Attachment comments june 18 199

comments june 18 199

COMMENT submitted by PanAmSat



This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960531-00076 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                    LAW OFFICES
                           GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT                                       JUN 1 8 1996
                                           1229 NINETEENTH STREET, N.W.
                                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
HENRY GoLpsera                                                                                           w(ggg?gfleoo
JOSEPH A. GODLES                                                                                          TELECOPIER:
                                                                                                          (202) 429—4912

                                                 June 18, 1996

     Mr. William F. Caton
     Acting Secretary
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222
     Washington, D.C. 20554

                                     Re:     Application of Columbia Communications
                                             Corporation For Special Temporary Authority to
                                                                   n      TD         atellite at   47°

     Dear Mr. Caton:

                PanAmSat Corporation ("PanAmSat"), by its attorneys, hereby submits these
     further comments with respect to the above—referenced request of Columbia
     Communications Corporation ("Columbia") for Special Temporary Authority ("STA”)
     to operate capacity on the NASA TDRS—6 spacecraft located at 47° W.L.. PanAmSat‘s
     initial submission regarding Columbia‘s STA indicated that, in light of the unusual
     technical configuration of the TDRS—6 satellite, PanAmSat has a number of technical
     concerns with Columbia‘s request.! PanAmSat also noted that representatives of
     PanAmSat and Columbia were planning to meet on June 14, 1996, in order to ascertain
     whether grant of the STA would impact adversely PanAmSat‘s existing operations via
     its PAS—1 satellite, located at 45° W.L..2

            The June 14, 1996, meeting between the parties was productive, and PanAmSat is
     committed to continue to work with Columbia in an effort to coordinate the parties‘
     respective operations. It appears, however, that unconditional grant of Columbia‘s STA
     request would result in harmful interference to those PanAmSat customers on PAS—1
     that make use of frequencies which overlap with those Columbia seeks to use.
     Specifically, PanAmSat is concerned that analog transmissions via the TDRS—6 satellite

     1 Letter from Daniel S. Goldberg, counsel to PanAmSat, to William F. Caton, Acting Secretary, dated June
     7, 1996.
     2 Id. PanAmSat‘s June 7, 1996, submission to the Commuission indicated that PanAmSat and Columbia
     were meeting on June 14, 1996, at PanAmSat‘s request. Following that submission, however, the
     undersigned learned that such meeting took place at Columbia‘s request.

Mr. William F. Caton
June 18, 1996
Page 2

will interfere with narrowband digital VSAT transmissions via PAS—1 on certain
common frequencies.

        PanAmSat understands that Columbia hopes to begin testing of the TDRS—6
satellite in the near term. After carefully reviewing the materials Columbia provided to
PanAmSat at the June 14, 1996, meeting, PanAmSat has proposed to Columbia certain
test parameters and procedures designed to mitigate the potential for interference to
PAS—1 from testing of the TDRS—6 spacecraft. A copy of these parameters and
procedures is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

         While PanAmSat supports commencement of testing of TDRS—6 — and, indeed,
has worked closely with Columbia to ensure that such testing is meaningful and can be
achieved without causing interference to other users — PanAmSat urges the
Commission to condition grant of Columbia‘s STA request on compliance with the test
procedures set forth in Exhibit A, hereto. PanAmSat also requests that the Commission
make plain that, as is always the case with STAs, operations pursuant to an STA
authorization are secondary in nature. Accordingly, in the event that Columbia‘s           =
transmissions on the TDRS—6 satellite cause harmful interference to PAS—1, Columbia
must be required to take steps to resolve immediately such interference, including
cessation of all operations upon notice from the Commission.


                                               Daniel S. Goldberg
                                               Attorney for PanAmSat Corporation


cc:   Mr. James L. Ball
      Mr. Thomas S. Tycz
      Mr. Alex C. Latker
      Ms. Julie A. Garcia
      Mr. David S. Keir

                                       GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT



June 18, 1996

VIA FAX: 301—907—2420

Mr. Kenneth Gross
Gencral Counsel and Chief Operating Officer
Columbia Communications Corporation
7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 701
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

Dear Ken:

This letter serves as a follow—up to conversations you‘ve had with Mr. Dick Granger
regarding the preliminary testing ofthe TDRS—6 Satellite at 47° W.L. I understand from
Dick that you would like to test individual transponders by activating a saturated analog
carrier from a Washington uplink at or near the center frequency of cach transponder.
The primary purpose of your test is to verify the operational status of the satellite.

PanAmSat is fully committed to working with you in conducting such tests. Based on the
short notice, we were only able to map your proposed analog frequencies to the PAS—1
transponders and conduct a very limsted analysis of potential interference to our operating
carriers. Based on this preliminary andlysis, we are concerned that the saturated analog
carriers may cause interference into VSAT SCPC networks operating at or near five of
your twelve proposed frequencies. These frequencies are as follows:

         3723 MIIz, 3760 MHz, 3960 MHz, 4000 MHz, 4075 MHz

Within plus or minus 6 MHz of each of these frequencies we are operating low level
SCPC carriers in the northern portions of South America into 2.4 meter and 1.8 meter
earth stations. Accordingly, a real potential for interference to these operational carriers
exists with the transmission of saturated analog carriers. As an alternative to full power
testing of these transponders, we would suggest a small modulated carrier with a 10 dB
output backoff. We would be happy to supply suggested carrier frequencies.

With respect to the other frequenciecs, we believe that your test should not affect our
existing operations. I would, however, like to monitor through our facility in Atlanta
your activation of these carriers. As you know we operate an extensive remote
monitoring system and have visibility of our transponders in South America.
Accordingly, if we are aware of the activation of specific signals, we will be able to
correlate any interference in a real time mode.

                                       PanAmSat Corporation
O#      ‘VICK PLAZA » CC   ~MCH, CONNECTECUT 06830 + USA — TELEPHONE 1/203/622/6664 « FAX 1/203/622709163

      ~enneth Gross
June 18, 1996
Page 2

To this end, I would request that your operational personnel make contact with the
following individual in Atlanta:

         Mr. Bill Prendergast — Manager, ETOC (Tel: 404—244—2300)

A verbal procedure can be established between the two teleports so that the PAS—ETOC
can observe the TDRSS carrier activations. In the event that we detect interference as a
result of one of the transmissions on the seven frequencies, we will be in a better position
to notify your operators to cease the test pending further analysis.

I appreciate your invitation to support your operational tests and assure you that the
technical personnel in Atlanta will help in any way possible. We obvicusly will need to
meet to achieve a more specific coordination following your verification of the satellite‘s
operational health.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call.

Senior Vice President
 Engineering and Operations

co:      Fred Landman
         Phil Rubin
         Dick Granger
         Don Bachelder
         Bill Prendergast
         Dan Goldberg

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing letter was sent by
first—class mail, postage prepaid, this 18th day of June, 1996, to each of the following:

              David S. Keir
              Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
              Suite 600
              2000 K Street, N.W.
             Washington, D.C. 20006—1809

                                                       /s / Dawn Hottinger
                                                       Dawn Hottinger

Document Created: 2016-11-02 18:59:54
Document Modified: 2016-11-02 18:59:54

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