Attachment corrected grant

corrected grant

DECISION submitted by FCC,IB

corrected grant


This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20050708-00144 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                           GraNTeED      Prom 200 Bs                Te 56e Co iss
Date & Time Filed: Jut 82005 635.57.:566PM                   SooalBereas Arpone:        _
File Numbe: SAT—PML—20050708—00144                                                                                e4 Sclellk
CalsignStelite TD: S2678                                                   Als s £Abla)                         4;
                                                                                                                Emssy % Kap
                   AppLiCArioN For saTELLTsrACE stamion aUrnoRzamions                               FCC Use ony          4       SA
                              ce 312 MAIN FORM FoR OFRICIAL USE ONEY

Hnte a description ofthis application to identify it on the main menu:
Petiton for Declaratory Ruling to Add the Star One C2 Stelliteat70 the Permitted Space Station List
  1—8. Legal Name ofApplicant
          Name:    StarOne SA.                            Phone Number                  ssarzizior2e
          DBA Name                                        Fax Number:                   ssazizioor
          Street   Praiade Borafogo 228, 30. and          E—Mail                        Inrates@@staron.combr
                   Iio de Janeiro
          Cl                                              Sure:
          Comty:    Bmil                                  Zipeote:                          —
           Aftention    MrLuiz Prates

                 soare      sarom.auosmee.oonee         isssosonise
                 StarOne SA
                 star one ca

                     Conditions of Permitted Space Station List Grant
                                    September 9, 2005

Pursuant to Sections 303(1), 308, 309, and 310 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 303(), 308, 309, 310, and Sections 0.261 and 25.137() othe
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.261, 25.137(c), the Petition for Declaratory Ruling
filed by Star One SA (File No. SAT—PPL—20050708—00144) to add the hybrid C and Ku—
band Star One C2 satellte (Call Sign $2678) located at the 70.0° W.L. orbital location,
which is liensed by Brazil,to the Commission‘s Permitted Space Station List is
GRANTED. Accordingly, each U.S.—licensed earth station with "ALSAT® designated as
a point of communication,1 GRANTED authority to provide Fixed Satellite Services
(FSS)in the 14.000—14.500 GHz (Earth—to—space},11.700—12.200 GHz (space—to—Barth),
5025—6425 MHz (arth—to—space) and 3700—4200 MHz (space—to—Earth) frequency bands,
to, from, or within the United States, by accessing the Star One C2 satellite (Call Sign
$2678)at the 70.0° W.L. orbital location, in accordance with the technical specifications
set forth in itspetition for declaratory ruling, this Attachment, and the Commission‘s
Rules and subject tothe following conditions:
a) Star One C2 is not authorized to provide any Direct—to—Home (DTH) service, Direct
Broadeast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS)to, from, or
within the United States;
b) Communications between ALSAT—designated routine earth stations and the Star One
C2 satelite shall be in compliance with the satellte coordination agreements reached
between Brazil and other administrations;

) Star One‘s request for waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3) ofthe Commission‘srulesis
GRANTED as conditioned. Section 25.210 requires thatall space stations in the FSS
used for domestic service in the C—band shall be capable of switching polarity upon
ground command. This provision is required for two reasons: to permit U.S.—licensed
satelites the fexibility to be assigned to different U.S. orbital positions and to mitigate
potential iterference between adjacent FSS systems transmitting analog TV signals. The
transmission polarization of the C—band payload of the Star One C2 satellite cannot be
reversed from the ground. Star One indicates that it has not completed interational
coordination ofthe Star One C2 with the operators ofthe adjacent satelltes serving the
U.S. market. Thus, as a condition ofthis waiver, Star One is prohibited from transmitting
or receiving analog TV signals to, from or within the United States until such time as it
has completed coordination. Further, Star One must accommodate future satellite
networks serving the United States that are two—degree compliant. Grant ofthis waiver
request is consistent with our precedent;‘ and

! See Mabuhay Phiippines Satelite Corp. Petiton for Declaratory Ruling, Application of Lorl CyberSta,
Inc.for Authority to Operate Two TransmitReceive Earth Sttion t Kapole, Hawai for Use in
Conjunctionwith the Mabstay Satelite Locatd at 146 EL., Order and duthoriation, 13 FCC Red

d) Star One‘s request for wavier of Section 25.210() of the Commission‘s rules 1S
GRANTED as conditioned. Section 25.210() directs, "Space station antennas in the
Fixed—Satellite Service must be designed to provide a cross—polarization isolation such
that the ratio of the on axis co—polar gain to the crosspolar gain of the antenna in the
assigned frequency band shall be atleast 30 dB within its primary coverage area." Star
One indicates although the cross—polarization isolation of the Star One C2 satellite‘s
antennas will comply with 30 dB minimum isoletion over $0% the coverage area, the
isolation of the C—Band BSC anterna may be as low as 27 dB and the Ku—Band MK
antenna may be as low as 28 dB in the remaining 20% of the coverage area (typically at
edge of coverage). The shortfll will not produce a significant increase in interference,
except to Star One C2. Further, Star One must accommodate future satellte networks
serving the United States thatare two—degree compliant. Grant of this waiver requestis
consistent with ou precedent."

