Attachment july 17 2006

july 17 2006

NOTICE submitted by Intelsat

july 17 2006


This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20050427-00092 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                          WilevRein &Fielding LLP               RECEIVED
                                                                   .JUL 1 7 2006
                                                           Federal Commun                                       Jennifer D. Hindin
1776 K STREET NW          July 17,2006                              Office o                                    202.719.4975
                                                                              J”F 2006
                                                                               k:.-,i      [tc   8$?,>f;

Virginia Office           Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                 lp-     1 -, .-
                                                                         ‘ & L a       :
7925 JONES BRANCH DRIVE   Federal Communications Commission                                      &-<.,L

SUITE 6200                445 12th Street, SW
McLEAN, VA 22102
PHONE    703.905.2800
                          Washington, DC 20554
FAX      703.905.2820
                          Re:    Intelsat North America LLC, Notification of Pro Forma Transfer of
                                 Control for Various Pending Applications, File Nos. SAT-MOD-
                                 20060407-00039, SAT-RPL-2004 1015-0020 1, SAT-AMD-2005062 1-
                                 0013 1, SAT-AMD-2005 11 18-00237, SAT-AMD-20060407-00040, SAT-
                                 AMD-200604 13-00045, SAT-LOA-200502 10-0003 1, SAT-AMD-
                                 2005 1 118-00238, SAT-LOA-20050210-00030, SAT-AMD-2005 1118-
                                 00239, SAT-LOA-200502 10-00029, SAT-AMD-2005 1118-00240, SAT-
                                 LOA-200502 10-00028, SAT-AMD-2005 1118-0024 1, SES-AMD-
                                 2005 1116-01587, SES-MOD-20050615-0075 1, SES-MOD-2005 1209-
                                 0 1729, and SES-MOD-2005 1209-01769

                                 Intelsat LLC, Notification of Pro Forma Transfer of Control for Pending
                                 Application, File No. SES-MOD-2005 1209-0 1730

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          Intelsat North America LLC and Intelsat LLC (collectively, “Intelsat”), by their
                          attorneys, file this letter pursuant to Section 1.65 of the rules of the Federal
                          Communications Commission (“Commission” or “FCC”)’ to notify the
                          Commission of the proforma transfer of control of the applicant in each of the FCC
                          applications listed in Attachment 1 to Intelsat Intermediate Holding Company, Ltd.
                          effective July 3, 2006.2 Intelsat respectfully requests that this notification be
                          included in the file for each of the FCC applications. The Commission has
                          previously held, in its First Space Station Reform Order, that ownership changes

                                 47 C.F.R. 6 1.65.
                                  The Commission previously approved the pro forma transfer of control to
                          Intelsat Intermediate Holding Company, Ltd. of related earth station, space station,
                          wireless and experimental licenses held by Intelsat North America LLC and Intelsat
                          LLC. See, e.g., File Nos. SES-T/C-20060327-005 19, SAT-T/C-20060324-00027,
                          0005-EX-TU-2006 and 000252 1597.

Wdey Rein &Fielding LLP

Marlene H. Dortch
July 17,2006
Page 2

arising from transfers of control would be classified as minor amendments3
Accordingly, the instant amendment is minor, and the referenced applications need
not go back on public notice as a result of this amendment.

Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned with any questions.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenni er D. Hindin

       Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and
Policies, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18
FCC Rcd 10760, 10814 (2003).

    Wdey Rein & Fielchg LLP

    Marlene H. Dortch
    July 17,2006
    Page 3

                                        Attachment 1

/I I#
                                                                                 CALL SIGN

1   1

         Intelsat North America LLC

         Intelsat North America LLC
                                             SAT-RPL-2004 1015-00201
                                             SAT-AMD-2005062 1-0013 1
                                             SAT-AMD-2005 1118-00237
                                             SAT-AMD-200604 13-00045

l 1 3    Intelsat North America LLC          SAT-LOA-200502 10-0003 1
                                             SAT-AMD-2005 11 18-00238
                                                                                 IA- 1O/S2662

I I 4 I Intelsat North America LLC
    5    Intelsat North America LLC
                                             SAT-AMD-2005 1118-00240
                                             SAT-LOA-20050210-00028          1   IA-l4/S2659    I
                                             SAT-AMD-2005 1 118-0024 1
                                             SES-AMD-2005 1116-01587              E040 125
                                             SES-MOD-20050615-0075 1
                                                                                  E0203 14
                                             SES-MOD-2005 1209-0 1729
                                                                                  E99055 1
                                             SES-MOD-2005 1209-0 1730
II 1 1
     1 Intelsat North America LLC4           SES-MOD-2005 1209-0 1769

      Intelsat notes that the pending modification application for earth station with call
    sign KA262 was inadvertently filed in the name of Intelsat LLC. Pursuant to
    Commission approval, this earth station was pro forma assigned from Intelsat LLC
    to Intelsat North America LLC. Satellite Communications Services Actions Taken,
    Report No. SES-00176, File No. SES-ASG-20050502-000562 (dated May 25,
    2005) (Public Notice). Intelsat will shortly file an amendment to the pending
    modification application for earth station with call sign KA262 to specify that the
    correct applicant should be Intelsat North America LLC.

Document Created: 2006-07-25 16:27:11
Document Modified: 2006-07-25 16:27:11

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