Attachment extension request.pd

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19930812-00033 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                   LATHAM & WATKINS
          CHICAGO OFFice                                ATTORNEYS AT LAW                           YORK
     SEARS TOWER, SUITE 5800                                                                 885 THIRAD AVENUE, SUITE 1000
      CHICAGO, ILLINO!S eosos                 1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., N.W., SUITE 1300      NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022—4802
     TELEPHONE (312) s78—7700                      WASHINGTON, D.C. 20004—2505                 TELEPHONE (212) 90s—1200
         FAX (312) o93—9787                                                                        FAX (212) Ts1—4884
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         ONE ANGEL COURT                                                                  650 TOWN CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 2000
     LONDON EC2R 7HJ ENGLAND                                  TLX 590775                  COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA s2625—1925
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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA s0071—2007                      PAUL AR. WATKINS (1899—1973)       SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA g2101—8197
     TELEPHONE (213) 485—1234                            DANA LATHAM (1898—1974)               TELEPHONE (619) 236—1234
         FAX (213) so1—s783                                                                        FAX (6189) s9e—7419
          MCSCOW OFFICE                              August          12,      1993              SAN FRANCISCO oFFice
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       Federal Communications Commission
       Common Carrier Domestic Satellites
       Post Office Box 358160
       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15251—5160

       Attention:                Cecily C. Holiday
                                 Chief,      Satellite Radio Branch

                            Re:       Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.:  Request for
                                      Extension of Special Temporary Authority to
                                      Operate the SBS—4 Satellite in an Inclined Orbit
                                      Mode    (File No.        24—DSS—STA—93)

       Dear Ms. Holiday:

                            Enclosed on behalf of Hughes Communications Galaxy,
       Inc. is a request for six—month extension of HCG‘s current
       special temporary authority to operate the SBS—4 satellite in an
       inclined orbit mode.

                 Also enclosed is an FCC Form 155 and the required $500
       filing fee.

                 HCG respectfully requests that the Commission confirm
       grant of this extension before the expiration of HCG‘s current
       special temporary authority on August 17, 1993 .

                            Please contact me if you have any questions.

                                                               Sincerely yours,

       cc     (w/enc.) :              Kathleen Campbel

                                                                                               Subsidiary of
                                                                                   Hughes Aircraft Company

                                                                     August 12,                 1993
Senior Vice President

Federal Communications Commission
Common Carrier Domestic Satellites                               .                              i
Post Office Box 358160                                                        yin t L285
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania               15251—5160                             £.            ‘

Attention: Cecily C. Holiday
           Chief, Satellite Radio Branch

                    Re:       Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.: Request for
                             Extension of Special Temporary Authority to Operate
                             the SBS—4 Satellite in an Inclined Orbit Mode (File
                             No. 24—DSS—STA—93)

Dear Ms.         Holiday:

          On January 8, 1993, Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
("HCG") applied for authority to cease north/south stationkeeping
on SBS—4 and operate that satellite in an inclined orbit mode.
Along with that request for license modification, HCG filed an
application for special temporary authority ("STA") to allow HCG
to cease north/south stationkeeping while HCG‘s application for
license modification was pending.

          On February 17, 1993 the Commission granted HCG‘s
request for an STA.  By its terms, that authority expires on
August       17,        1993 .

           In order to allow HCG to continue to operate SBS—4 in an
inclined orbit mode while its request for license modification is
pending, HCG respectfully requests a six—month extension of this
STA,     until February 17,          1994.   Grant of this   request will serve
the public interest convenience and necessity because it will
allow HCG to extend the life of the satellite and continue to be
able to provide valuable satellite services.

                                                                 PO Box 92424 Worldway Postal Center
                                                                         Los Angeles, California 90009
                                                                                        (310) 607—4128
                                                                             Facsimile: (310) 607—4255

Federal Communications Commission
August 12, 1993
Page 2

           Significantly, no party will be prejudiced by grant of
this application.   No one objected to either HCG‘s original STA or
its pending application for license modification.?}

          For these reasons, HCG respectfully requests that the
Commission extend for a period of six months HCG‘s current STA to
operate SBS—4 in an inclined orbit mode.

           The undersigned certifies to the Commission on behalf
of HCG that neither HCG, nor its parent company, Hughes
Communications, Inc. ("HCI"), nor any of the officers or directors
of HCG or HCI is subject to a denial of federal benefits that
includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
Abuse Act of 1988,   21 U.S.C.   § 853    (a) .


                          KJ%rald F.          Farrell

1.   GE American Communications, Inc. filed comments on HCG‘s
     license modification application in which it did not oppose
     the application, but requested that the grant of inclined
     orbit authority limit the orbital inclination of SBS—4 to no
     more than £5°.  As set forth in HCG‘s reply filed on March
     11, 1993, International Radio Reqgulations no longer require
     the imposition of such a north/south inclination limit.   That
     interpretation was confirmed in the Commission‘s decision of
     May 5, 1993 in which the Commission removed the 5°
     inclination excursion limitation on GSTAR III. See GTE
     Spacenet Corporation, DA—93—507, File No. 7—DSS—ML—92 .

Document Created: 2016-12-14 15:35:49
Document Modified: 2016-12-14 15:35:49

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