Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20130430-00064 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           EXHIBIT B

                     HISPASAT, S.A. BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                             (APRIL 2013)

                             NAME                                            ADDRESS
Mrs. Elena Pisonero (President)                                  C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Carlos Espinós Gómez (Chief Executive Officer)               C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Francisco Reynés Massanet                                    C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Michel de Rosen                                              C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Michel Azibert                                               C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Andrea Luminari                                              C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. José Manuel García Sieiro (en representación del Instituto
Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Esteban Terradas)               C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Miguel Angel Panduro Panadero                                C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Manuel Valle Muñoz                                           C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Tobías Martínez Jimeno                                       C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)
Mr. Lluís Deulofeu Fuguet                                        C/ Gobelas 41, 28023 Madrid (Spain)

Document Created: 2013-04-30 19:30:09
Document Modified: 2013-04-30 19:30:09

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