Attachment 1989App for Mod.pdf

1989App for Mod.pdf

APPLICATION submitted by GTE

Application for Modification


This document pretains to SAT-STA-19891215-00048 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                    : JRECEIVED

                                                                            lpec 15 1989
                                                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                                                         Office of the Secretary

                                                GTE Spacenet Corporation
                                                1700 Old Meadow Road
                                                McLean, VA 22102
                                                703 848—1000 [["DSS-M P/M(,_

                                                             12—b SS— sTA¥ 416
December 15, 1989

Ms. Donna R. Searcy                                  UOonie,       im wivision
Secretary                                               Satellite Radio Branch
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:      Application for Modification of Authority to Construct            the GSTAR    IV
         Domestic—Fixed Satellite

Dear Ms. Searcy:

Transmitted herewith for filing on behalf of GTE Spacenet Corporation is an
original and required copies of its Application in the above—captioned matter.

Should any questions arise, please contact the undersigned at (703) 848—1515.


  F           A   j       .
 NMta Py Matihi
Terri B. Natoli
Industry Relations Manager



      A part of GTE Corporation

                                                                                            Ipec 1 5 1989
                                                                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                             Before the                                    Office of the Secretary
                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

Application For
Modification of Authority
To Construct The GSTAR IV
Domestic—Fixed Satellite
                                                                                         DEC 1 91989
                                                                                                  LC   Bfaint.!

                     Application For Modification of Construction Permit

          GTE Spacenet Corporation ("GTE Spacenet"), pursuant to Title III of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 C.F.R. § 301 et. seq, hereby requests

that the Commission modify the Construction Permit for the GSTAR IV satellite

to permit it to substitute a 27 watt Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) for

a 20 watt TWTA on one GSTAR IV transponder.

          1.     GTE Spacenet‘s GSTAR IV satellite was authorized for construction

in   1981‘     and    initially    authorized    for   launch      in    1987.%    The     satellite        is

currently in the final phases of its construction cycle and is scheduled for

launch in early—to—mid 1990.>

          2s     GTE    Spacenet    hereby      requests    that        the   Commission      modify      the

construction permit for GSTAR IV to enable GTE Spacenet to substitute a 27 watt

TWTA for a 20 watt TWTA on Transponder 16.                  This 27 watt TWTA is identical in

design to those initially authorized in 1981 for incorporation on two other GSTAR

IV transponders, i.e. Transponders 1 and 3.                This modification will increase the

      1          84 F.C.C. 2d 562 (1981).
      *          2 F.C.C. Red. 55 (1987).
                 Order    and   Authorization,      GIE    Spacenet       Corporation,       FCC    88—378,
                 released December 7, 1988.

downlink EIRP of Transponder 16 by a maximum 1.4dBW, resulting in an expected

peak EIRP of 45.9dBW.        Since the presently—authorized peak EIRP level for the

20 watt transponders on GSTAR IV is 44.5dBW, the requested change will have a

negligible 1mbact on the GSTAR IV operational environment.*

       3.      GTE Spacenet is proposing this modification to take advantage of a

spare 27 watt TWTA purchased earlier in the GSTAR program which will permit GTE

Spacenet to enhance the performance of the satellite and to allow users to

purchase lower—cost ground equipment.

       4.      GTE    Spacenet   has   analyzed       the     potential   for   adjacent   satellite

interference as a result of this proposed modification, and has concluded that

no impact will occur.        As evidenced by the Commission‘s most recent orbital

processing round,5 the increased power level on Transponder 16, as modified, will

fall   well   below the level      authorized for other Ku—Band domestic satellites

including GTE Spacenet‘s replacement GSTAR satellite.

       5.      This modification can be implemented at no cost to GTE Spacenet as

a result of the fact that the previously—authorized 20 watt TWTA has the same

morphic shape and mounting footprint as the proposed 27 watt TWTA.

       6.      In order to incorporate this proposed modification into the satellite

without delaying completion of construction of the GSTAR IV satellite, as well

               The 27 watt TWTA uses more power and produces more heat than the 20
               watt TWTA. Empirical analysis has shown that both of these effects
               can be easily assimilated by the existing GSTAR IV power and thermal
               margins without operational impact. No secondary design changes are
               necessary as a result of this configuration.

               See e.g. Order and Authorization, GTE Spacenet Corporation, FCC 88—
               378,   released December 7,            1988;    Order and Authorization,       Hughes
               Communications Galaxy, Inc., FCC 88—379 released December 7, 1988
               Order and Authorization, National Exchange Satellite, Inc., FCC 88—
               380, released December 7, 1988; Order and Authorization, GE American
               Communications, Inc., FCC 88—377 released December 7, 1988.


as its subsequent launch, GTE Spacenet requests that the Commission grant it a

waiver under Section 319(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, by

January 1, 1990.       GTE Spacenet understands that any action it may take pursuant

to such a waiver will be at its own risk.

        7.     Correspondence concerning this application should be addressed to

the undersigned.

        8.     As required by Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, as

amended, GTE Spacenet waives claim to the use of any particular frequency or of

the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States

because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise.

        Wherefore,     for the foregoing          reasons,   GTE Spacenet      submits       that   the

proposed modification will             serve the public interest and requests that the

Commission     grant    this       application.      Pursuant     to     Section    319(d)    of    the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, GTE Spacenet further requests a waiver

by January 1, 1990, in order that it may incorporate this 27 watt TWTA into the

GSTAR    IV   satellite       in   a   manner   which   ensures    the     timely    completion      of

construction and launch of the satellite.

                                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                                              GTE SPACENET CORPORATION

  p—           a        ; &
 AAAAM fi)’}tm
Terri B. Natoli      ,                                        Troy D.
Industry Relations Manager                                    Vice pre     ident, Engingering
1700 Old Meadow Road                                                   a    Developme
McLean, Virginia 22102                                        1700         Meadow Road
(703) 848—1515                                                Mclean, Virginia 22102
                                                              (70O3) 848—1400

December 15, 1989

                           SUBMITTED IN THIS APPLICATION

      I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible

for preparation of the engineering information contained in this application;

that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules; that I have either

prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in this filing; and

that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

By: Geaial2. [dGeSra
    Ronald A. Dalebout
    Director, Satellite Engineering

    GTE Spacenet Corporation
    1700 O0ld Meadow Road
    Mclean, Virginia 22102

Dated this 7th day of Deccmber        _ , 1989.

Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

  Whirop 2 1994

Document Created: 2014-08-15 15:16:51
Document Modified: 2014-08-15 15:16:51

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