Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by SIRIUS Satellite Radio



This document pretains to SAT-RPL-20040212-00018 for Replacement Application on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        January 28, 2005

Mr. Patrick L. Donnelly
Executive VicePresident and General Counsel
SIRIUS Satellite Radio
1221 Avene of the Americas
NewYork, NY 10020

File Nos:        1B Docket No. 95—91; SAT—MOD—20040212—00017; SAT—RPL—20040212—
                 00018; SAT—RPL—20040212—00019; 72—$AT—AMEND—97; 10/11—DSS—P—
                 9312715702; 2627—D8§—LA—931/15/93; 83/83—SAT—AMEND—953/10/95

Dear Mr. Donnelly:
         As an altemative to the Commission mandating standards for receivers used in
providing Satellte Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS), SDARS operators are to
certify to the Commission that their systems include a receiver that will permit end users
to access alllicensed SDARS systems that are operational or under construction." The
Commission authorized Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (Sirius) in 1997 to provide SDARS in
the United States subject to such a certification." The authorization of the other SDARS
Hicensee, XM Radio Inc. (XM Radio}, is subject to an identical certification requirement."
        In our recent authorization ofXM Radio for the launch and operation of
replacement stellites," we noted that Siius and XM Radio have on fle a letter dated
October 6, 2000, in which the two SDARS licensees announced an agreement to develop
a unified standard for satellite radios, and stated their anticipation that interoperable chips
capable of receiving both services would be produced in volume in mid—2004." The two
Hicensees also stated their agreement to introduce interim interoperable radios, prioto the
introduction of fully—interoperable chipsets,that would include a common wiring hamess,
 ‘ Esablishment of Rulesand Policiesfo theDigital Audio Radio Satelite Servic n the23 10—2360 Mite
Prequency Band. Report and Order, Memorandum Gpinion and Order and Further NoticeofProposed
Rulemaking, 12 ECC Red 5754, 5757 (para.106) (1997); see also 47 C.BR. $25.144(@)G(i) (2004).
* Satlite CD Radio,Inc. Order andAuthoriaon, 13 FCC Red 7971, 7995 (par. 7)(In‘I Bur,1997)
(1997 Sirs Authrization Order) °TT IS FURTHIER ORDERED thathis authorization is subjec to
certifietion by [Sris) hat is final eceive design s iteroperable wth respect o the[XM Radio nc]‘s
Satlite Digial Audio Radio Service system fial reciver design")
* American Moble Radio Corportion, Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Red $829,8851 (par. $ In T
Bur. 1907
* XM Radio Inc, Order and Authorization, DA 05—180 (InI Bur.Sat. Di. rel. Jn 26,2005)
‘ Leterfrom JohnR. Wormington, XM Radio In., and Robert D. Briskman, i
Masalie Roman Salas, PCC, dated Oct6,2000 (Octobe6 Lerter)

    Mr. Patrick L. Donnelly
    head unit, antenna, and an interchangeable trunk—mounted box containing processing
    elements for both company‘s signals®

            In order to reflect more accurately the status of SDARS licensces‘ efforts in
    developing interoperable receivers, we are requesting that Sitius and XM Radio file an
    update to the October 6, 2000 Letter in pending proceedings where interoperable
    reeeivers are an issue. Although the Commission is cognizant ofthe differences between
    the two SDARS licensees‘ transmission technologies that intially affected the ability to
    develop receiver interoperability,"itis not clear, given the passage oftime, that these
    differences stll exist.
            For this reason, we request that Sirius submit to the Satellte Division, within 45
    days from the date ofthis leter,the status of Sirius® efforts to develop an interoperable
    receiver and its timeframe for making such an interoperable receiver available to the

            Please contact JoAnn Lucanik, (202) 418—0873, or Stephen Duall, (202) 418—
    1103, of my staff if you have any questions regarding this letter.


                                                      Thomas S. Teyz
                                                      Chief                         ‘f)‘)
                                                      Satelite Division

    ces     Carl R. Fronk
            Wiley Rein & Fielding LP
            1776 K Street, NW
            Washington, DC 20006
m (200)719—7009 (Pa

    ° October 6 Leterata.
    " 1997 Sirus Authoriztion Order, 13 ECC Red at 7990(pare 42)
    * We have also separately instcted XM Radio o file such status report wthin the ame time period.

Document Created: 2005-01-28 17:03:13
Document Modified: 2005-01-28 17:03:13

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