Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20160304-00024 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     Before the
                                Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                   )
Empresa Argentina de Soluciones                    )
Satelitales S.A. Petition for Declaratory Ruling   )   File No.
To Add ARSAT-2 to the                              )   Call Sign
Permitted Space Station List                       )

                         PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING

       Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales S.A. (“ARSAT”), an Argentine corporation,

respectfully files this Petition for a Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 25.137(c) of the

Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) Rules to add the ARSAT-2 satellite at

81ºW to the Permitted Space Station List (“Permitted List”).1      ARSAT-2 will serve the United

States in the C- and Ku- band.

       The Commission allows non-U.S.-licensed satellites to be included on the Permitted List

upon demonstrating compliance with Sections 25.114 and 25.137 of the Commission’s Rules,

assuming there are no other public interest concerns.           This Petition and its associated

attachments, including FCC Form 312 and Schedule S, provide the information required for the

  ARSAT-2 will be permanently located 81º W. However, the satellite is temporarily
positioned at 81.1º W because satellite AMC-2 is currently located at 80.85º W. In order to
ensure safe stationkeeping volume, ARSAT-2 will be maintained at 81.1º W until AMC-2 is
repositioned in June 2016. ARSAT has coordinated stationkeeping and power levels with SES to
ensure there is no possibility of collision or harmful interference during this period.

Commission to determine that the ARSAT-2 satellite meets the requirements of Sections 25.114

and 25.137 and is thus eligible to be on the Permitted List.


       ARSAT-2 is licensed by Argentina and will be located at the 81º W orbital location.

The 81º W orbital location is assigned to Argentina.    Therefore, the Commission cannot license

U.S. satellites in these frequency bands at this orbital location. Argentina is a member country

of the WTO. In addition, Argentina and the United States have reached a bilateral agreement

that allows Argentine satellites to offer FSS service in the United States, after those satellites

have been coordinated with the United States.2

       ARSAT is requesting to provide Fixed-Satellite Services (“FSS”) covered by the WTO

Telecom Agreement and “other FSS services” covered by the US-Argentina Bilateral Agreement.

Given Argentina’s membership in the WTO and the existing Bilateral Agreement with the

United States, Argentina is not required to make the effective competitive opportunities showing
pursuant to Section 25.137 of the Commission’s Rules.                 The relevant International

  Protocol Concerning the Transmission and Reception of Signals From Satellites for the
Provision of Direct-to-Home Satellite Services and Fixed-Satellite Services in the United States
of American and the Argentine Republic (June 5, 1998) (available at         (“US-Argentina         Bilateral
  See 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(a)(2); see also Amendment of the Commission’s Regulatory Policies to
Allow Non-U.S. Licensed satellites Providing Domestic and International Service in the United
States, Report and Order, IB Docket No. 96-111, 12 FCC Rcd 24094, ¶ 39 (1997) (“We adopt
our proposal to apply a presumption in favor of entry in considering applications to access non-
U.S. satellites licensed by WTO members to provide services covered by the U.S. commitments
under the WTO Basic Telecom Agreement.”); Id., ¶ 64 (“[W]e will not evaluate the effective
competitive opportunities in the route market for non-U.S. satellites licensed by a WTO Member
providing WTO covered services. Thus, we will not perform an ECO-Sat test on any route,
whether a WTO route market or a non-WTO route market.”).


Telecommunications Union (“ITU”) network for the ARSAT-2 satellite has been notified under

Article 11 of the ITU Radio Regulations and is recorded in the ITU Master Register.

       ARSAT-2 is already on orbit and operating, and is the second geostationary satellite

launched and operated by ARSAT.           Therefore, it is not necessary for ARSAT to provide

financial information for the Commission to determine that ARSAT is financially capable of

building, launching, and operating its satellite.4


       ARSAT requests a waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3) of the Commission’s Rules, which

requires that the C-band payload on the space station providing service to the U.S. be capable of

switching polarity upon ground command.           The ARSAT-2 C-band transmission polarization

sense is not switchable from the ground.        The Commission has previously waived this rule in

several cases for good cause for other non-U.S. licensed FSS operators requesting to add space

stations to the Permitted Space Station List.

