Attachment Question 42 Response

This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20120823-00140 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Exhibit 3 of Form 312
Question 42a

                                       EXHIBIT 3
                      Information Required in 47 C.F.R. Section 25.137

Satélites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V. (“Satmex”), a Mexican corporation, respectfully files this
Petition for a Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 25.137 of the Commission’s Rules to add
its C-band and Ku-band satellite Satmex 8, at the 116.8°W orbital location, to the Permitted
Space Station List.

Section 25.137(a) – Competitive Analysis

Not required. Mexico, the licensing administration is a member of the World Trade
Organization (“WTO”). Additionally the United States and Mexico have a bilateral agreement
that covers additional services requested in this Petition. Satmex is not requesting authority to
provide any service that is not covered under the WTO Telecom Agreement or under United
States and Mexico bi-lateral agreements.

Section 25.137(b) – Legal and Technical Information

The required information is submitted in the Request for Declaratory Ruling, Form 312 and its
associated Exhibits and in the electronically submitted Schedule S.

Section 25.137(d) – Financial Requirements

The Satmex 8 satellite is a replacement satellite for Satmex 5, which is in-orbit and
operational at the 116.8 °W orbital location, and therefore no financial information is required.
As stated in the Request for Declaratory Ruling and supporting materials, the Satmex 8 satellite
is scheduled for launch in the fourth quarter 2012.

Document Created: 2012-07-25 17:06:01
Document Modified: 2012-07-25 17:06:01

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