Attachment Hiber - Grant ext of

Hiber - Grant ext of

DECISION submitted by IB, FCC

Grant Extension of Time to Reply


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20180910-00069 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


$E)(T aFTIM 9-c       ‘tt dSNLb(c
                                                                                             1800 M STREET, NW
                                                                                             SUITE 800N
                                                                                             WASHINGTON,   DC 20036
                                  Call Sign               GrantDatejIbL                      TEL   202 783 4141
                                  (or other identifier)                                      FAx   202 783 5851
                                                          Tcrm Dates                         WWW WEKLAWCOM

                                                      C         sIlaecc              ZflCk
    December l2. 2018
                                                                             S3038        SAT-PDR201809lOOOS9
    Mr. Jose P. Albuquerque                                                  Hiber Inc.                               182018005634
    Chief. Satellite Division. International Bureau,                         HIBERBAND
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12th Street. SW.
    Washington. [)C 20010

                     Re:      Il/her, Inc., Petition/or Dc’claratori’ Ru/mg Access U.S. Market Usiiig the
                              Ifiherhw?cl Loi —Earth Orbit Si ‘stein;
                              (‘all Sign 53038. IBES File No. SAI-PDR-20180910-00069

    Dear N’l r. Al huq uerq ue:

    [liber, Inc. (Hibet”) hereby responds to the letter dated November 20, 201 8,’ in which the Satellite
    Division (Division’) of the Federal Communications Cornmissions International Bureau requested
    additional infonnation regarding [tiber’s Petition for Declamtoty Ruling (PDR”) seeking market
    access to the United States for Fliber’s proposed non-voice, non-geostationany (“NVNG’) mobile-
    satellite service (MSS”) system in the 399.9-400.05 Mhz and 400.15-401 Mhz frequency hands
    (“Fliberhand System”).2

The Division Letter asks tuber to respond to a series of questions. including a request that tuber
conduct its Orbital Debris assessment ith a current version of NASAs Debris Assessment
Sof’tware (“DAS”). Hiber respectfully requests that the Commission extend the deadline for Hiber’s
reply for thirty days. to January 21. 2019. This brief extension ‘.‘ ill provide Hiber v ith sufficient
time to conduct the necessary analyses so that it may provide a comprehensive response to the
Comrnissions questions.

 Letter from Jose P. Albuquerque. Chief. Satellite Div.. Int’l Btir., FCC. to Lynne Montgomery.
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP, Counsel to Hiber, Inc.. IBES File No. SAI-PDR-201809l0-00069 (Call
Sign S3038) (Nov. 20. 2018) (“Division Letter”).
 Hiber. Inc., Petition for Declarator Ruling to Access U.S. Market Using the Hiberband Lov -Earth
Orbit S.stern. IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20l80910-00069 (Call Sign 53038) (filed Sept. 10. 2018).


    Mr. Jose P. Albuquerque
    December 12, 2018
    Page 2

   Although the Commission does not routinely grant extensions of time.3 the circumstances justify an
   extension in this case. Upon receipt of the Division Letter, Hiber contacted NASA in order to
   obtain the current version of the DAS in order to fcilly respond to the questions posed in the
   Division Letter. In response, NASA informed Hiber that the clearance process to obtain the new
   software rna’ take several weeks which would cause Hiber to be unable to meet the December 20,
   2018 deadline. Hiber has not received any additional infomiation about when it will obtain the
   current version of the DAS. A grant of the requested additional time is warranted to enable Hiber to
   fttlly respond to the Division Letter.

   For the foregoing reasons, Hiher requests the Commission to extend Hibers deadline for filing its
   response to the Division Letter to January 21, 2019.


                                                Lynne M. Montgomery

                                                 Counsel   If)   Hther, Inc.

   Cc: Jose Albuquerque
       Stephen Duall

    See 47 C.E.R. § 1.46(a).

Document Created: 2018-12-20 14:51:58
Document Modified: 2018-12-20 14:51:58

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