Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19930108-00002 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


  .gpgéf;,c};‘ OMB                   FEDERAL —COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

‘ Expires 12/31/90
                                          FEE PROCESSING FORM                                                               FEC/MELLON JAN 0 8 1998

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   S EC T 1 ON                       1
       APPLICANT NAME (Last, first, middle initial)

           Hughes Communications Galaxay                                                                                                seass pEa iob
       MAILING ADDRESS (Line 1) (Maximum 95 characters — refer to Instruction (2) on reverse.of   {qrm» " *~ —
                                                                                           4o {he
           c/o Aileen A.                      Pisciotta,                  Latham & Watkins                                                            aA
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   STATE OR COUNTRY (if foreign address)                                  ZIP CODE                        CALL SIGN OR OTHER—~FCC,JIDENTIFIER (if applicable)
           D...C.                                     :                       20004                            SBS—4
   Enter in Column (A) the.correct Fee Type Code for the service you are applying for. Fee Type Codes may be found in FCC
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            c        R         Y                          0         o|    0       1               ®500 .00

   SECT 1 ON                         1    d       ——           To be used only when you are requesting concurrent actions which result in a
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  (s)                                                                                             s
  ADD ALL AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN ¢c, LinEs (1)                                                                     ~                    —
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                                                                                                  $500 .00

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                                                                                                                                                                     May 1990

                 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FEE PROCESSING FORM, FCC FORM 155, May 1990                                                                .
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     (6) "ZIP Code" — Enter the appropriate five or nine—digit ZIP code prescribed by the U.S. Postal Service.

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    (8) Column (A}, "Fee Type Code" — Ente correct Fee Type Codels) from the appropriate Fee Filing Guide. Only one Fee Processing Form may
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    (9) Column (B), "Fee Muitiple" — Certain applications and filings may request action with respect to more than one station, ficense, frequency,
    or party and can be submilted together with one check if they meet specific conditions. This column is used only if a multiple, i.e., two or more,
    is being applied for. Examples of when this would be used are renewing more than one call sign, frequency, station, or the transfer of control of
    more than one station. Refer to the appropriate Fee Filing Guide for additional information.

    (10) Column (C), "Fee Due For Fee Type Code in Column (A)" — Enteer in this biock the amount of the fee associated with the Fee
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                                                             Federat Communications Commission
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 o     Parties hand delivering applications or filings may receive dated receipt copies by presenting copies of the applications or filings to the ac—
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FCC Form 155 — Instructions
May     1990

                                                                                  Subsidiary of
                                                                      Hughes Aireraft Company

                                         January 7,   1993

Federal Communications Commission
Common Carrier Domestic Satellites
P.O. Box 35810
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15251—5160

Attention:         Cecily Holiday
                   Chief,   Satellite Radio Branch

                   Temporary Authority for SBS—4

Dear Ms.   Holiday:

     Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG"), licensee of the
SBS—4 satellite, hereby requests Special Temporary Authority
("STA") to operate that satellite in inclined orbit mode.  An
application for modification of the SBS—4 license to permit
inclined orbit operations is separately and contemporaneously
filed with this STA request.  A copy of that application is

     As described in detail in the attached application, SBS—4 is
currently located at 91° W.L., but will soon be replaced at that
location by HCG‘s Galaxy VII(H) satellite, which was successfully
launched in October 1992.   HCG has been authorized to move SBS—4
from 91° W.L. to the 77° W.L. location, where it will operate for
the remainder of its useful life.   At the current rate of fuel
consumption, SBS—4‘s useful life will extend only to 1994.   HCG is
requesting authority to operate SBS—4 in inclined orbit mode in
order to preserve the value of the satellite through fuel
conservation.  This will permit the satellite to be used for back
up services past 1994, and will also permit HCG to retain other
future options with respect to SBS—4, including repositioning,
which itself consumes substantial amounts of fuel.