       Section 1.3 of the Commission’s Rules provides that the Commission may waive any of

its rules if the petitioner shows “good cause,” for example, circumstances in which waiver would

better serve the public interest than would application of the rule. 5 In this case, the

Commission’s satellite policies are well served by the omission of payload polarization

  Amendment of the Commission’s Regulatory Policies To Allow Non-U.S.-Licensed Space
Stations To Provide Domestic and International Satellite Service in the United States, Report and
Order, IB Docket No. 96-111, 12 FCC Rcd 24094, ¶ 191 (1997) (“DISCO II Order”) (explaining
that the presence of in-orbit satellites satisfies concerns about an operator’s capabilities of
building and operating a satellite).
   47 C.F.R. § 1.3; WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153 (D.C. Cir. 1969); appeal after remand,
459 F.2d 1203 (D.C. Cir. 1972), cert. denied, 409 U.S. 1027 (1972); Northeast Cellular Tel. Co.
v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164 (D.C. Cir. 1990).


switching capabilities. First, this design decision reduces the technical risk by avoiding a single

point of failure in each transponder’s polarization.    It also reduces the mass and cost of the

satellite, as well as reducing input and output losses resulting in better performance.

Furthermore, such capability is unnecessary because ARSAT-2 has completed coordination with

operators of adjacent satellites and will operate in accordance with those agreements, which take

into account the fixed polarization of its C-band transmissions.    The Commission has granted

this same waiver to several other non-U.S. satellite operators who have applied to be on the

Permitted Space Station List under similar circumstances.6

         In these Orders, the Commission concluded that waiving Section 25.210(a)(3) will not

undercut the policies underlying the Commission’s adoption of the rule and the Commission

placed appropriate conditions on the waiver.7 Consistent with relevant precedent, granting this

waiver under Section 1.3 of the Commission’s Rules is appropriate and would serve the public



         The Commission has found on several previous occasions that adding Central and South

American satellites to the Permitted Space Station List was in the public interest.8 For these

  See Telesat Canada, Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Order, DA 00-2835, 15 FCC Rcd 24828,
¶¶ 16-17 (2000) (“Telesat Canada Order”); see also SAT-PPL-20060329-00030 and SAT-
AMD-20060724-00080 (2006).
    Telesat Canada Order, ¶ 17.
  See, e.g., Satélites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V. Petition for Rulemaking, Order, DA 00-1793, 15
FCC Rcd 19311 (2000) (adding Solidaridad 2 and Satmex 5 to the Permitted Space Station List
at 113˚W and 116.8˚W, respectively); SAT-PPL-20060329-00030 and SAT-AMD-20060724-
00080 (2006) (adding Satmex 6 to the Permitted Space Station List at 113º W); SAT-PDR-
19991214-00131 and SAT-MOD-20060821-00090 (2006) (modifying orbital location of
Solidaridad 2 to 114.9ºW on the Permitted Space Station List).


same reasons the public interest will be served by also adding the ARSAT-2 satellite to the

Permitted Space Station List.           Allowing the ARSAT-2 satellite to offer FSS will enhance

competition in the United States.        Thus, inclusion of ARSAT-2 on the Permitted Space Station

List is in the public interest.


For the reasons stated herein, ARSAT respectfully requests that the Commission add the

ARSAT-2 satellite to the Permitted Space Station List.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  EMPRESA ARGENTINA DE SOLUCIONES
                                  SATELITALES S.A.

                                                             Bruce A. Olcott
                                                             Preston N. Thomas
                                                             Jones Day
                                                             51 Louisiana Ave. NW
                                                             Washington, D.C. 20001
                                                             (202) 879-3630

