Reply of New Spectru

OPPOSITION submitted by New Spectrum Satellite, Ltd

Opposition of New Spectrum Satellite


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20170726-00111 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        Before the
                             Federal Communications Commission
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                      )
New Spectrum Satellite, Ltd                           ) File No. SAT-PDR-20170726-00111
Petition for Declaratory Ruling Seeking U.S.          ) Call Sign S3019
Market Access for the New Satellite                   )
Spectrum, Ltd. Non-Geostationary Satellite            )
System                                                )


       New Spectrum Satellite, Ltd (“New Spectrum Satellite”), pursuant to Section 25.154(c)

of the Commission’s Rules, hereby opposes the Petition to Dismiss or Defer of SES Americom,

Inc. (“SES”) and O3b Limited (“O3b”). No other parties commented on the New Spectrum

Satellite Application. As explained below, SES and O3b in their Petition raise two objections,

neither of which warrants denial or deferral of the New Spectrum Satellite Application: (i) a

nonconforming use of the 17.8-18.3 GHz band without adequately demonstrating that New

Spectrum Satellite can successfully operate in this band without causing interference; and (ii) a

failure to show how New Spectrum Satellite will manage the physical operations of its satellites

to limit the potential for collisions with O3b spacecraft.

       In its Application, New Spectrum Satellite had not addressed the non-conforming use of

the 17.8-18.3 GHz band for the simple reason that it was not a non-conforming use at the time

the Application was filed.1 However, as New Spectrum Satellite explained in its July 16, 2018

response to a question from the Commission:

       When it submitted its Letter of Intent application in July 2017, NSS had optimized its
       design to accommodate the use of the 17.3-18.3 GHz band in the Earth-to-space
       direction, before the Commission adopted its rules in September of that same year. To the
       extent a waiver is required, NSS requests it based on the fact that no interference is
       expected to and from other licensed systems operating in the Space-to-Earth direction as
       per the following explanation: NSS will use the 17.8-18.3 GHZ band for feeder links
       uplinks from Gateways. The Virtual Geo system gateways use large 6 meter antennas at
       18 GHz that are highly directive to its satellites, which in turn during operation have very
       large separation angles from the geostationary arc (more than 40 degrees). NSS will also
       as needed, employ sites furnishing adequate separation and terrain shielding from any
       known or projected sites using this band in a downlink direction or for terrestrial
       microwave reception. NSS accordingly requests a waiver for this application. Please let
       us know if you need more data in support of the waiver request.

New Spectrum Satellite remains confident that it can operate the proposed feeder link uplinks

without causing any interference into O3b transceivers for a number of reasons.

       Other services in this band use the band either for satellite downlinks or for terrestrial

links. In either case, the vulnerable receivers in such services are located on the surface of the

earth. New Spectrum Satellite will be using this band for feeder link uplinks from a very limited

number of gateway stations in the United States. This means that the New Spectrum Satellite

transmitters, or hypothesized interference sources, are also located on the surface of the earth.

For harmful interference to occur, the path taken by an interfering signal must therefore traverse

the surface of the earth successfully from source to victim. New Spectrum Satellite will take

steps to deny any such propagation paths.

       The New Spectrum Satellite Application was filed on July 26, 2017, but the Commission
decision specifying that band as Space-to-Earth was not adopted until September 27, 2017.
Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and
Related Matters, 32 FCC Rcd 7809 (2017).


       New Spectrum Satellite anticipates deployment of no more than ten (10) feeder link earth

stations in the United States. In addition, acknowledging the need to limit potential interference

because of the non-conforming use, New Spectrum Satellite will choose sites that are located in

isolated areas with available terrain shielding (e.g. as due to high surrounding terrain) to limit the

signals propagation in a horizontal direction, taking into account any known terrestrial usage of

this band. It is quite possible to find such private sites to ensure adequate protection. In short,

we will ensure that no line of sight or near-line-of-sight exists between a New Spectrum Satellite

gateway site and one of another receive site in this band in another network.2 Moreover, the

gateway stations will use antennas with a narrow beamwidth (0.2 degrees), and they will only be

operating at a high elevation angle (above 20 degrees minimum elevation angle), when

communicating with the satellites in their active arc. In addition, supplemental shielding can

also be implemented on the earth stations themselves if needed to further limit the horizontal

propagation of the signals so as to avoid potential interference to terrestrial receivers if new

operations in this band are deployed near the New Spectrum satellite gateways. All of these

factors combined will minimize any risk of potential interference as a result of New Spectrum

Satellite’s non-conforming use of this band.