     The Commission has routinely granted requests for domestic
satellite operation in inclined orbit mode, particularly for older
satellites that have been efficiently operated and where no

                                                         Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
                                                        PO Box 92424 Worldway Postal Center
                                                                Los Angeles, California 90009
                                                                               (310) 607—4000

unacceptable interference to adjacent satellites will be created.L/
HCG demonstrates in its application that SBS—4 meets these
criteria, and in particular that operation of the satellite in
inclined orbit mode will not cause harmful interference to
adjacent satellites.  HCG also is willing to accept conditions
similar to those placed on other licensees operating satellites in
inclined orbit mode to ensure that east—west stationkeeping is
maintained and that interference will not exceed levels that would
be caused in normal stationkeeping mode.

      HCG seeks this STA against the possibility of delays in
processing of its formal application for modification of the SBS—4
license and to ensure that fuel conservation through operation in
inclined orbit mode can begin as soon as SBS—4 is moved to the 77°
wW.L. orbital location.

     For these reasons, HCG submits that allowing HCG to operate
SBS—4 in inclined orbit mode will serve the public interest,
convenience and necessity and respectfully requests that the
Commission grant this request.  A check in the amount of $500 also
is enclosed to cover filing fees.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS GALAXY,         INC.

                                     By :    Jé;$¢c§ 'ié;%%éé'fi«/
                                            Scott B. Tollefsfh
                                            Vice President

1.   see,   e.q.,   Comsat General Corporation,   4 FCC Red 3820    (1989) ;
     Comsat General Corporation,     5 FCC Red 5913    (1990);   and GTE
     Spacenet Corporation,     5 FCC Red 1182   (1990) .


     The undersigned certifies to the Commission on behalf of Hughes
Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG") that neither HCG, nor its parent
company, Hughes Communications, Inc. ("HCI"), nor any of the officers
or directors of HCG or HCI, is subject to a denial of federal benefits
that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti Drug
Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS GALAXY,    INC.

                                          By :     ,4%;?%%4; 'gz;%%%gi’\
                                                 Scott B. Tollef&gen
                                                 Vice President and Secretary

Dated:   @av’v'vmw»,,   7 [ A 73
         [         J

                               Before the
                         Washington,   D.C.   20554

In the Matter of

                                               Nt Suastt Nee Nauet Nes Nust Nust

Application for Modification
of License For the SBS—4
Domestic Fixed Satellite


           Hughes Communications Galaxy,                  Inc.                     ("HCG")   pursuant to

Title III of the Communications Act of 1934,                                       as amended,    47

C.F.R.   § 301 et seq. hereby requests that the Commission modify

the license for the SBS—4 satellite"‘ to permit HCG to cease

north—south stationkeeping and to operate SBS—4 in an inclined

orbit mode.   HCG will continue to perform the required east—west

stationkeeping of +.05°.

I.   Introduction

           The SBS—4 satellite is presently operating at the 91°

W.L. orbital location.      The satellite will be replaced at that

location in the near future by Galaxy VII(H), which was

1.   See Satellite Business Systems, FCC 81—464 (released October
     5, 1981) (construction of SBS—4); Satellite Business
     Systems, 94 FCC 24 447 (1983)      (launch SBS—4); Satellite
     Business Systems,    Public Notice Report No. DS—463 (released
     November 6, 1985)    (pro forma assignment of SBS—4, SBS—S5 and
     SBS—6) from Satellite Business Systems to Satellite
     Transponder Leasing Corporation ("STLC"); International
     Business Machines Corporation, et al., 5 FCC Red 1655                                             (1990)
     (transfer of control of STLC from IBM to Hughes); and
     Satellite Transponder Leasing Corporation, 7 FCC Red 6341
     (1992)   (pro forma assignment of licenses of SBS—4,                                        SBS—5 and
     SBS—6 from STLC to HCG).

successfully launched in October 1992.        HCG has recently been

authorized to move SBS—4 to the 77° W.L.       orbital   location,   where

it will operate for the remainder of its useful life.?

