ViaSat Consolidated

OPPOSITION submitted by ViaSat, Inc.

Consolidated Opposition and Reply Comments


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00120 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     Before the
                          Federal Communications Commission
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                            )
ViaSat, Inc.                                ) IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120

                              OF VIASAT, INC.

Christopher J. Murphy                            John P. Janka
 Associate General Counsel, Regulatory Affairs   Elizabeth R. Park
Daryl T. Hunter                                  Jarrett S. Taubman
 Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs             LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
VIASAT, INC.                                     555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
6155 El Camino Real                              Suite 1000
Carlsbad, CA 92009                               Washington, DC 20004

                                                 Counsel for ViaSat, Inc.

July 7, 2017

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


I.     INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ................................................................................1

       SATELLITE LINKS DO NOT BEAR SCRUTINY ...........................................................3

       A.        ViaSat’s Proposed Satellite-to-Satellite Links Are Consistent with the
                 Definition of FSS .....................................................................................................3
       B.        ViaSat’s Proposed Satellite-to-Satellite Links Will Be Compatible with the
                 Spectrum Uses of Other Satellite Operators ............................................................6

       MERITLESS ........................................................................................................................8

       A.        OneWeb Misconstrues ViaSat’s EPFDdown Analysis ..............................................9
       B.        ViaSat’s EPFDup Analysis Is Accurate ....................................................................9
       C.        ViaSat Has Demonstrated that the VIASAT-NGSO System Will Comply
                 with Applicable PFD Limits ..................................................................................10


       A.        There Is No Basis for Imposing Conditions on the VIASAT-NGSO
                 System to Accommodate Space Norway ...............................................................12
       B.        There Is No Basis for Compelling ViaSat to Change the VIASAT-NGSO
                 System Design as Suggested by SpaceX ...............................................................14
       C.        Telesat’s Criticisms of the VIASAT-NGSO System Design Are

V.     CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................16

Exhibit A: Supplemental Technical Explanation of VIASAT-NGSO Satellite-to-Satellite Links

                                        Before the
                             Federal Communications Commission
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                 )
ViaSat, Inc.                                     ) IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120


       ViaSat, Inc. hereby provides a consolidated response to the separate pleadings filed by

Hughes Network Systems, LLC (“HNS”), Inmarsat Inc., SES S.A. and O3b Limited

(“SES/O3b”), Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (“SpaceX”), Space Norway AS, Telesat

Canada, and WorldVu Satellites Limited (“OneWeb”) in response to the portion of ViaSat’s

petition for declaratory ruling that relates to the pending Ka-band processing round (the



       In its Petition, ViaSat seeks access to the United States for its non-geostationary satellite

orbit (“NGSO”) fixed-satellite service (“FSS”) system, which will utilize portions of the Ka and

V bands (the “VIASAT-NGSO” satellite network). Grant of such access would serve the public

interest in several important respects—including by facilitating ViaSat’s ongoing efforts to

provide high-quality, innovative satellite-based broadband services to users in the United States.

       This pleading is styled, in part, as an “Opposition” because each of Inmarsat and Telesat
       purports to have filed a “Petition to Deny.” Inmarsat’s and Telesat’s pleadings do not
       satisfy the statutory requirements for such petitions; namely, they are not supported by an
       appropriate affidavit (or declaration) attesting to “specific allegations of fact sufficient to
       show that the petitioner is a party in interest and that a grant of the application would be
       prima facie inconsistent” with the public interest, convenience, and necessity. See 47
       U.S.C. § 309(d). As such, their pleadings may be treated as no more than informal

No party questions the significant benefits that would arise from the implementation of ViaSat’s

proposed system.

       HNS, Inmarsat, SES/O3b, and OneWeb urge the Commission to block ViaSat’s plans to

implement a particular element of that system—namely, ViaSat’s proposed satellite-to-satellite

links, which would use Ka-band spectrum to transmit information between the VIASAT-NGSO

network and geostationary satellite orbit (“GSO”) satellites. The Commission should reject such

unfounded suggestions, because ViaSat’s proposed satellite-to-satellite links: (i) are entirely

consistent with the plain language of the Commission’s definition of the FSS, as well as with

existing FSS allocations in the Ka band; and (ii) will operate in a technical manner that is similar

to other FSS links (i.e., within specific geometries and technical limits), enabling compatible

coexistence with other FSS operations, both GSO and NGSO.