                                                             Its Attorneys
March 4, 2016


                                                Attachment A

                                        Regulatory Compliance Index

FCC Rule         Rule Summary (This column will be deleted        Application/Exhibit Section No.
                 prior to filing)
25.114(c)(4)(i)  For each transmitting and receiving antenna      Schedule S
                 beam, provide center frequencies, bandwidth,
                 and polarization.
25.114(c)(4)(vi) Map of the proposed coverage area and Gain       Attachment B § 5
or (vii)         contours (numbers and maps)
25.114(c)(8)     Calculated maximum power flux density levels     Attachment B - Annex 1 § 2 (supplemental
                 within each coverage area and energy dispersal   information to Schedule S)
                 bandwidths, if any, needed for compliance
                 with §25.208, for the angles of arrival
                 specified in the applicable paragraph(s) of
25.114(d)(1)     Overall description of system facilities,        Narrative Statement; Attachment B, § 2
                 operations and services and explanation of
                 how uplink frequency bands would be
                 connected to downlink frequency bands
25.224(d)(6)     Public interest considerations in support of     Narrative Statement at III.
25.114(d)(7)     (Refers to §25.140(a)) Provide interference      Attachment B - Annex 1§ 1
                 analysis showing compatibility with satellites
                 within 2 degrees.
25.114(d)(14)(i- Orbital Debris Mitigation plan                   Attachment B – Annex 2
25.137(a)(1)     Demonstrate that that U.S.-licensed satellite    Narrative at I
                 systems have effective competitive
                 opportunities to provide analogous services in
25.137(b)        Provide legal and technical information          Form 312; Narrative Statement;
                 consistent with §25.114                          Attachment B
25.202(e)        Demonstrate frequency tolerance of 0.002 or      Attachment B, § 7
25.202(f)(1-3)   Out of band emissions limits                     Attachment B, § 7
25.208           Power Flux Density limits                        Attachment B, Annex 1, § 2.0
25.210(a)(3)     Polarization requirements                        Narrative Statement at II (Waiver
25.283           End of life disposal                             Attachment B - Annex 2


                                       ATTACHMENT B

                      Technical Information to Supplement Schedule S

1      SCOPE

This Attachment contains additional information required by §25.114(c) and other sections of the

FCC §25 rules that cannot be entered into the Schedule S submission.

2      GENERAL DESCRIPTION (§25.114(d)(1))

The ARSAT-2 satellite will operate at 81° W orbital location (with a temporary location of 81.1°

W until June 2016).   The ARSAT-2 will provide FSS services to the United States using the

conventional C- and Ku-band frequencies.    The satellite employs 6 C-band transponders and 10

Ku-band transponders using both linear polarizations thereby providing dual frequency re-use.

The satellite has one C-band beam which provides coverage of most of the Americas, and two

Ku-band beams: a North American beam and a South America beam. There is inter-connectivity

between the two Ku beams.



Figures 3-1 and 3-2 show the C-band and Ku-band frequency plans, respectively.

Figure 3-1.           C-Band Frequency Plan
                                 UPLINK                                                        DOWNLINK                                       LO             BW
Channel Coverage        MIN.    CENTER       MAX.            POL.         Coverage     MIN.    CENTER        MAX.         POL.
                       [MHz]     [MHz]       [MHz]          [V / H]                   [MHz]      [MHz]       [MHz]       [V / H]             [MHz]           [MHz]
    BC1    HEMI          -         -           -               -           HEMI         -       3700.25        -           V                    -               -
    BC2    HEMI          -         -           -               -           HEMI         -       3701.25        -           H                    -               -
      3    HEMI       6010.00   6046.00     6082.00           V            HEMI      3785.00    3821.00     3857.00        H                  2225             72
      4    HEMI       6010.00   6046.00     6082.00           H            HEMI      3785.00    3821.00     3857.00        V                  2225             72
      7    HEMI       6170.00   6206.00     6242.00           V            HEMI      3945.00    3981.00     4017.00        H                  2225             72
      8    HEMI       6170.00   6206.00     6242.00           H            HEMI      3945.00    3981.00     4017.00        V                  2225             72
     11    HEMI       6332.00   6376.00     6420.00           V            HEMI      4107.00    4151.00     4195.00        H                  2225             88
     12    HEMI       6332.00   6376.00     6420.00           H            HEMI      4107.00    4151.00     4195.00        V                  2225             88

