Attachment submission


SUBMISSION FOR THE RECORD submitted by Telesat



This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20060516-00061 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                    June 1, 2006                       4un  0  5 2005                          pai"~»
                                                                                               Jennifer   D. Hind

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1i on                   Marlene H. Dortch                             JuN — 1 2006
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surt ass                Federal Communications Commmission.reseal communicatns Connissen
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                     Re:=—     Petition for a Declaratory Ruling Adding Anik F3 at 118.7° W.L. to the
                               Permitted List, SAT—PPL—20060516—00061, Call Sign $2703
                     Dear Ms. Dortch:

                     Telesat Canada (‘Telesat®), by its attomeys, files this letter pursuant to Section 1.65
                  |. of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC)° to provide
                    additional information relevant to the above—captioned petition for declaratory
                    ruling adding the C— and Ku—band payloads ofAnik F3, a satellite to be located at
                    118.7° W.L., to the FCC‘s Permitted Space Station Lis(the "Permitted List"). This
                    letter provides supplemental information regarding orbital debris mitigation as
                    required by Section 25. 14(0).
                    As requested by the International Bureau, Telesat confirms that the orbital debris
                    information submitted by EchoStar Satellite LLC (‘EchoStar®) in its application for
                    blanket authorization to operate one million receive—only earth stations in the Ku—
                    band to receive Direct—to—Home ("DTH®) Fixed Satellite Services ("FSS") from the
                    Anik F3 satellte" is accurate and should be incorporated by reference into Telesat‘s
                    petiion. Specifically, Telesat verifies that upon mission completion, AniF3 will
                    ‘be maneuvered to a disposal orbit with a minimum perigee ofabout 280 km above
                    the normal GSO operational orbit, based on the IADC formula:
                            —      Areieto—mass ratio (°A/M") =0.0437 m‘kg
                            —      Solar Pressure Radiation Coefficient (worstcase) (C4) = 1

                    ©         ar ceR yies
                    *         See EchoStarSatelte,LLC Applicaionfor Authorization o Operate1.000.000 Receive—
                   OnlyEarth Stations t Provide DirecoHomePisedSatlite Service in the UnitedSttes Using the
                                       ANMK F3 Srelte atthe 118.7° WL OrbialLocaion, ie Nos. SES—LFS—
                                        —AMD20081 11s—01590, ssL1C 2005062100700 Ss—AwD200511 18—
                   01601, Order and Authorzation, 20 FCC Red 20,083 (Inrl Bur.2005) ("Bohoter Order®)

June 1, 2006

Therefore, the Minimum Disposal Orbit Perigee Altitude will be equal to
               36,021 km + 1000 x Cex AM
               36,021 km + 1000 x 1 x 0.0837 m‘kg
               36,064.7 km
               278.7 km above GSO
Additionally, the amount offuel reserved for disposal will be 10.6 ke, as noted by
EchoStar in its application.
Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned with any questions.
Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer D. Hindin
Counselfor Telesat Canada
ce: Andrea Kelly

Document Created: 2006-06-13 18:26:13
Document Modified: 2006-06-13 18:26:13

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