       OneWeb’s comments on the power-flux density (“PFD”) and equivalent power-flux

density (“EPFD”) analyses presented in ViaSat’s Petition are unfounded and easily addressed.

As demonstrated in ViaSat’s Petition and further explained herein, the VIASAT-NGSO system

will comply with applicable PFD and EPFD limits.

       Space Norway, SpaceX, and Telesat ask the Commission to impose special conditions on

the VIASAT-NGSO system in order to address the peculiarities of their proposed NGSO

systems. But as the Commission is aware, its rules and policies provide a specific mechanism

for addressing such spectrum sharing conflicts among NGSO systems where they arise in the

context of a processing round—namely, using a spectrum assignment methodology (band

segmentation) that has been “on the books” for almost 15 years, and that the Commission has

proposed to refine by using it in additional band segments only during defined temporal “in-line

events” between NGSO systems. No party provides any justification for abandoning use of such


a spectrum assignment mechanism and instead compelling ViaSat to shoulder the entirety of the

coexistence burden by imposing special conditions on ViaSat’s operations.

       For these reasons, and others set forth in the Petition and below, the Commission should

grant the VIASAT-NGSO system access to the United States, without any of the conditions

suggested by any of the commenters, and after allowing ViaSat to amend its application to take

into account any rule changes effectuated through the pending NGSO rulemaking.


       A.      ViaSat’s Proposed Satellite-to-Satellite Links Are Consistent with the
               Definition of FSS

       ViaSat’s Petition explains that the VIASAT-NGSO satellite network will use 27.5-29.1

GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz FSS “uplink” spectrum and 17.8-19.3 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz FSS

“downlink” spectrum to support high-speed transmissions between the VIASAT-NGSO system

and in-orbit GSO satellite networks (which would include, but not be limited to, GSO satellites

operated by ViaSat itself). This spectrum will be used in the same direction of transmission as

other FSS communications relative to GSO satellites—i.e., transmissions from NGSO satellites

to GSO satellites will occur in “uplink” band segments designated for use in the “Earth-to-space”

direction, and transmissions from GSO satellites to NGSO satellites will occur in “downlink”

band segments designated for use in the “space-to-Earth” direction.2

       HNS, Inmarsat, and OneWeb assert that the satellite-to-satellite links proposed in

ViaSat’s Petition are somehow inconsistent with existing FSS allocations under the United States

       Petition at 5.


Table of Frequency Allocations for the Ka band.3 But even a cursory review of the plain

language of the Commission’s rules reveals the fallacious nature of these claims. As ViaSat

detailed in its Petition, Sections 2.1 and 25.103 of the Commission’s rules explicitly provide that

the FSS may include satellite-to-satellite links.4 As such, satellite-to-satellite links expressly

may be operated within existing FSS allocations.

        Although HNS, Inmarsat, and OneWeb acknowledge that satellite-to-satellite links are

contemplated by the definition of the FSS (to which the Ka band is allocated),5 they effectively

ask the Commission to ignore the plain language of its own rules by treating ViaSat’s satellite-

to-satellite links as “inter-satellite links” in the Inter-Satellite Service (“ISS”) that would have to

be conducted in other frequency bands. For example, HNS asserts that “[t]he appropriate radio

service ViaSat should be looking to utilize is the ISS . . . ,”6 which is the same thing as saying

that ViaSat should be planning to use different spectrum than the Ka band for its satellite-to-

        Comments of Hughes Network Systems, LLC, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-
        00120, at 3 (June 26, 2017) (“HNS Comments”); Petition to Deny of Inmarsat, Inc., IBFS
        File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120, at 2-3 (June 26, 2017) (“Inmarsat Petition”);
        Comments of WorldVu Satellites Limited, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120, at
        2 (June 26, 2017) (“OneWeb Comments”).
        47 C.F.R. §§ 2.1 and 25.103.
        See Inmarsat Petition at 2-3 (acknowledging that “the Commission’s definition of FSS
        contemplates ‘in some cases’ inter-satellite links”); HNS Comments at 3 (“ViaSat is
        correct to note that satellite-to-satellite links are mentioned in the definition.”); OneWeb
        Comments at 2 (acknowledging that “inter-satellite links are included within the
        Commission’s definition of FSS ‘in some cases’”). Inmarsat and OneWeb incorrectly
        reference “inter-satellite links,” even though the FSS definition addresses “satellite-to-
        satellite links,” as does ViaSat’s Petition.
        HNS Comments at 3 (emphasis added). HNS attempts to justify its position by asserting
        that “there are no studies or technical references that support the generic use of FSS
        allocations, including in the Ka band, for inter-satellite communications.” Id. But
        nothing in the Commission’s rules requires an applicant to provide studies or technical
        references in order to utilize an existing allocation, particularly, as here, where the use
        would be consistent with the expected operating environment, as demonstrated further in
        Exhibit A hereto.