            HCG intends to use the SBS—4 satellite for a variety of

purposes.     First and foremost, SBS—4 will continue to serve as a

back—up for other satellites in HCG‘s fleet of Ku—band

satellites.     Second, HCG will make SBS—4 available for new

customers, which may include applications requiring use of large

tracking antennas or short satellite feeds, such as satellite

news gathering    ("SNG")   operations.   Third,   SBS—4 ultimately may

be made available for use as a foreign domestic satellite.           The

latter use would require repositioning, which would consume

substantial amounts of fuel.

            The present request for authority to operate SBS—4 in

an inclined orbit is intended to conserve fuel.          This would not

only prolong the life of the satellite, but would also preserve

the value of the satellite for future uses which themselves may

require significant fuel resources.       Operation of SBS—4 in

inclined orbit mode will serve the public interest consistent

with existing FCC policies, and will cause no excessive harnmful

interference to any adjacent satellites.

II.   Operation of SBS—4 in Inclined Orbit Mode will Serve the
      Public Interest Consistent with FCC Policy

            The FCC has previously recognized the public benefit of

extending the useful lifetime of satellites through fuel

2.    Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.,      DA 92—1481   (released
      November 2 1992).

conservation made possible by inclined orbit operation,

particularly older satellites,     such as SBS—4,   which have been

efficiently operated during the majority of their time in

service.?     Such maximum utilization of spacecraft serves the

public by lengthening service potential and making additional

services available.

             Such would be the case with SBS—4.     At present, it is

expected that the satellite‘s useful life will extend only to

1994.     Because north—south stationkeeping consumes over 90% of

total fuel requirements for station operation,       inclined orbit

mode would extend the useful life of SBS—4 for several years.

Exended operation would permit HCG to realize maximum value out

of its substantial investment by utilizing the spacecraft for

back—up as well as appropriate new services such as SNG.

Additionally, conservation of fuel at this time would permit HCG

to retain the future option of other fuel consuming maneuvers,

such as repositioning, subject to necessary approvals.

             Operation in inclined orbit mode would not cause

harmful interference to adjacent satellites.        An interference

analysis is provided as Appendix A to this application, which is

fully incorporated herein by this reference.        As demonstrated in

Appendix A, absent stationkeeping, the inclination angle for SBS—

4 will grow at the rate of approximately 0.83°®° per year.       The

separation between SBS—4 and its adjacent satellites operated in

normal mode will at no time be smaller than       it would be   in normal

3.      See, e.qg., Comsat General Corporation, 4 FCC Red 3820
        (1989); Comsat General Corporation, 5 FCC Rced 5913 (1990}) ;
        and GTE Spacenet Corporation, 5 FCC Red 1182 (1990).

                                  o3 _~

orbit.   Therefore, the adjacent satellite inteference caused by

SBS—4 will not exceed the level that would occur from normal

operation when kept within +0.1° of inclination,         and in fact on

average may be less.     This analysis is supported by the fact that

other satellites using various techniques to operate inclined

orbit mode,    including Comsat satellites COMSTAR D—2/D—4,      SBS—1,

SBS—2 and SBS—3    and the GTE satellite GSTAR III have not been

found to cause unacceptable adjacent satellite interference.*"

          HCG is also willing to accept conditions similar to

those placed on other licensees operating satellites in inclined

orbit mode.*     In particular, HCG will continue to maintain east—

west stationkeeping, will periodically control station attitude,

will control interference so as not to exceed levels that would

be caused in normal stationkeeping mode and,      in the event of

interference exceeding such levels, will immediately cease

operations.    Also, HCG will not claim interference protection in

excess of what would be received by a satellite in normal

stationkeeping mode.

          In the event that Commission action on this application

is not possible before SBS—4 is moved to the 77° W.L. orbital

location, HCG is also requesting, by application separately but

contemporaneously filed herewith, Special Temporary Authority to

operate SBS—4 in inclined orbit mode.

4.   See note 3,   above.

5.   See GTE Spacenet Corporation,    note 3,   above.

                                  — 4 —

III .   Conclusion

            For the reasons   stated,   HCG hereby respectfully

request that the Commission modify the license for SBS—4 to
permit operation in inclined orbit mode.

                              Respectfully submitted
                              HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS GALAXY,     INC.