       The requirements for non-line-of-sight troposcatter links to establish connectivity
exemplify the isolation available here. Troposcatter links typically operate on the order of
hundreds of miles, but require kilowatts of RF power into a large directive antenna pointed to the
horizon within 1 or 2 degrees to get adequate signal at the receiver. In the case of Virtual Geo
gateways, the large directive antennas are directed away from the horizon by a minimum of 20
degrees, and the links employ less than one watt per 18 MHz channel, a direction and power
level wholly inadequate for over-the-horizon connectivity.


       New Spectrum Satellite therefore undertakes that it will choose ground entry sites and

operate its transmitters using this band so as to protect other FS and downlink FSS services

operating in the band by using terrain shielding to isolate its sites and elevation angles at 20

degrees or above to minimize horizon-oriented emissions. New Spectrum Satellite also

acknowledges that it will accept any interference from these primary, conforming services.

       SES/O3b also challenged the New Spectrum Satellite Application on the grounds that it

failed to include an assessment of the risk of a collision with the O3b satellites.3 The

Commission’s Rules specify when NGSO applications must include such an analysis: “Where a

space station will be launched into a low-Earth orbit that is identical, or very similar, to an orbit

used by other space stations, the statement must include an analysis of the potential risk of

collision and a description of what measures the space station operator plans to take to avoid in-

orbit collisions.”4 In this case, the proposed Virtual Geo constellation is not identical or very

similar to the O3b orbit.

       O3b currently operates in an equatorial circular orbit of zero inclination at 8062

kilometers altitude.5 The Virtual Geo satellites as reflected in the Schedule S filed in July 2017

operate in an elliptical orbit inclined at 63.4 degrees, a semi-major axis of 20,281 kilometers,

eccentricity of 0.605, and an argument of perigee of 270 degrees. As a consequence of this

design, Virtual Geo satellites in their nominal orbit have only one specific altitude for any given

latitude. Virtual Geo satellites are at 6,482 kilometers altitude in the nominal orbit, both when

       SES/O3b Petition at pp. 5-6.
       47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(14)(iii)(emphasis added).
       SES/O3b Petition at p. 6.


ascending and descending, as they pass through 0 degrees latitude where O3b satellites

operate. This is some 1,580 kilometers below the O3b orbit. Even were a large relaxation in

tolerances to result in a drift of the argument of perigee by as much as 2 degrees, Virtual Geo

satellites would pass the equator no higher than 6,760 kilometers in altitude (at the higher node),

still some 1,302 kilometers below the O3b orbit.

       Hence, given that the Virtual Geo satellites never operate in the altitude/latitude regime in

which O3b satellites are found, Virtual Geo satellites will never endanger O3b equatorial

satellites -- they are simply far too widely separated at all times. As a result, there is effectively

a zero probability of any collision between virtual Geo satellites and any satellite in the O3b

equatorial constellation. Virtual Geo and the equatorial O3b satellites simply operate in different

parts of space at all times. Thus, New Spectrum Satellite was not required to include in its

application a collision risk assessment with regard to the O3b equatorial space stations.

       In addition, while any assessment of collision risk with merely proposed constellations is

speculative, in response to the SES/O3b Petition, New Spectrum Satellite has conducted an

analysis of the risk of a collision with the proposed O3b inclined satellite constellation. That

analysis is set forth in Appendix A. Using conservative estimates, such as satellite size, New

Spectrum Satellite calculated the risk of a collision between the Virtual Geo and O3bi

constellations over a 15-year period as 7.59x10-7, or 1 chance in 1.320 million. This is

significantly below the historically applied benchmark of 0.005 used for assessing the risk of

collision with manned spaceflight, and also significantly less (by a factor of 1000) than the more

stringent benchmark of 0.001 for constellations as a whole proposed by the Commission in its


recent Orbital Debris Mitigation rulemaking.6 Moreover, New Spectrum Satellite will comply

with whatever ephemeris reporting, coordination and space traffic management procedures are

adopted by the Commission in that proceeding (and/or adopted by another government entity),7

and the Virtual Geo spacecraft will incorporate propulsion capabilities to take corrective actions

in the event of a conjunction warning. Thus, any risk of collision between the Virtual Geo

constellation and the O3b inclined orbit constellation, assuming it gets launched, will be

eliminated. In sum, SES/O3b’s concern regarding orbital collisions is unfounded.

