Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by Telesat



This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20060516-00061 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


    1776 K STREET NW
    WASHINGTON, OC 20006
    PHONE    202.719.7000
’   FAX      202.719.7049

    Virginia Office
                              July 10,2006                                                             R ECEIE!           9
    SUITE 6200                Marlene H. Dortch
    MrLEAN. VA 22102          Secretary
    PHONE    703.905.2800
                              Federal Communications Commis
    FAX      703.905.2820
                              445 12th Street, SW
                              Washington, DC 20554

                              Re:     Telesat Canada, Request for Confidential Treatment of Anik F3
                                      Construction Contract Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the
                                      Commission’s Rules

                                      EchoStsr Satellite L.L.C., Request for Bond Reduction
                                      File Nos. SES-LFS-20040831-01253, SES-L1C-20050621-00799

                                      Telesat Canada, Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Add Anik F3 to the
                                      Permitted List, File No. SAT-PPL-20060516-00061; Call Sign S2703

                              Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                     Telesat Canada (“Telesat”), by its attorneys, respectfully requests that,
                              pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. $5 0.457
                              & 0.459, the Commission withhold from public inspection and accord confidential
                              treatment to the attached contract dated March 30, 2004 between Telesat and EADS
                              Astiurn SAS (“Astrium”) for construction of the Anik F3 satellite, including the
                              appendices and attachments (“Contract”).

                                      On December 20,2005, the Commission granted EchoStar Satellite, L.L.C.
                              (“EchoStar”) a blanket authorization to provide Direct-to-Home Fixed Satellite
                              Service to earth stations in the United States using Anik F3, which is owned and
                              will be operated by Telesat pursuant to a Canadian license.’ On January 19,2006,
                              EchoStar submitted a $3 million bond and simultaneously requested that it be
                              permitted to reduce the amount of the bond from $3 million to $750,000 because it

                                       EchoSrar Suiellite, LLC; For Blanket Authorization To Operate 1,000,000 Receive-Only
                              Earth Stations To Prolide Dirrcr-ro-Home Fixed Satellite Sewice in the United States Using the
                              Canadian-Author*ized AhVK F3 Sarelli                          W.L. Orbital Location; For Authority
                              to Operate Two 9.0 Meter Anrennas in
                              Authorization, 20 FCC Rcd 20083 (20

---l-w7----1[--                                                                                                     1

Ms. Marlene Dortch
July 10,2006
Page 3

version being submitted for the FCC’s review still contains commercially sensitive
infonnation that f d l s within Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act
(“FOIA”). See 5 U.S.C. 5 552(b)(4); 47 C.F.R. 4 0.457(d).

        Exemption 4 pennits parties to withhold from public information “trade
secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and
privileged or confidential-categories of materials not routinely available for public
inspection.” Id. Applying Exemption 4, the courts have stated that commercial or
financial information is confidential if its disclosure will either (1) impair the
go\~enin~ent’s   ability to obtain necessary information in the future; or (2) cause
substantial hann to the coinpetitive position of the person from whom the
information \%.asobtained. See ,Vational Parks and Conservation Ass ’n v. Morton,
498 F.2d 7 6 5 , 770 (D.C. Cir. 1974) (footnote omitted); see also Critical Muss
Enei-gy Project 1’. A’RC, 975 F.2d 871, 879-80 (D.C. Cir. 1992), cert denied, 507
U.S. 984 (1993).

        Section @.457(d)(2)allo\vs persons submitting materials that they wish be
withheld from public inspection in accordance with Section 552(b)(4) to file a
request for non-disclosure, pursuant to Section 0.459. In accordance with the
requirements contained in Section 0.459(b) for such requests, Telesat hereby
submits the following:

(1 )    Ideiirijicnrioii of Speci$c li.lfai-iizationfor M/hich Confidential Treatment is
Sozighr (Seclion 0.4.59jhj(I)). Telesat seeks confidential treatment for the enclosed
binding non-contingent agreement between Telesat and Astnum for construction of
the Anik F3 satellite. The agi-eement contains commercially sensitive information
that falls \?Tithin Exemption 4 of FOIA, and such information is inextricably
intertwined with other provisions of the Contract. See Mead Data Cent. v. United
Siates Dep’t ofihe Air Force, 566 F.2d 242, 260 (D.C. Cir. 1977).

(2)   Desci-iption of Circumstances Giving Rise to Submission (Section
0.459@)(2)); Telesat submits this Contract to demonstrate compliance with the first

(Continued. . .)
with the licensee’s milestones; and (4) require the licensee to make significant initial payments and
the majority of payments well before the end of the construction period. See Letter from Robert G.
Nelson, Chief, Satellite Di\%ion, Inlernational Bureau, to Bettina Eckerle, General Counsel,
DigitalGlobe, lnc.: Re: DigitalGlobe, Inc, Request for Public Notice of Milestone Completion; File
No. SAT-MOD-20040728-00151; Call Sign: S2129, DA 06-862 (rel. Apr. 14,2006).

Ms. Marlene Dortch
July 10,2006
Page 4

milestone for construction of Anik F3, in support of Echostar’s request for
reduction of the bond associated with its blanket earth station authorizations and in
support of Telesat’s request for bond reduction or waiver.

