Attachment 1994GE Americom STA

1994GE Americom STA

REQUEST submitted by GE Americom

Request for STA


This document pretains to SAT-STA-19941003-00053 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


    @                                                                                               GE Communications
                                                                                                    and Services
                                              FEC/MELLON SEP 22 1994
    Alexander P. Humphrey, IV                       General Electric Company
    Washington Counsel                              1331 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.,. Washington, DC 20004
                                                    202 §37—4115

                                      September 21, 1994                       ' "DSS’-S’m'—?S—

                                                                                REecEp VEp
                                                                                UL'TJ 8 ’994
Federal Communications Commission                                    DOME
Common Carrier Domestic Services                                      SArganFACIme
P:CO. Box 35815                                                            "Chire papjecsDiViSiop
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5145                                                                                 44

Gentlemen :

     GE American Communications,    Inc.  ("GE Americom") hereby
applies for special temporary authorization, for the maximum 180—
day period, to continue to operate its Satcom SN2 satellite beyond
the September 1994 end of its current license.

      Satcom             SN2    initiated   operations       in      September               1984         and was
licensed to operate for a period of ten years.        Although this
license is about to expire, sufficient fuel remains on board Satcom
SN2 to continue spacecraft operations beyond September 1994.

     Special temporary                 authorization is necessary so that GE
Americom can continue                  to offer sufficient ongoing satellite
capacity for its customers. Such temporary authorization will also
contribute towards the Commission‘s policy goal of achieving the
most efficient utilization of orbit and spectrum resources, since
Satcom SN2 has remaining useful life and can continue to provide
valuable customer services at its present orbital location at 69°

     For these reasons, good cause exists to grant Satcom SN2
special temporary authorization to continue operating for an
additional one hundred and eighty days.

     A completed Form FCC 159 and a check for $705 accompanies this
request.  Will you please date—stamp the enclosed copy of this


letter and return it to the undersigned.

                               Respectfully submitted,

                                     Philip V. Otero
                                     Alexander P. Humphrey
                                     GE American Communications, Inc.
                                     1299 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
                                     Washington, D.C.    20004

CC:   Cecily Holiday, Chief
      Satellite Branch
      Domestic Facilities Division
      Common Carrier Bureau

Document Created: 2014-09-16 17:46:39
Document Modified: 2014-09-16 17:46:39

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