Attachment Cover letter30wl

This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20160722-00064 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            Before the
                       Washington D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                          File Nº_____________

Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Add
HISPASAT 30W-6 Satellite nominally at 30º W L
to the Comission’s Permitted Space Stations List
for the Ku band; and

Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Serve
U.S. Market Using the Extended Ku-band 13.75-14.0 GHz
and 6725-7025/ 4500-4800 MHz and 13.0-13.25/11.2-11.45 GHz
Capacity on HISPASAT 30W-6

To: International Bureau

HISPASAT, S.A., (HISPASAT) pursuant to Section 25.114 of the Federal Communications
Comission´s (“FCC”) rules, hereby applies to operate a C/Ku replacement satellite with new
frequencies, to be known as HISPASAT 30W-6 (formerly commercially named HISPASAT-
1F) satellite at 30º WL.

HISPASAT 30W-6 will be the replacement of HISPASAT 30W-4 (formerly commercially
named HISPASAT-1D) in the unplanned Ku band (13.75 – 14.5 / 11.7 – 12.2 GHz) and will
add extra capacity in the C and Ku Appendix 30B planned bands (6725-7025/ 4500-4800
MHz and 13.0-13.25/11.2-11.45 GHz). The construction of HISPASAT 30W-6 is on-going, it
is foreseen to be launched in the 2nd or 3rd Quarter 2017 (pending on the final launch date)
and will be operated at the 30° W.L. orbital location where HISPASAT 30W-4 is currently
operated. The unplanned Ku-band frequencies and their associated technical characteristics
on HISPASAT 30W-6 are similar to those on HISPASAT 30W-4 which was previously
approved for the Permitted List1. This Petition for HISPASAT 30W-6 includes the necessary
information and technical characteristics for all the frequencies on this satellite network as the
basis for putting them on the Permitted List.

Once HISPASAT 30W-6 becomes fully operational and after all services be transferred to the
new satellite, HISPASAT 30W-4 is planned to be relocated into another orbital slot yet to be
decided or utilized as a back-up satellite for HISPASAT 30W-6. The definitive plan will be
informed to the Commission as soon as the decision is made concerning this matter.

In this respect, in according to 25.114 (b) of the Commission’s rules we submit, by means of
the present application, a

    See File No. HISPASAT-1D Grant SAT-PDR-20030430-00090 (October 15, 2003)


HISPASAT, by representative and pursuant to Sections 25.114 and 25.137 of the
Commission's rules and the DISCO II First Reconsideration Order, hereby respectfully
requests that the Commission add the HISPASAT 30W-6 satellite at 30°W.L. to the Permitted
Space Station List and also requests a declaratory ruling permitting the use of the extended
13.75-14.0 GHz Ku-band capacity,2 6725-7025/4500-4800 MHz3 and 13.0-13.25/11.2-11.45
GHz capacity on HISPASAT 30W-6, for the provision of services from the United States,
covered by the Commission WTO Basic Telecommunications Agreement ("WTO Telecom

A FCC Form 312 application, together with exhibits providing the information required under
Section 25.114 and 25.137 of the Commission's rules, are attached hereto. Grant of this
petition will serve the public interest by maintaining an existing competitive service option in
addition to providing consumers with more alternatives in choosing communications service
providers and services, reducing prices and facilitating technological innovation.

Such grant also will permit HISPASAT to enhance its capacity to provide service to the US
market from the 30º W.L. orbital location. As demonstrated in this petition and the
accompanying attachments, HISPASAT 30W-6 satisfies all legal and technical requirements
for U.S. service.

It is not the HISPASAT intention to provide Direct-to-Home (DTH) services in the United
States by means of HISPASAT 30W-6 at 30ºW.L.

I    HISPASAT 30W-6 Meets the Requirements for Inclusion on the Permitted Space
Stations List.