(3)     E.xplaiiarioi7 oJrke Degree to Which the Information is Commercial or
Finaiicial, or Coiiraiiis a Ti-ode Secret or Is Privileged (Section 0.459@)(3)): The
Contract contains sensitiw commercial and financial information that competitors
could use to Teleaat’s disad\mtage. The courts have given the terms “commercial”
and “ f i n a i ~ i a l , ”as used in Section 552(b)(4), their ordinary meanings. See Board of
Trade 1’. Coiiinioditj~Futul-esTrading Comm ’n, 627 F.2d 392,403 & n.78 (D.C. Cir.
1980). The Coinmission has broadly defined commercial information, stating that
“’[c]ommercial’ is broader than infonnation regarding basic commercial operations,
such as sales and pi ofits; it includes information about work performed for the
purpose of conducting a bu~iness’scommercial operations.” Soidt1iel-n Company
Reqiresr foi- 14’0iwi. OjSec 11017 50.629 of the Commission ’s Rules, h4emorandum
Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Rcd 1851, 1860 (1998) (citing Public Citizen Health
Reseayclz GI-oznp FDA, 704 F.2d 1280, 1290 (D.C. Cir. 1983)).

Cenain categories of confidential commercial and financial information appear
tluoughout the Contract3including without limitation: descriptions of technical
work pi o g ~ ams; spacrci afi performance specifications; business planning
infonnation; financial tenns and conditions; and pricing and financial
nonperfonnance penalties. all of which were negotiated between Telesat and
Astrium. The Contiact prolides for the custom design of Anik F3, a state-of-the-art
satellite. The Contract pi o\ ides insight into the process for developing this modem
satellite, its design: and the piocess of managing construction and placement into
service. This information is inextricably intertwined with the other provisions of
the Contract. Thus, the Contract in its entirety should be treated as confidential. A
decision not to treat this infonnation as confidential could affect the Commission’s
ability to obtain necessary infonnation in the future, and disclosure likely would
cause substantial hann to the competitive positions of Telesat and Astrium.

(4) Explanazioii ofthe Degree 10 7J.7iich the Information Concerns a Service that
is Subjecr I O Comperirion (Secrion 0.459@)(4)): Substantial competition exists in
the telecoininunications satellile industry. Other players in the geo-stationary
satellite senlices market include Intelsat, SES Americom, Eutelsat, and Satmex,
ainong others. ‘The Contract concerns the design, development, and construction of
the Anjk F3 satellite, ivhich will compete with satellite services offered by these

Ms. Marlene Dortch
July 10,2006
Page 5

other companies, as well as ~ v i t hthe services of terrestrial providers. The presence
of these in an^ co~npetitorsmakes imperative the confidential treatment of sensitive
commercial information.

(5)        E~plaiiarioiio f H o ~Disclosure
                                   *        of the Information Could Result in
Substaiitial Coiwyeririiz Harm (Secrion 0.459@)(5)): Release of the Contract could
lia\’e a significant impact on Telesat’s commercial operations. If competitors had
access to the infom~ationfor \vliich Telesat seeks confidential treatment, it could be
used as the basis for negotiating their own satellite construction contracts to meet
tl-ieii 0 ~ 7 milestones,
              1            to de\felop a competing satellite network, and/or to develop
competing senvice offerings, whetlier satellite or terrestrial. If Telesat’s competitors
obthined access to this information, they would unfairly benefit from the time and
I esources that Telesat expended in negotiating the Contract and meeting the
construction and CDR inilestones for Anik F3, and could use this information to
negotiale more fa\ orable tenns in their own construction contracts. This could
allow conipetitors to better compete against Telesat and could negatively affect
Telesat’: hture negotiations with potential and existing business
partiiers/custoii?e~-s.Thus: it is “virtually axiomatic” that the information qualifies
for ~ ~ ~ i h h o l dunder
                     i n g Exemption 4 of FOIA, see h‘ational P a r h and Consenlation
Ass ’n v. Kleppie, 547 F.2d 673, 684 (D.C. Cir., 1976), and under Sections
0.457(d)(2) and 0.459(b).

(6)      ldintificarioii of Aiq’ Measures Taken to Prevent Unauthorized Disclosure
(Siecrioii 0.45b(?j/(6)): Telesat has gone to great lengths to ensure that this Contract
1s 1101 disclosed to third putties or otherwise disclosed to unauthorized parties. The
Contract contains proi~isionsrequiring both parties to maintain confidentiality of
proprietary infor~nation,which includes the terms of the Contract. The Contract
includes detailed procedures for use of proprietary information by representatives of
both Telesat and Astnum, and requires written consent for the release of any
proprietary information.

(7)      Jdenti3cation of T$lietlier the Inforination is Available to the Public and the
Exrelit of Ai7y Previous Disclosure of the hiformation to Third Parties (Section
0.459@)(7)): Telesat has not made this Contract available to the public and has not
disclosed this Contract to any third parties.

(8)    Jusrifi~arionoJPei-iod During 11liich the Submitting Party Asserts that the
A4ulerial Should A’or be Aiwiluble for Public Disclosure (Section 0.459@)(8)):

has. Marlene Dortch
July 10,2006
Page 6

Telesat I espectfull~I cquects that the Commission withhold this Contract from
public ~iispect~on     fni tlie expected life of the satellite (ie.,at least 15 years from
t m e of launcli). On I-dance. the need to protect Telesat fi-om competitive harm as a
result of d i s c l o m e of this Contract outweighs any benefit of public disclosure
14 Iiich, I n the 01 diiiary course of business, would not otherwise occur.

                           , ~ tlie foregoing reasons, Telesat respecthlly requests that the
         Accoi d j x g l ~for
infobmiation cnnlaiiicd in its Contract with Astrium for construction of the Anik F3
sateIlite be kept confidential and be withheld from public inspection in its entirety.

        Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenkfer D. Hindin

Document Created: 2006-07-11 11:29:57
Document Modified: 2006-07-11 11:29:57

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