                          Oérald F. Farrell
                           Senior Vice President

                              Hughes Communications   Galaxy,   Inc.
                              1990 East Grand Avenue        .
                              El Seqgundo, California  90245
                              (310)   607—4128


Gary M. Epstein
Aileen A. Pisciotta
1001 Pennsylvania Ave.,   N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
(202) 637—2240

                               TECHNICAL APPENDIX

1).   Introduction

      It is demonstrated in this Technical Appendix, that the proposed inclined orbit
      operation of the SBS4 satellite will cause no excessive, harmful interference
      into its adjacent satellites.

      Adjacent Satellite Interference

      When the inclination maneuvers are not performed on SBS 4 satellite, the
      inclination angle will grow at the rate of approximately 0.83° per year. The Drift
      and Eccentricity maneuvers will continue to be performed to keep the satellite‘s
      east—west position in compliance with the FCC requirement.

      Typical satellite orbital trajectories for two adjacent satellites, where one is
      operated in inclined mode and the other in normal mode are depicted in Figure
      1. it is clearly shown that the separation between these two satellites is at no
      time smaller than it would be between the same two satellites both in normal
      orbit. As an example: after operating SBS—4 in inclined orbit for three years the
      inclination angle will reach approximately 2.5°. Figure 2 shows separation of
      SBS—4 with 2.5° inclination from its 2° neighbor. The separation varies during a
      typical 24 hour period, from as much as 3.2° to as little as 2.0°. the average
      separation for this case is 2.64°.


      Since the minimum separation of SBS—4 operated in inclined orbit to its
      neighbor will never be less than that of a non—inclined orbit satellite, the
      adjacent satellite interference caused by SBS—4 will be no greater if allowed to
      function in this mode as opposed to when kept within +0.1° of inclination. In
      fact, on an average the interference will be reduced.

                              WEST EAST
                           <———      ———p                                             NORTH T

2 O — 4| P 2 — m O 2 —




                             NORMAL ORBIT
                                                                 INCLINED ORBIT

                                                                                  V   soOUTH i
                                               2 DEGREE SPACING ._________>l



                                                                    ONE SATELLITE AT 2.5° INCLINED ORBIT

2 O — 4 > J > UV m O


                                                                    BOTH SATELLITES IN NON—INCLINED ORBIT

                                                   24 HOUR PERIOD


                         SUBMITTED IN THIS APPLICATION

l hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of
the engineering information contained in this Application for Modification; that l am
familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules; that I have either prepared or
reviewed the engineering information submitted in this Application and that it is
complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

                                             By:   ,QWM 72
                                                   Bernard Vecerek
                                                   Manager, Galaxy Systems Engineering
                                                   Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
                                                   1990 East Grand Avenue
                                                   El Segundo, California 90245

Dated:       td —2 2 —4 2

(California form of notary)

STATE OF CALIFORNIA              ’      )

  COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES                 )

       On December 22, 1992 before me, Jennifer 0. Groth, Notary Public in and
  for the State of California, personally appeard Bernard Vecerek, personally
  known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument
 and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity
 and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon
 behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument.

                                             WITNESS my hand and official seal.

                    OFFICIAL SEAL                                                      ~
                   JENNIFER O GROTH                       O   /    .
             ¥) noTARY PUBLIC — CALIFORNIA           <—
         F)         Los ANGELs county          CX (// f;)[fl7L{«,
         e       NYMn        o. vfil}a}%k.@ENwaf ) GrROTH /Notary Publ ic


     The undersigned certifies to the Commission on behalf of Hughes
Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG") that neither HCG, nor its parent
company, Hughes Communications, Inc. ("HCI"), nor any of the officers
or directors of HCG or HCI, is subject to a denial of federal benefits
that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti Drug
Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS GALAXY,   INC.

                                            4o   , cz   e
                                    By:     fiX * %C/fl/\
                                          fcott B. Tolleféen
                                          Vice President and Secretary

         /     [

Document Created: 2016-12-14 15:39:13
Document Modified: 2016-12-14 15:39:13

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