Figure 3-2.           Ku-Band Frequency Plan
                                    UPLINK                                                           DOWNLINK                                        LO         BW
 Channel   Coverage        MIN.     CENTER        MAX.           POL.        Coverage       MIN.      CENTER        MAX.            POL.
                          [MHz]       [MHz]       [MHz]         [V / H]                    [MHz]        [MHz]       [MHz]          [V / H]          [MHz]     [MHz]
     17      SA         13840.000   13858.000   13876.000         V             SA       11541.000    11559.000   11577.000          H             2299.00    36.000
     18      SA         13840.000   13858.000   13876.000         H             SA       11541.000    11559.000   11577.000          V             2299.00    36.000
     19      SA         13880.000   13898.000   13916.000         V             SA       11581.000    11599.000   11617.000          H             2299.00    36.000
     20      SA         13880.000   13898.000   13916.000         H             SA       11581.000    11599.000   11617.000          V             2299.00    36.000
     21      SA         13920.000   13938.000   13956.000         V             SA       11621.000    11639.000   11657.000          H             2299.00    36.000
     22      SA         13920.000   13938.000   13956.000         H             SA       11621.000    11639.000   11657.000          V             2299.00    36.000
     23      SA         13960.000   13978.000   13996.000         V             SA       11661.000    11679.000   11697.000          H             2299.00    36.000
     24      SA         13960.000   13978.000   13996.000         H             SA       11661.000    11679.000   11697.000          V             2299.00    36.000
    TM 1   SA & NA          -           -           -              -          SA & NA    11701.625    11701.750   11701.875          V                -       0.250
    TC 1     SA         14001.350   14001.750   14002.150         H             SA           -            -           -               -               -       0.800
      1      SA         14014.000   14050.000   14086.000         V             SA       11715.000    11751.000   11787.000          H             2299.00    72.000
      2      SA         14014.000   14050.000   14086.000         H             SA       11715.000    11751.000   11787.000          V             2299.00    72.000
      3    SA or NA     14094.000   14130.000   14166.000         V           SA or NA   11795.000    11831.000   11867.000          H             2299.00    72.000
      4    SA or NA     14094.000   14130.000   14166.000         H           SA or NA   11795.000    11831.000   11867.000          V             2299.00    72.000
      5    SA or NA     14174.000   14210.000   14246.000         V           SA or NA   11875.000    11911.000   11947.000          H             2299.00    72.000
      6    SA or NA     14174.000   14210.000   14246.000         H           SA or NA   11875.000    11911.000   11947.000          V             2299.00    72.000
      7    SA or NA     14254.000   14290.000   14326.000         V           SA or NA   11955.000    11991.000   12027.000          H             2299.00    72.000
      8    SA or NA     14254.000   14290.000   14326.000         H           SA or NA   11955.000    11991.000   12027.000          V             2299.00    72.000
      9    SA or NA     14334.000   14370.000   14406.000         V           SA or NA   12035.000    12071.000   12107.000          H             2299.00    72.000
     10    SA or NA     14334.000   14370.000   14406.000         H           SA or NA   12035.000    12071.000   12107.000          V             2299.00    72.000
     11      NA         14414.000   14450.000   14486.000         V             NA       12115.000    12151.000   12187.000          H             2299.00    72.000
     12      NA         14414.000   14450.000   14486.000         H             NA       12115.000    12151.000   12187.000          V             2299.00    72.000
    TC 2     SA         14499.200   14499.600   14500.000         V             SA           -            -           -               -               -       0.800
    TM 2   SA & NA          -           -           -              -          SA & NA    12198.125    12198.250   12198.375          H                -       0.250


The ARSAT-2 antenna gain contours for the receive and transmit beams, as required by

§25.114(d)(3), are given in GXT format and embedded in the associated Schedule S submission.















6      SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED (§25.114(d)(4))

The ARSAT-2 satellite will provide digital FSS services. Representative link budgets, which

include details of the transmission characteristics, performance objectives and earth station

characteristics, are provided in the associated Schedule S submission.

7      TT&C CHARACTERISTICS (§25.114(c)(4)(i) & §25.114(c)(9))

The ARSAT-2 TT&C sub-system provides for communications during pre-launch, transfer orbit

and on-station operations, as well as during spacecraft emergencies.      Ku-band telecommand

transmissions are received by the spacecraft through a near omni-directional antenna during both

transfer orbit and emergency operations.    When on-station, TC is conducted via the Ku-band

South America beam while TM is conducted via a global horn.

TT&C operations will be conducted from Argentine territory.              ARSAT does not seek

Commission authorization for TT&C transmissions. Contact details for the control stations are

provided below:

Nominal station
Av. Juan Domingo Peron 7934
Benavidez, Buenos Aires
Argentina B1621BGZ
+54 11 58112600

Backup station
Ruta Provincial E96 Km10
Departamento de Punilla, Bosque Alegre
Coordinates: -31.606319, -64.568644
Cordoba, Argentina 5187
+54 11 58112600



The transponder frequency responses specified over the various channel bandwidths are shown

in Tables 7-1 through 7-3. In addition, the frequency tolerances of §25.202(e) and the out-of-

band emission limits of §25.202(f)(1), (2) and (3) will be met.