satellite links. That argument makes no more sense than saying that even though TTAC

operations can be conducted in FSS-allocated Ka-band spectrum, they really should be

conducted in spectrum allocated specifically for “space operations,” such as the 2 GHz band.

The Commission’s rules explicitly recognize both FSS satellite-to-satellite links and ISS inter-

satellite links as communications links that may be used to facilitate communications between

satellites, in the different spectrum bands allocated for the FSS and the ISS. Thus, ViaSat has

every right to exercise its own judgment in choosing the spectrum band segments in which it

seeks to operate and requesting a suitable market access authorization.7

       Equally unavailing is Inmarsat’s unsupported assertion that the operation of ViaSat’s

proposed satellite-to-satellite links would constitute a “non-conforming use.”8 As discussed

above, ViaSat’s satellite-to-satellite links will conform to the Ka-band FSS allocations found in

the United States Table of Frequency Allocations. Furthermore, as ViaSat explained in its

Petition, the proposed satellite-to-satellite links will involve transmissions in the same directions

(i.e., away from the Earth and toward space; from space toward the Earth) anticipated under the

Commission’s rules, in a manner consistent with the directional designations of the FSS

allocations for the Ka band.9

       This is particularly true given that ViaSat’s proposed satellite-to-satellite links will
       communicate with spacecraft outside the VIASAT-NGSO system, and thus would not be
       the type of intra-system links contemplated by the Commission in previous discussions of
       “inter-satellite links.” See, e.g., Space Station Licensing Rule and Policies, 18 FCC Rcd
       10760, at ¶ 125 (2003) (“Space Station Licensing Reform Order”).
       Inmarsat Petition at 3.
       Such designations refer to the direction of contemplated transmissions, and not the
       location of end-points. See, e.g., 47 C.F.R. § 25.202 (specifying EPFD limits for the
       space-to-Earth and Earth-to-space directions).


       In short, no party establishes that ViaSat’s proposed satellite-to-satellite links are

inconsistent with either the FSS definition or the United States Table of Frequency Allocations.10

The Commission’s rules do not allow operators to dictate the system design decisions of their

competitors or foreclose the introduction of new system features that are consistent with the

Commission’s regulatory framework. The Commission should not countenance the efforts of

HNS, Inmarsat, and OneWeb to achieve a contrary result.

       B.      ViaSat’s Proposed Satellite-to-Satellite Links Will Be Compatible with the
               Spectrum Uses of Other Satellite Operators

       Contrary to the assertions of HNS, Inmarsat, OneWeb, and SES/O3b,11 ViaSat’s Petition

established that its proposed satellite-to-satellite links will be able to coexist with other NGSO

and GSO operations. Among other things, ViaSat’s Petition provides specific technical

information with respect to the proposed satellite-to-satellite links and clearly states that ViaSat

will use “antenna and transmitting facilities on the MEO-to-GSO payload that are compliant with

the Section 25.138 off-axis [EIRP] density mask” and that are capable of “ensuring a 3-sigma

