Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by MSV



This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20050926-00184 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


       MSV                                          DUPLICATE
Mobile Satelite Ventures uo

                                              December 1, 2005
      Via Hand Delivery and Electronic Filing
      Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                             DEC ~ 2. 2005
      Federal Communications Commission                                     e
      445 12th Street, S.W.                                                     en ooooreeneGonnisen
      Washington, D.C. 20554

              Re:    File No. SAT—PPL—20050926—00184
                     1B Docket No. 05—220
                     1B Docket No. 05—221

      Dear Ms. Dortch:

              Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (*MSV") hereby responds to Inmarsat‘s most
      recent letter in the above—referenced docket claiming that the L band is not suitable for
      broadband services." As MSV has demonstrated previously, and Inmarsat again fails to rebut,
      Inmarsat‘s true motivation for criticizing the utlity ofthe L band seems to be based on the
      realization that its new L band stelliteslack the power to provide acceptable service to small
      handheld user equipment. This issue prevents Inmarsat from developing and deploying a
      commercially viable hybrid satellt/terrestril network. Inmarsat‘s November 16th letter never
      even claims, let alone demonstrates, that it will be able to provide such "transparency class"
      service to handheld terminals. Inmarsat‘s etter also fails to explain why its selfstyled
      "application" for a 2 GHz system shows satellites with five times the power of ts new L band
      satelltes, eaving unchallenged MSV‘s assertion that this is further evidence that Inmarsat
      recognizes tsL band satelltes are essentially useless for hybrid service.
             Inmarsat also fails to respond to MSV‘s showing that Inmarsat‘s L band operations are
      spectrum inefficient and that Inmarsatistrying to rely on this spectrum inefficiency as an exeuse
      to forestall competition in the L band. While Inmarsat claims that the new satellites are an order
      ofmagnitude more spectrum efficient that ts previous spacecraf, this ignores the gap that
      remains between Inmarsat‘s new satellites and state of the art satellites such as MSV—1..Inmarsat
      also omits thatit has no plans toretire its old spacecraft or to aggressively reduce the inefficient
      global beam traffic that dominates its spectrum requirements. Moreover, Inmarsat makes the
      misleading claim that its new satellie is spectrum efficient because it has the capacity to operate
      with 200 narrow spot beams (nmarsat Nov. 16 Letter at 8); in fact, the new satellite puts only 12

      ‘ See Letter from John Janka, Counsel for Inmarsat, to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No.
      SAT—PPL—20050926—00184, IB Docket No. 05—220, IB Docket No. 05—221 (November 16, 2005)
      (‘Imarsat Nov. 16 Leter®\.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Deceber 1, 200
spot beams over the United States and constal waters, at a look angle that i lkely tosignificantly
reduce their ability tdeliver maximum power to these areas. See Exhibit 1In contrast,
MSV‘s new, much higher—power satelites each will have roughly 280 spot beams over the
United States and coastal waters,at a look angle that will pernit delivery ofmaximum power.
See Exhibit2." As a result, forthe same amount of spectrum and providing the same services,
MSV using its next—peneration satelltes will be sble to deliver atleast 20—30 times more satellte
capscityto United States customers then Inmarsat using its new satellite
        Finally, famersat blames MSV for unresolved intemational coordination issues in the L
band (Imarsat Nov. 16 Letter 19). Inmassat‘s argumentignores the many efforts MSV has
initlated over recent years and months to negotiate a new coordination agreement with Inmarsat,
even in the face ofInnorsat‘s fallure to sbide by earlier agreements by refusing to eturm
spectrum that MSV loaned to t on temporary basis, The record ofthose negotiations speaks
for ielfand demonstratesthat MSV, not Inmersat, has taken good fith steps to reach a
coordination agreement that optimizes the use of the L band to offer advanced wireless
cormunications services.

                                     Very trily yours,

                                      Randy S. S
                                      Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary
                                      MopiLe SATELLITE vENTUREs SUBSIDIARY LLC
                                      10802 Parkeidge Boulevard
                                      Reston, Virginia 20191

* Exhibit 1 is excerpted from a recent application to use Inmrsat 4F2 to provide BGAN service
in t United States, See Stzatos Communications, Inc., Application for Title 1II Blanket
License, File No. SES—LFS—20050826—01175 (August 26, 2005), Attachment A at 6 (Figure A.3—
* Exhibit 2 is an illustrtive depiction ofthe spot bear coverage area ofMSV‘s next—generation
sutelites. While this Exhibit does not demonstrate actual beam deformation, it is an sceurate
representation ofthe number of beams each next—generation setelite will have over the service
area ofthe United States.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
December 1, 2005
Page 3

ce       Chairman Kevin J. Martin
         Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy
         Commissioner Michael J. Copps
         Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein
         Fred Campbell
         Emily Willeford
         John Branscome
         John Giust
         Barry Ohlson
         Donald Abelson
         Gardner Foster
         Anna Gomez
         Karl Kensinger
         Roderick Porter
         Steve Spacth
         Cassandra Thomes

Exhibit 1

      Figure A3—1 — BGAN L—band service link spot beams covering U.S.territry

In addition to the service link beams, the BGAN User Terminals will also receive signaling
communications in the L—Band via the global beam or the regional beams for the purpose of
registering and unregistering communieation sessions over the service link spot beams, ‘The
regional beams covering the U.S. teritories in the satelte‘s coverage area are depicted in
Figure A3—2 below. The regional beam locations are nominally identical for both the uplink
and downlink directions.

Exhibit 2

Proposed Next—Generation L Band Coverage


Document Created: 2005-12-12 17:37:25
Document Modified: 2005-12-12 17:37:25

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