSAT applied for and received authority from the
Commission to provide Internet services for the exchange of
information between ship earth stations and the Internet computer
network through interconnection with the Internet facilities
of the National Aeronautical and Space Administration ("NASA") .*
This authority is limited by the requirement that COMSAT‘s
customers conform their usage with the National Science
Foundation‘s "Acceptable User Policy," which restricts access to
Internet to research, education and non—commercial purposes.   A
grant of the instant request will allow COMSAT to provide
unrestricted access to the vast resources of information
available through commercial Internet service providers to all of
its maritime, land mobile, and aeronautical users on an expedited

     As indicated in the NASA interconnection Order, no comments
were filed in response to COMSAT‘s 1993 NASA interconnection
application.}  Nor do we anticipate that anyone will oppose
COMSAT‘s pending application to interconnect its Inmarsat
facilities with commercial Internet service providers.
Accordingly, it is unlikely that any party will be prejudiced by
grant of the instant STA request.

     The proposed interconnection will allow COMSAT‘s maritime,
land mobile, and aeronautical users to both receive and transmit
information over the global Internet computer network using
COMSAT‘s Inmarsat facilities, its LES, and a variety of
commercial Internet service providers.  Users in the mobile
environment who are unable to access the Internet computer
network from fixed locations will greatly benefit from the grant
of this request by being able to conduct business transactions
and exchange information over the Internet network through their
Inmarsat mobile terminals.  As stated in COMSAT‘s pending Section
214 application, in order to provide a commercial Internet
service to its customers in the most economical and efficient
manner, COMSAT will lease two 56kbs circuits at $1800 per month
and procure hardware and software to establish two COMSAT
Internet servers: one to be located initially at Clarksburg,
Maryland, and then moved to Southbury, Connecticut, and the
second to be located at Santa Paula, California.   The cost to

     2       See COMSAT Corporation,   8 FCC Red 8767   (1993) .

     *       See id.


procure, configure, and program the equipment is estimated at
$120,000.  In response to customer demand, COMSAT is prepared to
expedite these arrangements so that its commercial Internet
service will be available to customers commencing on June 10,
1996 .

     Accordingly, COMSAT respectfully submits that the public
interest would be served by expediting the interconnection of
COMSAT‘s Inmarsat facilities with the facilities of commercial
Internet service providers and, thus, by a grant of instant
request for special temporary authority commencing on June 10,

                           Respectfully submitted,

                           COMSAT CORPORATION
                           COMSAT Mobile Communications

                          By: 77@@% /I[ /Ww%%d #2A
                            Nancy J. (PThempson
                            COMSAT International Communications
                            6560 Rock Spring Drive
                            Bethesda, MD 20817
                            (301) 214—3473

                             Its Attorney

                                          ©            j         ©                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                                                                                Approved by O:
                                                                                    FCC REMIT’D\NCE ADVICE                                                       Expires 2287

                                                                                                                    pagr no.                  _1   op       1
                         (RESERVED)                                                                SPECIAL USE

                                                                                                   FCC USE ONLY

           smuous.                            ..                         _/
       (Read instructions carefully BEFORE proceeding.)
                                                                 PAYOR INFORMATION
(1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                               Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.                (2) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollareand cent
eJ 5| @afo|?f8]i| s[6}]3[                                  | |       [        | |        [ [       | [      [             s                              705__e 00
(3) BAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name.exactly as it appears on your card)
6560 Rock Spring Drive

(6) CITY                                                                                             (7) STATE                    (8) ZIP CODE
Bethesda                                                                                                    MD                :          20817
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Inciude area code)             ~    (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A.)
301—214—3571                                       —
                                                ITEM #1 INFORMATION

    COMSAT MOBILE CoMMUNIcaTIONS                                                                                                     |                                   .
(12A) FCC CALL SIGNAOTHER ID                       (13A) ZIP CODE                    (14A) PAYMENT TYPECODE                       (15A) QUANTITY        (16A) FREEDUE FoR

                                                           20817                            6    U     T                                  1             $        705 .00
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(19A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                           (20A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2)                                    (21A) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

    6560 Rock Spring Drive                                                                                                          Bethesda, MD

                                                                 ITEM #2 INFORMATION
(11B) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                        .                    —_|           ROCUSEONLY

(12B) FCC CALL sianN,oTHER ID                      (13B) ZIP cobe                        (118) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                  (15B) QUANTITY (16B) FEF DUZ FOR
                                                                                                                                                        PAYMENT TYPE COD
                                                                                                                                                        IN BLOCK 14
                                                                                     >                                                                  S
(178) FCC CODE 1                                                                         (18B) FCC CODE 2

(198) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                           (20B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                     (218) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

                                                   CREDIT CARD PAYMENT InFormamon w
(22)                   MASTERCARD~VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:
] Mastereard                                                                                EXPIRATION DATE:


                             pate: /3/96

      Data Preparation Center
      Mellon Bank
      Room 153—2718
      Pittsburgh,    PA    1559—001

                                         re:Comn£+t Mobile Comm
      The enclosed application(s) can be processed as filed.             Please
      refer to the following instructions:

       [ 1     se original date stamped,     and stamp all receipt copies with

              forwarded for processing.

       p(i    Process application(s)     in Lockbox

       [ 1    Process as overpayment.

      Please contact the Billings & Collections Branch at             (202) 418—
      1995,    if you have any questions.

                                        ncerely,      /0

                                      Q      Doxsey,
                                               w.         Chief
                                      B:Lll:.ngfl & Collections Branch

ok# 133
  g 705.00

Document Created: 2016-11-03 14:07:56
Document Modified: 2016-11-03 14:07:56

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