Attachment statement


STATEMENT submitted by DIRECTV Group, Inc; DIRECTV Enterprises LLC



This document pretains to SAT-RPL-20040630-00127 for Replacement Application on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                       December 28, 2004

   BY HAND DELIVERY                                                             DEC 2 8 2004

   Marlene H. Dortch                                                     Sfi Conmitatons Connien
   Secretary                                                                        Offen o Sermry
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
   Washington, DC 20554

          Re:     Collision Avoidance Statements
                  $4—M0D—20040614—00114                                    AN   0          s

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

            On November 4, 2004, the International Bureau granted the above referenced
   satellite authorizations to The DIRECTV Group, Inc and DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC.
   Each of those authorizations included a condition requiring the submission of a colliion
   avoidance statement for the assigned orbital location. In satisfaction of those conditions,
   enclosed you will find the required statements for the 99° W.L., 101" W.L., and 103°
   W.L. orbital locations.

                                         Sincerely yours,

                                         William M. Wiltshire
                                         Counselfor The DIRECTY Group, Inc.
                                          and DIRECTY Enterprises, LLC


   cc:    SclinaKhan

            Counision Avomance Stazement ror SPACEWAY—2 a199° W.L.
        DIRECTV has reviewed the lstof lcensed systems and systems that are under
consideration by the FCC for the 99° W.L. orbital location. In order to address non—U.3.
Hicensed systems, DIRECTV has reviewed the lstof satellite networks in the vicinity of
99° W.L. for which a request for coordination has been submited to the ITU. Only those
networks that are operating or planned to be operated within + 0.2" of99° W.L. have
been taken into account in this review.
        This review has determined that only one other system has been licensed by the
FCC for operation at 99° W.L. That system is GALAXY IV(R), which is currently in
operation. No other U.S. systems are currently under consideration for licensing by the
FCC forthis location. Internationally, Canada, France, and United Kingdom have filed
coordination requests for satellte networks atthis orbital location." DIRECTV can find
no evidence that satellite construction contracts have been awarded for any ofthese
networks, and we note that the FAA Commercial Space Station Second Quarter 2004
Report shows no pending launch for any of these networks.
        Physical coordination of SPACEWAY—2 with the GALAXY IV(R) network will
be required. DIRECTV has contacted the operator of GALAXY IV(R) and confirmed
that this satellie is being station kept at 9.0° W.L. + 0.05%. DIRECTV is authorized for
an orbital position of 99.05"W.L. + 0.05¢. This would normally create a potential overlap
of the station keeping volumes ofthese two satellites. However, DIRECTV intends to
operate the SPACEWAY—2 satellite with a station keeping tolerance + 0.025° centered at
a nominal orbitallongitude 0f 99.075°WL. In this way the SPACEWAY—2 satellte will
*   Note that althoush the adminstationof Lanemburgfledan APIat the TTU forasatelite network at
    98.8° W.L, his API wasfolowed by a coortination equest that moved th Ailed locationfor this
    networl to 101° W.L, as is contemplated under RR 9.2 (MOD WRC:t2).

be maintained within its currently authorized orbital position without resulting in a station

keeping volume overlap with GALAXY IV@R).

           Conuston Avoiance Statement ror DIRECTV 8 xr 1019 W.L.
       DIRECTV has reviewed the lstof licensed systems, and systems that are under
consideration by the PCC for the 101° W.L. orbitallocation. In order to address non—
U.S. licensed systems, DIRECTV has reviewed the list of satellite networks in the
vicinity of 101° W.L. for which a request for coordination has been submitted to the ITU.
Only those networks that are operating or planned to be operated within + 0.2° of 101°
W.L. have been taken into account in this review.

