Attachment Hiber - Grant extens

Hiber - Grant extens

DECISION submitted by IB, FCC

Grant Extension of Time to Reply Only


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20180910-00069 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


.EJON oFThM                           -

                                                                                  1800 M STREET, NW

                             Fle#SFYf PD         201 ‘O0     OcoG,.!,_            SUITE 800N

                                                                                  WASHINGTON, DC 20036

                                                                                  TEL   202.783 4141
                             CaliSign S303GrantDatc.../30/_                             202.783.5851
                             (orotheridentifief)                                        WBKLAW
                                                 Term Dates
                             from_                     To: 02 /2/I
      Thternational Bureau   Approved:

                                              Cb’l,fle        Poh EIanCh
January 29, 2019
                                                                   S3038       SAT-PDR2018O910JJOOG9        182018005634
        ,                                                          Hiberinc.
    i. .,ose     uquciqut


Chief, Satellite I)ivision, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
    j 2 Street. S.W.
Washington. DC 20010

                   Re:       fl/her, Inc.. Petition for Declaratorj’ Ituflng Access U5.IlIarkei Using the
                             Hthc’rband Lou—Earth Orb/i System;
                             (‘all S/gii 53038. IBfS f/k’ No. SAT-PDR-2018t)910-00069

Dear Mr. Albuquerque:

Hiber, Inc. (“Hiber”) hereby responds to the letter dated November 20, 2018,1 from the Satellite
Division (“Division”) of the International Bureau tequesting additional information regarding
1-liber’s Petition for Declaratory Ruling (“PDR”) seeking tJ.S. market access for a lion-voice, non
geostationary (“NVNG”) mobile-satellite service (MSS”) s’stem in the 399.9-400.05 MHz and
400. 1 5-401 MHz frequency bands (“Hiberband® System”).- Specifically, Hiber responds below to
Question Seven of the Division Letter regarding coordination oithe 400. 15-401 M1-lz band with
ORBCOMM and federal government (Federal”) satellite operations.-’ Additionally. Hiher requests
a further extension of time to reply to the remaining questions raised in the Division Letter
regarding its orbital debris assessment.4

 See Letter from Jose P. Albuquerque, Chief. Satellite Div., Int’l But.. FCC, to Lynne Montgomery,
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP, Counsel to Hiher, Inc.. IBES File No. SAT-PDR-20180910-00069, Call
Sign S3038 (Nov. 20, 2018) (Division Letter”).
 See Hiber. Inc., Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Access U.S. Market Using tile Hiberband Low-Earth
Orbit System. II3FS File No. SAT-PDR-201 80910-00069 (Call Sign S2979) (filed Sept. 10. 2018)
    Division Letter at 2.
 The reply deadline extension was granted pursuant to the Satellite Division’s grant of Hiber’s initial
extension request. See Chiet Satellite Policy Branch. Satellite Division. international Bureau. Grunt
Stamp. IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20l$0910-00069 (Call Sign S3038) (granted Dec. 20. 2018) (Division


    Mr. Jose P. Albuquerque
    January 29,2019
    Page 2

    Response to Question 1 Question 7 as posed in the Division Letter and HibWs response are
    provided below.

    QuestIon 7: Hiber notes that regarding its proposed use rjthe 400.15401 MIt ban4
    ORBCOMM Inc. is authorized to use certain portions ofthis band on a primwy basis. Hiber
    states that ft “beliews” it will be able to successfully coordinate with ORBCOMM Pka,e state
    what steps Hiber hat taken to complete this coordination, hi addition, Hiber states ft is capable
    ofcoordinating with Federal satellite operations in the 400.15401 MHz band. Please submit
    detailed information supporting this statemen6 including am’ steps taken to commence

    Response: Hiber has taken affinnative steps to commence coordination with both ORBCOMM
    and Federal satellite operators. Specifically, with respect to ORBCOMM, Hiber has contacted
    ORBCOMM’s Vice President Regulatory Affairs to commence coordination of Hiber’s
    proposed spectrum utilization, including use ofthe 400.15401 Mhz space-to-Earth band. To
    date. Hiber has had several conversations with ORBCOMM, and the two parties have signed a
    Nondisclosure Agreement. ORBCOMM has indicated that in addition to the 400.15-401 MHz
    band. coordination will also be required with hliber regarding Hiber’s proposed operations in the
    142-149 MHz band which are only planned for outside of the United States. This band is

    extensively used worldwide by ORBCOMM for both user links and feeder links. ORBCOMM
    has requested that Hiber provide additional technical information, and both parties continue to
    work cooperatively towards completing coordination.