       Inmarsat wrongly suggests that ViaSat “acknowledges that operation of these links may
       not be contemplated by the Commission’s rules.” Inmarsat Petition at 3. Inmarsat
       mischaracterizes ViaSat’s Petition, which: (i) emphatically states that the proposed
       satellite-to-satellite links are consistent with the definition of FSS and also (ii) seeks a
       waiver, to the extent one is necessary, as a precautionary measure. Petition at 6 & n.6.
       The request for such a waiver “in an abundance of caution” is particularly understandable
       given the rigid procedural rules applicable to NGSO processing rounds, which some
       parties may argue would preclude other parties from seeking waivers after the relevant
       cut-off date. Notably, no commenter has suggested that such a waiver would be
       inconsistent with the public interest in ViaSat’s case.
       See HNS Comments at 4 (asserting that ViaSat “has not provided a technical analysis to
       demonstrate that there would not be harmful interference to other GSO and NGSO
       satellite systems operating on a co-channel basis in the same bands with its proposed ISS
       use”); Inmarsat Petition at 3 (“ViaSat fails to provide analysis that would provide any
       assurance to the Commission or GSO FSS operators that the MEO-to-GSO link would
       not cause interference to other GSO networks licensed to provide service to the U.S. or
       other countries.”); see also OneWeb Comments at 3-5; Comments of SES S.A. and O3b
       Limited, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120, at 4-5 (June 26, 2017).


antenna pointing error is less than 0.2 degrees,” thus ensuring compatibility with the well-

defined 2-degree spacing environment that governs communications with GSO satellites.12 In

contrast, no party provides any technical analysis demonstrating that ViaSat’s proposed satellite-

to-satellite links would pose any actual risk of harmful interference to other satellite systems.

       Nevertheless, ViaSat takes this opportunity to expand upon its previous analysis and

provide supplemental technical information to the Commission. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is

a technical analysis providing additional background on ViaSat’s proposed satellite-to-satellite

links and how they will operate. As detailed therein, the operation of ViaSat’s satellite-to-

satellite links will occur at times when a given ViaSat NGSO satellite is within the pre-existing

Earth coverage footprint of the corresponding GSO satellite. Stated differently, satellite-to-

satellite link operations with a given GSO satellite will occur within the cone of coverage

projected from that GSO satellite with respect to the Earth, and thus will be “focused” on that

GSO satellite much like any two-degree-compliant earth station communicating with that GSO

satellite.13 Among other things, this will: (i) limit the potential for interference into other NGSO

systems; (ii) ensure that ViaSat’s NGSO satellites operate within the technical envelope of a

typical VSAT terminal, including the service area of other VSATs in the target GSO satellite’s

coverage area; and (iii) preclude any need to change the coverage area or beam design of the

target GSO satellite.

       Petition, Attachment A, at 7-11 and 22.
       See Exhibit A at 2-3.



       In its comments, OneWeb criticizes aspects of the PFD and EPFD analyses presented in

ViaSat’s Petition. Each of OneWeb’s three specific criticisms is addressed below.14 As a

threshold matter, though, ViaSat reiterates that the Commission’s rules do not allow operators

like OneWeb to dictate the system design decisions of their competitors. Similarly, the

Commission’s rules do not allow operators like OneWeb to determine what levels of “spectral

density” an operator uses as it trades off providing a desired level of service with the obligation

to share spectrum responsibly with other spectrum users. Indeed, since 2003, the Commission

no longer conducts “beauty contests” in the processing-round context, where it would compare

one system against the other, but rather allows market forces to operate after it licenses all

qualified applicants while seeking to facilitate their coexistence.15 As such, OneWeb’s

arguments simply have no legal relevance to the Commission’s consideration of ViaSat’s

Petition, even if those arguments otherwise had merit (which they do not).

       As a general matter, and as discussed in the Technical Annex included in ViaSat’s
       Petition, the ViaSat Network Operations Center (“NOC”) will manage the channel/beam
       mappings for each satellite. The NOC will take into consideration the protection of GSO
       networks (EPFD limits) and coexistence with other NGSO systems (band segmentation
       as required and coordination agreements) when computing the channel/beam mappings.
       This ensures that the VIASAT-NGSO system is in full compliance with all applicable
       Commission and ITU requirements—including those intended to facilitate the
       coexistence of NGSO systems and GSO networks.
       See Space Station Licensing Reform Order ¶¶ 32 (concluding that “dividing the available
       spectrum equally among the qualified applicants is the best way of issuing licenses for
       NGSO-like satellite systems quickly and fairly” and 40-41 (refusing to adopt any system
       of preferences in the selection of licensees).


