Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19940901-00050 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS 'COMMIéSION                       Approved by OMB

                                                                            FCC REMITIANCE ADVICE                                       mpwasew
                          (RESERVED)                                                     SPECIAL USE

                                                                                         FCC USE ONLY

\                                                                 /
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  Hughes Communications Galaxy,                              Inc.
  1990 East Grand Avenue

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  EL Segundo                                                                                      CA                90245
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  Hughes Communications Galaxy,                              Inc.
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  Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
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                                                                                                                                         April 1994

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April 1994

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        BY HA                LIVERY

        Federal Communications Commission
        Common Carrier Domestic Satellites
        P.O. Box 358160
        Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5160

                             Re:      SBS—4 Domestic Fixed—Service Satellite: Application for Modification
                                       f License or, Alternativel        cial Tem:        Authori


                       Enclosed on behalf of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. are an original
        and four copies of an application for modification of the license of SBS—4 to extend the
        license term or, alternatively, for special temporary authority to continue to operate SBS—4
        for a period of 180 days following the expiration of the satellite‘s license term.

                        Also enclosed are an FCC Form 159 and a check for $6315, representing
        filing fees of $5740 for the modification request and $575 for the request for special
        temporary authority. The enclosed application contains an Anti—Drug Abuse Act

                             Please contact me if you have any questions.


                                                                        Teresa D. Baer


        cc (w/encl.): FCC Laurel, Maryland Field Office
                             Cecily C. Holiday

                                      Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                    / ut Nust Ns Nt Nt Nut Nust Nt No
In the Matter of

HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS                                                                   File No.:

Application To Modify the License
for the SBS—4 Domestic Fixed—Service
Satellite To Extend the License Term

                                      APPLICATION OF
                      FOR MODIFICATION OF LICENSE OR,

               Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG") submits this application for

modification of the license for its SBS—4 domestic fixed—service satellite to extend the license

term of that satellite. In the alternative, HCG requests a grant of special temporary authority

to continue to operate SBS—4 for a period of 180 days following the expiration of the

satellite‘s license term.

                HCG‘s ten—year license term for SBS—4 is expiring. Pursuant to Commission

authorization, SBS—4 was launched on August 29, 1984, and successfully placed into

géosynchronous orbit on approximately September 7, 1984. The satellite was put into

service in November 1984, and it has operated successfully to date. Pursuant to Commission

approval, SBS—4 was moved to 77° W.L. in February 1993.

                At the 77° W.L. location, SBS—4 currently provides essential services over

each of its transponders to NBC. HCG‘s business arrangement with NBC allows NBC to

utilize SBS—4 until the end of the satellite‘s useful life. In order to conserve fuel and prolong

the useful life of the satellite, and pursuant to Commission authority,*‘ HCG is operating the

satellite in an inclined orbit. HCG currently estimates that SBS—4 has sufficient fuel

remaining to continue to provide service for approximately ten more years.

               In order to maximize the use of its spacecraft, and to best meet NBC‘s needs,

HCG requests that it be permitted to continue operating SBS—4 at its current location until its

fuel is expended, at which time SBS—4 will be removed from service. HCG proposes to

continue to operate the SBS—4 satellite within the terms of its current license.

               Specifically, HCG requests that the Commission modify the license for SBS—4

to extend HCG‘s license term at 77° W.L. In the past, the Commission has concluded that

granting an application for modification of a license term to extend operational authority

beyond the original term served the public interest by "provid[ing] an opportunity for the

public to continue receiving services" from a satellite.?" The Commission should reach the

same result here. In the alternative, HCG requests that the Commission grant it an STA for

a period of 180 days (the maximum time permitted under the Commission‘s Rules*) so that

it may continue to operate SBS—4 following the expiration of its license.*

U      Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., DA 94—457 (released May 11, 1994).

2¥     American Telephone & Telegraph Co., DA 93—1497 (released Dec. 16, 1993).

3/     47 C.F.R. § 25.119(b).

       In view of the lengthy expected remaining useful life of SBS—4, grant of a
modification of the license term would be significantly less burdensome on the Commission‘s
administrative processes than issuance of an STA. A license modification would avoid
repetitive requests every six months to extend or renew an STA.


               Grant of HCG‘s request will serve the public interest, convenience, and

necessity. It will allow HCG to continue to provide essential, valuable satellite services over

SBS—4without disruption to the NBC network and without requiring NBC to repoint all of its

earth stations. Significantly, grant of the application will not have any adverse effect on

other users of the orbital arc.?

a!     As the Commission is aware, GE has a presently pending application for two new Ku
band satellites, designated Satcom K—2R and Satcom SNZR, which it proposes to locate in the
"high—power density arc" at 76° and 79° W.L., with 3° spacing between the two satellites
(alternatively, GE proposes assignments to 75° and 78° W.L.). GE American
Communications, Inc., File Nos. 18—DSS—P/LA—94, 19—DSS—P/LA—94. HCG has opposed
GE‘s proposal to the extent that it would require the reassignment of SBS—4 to another
location, and has explained how SBS—4 can be accommodated at either 77° W.L. or at 83°
W.L. even if GE‘s application is granted.


               For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should modify the license for HCG‘s

SBS—4 domestic fixed—service satellite by extending the license term of that satellite or, in the

alternative, grant HCG special temporary authority to continue to operate SBS—4 for a period of

180 days following the expiration of the satellite‘s license term.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS
                                                GALAXY, INC.

                                                   /(W?/4. 04&/%—
                                                        Scott B. Tollefsen
                                                        Vice President and Legal Counsel

                                                        Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
                                                        1990 East Grand Avenue
                                                        El Segundo, CA 90245
                                                        (310) 607—4000


Gary M. Epstein
John P. Janka
Teresa D. Baer
1001 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
(202) 637—2200

August 29, 1994


               The undersigned certifies to the Federal Communications Commission on behalf of

HCG that neither HCG nor its parent company, Hughes Communications, Inc. ("HCI"), nor any

of the officers or directors of HCG or HCI, is subject to a denial of federal benefits that includes

FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

                                               HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS
                                               GALAXY, INC.

                                               By:     j@#3 %M
                                                       Scott B. Tollefsen      Z
                                                       Vice President and Sectetary

August 29, 1994


Document Created: 2016-12-13 16:28:12
Document Modified: 2016-12-13 16:28:12

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