Attachment Launch


LETTER submitted by Hispamar

successful launch


This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20040402-00073 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        1120 l g T HSTREET, N.W.
                                              SUITE 333
Int'l Bureau                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036

                                                                                                               (202) 467-6400
                                                                                                           Fax (202) 296-6892

  Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
  Federal Communications Commission                                        .4UG 1 2 2004
  Office of the Secretary
  c/o Vistronix, Inc.                                              Federal Communi-        mmhb
  236 Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Suite 1 10                                  Office of Secretay
  Washington, DC 20002

  Re:     Successful Launch 01 AMAZONAS- 1

  HIS PAMAR SAI'ELLITES. S.A. SAT-PPL-20040402-00073 (Call Sign S2622),
  on i 5 June 3004 was granred its Petition for Declaratory Ruling to have its satellite
  system, AMAZONAS- 1 added to the Commission's Permitted List. The grant includes
  several conditions of Permitted List Action including condition 2 which indicates that the
  referenced space station must be successfully placed into operation in accordance with
  the technical parameters in its Petition.

  The purpose of this communication is to advise that the AMAZONAS-1 spacecraft on 5
  August 2004 was successfully launched by a Proton rocket from Baikonur. It is now
  stationed at its ITU-R notified orbit position of 61 W.

  The Braiilian government is preparing the necessary documentation to advise the ITI 1
  Bureau of Radiocommunications that the frequencies associated with this spacecraft have
  been brought into use.

  'I'he third condition of k i n g added ,:t the Permitted List was the requirement to "file a
  bond with tlie Cornmission i n ?he amount 0!'$1.25 million. pursuant to the procedures set
  forth in Public Nctice 18 FCC Kcd 16283 (2(ic)3)within 30 days ofthe date of this
  actioii." This m m accomyiishcd 11Juiy 200.1 (Ref. K3.x"407 141.137 i9?0).

  Finally. with the succescf'ul launch of the A M A Z O N A S 1 we re::pt?ctfiilly request that
  you ad\,ise as to any further necessity for the bond mentioned abovc, i.e. can
  liISPAh4AR iiow be released from this Bond?

  Sincerely ,

  Jansky/Bartnat Telecommunications, Inc
  Representatives of HISPAMAR

Document Created: 2004-09-15 11:37:22
Document Modified: 2004-09-15 11:37:22

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