       A.      OneWeb Misconstrues ViaSat’s EPFDdown Analysis

       OneWeb references certain PFD masks used in ViaSat’s EPFDdown analysis as the basis

for (wrongly) claiming that the VIASAT-NGSO system would be spectrally inefficient.16

Namely, OneWeb references a single PFD mask, for a VIASAT-NGSO satellite at 10 degrees

latitude.17 As the Commission is aware, NGSO satellites operating near the equatorial plane

need to protect GSO operations, and thus face certain operational constraints in that region of the

NGSO orbit. Thus, a PFD mask for an NGSO satellite at a 10-degree latitude will generally

imply a less-intensive use of spectrum “throughput” than a PFD mask for a satellite at higher

latitudes. For this reason, OneWeb’s decision to focus on the 27 dB signal span reflected in the

PFD mask at 10 degrees latitude is highly misleading. Critically, that signal span is not

indicative of the overall performance of the VIASAT-NGSO system.

       OneWeb’s suggestion that the VIASAT-NGSO system would only operate at peak PFD

over “a small fraction of its service area” is similarly wrong and misleading.18 For reasons

similar to those discussed above, the PFD mask at 10 degrees latitude reflects the need for a

VIASAT-NGSO satellite at that location to protect GSO satellite networks near the equatorial

plane. The PFD levels employed by the system will increase as any given VIASAT-NGSO

satellite moves away from the equatorial plane.

       B.      ViaSat’s EPFDup Analysis Is Accurate

       ViaSat’s EPFDup analysis necessarily makes certain assumptions about the number of

users simultaneously transmitting within any given satellite footprint. OneWeb asserts that these

       OneWeb Comments at 6.
       Id. at 5-6.


assumptions are “unrealistically optimistic,” resulting in calculated EPFDup levels that are

unreasonably low.19 In particular, OneWeb alleges that ViaSat does not account for “the use of

multiple steerable beams on ViaSat’s NGSO satellites, which provide the capability to

concentrate all their beam coverage over restricted geographic regions.”20

       As an initial matter, ViaSat does not intend to operate its system in the manner suggested

by OneWeb. As such, the scenario about which OneWeb speculates is not realistic or relevant.

In any event, the EPFDup analysis included in ViaSat’s Petition is conservative. ViaSat’s

decision to deliberately increase the assumed number of simultaneous co-frequency uplink

transmissions reflects this conservative approach. Indeed, ViaSat’s EPFDup analysis assumes 20

simultaneous co-frequency uplink beams per ViaSat satellite. Any given ViaSat satellite,

however, actually will only support 16 Ka-band uplink spot beams (8 in each polarization) in

total. Furthermore, ViaSat’s EPFDup analysis is based on a case in which two ViaSat satellites

serve a given area with co-frequency beams, even though ViaSat intends to operate its system

such that only one satellite will serve an area at a given time. The result is that ViaSat’s EPFDup

actually overstates the level of expected power by a factor of over 2.21

       C.      ViaSat Has Demonstrated that the VIASAT-NGSO System Will Comply
               with Applicable PFD Limits

       OneWeb suggests that ViaSat has provided an insufficient demonstration that it will

comply with applicable ITU PFD limits, particularly at elevation angles under 25 degrees.22

       Id. at 7.
       ViaSat performed its analysis under these very conservative assumptions in order to
       ensure sufficient margin to account for non-uniform beam pointing and compensate for
       certain limitations in EPFD software.
       OneWeb Comments at 8.


ViaSat’s Petition already includes the technical information required by the Commission’s rules.

Nevertheless, ViaSat takes this opportunity to provide additional information to respond to

OneWeb. More specifically, the following figure shows the maximum free-space PFD generated

by the VIASAT-NGSO system at the Earth’s surface as a function of elevation angle. The

applicable Section 25.208 limit is shown along with curves for ViaSat’s wideband service beams

and narrowband control channel (“NB CC”) in the 17.8-18.6 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz band

segments. As reflected in the graph, VIASAT-NGSO will comply with the applicable PFD

limits in all cases.