€) Star One also seeks waiver of the sections 25.211(@) and (b). Section 25.211(@)
requires C—band analog video transmissions to occur at specific center frequencies and
Section 25.211(b) requires carrier frequencies for Ku—band TV/FM transmissions to be
identified for eoordination with adjacent U.S. satellte systems and affected satellite
systems of other administrations. Star One states that it has not completed coordination
with all potentiallyaffected U.S.satellte operators and thus it s not certain what center
frequencies may be used for C—band and Ku—band FM/TV transmissions. Star One has
agreed to provide such information after completion ofthe coordination with potentially
affected U.S. satellite operators and request any necessary waivers at thattime. Under
these circumstances, we find that Star One‘s failure to identify the center frequencies to
\be used for C—band and Ku—band FM/TV transmissions does not preclude grant of the
petitionfor declaratory ruling in this instance as we have already precluded this type of
transmission. Specifically, as noted above as a condition of inclusion on the Permitted
List, U.S. licensed earth stations are prohibited from transmitting or receiving FMTV
transmissions from television signals from the satellte. In addition to the points
discussed above, his condition will only be lifted upon the filing of a modification
request that demonstrates compliance with the Commission‘srules, including section
25.21 1(a)and (b).
1 Unless extended by the Commission for good cause shown, Star One C2 shall
be removed from the Permitted Space Station List in the event the space station is
not constructed, launched, and successfully placed into operation in accordance
with the technical parameters in its Petition for Declaratory Ruling and the terms
and conditions of this grant, by the following dates:

23671, 23676 pre. 13 (2000)(eranting a watver ofsetion25 210(@(G) and imposing th same condition
imposed herx)
? Star One S.A ; Pettion for Declaatry Rulingto Add The Str One C1 Satelite at65° WL. to the
Permited Space Station List, Order, 19 FCC Red 16334 (Sat. Di. 2004)(Rndingthat the impact n
neighboringsatelite systems oa 3—5 dB difference from the required eross polaiztion isolition rao
would benegligibl)

         1.   Exeeute a contract for construction: September 9, 2006;
         2.   Complete Critical Design Review: September 9, 200.
         3.   Commence Physical Construction: September 9, 200
         4.   Launch: September9, 2010 and

Star One S. A. must file a bond with the Commission in the amount of $3
million, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Public Notice, DA 03— 2602, 18
FCC Red 16283 (2003), no later than October 9, 2005.

«) This action is taken pursant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon adoption. Petitions for reconsideration
under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.1 15 ofthe Commission‘s
rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date ofthe public
notice indicating that this action was taken.

 5 16. Name ofConact Representaive
           Name           Alfed Mamt                        Phone Number:                     an—420—3000
           Company:       Steptoe & JohnsonLLP              Fax Number:                       an—420—3002
           Street         1330 Comectiut Avene, NJW.        E—Moil                  

           Ciy:           Washington                        Stie:                              nc
           Comyy:          USA                              Zipcode:                          amse —ir9s
           Artention:                                       Relationstip:                     Legal Counsel

 17. Choose th buttomnext tothe               i
llassifiation that apples to thistlingfor   ¢ 51. Application for License ofNew Station
both questins . and b. Choose only one      (NW/A) b2. Application forRegistration of New DomestiReceive—Only Staon
for 179 and only one for171                 (N/A) b3. Amendimentto a Pending Applicaion
                                            (WA) b4. ModifictionofLicnseor Registation
  a.                                        (WA) b5. Assignment oLicense or Repistation
(VA) at. arth Sation                        (WA) b6. Transfeof Contral ofLicensc or Registrtion
  @ 2. Space Sution                         (NA) b7. Noifcation of MinorModifecation
                                            (NA) b& Application forLicens of New Receive—Only Siion Using Non—US. Licensed Satelite
                                            &5 59. LeterofIntent to Use Non—US. icensed Satefitto Provide Scrvice in the Unted S tes
                                            & 10. Replacement SteliteApplication—no new ffequency bands
                                            ¢ b11 Replacement Satelte Applcation — new frequency bands (Notcliibl fr streamtined
                                             @ b12. Pottionfor Declaatory Rulingto be Added to the Permited Lit
                                            (NA)b13. Other (Please specity)

Document Created: 2005-09-13 12:12:10
Document Modified: 2005-09-13 12:12:10

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