Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SAT-PPL-20040402-00073 for Permitted List on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



SATELLITE                                           AMAZONAS          Rain                Rain
                                                     Clear Sky         up                 down

Transponder bandwidth(MHz)                              36
carrier type                                          outbound
Modulation                                             qpsk
Information rate (Kb/s)                                 11        OVERHEAD                 1
FEC                                                     1/2      Reed Solomon         1
bandwidth occupied (KHz)                               13.20
BER                                                   1.00E-07
Eb/No (dB)                                              6.1       Nº portadoras
LINEALIZADOR (0=NO, 1=SI)                                1            BW                  POT
Nº of carriers                                        2337.00       2337.66           3333.71
IBO total (dB)                                          3.00
OBO total (dB)                                         2.321
C/I intermodulation                                    18.063
Occupation factor                                       1.32
availability (% )                                      99.50
satellite longitude                                     -61

E/T Tx Name                                          new York
E/T Tx (degrees E) Longitude                           -74.00
E/T Tx (degrees N) latitude                            40.75
E/T Tx (m) Altitude                                    100.00
Uplink Frecuency (GHz)                                 14.00
EIRP E/T Tx.(dBW)                                      39.80

E/T Tx example
HPA (W)                                     20.00
HPA-antena (dB) loss                        0.20    ES off axis psd (dBW/Hz)
Ant. gain (dB)                              49.20      -50.61
Ant. Diameter (m)                           2.40

Polarization discrim (dB)                              30.00
Accuracy polarization(º)                                0.10
% unavailability                                                    0.08000
Rain atten.                                                           4.03
Atmosp. Atten. loss (dB)                                0.20
aiming error loss (dB)                                  0.30
sky loss (dB)                                          206.90
D.F.P. (dBW/m2)                                       -126.23       -130.26
saturation the BEAM CENTER (dBW/m2)-88.00
Back-off Input (dB)                                    38.23          42.26
Geogr. advantage (dB)                                  -3.00
G/T satellite in the BEAM CENTER (dB/K)                 4.70
C/N up (dB)                                            21.49          17.46
C/I cochannel up(dB)                                   22.34          18.31
C/(N+I without other interf. satellites up) (dB)       16.89          12.86
psd Interference from satellite 2º(dBW/Hz)             -50.00
C/I with other interf. Satelllites 2º up (dB)          27.12          23.09
c/(N+I) with other interf. Satelllites up (dB)         16.49          12.46
Xpolar Interference excess (dB)                         3.0

                                                                      Rain                 rain
                                                     Clear sky         up                 down


E/T Rx Name                                           MIAMI
E/T Rx (degrees E) Longitude                           -80.18
E/T Rx (degrees N) Latitude                            25.77
E/T Rx (Km) Altitude                                   100.00
Down Frecuency (GHz)                                   12.00                   SAT deirp (dBW/Hz)
EIRP satellite in the beam center (dBW)                48.00                              -30.76
Back-off output (dB)                                   37.55          41.58
Geogr. advantage (dB)                                  -5.00
% unavailability                                                                      0.42000
Rain Atten.                                                                                1.98
Atmosp. Atten. loss (dB)                                0.20
aiming error loss (dB)                                  0.30
sky loss (dB)                                          205.37
G/T E/T Rx. (dB/K)                                     26.30                              22.48
E/T Rx Example
Ant. Gain(dB)                               44.92
antenna-receptor loss(dB)                   0.10
Tlna (ºK)                                   45.00
Ta (ºK)                                     20.00
Tsyst. (ºK)                                 71.15
Ant. Diameter (m)                           1.68

Polarization discrim.(dB)                              25.00
C/N down (dB)                                          13.27          9.24                 7.47
C/I cochannel down(dB)                                 19.53          19.53               19.53
C/I channel adjacent (dB)                              24.70          24.70               24.70
C/(N+I without other interf. satellites down) (dB)     11.27          7.79                 6.85
deirp Interference from satellite 2º(dBW/Hz)           -30.00
C/I with other interf. Satelllites 2º down (dB)        17.69          17.69               15.71
c/(N+I) with other interf. Satelllites up (dB)         10.38          7.37                 6.32
Xpolar Interference excess (dB)                         2.3


C/(N+I without other interf. satellites TOTAL) (dB) 10.22             6.61                 6.44
C/(N+I with other interf. satellites) Total (dB)        9.43          6.20                 5.92
Excess margin (dB)                                      0.50          0.50                 0.50
Eb/No available (interf nominal)(dB)                    9.72          6.49                 6.21
Eb/No request (dB)                                      6.10          6.10                 6.10
Margin (nominal)(dB)                                    3.62          0.39                 0.11

Document Created: 2019-04-18 13:44:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 13:44:05

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