Attachment 1991Commission ltr j

1991Commission ltr j

LETTER submitted by CCB, FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-19901219-00069 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        JAy 1 6 1991


_‘Latham & Watkins
 1001 ‘Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
   nhzngton. D.C.      20004—2505

\ Attention:     John P. Janka

 Reference:      Special Temporary Anthorityyto Provide                            .
                 IEntra—Caribbean Services    C ___.D 55 w 5mf q,

 Dear Mr. Janka:

 Hughes    Communications Galaxy, Inc. (Hughes) has requested special temporary
 authority to use one of the transpondeys on Westar IV, Westar Y or Galaxy VI
 to provide intra—Caribbean services.    As described in Hughes‘s application
 for regular authority for such transmissions, it is already providing intra—~
 Caribbean service from Aruba using one transponder pursuant to authority
 granted in Western Union Telegraph Company, 86 FCC 376, 60 Rad. Reg. 24
 (P&F)    1659    (1986).    (Western   Union).        In   that   order,    the       Commission
 indicated that requests for additional authority to use other transponders
 would be considered.     Hughes‘s current application seeks to     provide
 occasional video transmissions from points in St. Lucia to other Caribbean
 points including St. Lucia itself.

 Hughes proposes to begin testing this service on January 16, 1991 an& to
 initiate service on February 4, 1991.         It requests special temporary
 authority to operate from January 16 1991 urtil              March    16,   1991. . Hughes
 states ©that it will not initiate service before receiving notificatlon from
 the St. Lucia government that any necessary INTELSAT Article XI¥ procedures
 have been fulfilled pursuant to the Commission‘s directive in Hestern Union.

 Although we are granting its request for special temporary authority, Hughes
 is on notice that our saction is without prejudice to any final disposition
 of its application for regular authority,.       The request for temporary
 authority was not filed in sufficient time to allow for public notice and
 comment on Hughes‘s proposed service and any comments filed in response to
 the application for regular authority will be carefully considered. Any
 initiation of service pursuant to special temporary authority is solely at
 Hughes‘s own risk that its regular application may be denied.        ’

 & Aecerfingly, pursnant to the comiaaion': rulea on delegszions ‘og auzhmrity. e~
   A7 C.F.R. § 0.291, Hughes is granuted special temporary authority to operate
   —one transponder on Westar I¥Y,; Westar Y or Calazxy TZ te providaintra*
~7_}.ca:ibb¢an ae:viae subjea: to the fnuowing cendi::ians.

             . This anthorizy smill eomem; ou Jannaty15{
             termznsta on March!6, 1991; C k bollck] A;f““' ,—?i               Lote
             . Hughes will uoa initiate anytransnxssiona prior to receiving
               notification   from the. government — of ft. Lucis that any
               neccsaary INTELSAT Article XIV proceduras have been ful!illed;

               No harmful interferenne shall be caused> to any ° other | lavfully
               operated radio station includinug any other satellite facility             .
               and cperation shall be neasedimmaaia:ely upon notificatxon of
               1nterferensa,          —      L                             .          .

      4)       The grant of this temporsry suthority is not to be construed in
               any way on approval of the application (~for regular authority
               for   such operation and initiation of this service issolely at
               thae risk of the applicant.       —


                                                                               «4 .
                                          ... James R. Kaagan
                                            Chief, Domestic Facilx:ies Division
                                            Common Carrier Buresu      .

Document Created: 2015-02-27 16:27:41
Document Modified: 2015-02-27 16:27:41

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