In the DISCO II first Reconsideration Order, the Commission stated that it will grant a
declaratory ruling request by a foreign satellite operator regarding provision of C-band and
Ku-band service in the United States -and include operator's satellite on the Permitted Space
Stations List - where the request is accompanied by information demonstrating compliance
with Section 25.137 of the Commission's rules. In that Order, the Commission4
               conclude[d] that US earth stations with ALSAT licenses should be permitted to
               communicate with any non-US satellite just as easily as they communicate with
               any US licensed satellite, provided that those communications do not cause
               harmful interference to or require protection from adjacent satellite
               operations, and otherwise comply with DISCO II.
The HISPASAT 30W-6 satellite fully complies with the requirements applicable to US
satellites and will not "cause harmful interference to or require protection from adjacent

  HISPASAT acknowledges that earth station operators seeking to access HISPASAT 30W-6 using the extended
Ku-band frequencies must still obtain a specific earth station license that includes HISPASAT 30W-6 as an
authorized point of communication or modify an existing license to add HISPASAT 30W-6 as a point of
communication. See, e.g., In the Matter of Telesat Canada, 17 FCC Rcd 25287, at ¶ 1 (Int’l Bur. 2002).
  HISPASAT acknowledges that earth stations seeking access HISPASAT 30W-6 using frequency ranges
specified in US245 are subject to case-by-case electromagnetic compatibility analysis.
  See First Order on Reconsideration FCC 99-325, §16

satellite operations". Furthermore, this petition includes all of the information required under
Sections 25.114 and 25.137 and other relevant parts of the Commission's rules. Accordingly,
HISPASAT urges the Commission to grant the instant petition and include HISPASAT 30W-
6 on the Permitted Space Stations List.

Section 25.137(a). Section 25.137(a) requires that petitioners seeking to operate with a non-
US licensed space station submit as an exhibit to their Form 312 applications a showing
demonstrating that U.S.-licensed satellite systems have effective competitive opportunities to
provide analogous services in the country in which the non-U.S. licensed space station is
licensed, and all countries in which communications with the US earth station will originate
and terminate.

Section 25.137(b). Section 25.137(b) also requires petitioners to submit as exhibits to their
Form 312 applications essentially the same legal, technical and financial information required
of applicants seeking space station authorizations from the Commission in accordance with
Part 25 of the Commission’s rules.

Section 25.114(a). Section 25.114(a) requires that petitioners seeking space station
authorization must submit a comprehensive proposal for each proposed space station on FCC
Form 312, Main form and Schedule S, together with attached exhibits as described in
paragraph (d) of this Section. These are attached to this Petition. The Schedule S is fulfilled
for the frequency bands requested over USA territory. In this sense, we would like to clarify
that we are unable to attach the gxt files to Schedule S in version 2 (latest Gims version)
because Schedule S does not accept version 2 gxt files; therefore, they have been attached to
Schedule S in version 1 and also filing these gxt files as an attachment to the application.

Sections 25.114(c) and (d). Information required under these paragraphs is also attached to
this Petition.

Waiver Requests

HISPASAT requests that the Commission grant some waivers of this requirement pursuant to
Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules:

         Hispasat requests waiver of Section 2.106 Footnotes US 245 and NG52, which permit
          the use of the 4500-4800 MHz and 13000-13250 / 10700-11700 MHz frequency bands
          by non-federal fixed satellite service for international systems only5;

          HISPASAT-30W-6 will utilize the 6725-7025 / 4500-4800 MHz and 13000-13250 /
          11200-11450 MHz frequency bands to provide service to U.S. territory and:

              o for the frequency ranges 13000-13250 / 11200-11450 MHz, HISPASAT
                requests a waiver to allow use of these bands for domestic service use on a
                non-interference, non-protected basis, and
              o for the frequency range 4500 - 4800 MHz (space to Earth), HISPASAT
                requests a waiver to allow use of this band for domestic service use and

    47 C.F.R. §2.106 footnotes US 245 and NG52

                 international non-intercontinental use on a non-interference, non-protected

          Good cause for a waiver exists in this case. Grant of the requested waiver to permit
          domestic use of these frequencies would be consistent with some precedent6. As in
          those cases, grant of the requested waiver will make available additional domestic
          capacity without risk of harmful interference because HISPASAT 30W-6 will operate
          on a non-interference, non-protected basis.