       In light of the demonstrations above that SES/O3b failed to raise any valid objections

based on interference or collisions, and given the absence of any other petitions, New Spectrum

Satellite urges the Commission to grant its Application expeditiously. Such action will well

serve the public interest by allowing Americans to enjoy the manifold benefits of the services

that will be provided by the Virtual Geo constellation.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      New Spectrum Satellite, Ltd

                                      By: _/s/ Stephen L. Goodman_________
                                      Stephen L. Goodman
                                      Stephen L. Goodman, PLLC
                                      532 North Pitt Street Alexandria, VA 22314
                                      (202) 607-6756
                                      Counsel for New Satellite Spectrum, Ltd.

Dated: November 23, 2018

       Mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space Age, FCC 18-159, released November 19,
2018 at ¶ 26.
       Ibid. at ¶¶ 13-17.


                                                 APPENDIX A
                  Analysis of Collision Probability between the Virtual Geo Satellites
                              and Those of the O3b Inclined Constellation

   In addition to its equatorial plane, O3b Ltd has received authority from the Commission for landing rights
   for a constellation of 16 satellites operating in two 70-degree inclined planes, 8 in each plane. O3b in a
   recent FCC filing has expressed concern that there may be an unacceptable collision risk between the
   Virtual Geo (VG) constellation and O3b, without distinguishing between its equatorial and proposed
   inclined-plane constellations. This analysis evaluates the probability of a collision between O3bi, their
   inclined constellation, and the Virtual Geo constellation of satellites.

The Orbits

   Virtual Geo satellites operate in a highly elliptical inclined orbits having an apogee of 26,172 kilometers
   and a perigee of 1,632 kilometers. These orbits are inclined at 63.4 degrees. Each of the 5 satellites per
   ground track operate in a distinct orbit plane in order that the 5 may operate in a common ground track.a

   According to the authorization, the Inclined O3b constellation of satellites operate in inclined circular
   orbits at a constant altitude of 8,062 kilometers. The 16 satellites operate in two orbital planes, 8 to a
   plane. These planes are inclined to the equator by 70 degrees, and the right ascension of the ascending
   nodes of the two planes are 180 degrees apart.

   Figure 1 shows the Virtual Geo orbits (in various colors, but not red) and the O3b inclined orbits (shown
   in red). Figure 2 shows the same orbits, but from side-on to the O3bi orbits. It can be seen here that
   while the O3bi orbits are smaller in magnitude (i.e., semi-major axis) than the Virtual Geo orbits, the VG
   orbits pass through the altitude of the O3bi orbits as they descend toward perigee and ascend from
   perigee. Although not very evident here, the orbits illustrated below nevertheless do not intersect, as all
   the VG orbits shown are offset to one side or another of the O3bi orbits as they pass byb. If the VG and
   O3bi orbits were actually deployed as proposed and remained constant in space relative to each other,
   they would not intersect as in the above illustrations, hence a collision will never occur. The satellites
   travel in different non-intersecting paths, which keeps them apart.

   This is not to say however that such an intersection will not occur at time goes on and orbits drift or
   precess. This analysis therefore conservatively evaluates the probability of a collision occurring at such
   an intersection.

            The orbit plane of each successive Virtual Geo satellite in a ground track must be displaced in longitude of
   the ascending node Eastward by the amount the earth has rotated during the interval between successive satellites.

            Visually it requires a 3-dimentional simulation of the orbits, and study of the simulation from various
   angles to see the gaps between orbit paths.


                              Figure 1, O3Bi orbits (red) and VG orbits (other colors)

Figure 2, The orbits in Figure 1 rotated to see the O3Bi orbits face-on and illustrate where VG and O3Bi orbits cross


   In general, differing orbits like the VG and O3bi orbits will not remain as they were initially established
   relative to each other, but will move, i.e. change their relative positions. To illustrate this, generally
   satellites in earth orbit are subject to, among other things, perturbations to their orbit due to the oblateness
   (equatorial bulge) of the earth. Most importantly, this causes orbit planes, specifically the line of nodes
   connecting the upward and downward equator crossings (of prograde orbits like these), to regress (move
   backward or Westward) around the earth slowly. The strength of this effect is dependent inversely on
   orbit altitude.