       This review has determined that ix other systems have been licensed by the FCC
for, and are currently operating at,101° W.L. Those systems are AMSC—1, AMC—4,
DIRECTV 1, DIRECTV 1R, DIRECTV 2, and DIRECTV 48. In addition, the

Commission currently has pending applications from (1) Mobile Satellite Ventures
(MSV), for a replacement satellite for AMSC—1, (2) Echostar, for a satellte to operate in
the extended Ku—band, and (3) DIRECTV and Pegasus, to operate satellitesin the BSS
reverse band when it becomes available in 207. Interationally, United Kingdom,
France and Luxemburg have fled coordination requests with the ITU for satelite
networks at this orbital location. Other than the replacement satellite for MSV,
DIRECTV can find no evidence that stellite construction contracts have been awarded
for any of these networks, and we note that the FAA Commercial Space Station Second
Quarter 2004 Report shows no pending launch for any of these networks.
       Physical coordination of DIRECTV 8 with the AMC—4, AMSC—1, the MSV
replacement satellie, and with the other satellitesin the DIRECTV network will be
required. Under the current circummstances, te six satellites operating at the nominal
101° W.L.orbital position actually operate slightly offet from that position, and the four

DIRECTV satellitesat that location are operated such that there is no overlap of their
station keeping volumes with those of AMC—4 and AMSC—1. The physical coordination
of the DIRECTV satelltes amongst themselves is done entirely within DIRECTV. As
explained in the DIRECTV 8 application, DIRECTV 8 will replace the DIRECTV 2
satellite currently operating at 101° W.L., and DIRECTV 2 will be moved outside the
cluster at this slot, thereby making space for DIRECTV 8. Thus,the launch of
DIRECTV 8 will have no net impact on the number of satelltes that DIRECTV intemnally
coordinates at this location.

          Couuision Avorpance Srarement ror SPACEWAY—1 at 103° W.L.
       DIRECTV has reviewed the lst of licensed systems and systems that are under
consideration by the FCC for the 103° W.L.orbital location. In order to address non—U.S.
Hicensed systems, DIRECTV has reviewed the list of satellte networks in the vicinity of
103° W.L.for which a request for coordination has been submitted to the ITU. Only
those networks that are operating or are planned to be operated, within + 0.2" of 103°
W.L. have been taken into account in this review.
       This review has determined that only one other system has been licensed by the
FCC for operation at 103° W.L. That system is AMC—1, which is currently in operation.
No other U.S. systems are currently under consideration for licensing by the FCC for this
location. Intemationally, Canada, Tonge, and United Kingdom have filed coordination
requests for satellite networks at this orbital location. DIRECTV can find no evidence
that satellite construction contracts have been awarded for any ofthese networks, and we
note that the FAA Commercial Space Station Second Quarter 2004 Report shows no
pending launch for any ofthese networks.
       Physical coordination of SPACEWAY—1 with the AMC—1 network will be
required. DIRECTV is authorized for an orbital position of 103.05° W.L. + 0.05¢.
DIRECTV intends to operate the SPACEWAY—1 satellite with a station keeping
tolerance £0.025" centered ata nominal orbital longitude of 103.075" W.L. In this way
the SPACEWAY—I satellte will be maintained within its currently authorized orbital
position without resulting in a station keeping volume overlap with AMC—1, nominally
located at 103.0° W.L., assuming a standard station keeping tolerance of
+0.05 for the AMC—1 spacecraft

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                              ENCINEERING CERTIFICATION

              The undersigned hereby cenifiestothe Federal Communications Commision as
        ®    He is the technically qualiied person responsiblefor the engineering information
             contained in the foregoing Collision Avoidance Declerations for SPACEWAY 1,
             SPACEWAY 2, and DIRECTY 8,
        @    He is amilie with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules, and
        i    He has ither prepared or reviewed the enginecting information contained in the
             foregoing Colliion Avoidance Declaraions, and it is complete and nocurete to
             the best oThis knowledge and belief

                                                 Jack Wengryniuk
                                                 Senjor Director
                                                 DIRECTV Operations Inc.

                                                 December 23, 2004

Document Created: 2005-01-06 17:28:15
Document Modified: 2005-01-06 17:28:15

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