         HISPASAT requests a partial waiver of Part 25.210(f). Due to satellite design
          constrains, this satellite did not have enough capacity to be equipped with frequency
          reuse for some frequencies in the coverage of the United States.

         It is also required that each application must also contain the formal waiver required
          by section 304 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 304. Such formal waiver is
          hereby formally requested.

II        Competition considerations

The HISPASAT 30W-6 satellite is owned and operated by HISPASAT, which is based in
Spain. Spain serves as HISPASAT’s notifying administration for purposes of international
satellite coordination pursuant to the relevant provisions of the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) Radio Regulations.

The Commission concluded in DISCO II7 that, in order to be granted access to the U.S.
market, space station operators not licensed by the Commission will be required to meet the
same qualification that U.S.-licensed space station operators must meet to obtain a satellite
license. The information provided in this Petition, including the associated attachments and
FCC Form 312, demonstrate that HISPASAT satisfies these requirements.

In its DISCO II Order8, the Commission “adopt[s] a presumption that entry by WTO Member
satellite systems will promote competition in the U.S. satellite services market”.

In this context, HISPASAT, like an operator licensed by Spain, a Member of WTO, believes
that serves the pro-competitives goals of Section 25.137 in order to be included on the
Permitted Space Station list.

III       Financial requirements

In its First Space Station Licensing Reform Order, the Commission eliminated the financial
requirements then in place and replaced them with a bond requirement9. According to 47
C.F.R 25.165, bond will be posted, if any, in duly time.

  For example, see Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-00796, File No. SAT-LOA-
20101014-00219 (July 29, 2011) (granting waiver of Footnote 2 of Section 25.202(a)(1) and Footnote NG104 of
Section 2.106 for Intelsat 18)
  See DISCO II §§ 154-59
  See DISCO II, §7
  First Space Licensing Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10826 (para. 170)

IV     Spectrum Availability

The Commission considers spectrum availability as a factor in determining whether to allow a
foreign-licensed satellite to serve U.S. market and evaluates of access will create the potential
for harmful interference with U.S.-licensed satellites. As it is said above, HISPASAT 30W-6
will operate conventional Ku frequency currently in operation on HISPASAT 30W-4 which
was previously approved for the Permitted list and extended Ku-band frequencies as well as
6725-7025/ 4500-4800 MHz and 13.0-13.25/11.2-11.45 GHz bands. There is no satellite
serving U.S. market currently located or proposed to be located at 30ºW.L. orbital location
that uses or proposes to use these frequency bands. Accordingly, the frequencies are available
for use in the provision of service to the United States.

V      Access to the US Market for HISPASAT 30W-6 Will Serve the Public Interest

Access by all U.S. earth stations with an ALSAT designation and through the extended 13.75-
14.0 GHz band and 6725-7025/ 4500-4800 MHz and 13.0-13.25/11.2-11.45 GHz bands to
HISPASAT 30W-6 would produce substantial public interest benefits. The availability of
HISPASAT space segment to the U.S. Fixed-Satellite Service market will continue to
stimulate lower prices, improve service quality, increase service options and foster
technological innovation.

VI     Conclusion

 Therefore, for the reasons set out above, HISPASAT respectfully requests that the
Commission issue a declaratory ruling adding the HISPASAT 30W-6 satellite nominally at
30°W.L. to the Ku Permitted Space Station List and permitting the use of the extended 13.75-
14.0 GHz Ku-band capacity and 6725-7025/ 4500-4800 MHz and 13.0-13.25/11.2-11.45 GHz
capacity on the HISPASAT 30W-6 satellite as well (HISPASAT understands that operations
in 13.75-14.0 GHz, 6725-7025/ 4500-4800 MHz and 13.0-13.25/11.2-11.45 GHz frequency
bands are subject to certain limitations and obligations, which HISPASAT accepts and will

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                                             HISPASAT, S.A.


                                                                 Cristina García de Miguel
                                Manager, Orbital-Spectrum Resources and Regulatory Affairs

Document Created: 2016-07-22 10:56:03
Document Modified: 2016-07-22 10:56:03

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