   Calculations show that the O3bi orbits will regress by 0.1952 degrees per day. Virtual Geo orbits will
   regress by 0.1936 degrees per day. This means that the O3bi orbits will regress by 0.0015 degrees per
   day faster than the VG orbits. While this sounds like a small number, this translates to 22 kilometers per
   day or 3.7 kilometers per VG satellite pass, a distance much larger than the largest dimension of the
   collision volume. Hence if any one pass is a near miss, the next will be distant. With this observation it
   can be assumed for analytical purposes that, considering entire constellations over all the satellites,
   collision probabilities are to a first order distributed evenly in time and assumed uncorrelated from pass to

Collision Rings and Collision Volume

   Figure 2 also demonstrates that any orbit intersection -- the only places where collisions can happen -
   occur only in two rings encircling the earth: one parallel to the equator at an altitude of 8,062 km located
   9.35 degrees North of the equator and one parallel to the equator at an altitude of 8,062 km located 9.35
   degrees South of the equator. These are the latitudes where the Northern VG and Southern VG orbits
   pass through the O3bi altitude respectively.

   For a collision to occur, a VG satellite must pass within contact distance of an O3bi satellite. In this
   analysis it is assumed conservatively that the VG and O3bi satellites are 10 by 20 by 5 meters in size.
   The collision volume is essentially the convolution of the volumes of the two colliding satellites. In this
   case, as an approximation, this volume is assumed to be twice the size of either satellite in each
   dimension. A VG satellite will need to intrude into this volume to sustain a collision with an O3bi

   In summary, a collision ring is the locus of all points around the earth where a collision between O3bi and
   VG can occur. These loci form two annuluses, or rings. A collision volume is the volume of space
   around a satellite into which if another satellite intrudes, a collision is deemed to have occurred. Since a
   collision can only occur in a collision ring, the collision volume is a very short segment of the collision
   ring. This segment surrounds a satellite passing through the collision ring and hence at that moment
   vulnerable to collision.

   While O3bi satellites have an orbital period of 17,269 seconds per orbit, the VG satellites have a period of
   28,742 seconds per orbit. These numbers are sufficiently prime to each other that is no significant
   synchronization of any kind will occur between the orbits, and therefore a uniform probability distribution
   for encounters of the collision ring relative to each other seems appropriate.


Probabilities of Encounter

   If one assumes that the cross-sectional area of the collision ring described above derives from the larger
   of the dimensions of the collision volume, that is 20 by 40 meters, then the collision ring total volume
   around the earth is this area swept around the collision ring circumference of 71.6 cubic kilometers. The
   collision volume is 1.11X10-7 of this volume. Therefore, relative to a single O3bi satellite, a VG satellite
   passing through the collision ring has a one in 9 million chance of passing through the collision volume of
   an O3bi satellite per VG pass, assuming that an O3bi satellite is also in the collision ring.

   However, the largest axial thickness dimension of a collision ring is 40 meters, or 0.04 kilometers.
   Correcting for the angle of penetration, the O3bi path through the collision ring is 42.6 meters long, or
   0.0435 kilometers. The O3bi orbit circumference is 90,279 kilometers in length, or 2.27 million times
   longer than the collision ring thickness. Therefore, for a uniform velocity distribution around the orbit,
   the O3bi satellite spends only 2/(2.27 million)c of its time in the collision ring. If VG satellites crossing
   the collision ring and O3bi satellites crossing the collision ring are independent events, which they appear
   to be, then the probability of an O3bi satellite being in the collision ring when a VG satellite crosses it is 1
   in 1.13 million, or 8.82x10-7.

   The VG satellites do not maintain a constant velocity over their orbit; velocity increases as altitude above
   the earth decreases. At 8,062 kilometers altitude the velocity of a VG satellite in its orbit is 5.95
   kilometers per second. The collision ring is assumed to be 40 meters thick. The track through the
   collision ring occurs at an angle of 63.4 degrees to it, so the length of the VG satellite path through the
   ring is 40 meters divided by sin(63.4 degrees) or 44.7 meters. At this speed, the satellite will occupy the
   collision volume for only 0.00752 seconds before exiting. An entire VG orbit takes 28742 seconds. A
   VG orbit crosses the collision ring twice per orbit. Hence a VG satellite spends 5.23X10-7 of its orbital
   time in the collision ring, or, since correction has already been made for the slower velocity at the
   collision ring crossing, there is a likelihood of 5.23x10-7 that the satellite will be in the collision ring
   assuming independent random trials.