    Hiber has commenced discussions with NTIA to ensure that its operations are fully coordinated
    with the relevant Federal operations including those of NASA, the Air Force Spectrum
    Management Office and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the 400.15-
    401 MHz space-to-Earth band. As Hiber originally noted in its PDR, it believes it is capable of
    coordinating with Federal satellite operations in the 400.15401 MHz band.5 There are several
    means by which Hiber can avoid interference with Federal users through coordination in this
    band, as illustrated below:

           The 400.15401 MHz downlink band in the Hiberband system (which is a simplex
           system) is not used for customer data links: rather, it is used exclusively for network
           management transmitting firmware updates and updated network maps from the satellite
           to the ground nodes as needed. As such. there is tremendous flexibility within the
           network to adjusting the timing and the frequency used for such transmissions, which

    Grant Stamfl The deadline was (lather extended as a result ofthe government shutdown. See Impact
    of Potential Lapse in Funding on Commission Operations. Public Notice, DA 19-10. at 2-3 (Jan. 2.2019).
    ‘PDR, Technical Narrative at 2-9.


   Mr. Jose P. Albuquerque
   January 29, 2019
   Page 3

             permits a great deal of flexibility for the system to be able to coordinate with other users
             in this band.
             Hiber’s downlink channel is approximately 100 kF-lz. meaning that it will require only a
             small sliver of the available $50 kI-lz in the hand. Furthermore. Hiber can dynamically
             adjust the center frequency ofttansrnissions as needed to select the optimal frequency
             within the band. This will allow Hiber to work i1th Federal users to ensure that Hiber’s
             spectrum usage is, to the extent feasible. separated from Federal uses in the band.
         •   Hiber’s satellites transmit beacons to the earth in very short (maximum 100 millisecond)
             bursts and only when the sateLlite is visible to the ground node. This short transmission
             time makes the chance of interference with other operators in this band exceedingly
         •   This flexibility of Hibers network with respect to frequency usage and the time of
             transmission will easily permit 1-liber to coordinate its network downlinks with Federal
             users such as the Department of Deknse and the National Weather Service
             e’NWS’). for example. the NWS and other federal and military agencies operate
             radiosonde equipment from a number of known locations around the country.7 Because
             these systems operate on a fairly predictable schedule and from specific known locations.
             Hiher will be able to adjust its network management downloads by freqLlency and time to
             success fti I ly coordinate with such users.
   Request for Extension. Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § I .46, Hiber requests an additional thirty day
   extension of time to respond to the Divisions remaining questions, which require an orbital debris
   assessment using a current version of NASA’s Debris Assessment Software (“DAS. As noted in
   its initial request for a 30-day extension to reply to the Division Letter.9 in response to Hibers
   efforts to obtain the current version of the DAS. NASA informed Hiber that the clearance process to
   obtain the new software may take several weeks. hich would prevent Hiher from meeting the
   original reply deadline.

     The space-to-earth band may also be used on rare occasions for Liser-terminal firmware updates. These
   instances will occur very infrequently and will always be schedulabte well in advance to allow for all
   necessary coordination with other users in the band.
    Federal Government Spectrum Compendium. Federal Government Spectrum Use Reports 400.1 5-401
   MHz, National Telecommunications and Information Association, at 5 (Dec. 1. 2015).!flles/ntipublications!compendium/0400. 15—0401 .Oc_0 1 DEC 1 5.pdf.
       47 C.F.R. § 1.46.
       See Letter from Lynne Montgomery. Wilkinson Barker Knauer. LLP. Counsel to Kiber, Inc.. to Jose P.
   Albuquerque. Chief. Satellite Div.. Int’l But., FCC, IBES File No. SAT-PDR-201 $091 0-00069 (Call Sign
   S3038) (Dec. 12. 2018): see also Division Grant Stamp.


    Mr. Jose P. Albuquerque
    January 29. 2019
    Page 4

    The circumstances here justify a further extension oftime.’° Unfortunately, due to the Federal
    government shutdown which has impacted the operations of both the federal Communications
    Commission and NASA, Hiher has not yet received the DAS and remains unable to fully respond to
    the Division’s request. Consequently. Hiber respectfully requests that the Commission extend the
    deadline for Hiber’s t’eply for thirty days. to February 28. 2019. This brief extension is expected to
    provide Hiber with sufficient time to conduct the necessary analyses so that it may provide a
    comprehensive response to the I)ivision’s questions regarding Fliber’s orbital debris plan.

    Coiidusioi;.   In sum, Hiher believes that it cati coordinate its Hiberband operations with Federal
    satellite operations in the 400.15-401 MHz band. Hiber remains committed to pursuing
    coordination with both ORBCOMM and the Federal satellite operators. Additionally, the Satellite
    Division should grant Hiber’s request for a further extension, until February 28, 2019. to respond to
    the Division’s remaining qtiestions.


                                                      // Lvnne M Afonigomerv
                                                      Lynne M. Montgomery
                                                      Counsel to Hther, Inc.

    Cc: Jose Albuquerque
        Karl Kensinger
        Stephen Duall
        Walter Sonnenfeldt, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, ORBCOMM

      Hiber was unable to file this extension request at least seven days prior to the filing deadline because of
    the government shutdown and the ttnavailability of the International Bureau Filing System. Therefore, as
    required under Section 1.46(c) of the Commission’s rules International Bureau stafihas been orally
    notified of this extension request. 47 C.RR. § 1.46(c).

Document Created: 2019-01-31 12:36:01
Document Modified: 2019-01-31 12:36:01

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