FCC Annual Reporting

COMMENT submitted by HISPASAT, S.A.

HISPASAT annual reporting 2017


This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20140702-00082 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


June 29, 2017


Federal Communications Commission
445 Tewlfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Subject: annual reporting for space stations operators

In order to comply with the reporting requirements for space stations operators
established in Title 47, Chapter I, Subchapter B, Part 25, § 25.170 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, hereby we provide you with the following data:

   (a) Identification of any space station(s) not available for service or
       otherwise not performing to specifications as of May 31 of the current
       year, any spectrum within the scope of the part 25 license or market
       access grant that the space station is unable to use, the cause(s) of
       these difficulties, and the date when the space station was taken out
       of service or the malfunction was identified;

       The satellite Amazonas-1 has reached the end of its lifespan and is therefore
       no longer in operation. This satellite’s de-orbitation date is June 23, 2017.

       All of Hispasat’s space stations included in the permitted list are available for
       service and performing according to specifications in the specified period, with
       no limitations regarding the use of spectrum.

   (b) A current listing of the names, titles, addresses, email addresses, and
       telephone numbers of the points of contact for resolution of
       interference problems and for emergency response. Contact
       personnel should include those responsible for resolution of short
       term, immediate interference problems at the system control center,
       and those responsible for long term engineering and technical design

      We have a generic service 24/7/365 for resolutions of interference problems
      and emergency response. Contact data is:

      e-mail: pmc_operaciones@hispasat.es

      phone number: +34 91 870 01 60        ext. 2188 & ext. 2190

(c) Construction progress and anticipated launch dates for authorized
    replacement satellites.

   On April 6th, 2017 HISPASAT’s satellite HISPASAT 30W-6 was granted addition
   to the Permitted Space Station List to provide fixed-satellite services in the
   U.S. market. HISPASAT 30W-6 will replace HISPASAT 30W-4, which is
   currently operating at the nominal 30º L.W. orbital position. HISPASAT 30W-
   6 has completed critical design review and is under construction, with launch
   and place in operation scheduled for May 2018.

                                                     Cristina García de Miguel
                                  Orbit-Spectrum & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Document Created: 2017-06-29 11:30:41
Document Modified: 2017-06-29 11:30:41

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