   Hence, given the relative independence of the movements of the O3bi and VG satellites, the probability of
   a collision between a VG satellite and an O3bi satellite per O3bi satellite transit of the collision ring is the
   product of the probability that a VG satellite is in the collision ring given that an O3bi satellite is in the
   collision ring, times the probability that the VG satellite is inside the collision volume of the O3bi satellite
   when in the collision ring. This probability is then multiplied by the number of times an O3bi satellite
   transits the ring per year for a probability per year of a collision. Multiplying this figure by 15 yields the
   probability of a collision between any VG satellite and any O3bi satellite over a nominal constellation
   lifetime. The Southern VG orbits and collision ring are treated as though they were northern orbits,
   which would yield identical probabilities.

           The O3bi satellite crosses the collision ring twice per orbit.

                                                           - 10 -

Conclusions regarding Collision Probabilities

   The probabilities of collision therefore are

        Probability a particular VG satellite is in                 5.23x10-7
        collision ring when an O3bi satellite is in the
        collision ring
        Probability any of 15 VG satellites is in the               7.85x10-6
        collision ring per O3bi satellite ring pass                 or 1 in 127 thousand
        Probability a VG satellite, if in the collision             1.10x10-7
        ring, being also in the collision volume around             or 1 in 9 million
        the O3bi satellite, per O3bi collision ring
        Number of times one O3bi satellite transits the             3654
        collision ring per year
        Probability of a collision per year per O3bi                3.16x10-9
        Number of O3bi satellites                                   16
        Probability of a collision per year anywhere                5.06x10-8 or
        within the O3bi constellation                               1 chance in 19.8 million
        Probability of any collision per 15 years for the           7.59x10-7
        whole O3bi constellation                                    or 1 chance in 1.320 million

   From this analysis we conclude that the likelihood of a collision between a Virtual Geo satellite and an
   O3bi satellite is less than on chance in a million over the lifetime of the constellations. This is
   vanishingly small. Once source quotes that the “specified level of risk for manned space programs from
   Apollo through the present has been essentially constant at 0.005 probability of penetration over the
   lifetime of the space system”.d A probability of 0.005 is one chance in 200. Alternatively, assuming the
   Commission adopts the more conservative proposed benchmark of 0.001 for constellations as a whole as
   specified in paragraph 26 of the recent Orbital Debris NPRM, the risk of collision is still significantly
   lower than that benchmark.

   We have separately demonstrated that there is no risk of collision between the Virtual Geo constellation
   and the equatorial O3b satellites, since their orbits never intersect with Virtual Geo orbits, but always
   remain separated by more than 1,300 kilometers. The probabilities we have calculated here concerning
   collision between the O3b inclined orbit satellites and Virtual Geo satellites are orders of magnitude
   lower than the level cited above for space debris penetrations for manned operations or the Commission’s
   more stringent recent proposals. We therefore conclude that the risk of collision between Virtual Geo and

            V.A Chobotov, Orbital Mechanics, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1991, pg 355.

                                                       - 11 -

O3b to be well within acceptable bounds for joint operations in space in their respective orbits, assuming
that the O3bi constellation is launched.

                                                  - 12 -

                                  Technical Certificate

       The undersigned hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that I am the technically

qualified persons responsible for the preparation of the technical information contained in the

foregoing Opposition of New Spectrum Satellite, Ltd and Appendix A, that I am familiar with

Part 25 of the Commission’s Rules, and that I have either prepared or reviewed the technical

information in the foregoing Opposition and found it to be complete and accurate to the best of

my knowledge and belief.

                                               /s/John W. Brosius___________
                                               John W. Brosius
                                               Acting Chief Technical Officer
                                               New Spectrum Satellite, Ltd

                                               November 23, 2018

                                              - 13 -

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I hereby certify that on this 23rd day of November, 2018, I caused a true and correct copy
of the foregoing “Opposition of New Spectrum Satellite, Ltd” to be sent by first class mail,
postage prepaid, and email to the following:

               Petra A. Vorwig
               Senior Legal and Regulatory Counsel
               SES Americom, Inc.
               1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 1000
               Washington, DC 20036

               Suzanne Malloy
               Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
               O3b Limited
               900 17th Street, NW, Suite 300
               Washington, DC 20006

                                             /s/ Stephen L. Goodman

                                             Stephen L. Goodman

                                              - 14 -

Document Created: 2018-11-23 14:00:30
Document Modified: 2018-11-23 14:00:30

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