        Space Norway, SpaceX, and Telesat assert that their proposed NGSO systems would be

incompatible with the VIASAT-NGSO system. Accordingly, they suggest that the Commission

should impose special conditions on ViaSat, or otherwise require ViaSat to alter its proposed


NGSO operations, to allow the operations of other NGSOs to proceed on an unimpeded basis. In

doing so, Space Norway, SpaceX and Telesat ignore the Commission’s long-established NGSO

spectrum assignment framework, which: (i) explicitly anticipates the possibility that different

operators will propose different system designs, and that some of those designs will not be fully

compatible with each other; and (ii) establishes band segmentation as the mechanism for

ensuring radiofrequency compatibility between “conflicting” system designs. Those commenters

also ignore the Commission’s proposal to modify that baseline processing rule and use band

segmentation across the Ka band only during certain defined “in line events” between NGSO


       A.      There Is No Basis for Imposing Conditions on the VIASAT-NGSO System to
               Accommodate Space Norway

       Space Norway has proposed to operate a highly elliptical orbit (“HEO”) NGSO system

that would employ very large beams and employ only two spacecraft. Space Norway claims that

this proposed system would be incompatible with the VIASAT-NGSO system, and suggests that

ViaSat should be compelled to alter or constrain its operations to accommodate the Space

Norway system.24 Notably, Space Norway has taken a similar position with respect to other

applications in this processing round, in each case suggesting that low earth orbit (“LEO”) and

       See Space Station Licensing Reform Order ¶¶ 32-33 (adopting band-segmentation as the
       default mechanism for resolving mutual exclusivity in NGSO processing rounds in order
       to facilitate competitive entry and shared use of available spectrum bands); 47 C.F.R. §§
       25.157 (codifying default mechanism) and 25.261 (adopting the “avoidance of in-line
       interference” mechanism for certain Ka-band segments, but establishing band
       segmentation as the default mechanism for resolving in-line events when they occur); see
       also Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service
       Systems and Related Matters, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 31 FCC Rcd 13651, at ¶
       23 (2016).
       Comments of Space Norway AS, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120, at 3-4 (June
       26, 2017).


MEO systems should shoulder the entirety of the sharing burden with Space Norway’s HEO


       Essentially, Space Norway asks LEO and MEO systems to protect Space Norway’s

NGSO system by applying, with respect to Space Norway’s NGSO system, the Article 22

EPFDdown limits (Table 22-1C) that otherwise apply only with respect to GSO satellites. To

satisfy such a requirement, which otherwise does not exist, MEO and LEO systems would have

to create an exclusion zone around Space Norway’s HEO satellites, much as NGSOs have to

create an exclusion zone around the GSO arc in order to satisfy Article 22 limits.26

       Space Norway provides no justification for abandoning the band-segmentation approach

reflected in the Commission’s existing rules and policies for NGSO-like systems. Notably, the

Commission’s approach is architecture-agnostic, treating MEO, LEO, and HEO systems in a

similar fashion. Under this approach, Space Norway would at worst have access to its fair share

of spectrum in impacted band segments—e.g., one-half of otherwise-available spectrum in the

event of incompatibility with ViaSat’s NGSO system, a result that equitably shares the burdens

of coexistence.

       See Comments of Space Norway AS, IBFS File Nos. SAT-PDR-20161115-00112
       (LeoSat); SAT-AMD-20161115-00116 (O3b); SAT-LOA-20161115-00118 (SpaceX);
       SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 (Telesat); SAT-LOA-20161115-00121 (Theia).
       If Space Norway’s approach were extended to other HEO systems, such as the proposed
       Ka-band systems of Boeing and Karousel, MEO and LEO Ka-band systems also would
       have to create exclusion zones around those other networks, meaning that large
       geographic areas would exist where the MEO and LEO systems could not operate with
       HEO NGSO systems on a shared, co-frequency basis, and where only HEO systems
       effectively would have access to spectrum. That proposal is fundamentally inconsistent
       with both the band-segmentation rules that currently exist, and the proposal to utilize
       band segmentation in additional band segments only during defined in-line events.


       B.      There Is No Basis for Compelling ViaSat to Change the VIASAT-NGSO
               System Design as Suggested by SpaceX

       SpaceX criticizes ViaSat’s chosen NGSO system design because it allegedly would be

incompatible with that proposed by SpaceX. More specifically, SpaceX argues that, as a

consequence of ViaSat’s orbital altitude (8,200 km as compared to SpaceX’s 1,110 km),

ViaSat’s uplink emissions would cause interference into any SpaceX NGSO satellite passing

through a ViaSat earth station’s main beam or sidelobe.27 Importantly, SpaceX does not

establish that this unwanted energy would have any actual impact on the performance of

SpaceX’s system, which incorporates high levels of satellite diversity.

