Attachment Schedule S DOC 33

This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20120717-00117 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Link Parameters                                  Units     6M33G7W

Uplink frequency                                  GHz       14.38
Downlink frequency                                GHz       11.33
User data rate                                    kbit/s    8448
Modulation                                                  QPSK
Total coding rate                                           0.801
Carrier bandwidth                                 kHz       6330
Nominal E/S e.i.r.p. per carrier                  dBW        68.6
Earth station diameter                              m         4.5
Earth station gain                                 dBi       54.8
Uplink input power per carrier                    dBW        13.8
Uplink input power density                       dBW/Hz     -54.2
Atmospheric loss                                   dB         0.2
Free space path loss                               dB       207.3
G/T satellite (-3 dB contour)                     dB/K        2.4
C/N thermal uplink                                 dB        24.1
C/I XPOL, ACI, ASI                                 dB        20.3
C/(N+I) uplink                                     dB        18.8
Satellite e.i.r.p. per carrier (-3 dB contour)    dBW        31.2
Atmospheric loss                                   dB         0.1
Free space path loss                               dB       205.2
Earth station diameter                              m         4.5
Earth station gain                                 dBi       52.7
Noise temperature                                   K       130.0
Earth station G/T                                 dB/K       31.6
C/N thermal downlink                               dB        18.0
C/I XPOL, ACI, IM, ASI                             dB        13.1
C/(N+I) downlink                                   dB         9.6
C/(N+I) overall                                    dB        9.1
C/(N+I) required                                   dB        5.8
Margin                                             dB        3.3

Document Created: 2012-08-01 09:38:40
Document Modified: 2012-08-01 09:38:40

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