Table 7-1.        72 MHz C-Band Transponder Frequency Response

                            Maximum Amplitude Variation relative to maximum
    Frequency Offset from
                                            gain (dBpp)                        Comments
        channel center
                                  Receive                   Transmit
CF +/‐ 20 MHz                       0.3                        0.39
CF +/‐ 28 MHz                       0.3                        0.51
                                                                                 In Band
CF +/‐ 32 MHz                       0.5                        0.57
CF +/‐ 36 MHz                       0.7                        0.63

    Frequency Offset from     IMUX Rejection (dB)        OMUX Rejection (dB)
        channel center
                                    Receive                   Transmit
CF +/‐ 44 MHz                        19.1                       19.6
CF +/‐ 45 MHz                        25.0                       21.1           Out of Band
CF +/‐ 80 MHz                        49.4                       33.3

Table 7-2.        88 MHz C-Band Transponder Frequency Response

                            Maximum Amplitude Variation relative to maximum
    Frequency Offset from
                                            gain (dBpp)                        Comments
        channel center
                                  Receive                   Transmit
CF +/‐ 24.4 MHz                     0.3                        0.42
CF +/‐ 34.2 MHz                     0.3                        0.55
                                                                                 In Band
CF +/‐ 39.1 MHz                     0.4                        0.62
CF +/‐ 44 MHz                       0.7                        0.69

    Frequency Offset from     IMUX Rejection (dB)        OMUX Rejection (dB)
        channel center
                                    Receive                   Transmit
CF +/‐ 54 MHz                        22.7                       20.0
CF +/‐ 55 MHz                        30.7                       23.1           Out of Band
CF +/‐ 90 MHz                        51.1                       33.1


Table 7-3.       72 MHz Ku-Band Transponder Frequency Response

                            Maximum Amplitude Variation relative to maximum
    Frequency Offset from
                                            gain (dBpp)                          Comments
        channel center
                                  Receive                   Transmit
CF +/‐ 24 MHz                       0.4                        0.45
CF +/‐ 28 MHz                       0.5                        0.48
                                                                                   In Band
CF +/‐ 32 MHz                       0.9                        0.51
CF +/‐ 36 MHz                       1.3                        0.64

    Frequency Offset from     IMUX Rejection (dB)        OMUX Rejection (dB)
        channel center
                                    Receive                   Transmit
CF +/‐ 44 MHz                        21.4                       22.6
CF +/‐ 45 MHz                        27.4                       19.5             Out of Band
CF +/‐ 80 MHz                        51.4                       28.7

9        INTERFERENCE AND PFD ANALYSES (§25.140(b)(2) & (§25.114(c)(8))

The interference and PFD analyses are contained in Annex 1 to this Attachment.

10       ORBITAL DEBRIS MITIGATION PLAN (§ 25.114(d)(5))

The Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan is contained in Annex 2 to this Attachment.


The satellite is designed for a lifetime of 15 years. The probability of the entire satellite

successfully operating to that date is estimated at 0.7 based upon a bus reliability of better than

0.78 and a payload reliability better than 0.9. These numbers are based on a detailed reliability

analysis performed by the spacecraft manufacturer of all critical components in the satellite bus

and payload.



The ARSAT-2 has been notified and recorded in the ITU’s Master Register as P-P-SAT-1.9

  ITU SNL Part B Query Result for P-P-SAT-1 (available at


                                           ANNEX 1

                              INTERFERENCE AND PFD ANALYSES

1.0      Interference Analyses (§§ 25.114(d)(7), 25.140(a))

There are 3 C-/Ku-band operational satellites within two degrees away from the 81° W orbital

location to be occupied by ARSAT-2.      As previously mentioned, AMC-2 currently operates at

the 80.85° W, but will be relocated in June 2016. Table 1-1 below summarizes the nearby

satellites. The purpose of this section is to demonstrate compatibility between the operations of

networks within two degrees.

Table 1.         Satellites within Two Degrees of ARSAT-2

Loc.    Status Name                   Operator              24 Ku-band transponders
83 W    active AMC 9                  SES S.A.              32 Ku-band transponders
82 W    active Nimiq 4                Telesat Canada Ltd.   24 Ku-band and 24 C-band transponders.
80.85                                                       26 Ku-band (2 beams) and 10 C-band (hemi
        active   AMC 2 (GE 2)         SES S.A.
W                                                           beam) equivalent transponders
        active   ARSAT 2              ARSAT
81 W    planned ARSAT 3               ARSAT                 24 active Ku-band transponders
79 W    active Sky-Mexico 1           DirecTV, Inc.         24 Ku-band transponders

Tables 2 through 3 provide a summary of the C-band and Ku-band transmission parameters,

respectively, derived from the ARSAT-2 link budgets that are embedded in the Schedule S form.

Table 4 provides a summary of the C-band and Ku-band transmission parameters (antenna

envelope, power densities, etc.) coordinated with adjacent satellites in the frame of generic



Table 2.        ARSAT-2 Typical C-Band Transmission Parameters

                Emission                Tx E/S Gain        Uplink EIRP    Downlink    Rx E/S Gain C/I Criterion
 Carrier ID                 Bandwidth
               Designator                  (dBi)             (dBW)       EIRP (dBW)      (dBi)         (dB)
      1        60K0G7W         0.06        45.3               9.08          7.7           38           18.5
      2        4M50G7W         4.5         45.3              27.83          26.8         38.0          19.2
      3        9M00G7W         9.0         45.3              30.83          29.8         38.0          19.2
      4        18M0G7W         18.0        45.3              33.83          32.8         38.0          19.2
      7        36M0G7W         36.0        45.3              36.83          35.8         38.0          19.2
      8        72M0G7W         72.0        51.4              39.84          41.9         38.0          21.9
      9        88M0G7W         88.0        51.4              40.74          41.9         40.0          21.9

Table 3.        ARSAT-2 Typical Ku-Band Transmission Parameters

                Emission                Tx E/S Gain        Uplink EIRP    Downlink    Rx E/S Gain C/I Criterion
 Carrier ID                 Bandwidth
               Designator                  (dBi)             (dBW)       EIRP (dBW)      (dBi)         (dB)
      1        60K0G7W         0.06        49.5              ‐2.22          18.1         41.3          18.5
      2        4M50G7W         4.5         49.5              16.48          36.8         41.3          19.2
      3        9M00G7W         9.0         49.5              19.48          39.8         41.3          19.2
      4        18M0G7W         18.0        49.5              22.48          42.8         41.3          19.2
      7        36M0G7W         36.0        49.5              25.48          45.8         41.3          20.9
      8        72M0G7W         72.0        56.9              27.17          51.9         41.3          23.2

Table 4.        Transmission Parameters agreed with adjacent slots for generic coordination

Ground station antenna envelope: 29 – 25 log

C band EIRP downlink density: -33 dBW/Hz

C band uplink power density (at antenna flange): -38.7 dBW/Hz

Ku band EIRP downlink density: -22.6 dBW/Hz

Ku band uplink power density (at antenna flange): -50 dBW/Hz

2.0       C-Band PFD Analyses (§ 25.114(d)(5))

ARSAT will operate the ARSAT-2 satellite such that all C-band downlink transmissions will

comply with the PFD limits of §25.208(a). The maximum C-band downlink EIRP density that


will be transmitted is -36.6 dBW/Hz. Table Z shows the maximum PFD levels that will occur at

various angles of arrival using a downlink EIRP density of -32 dBW/Hz and demonstrates

compliance with §25.208.

Table Z.       Maximum C-Band PFD Levels on ground of ARSAT-2

              Applicable PFD Limit for Spreading         Gain     Worst Case PFD Level at
  Angle of                                                                                PFD Margin
                 Angle of Arrival         Loss          Contour      Angle of Arrival
   Arrival                                                                                   (dB)
                (dBW/m2/4 KHz)         (dBW/m2)           (dB)      (dBW/m2/4 KHz)
     0°               ‐152.0             ‐163.4           ‐2.5            ‐159.9              7.9
     5°               ‐152.0             ‐163.3           ‐2.4            ‐159.8              7.8
    10°               ‐149.5             ‐163.2           ‐2.3            ‐159.5             10.0
    15°               ‐147.0             ‐163.0           ‐2.0            ‐159.1             12.1
    20°               ‐144.5             ‐162.9           ‐1.7            ‐158.7             14.2
    25°               ‐142.0             ‐162.8           ‐1.3            ‐158.2             16.2
 72° (Peak)           ‐142.0             ‐162.1           ‐0.2            ‐156.4             14.4


Document Created: 2016-03-04 16:35:01
Document Modified: 2016-03-04 16:35:01

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