       To the extent that SpaceX is alleging that its system is truly incompatible with ViaSat’s

system, this mutual exclusivity can and should be resolved through the Commission’s existing

band-segmentation procedures (as they may be modified through the “avoidance of in-line

interference” mechanism). SpaceX itself acknowledges that the Commission’s band-

segmentation procedures would normally apply in that scenario.28 Even so, SpaceX inexplicably

suggests that it would be appropriate for the Commission to eschew those procedures and instead

compel adjustments in ViaSat’s system design in order to accommodate SpaceX.29

       There is no basis for such a result—particularly as the record strongly suggests that

SpaceX’s chosen system design is responsible for any unwanted energy it may experience.

       Comments of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-
       20161115-00120, at 4-8 (June 26, 2017) (“SpaceX Comments”). There are significant
       reasons to question the accuracy of SpaceX’s analysis. For example, SpaceX
       mischaracterizes ViaSat’s system as “using Ku and Ka band spectrum” and presents
       diagrams purporting to illustrate ViaSat’s Ku-band footprint and the potential for in-line
       events between ViaSat’s Ku-band beams and SpaceX satellites—even though the
       VIASAT-NGSO system will not operate in the Ku band.
       Id. at 2.
       Id. at 9.


Tellingly, SpaceX filed similar comments with respect to the NGSO systems proposed by

Boeing, Karousel, Space Norway, LeoSat, and Telesat Canada.30 In each case, SpaceX alleges

that its uplink beams would suffer interference from the uplinks of those other NGSO operators.

This alone suggests that, to the extent any incompatibility actually exists: (i) SpaceX is the

source of any incompatibility; and (ii) it would be most efficient to require SpaceX to adjust its

system design to eliminate that incompatibility.

       C.      Telesat’s Criticisms of the VIASAT-NGSO System Design Are Unfounded

       Telesat asserts that the ViaSat and Telesat NGSO systems are incompatible in that

simultaneous, co-frequency operation of both systems is expected to result in frequent in-line

events. Telesat further asserts that ViaSat’s Petition should be denied because Telesat has

priority over ViaSat at the ITU.31 Telesat’s assertions are misguided. As the Commission has

made clear, all applicants in a given processing round have co-equal licensing priority, without

regard to ITU priority.32 As noted above, the Commission has established a specific mechanism

for addressing circumstances in which two or more NGSO systems are mutually exclusive—

band segmentation, whether alone or in conjunction with the “avoidance of in-line interference”

mechanism. Telesat provides no justification for summarily and arbitrarily abandoning this

mechanism in favor of one grounded in ITU priority.

       See Comments of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-
       20161115-00109 (Boeing); SAT-LOA-20161115-00113 (Karousel); SAT-PDR-
       20161115-00112 (LeoSat); SAT-PDR-20161115-00111 (Space Norway); and SAT-PDR-
       20161115-00108 (Telesat).
       Petition to Deny of Telesat Canada, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120, at 3
       (June 26, 2017).
       See Space Station Licensing Reform Order ¶¶ 40-41 (specifically declining to adopt any
       system of preferences for use in choosing among applicants in a given processing round).



       ViaSat’s Petition establishes that granting the VIASAT-NGSO system access to the

United States would serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity. No party has

suggested—let alone demonstrated—otherwise. Many of the technical issues raised simply

ignore longstanding Commission rules and policies and attempt to hobble ViaSat to the

advantage of other applicants in this processing round. Those arguments are impermissible and

non-cognizable attempts to redesign the VIASAT-NGSO system, and also are substantively

flawed. Accordingly, the Commission should grant the VIASAT-NGSO system access to the

United States, without any of the conditions suggested by any of the commenters, and after

allowing ViaSat to amend its application to take into account any rule changes effectuated

through the pending NGSO rulemaking.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                        /s/ John P. Janka
Christopher J. Murphy                                 John P. Janka
 Associate General Counsel, Regulatory Affairs        Elizabeth R. Park
Daryl T. Hunter                                       Jarrett S. Taubman
 Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs                  LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
VIASAT, INC.                                          555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
6155 El Camino Real                                   Suite 1000
Carlsbad, CA 92009                                    Washington, DC 20004

                                                      Counsel for ViaSat, Inc.

July 7, 2017


              Exhibit A:
 Supplemental Technical Explanation of
VIASAT-NGSO Satellite-to-Satellite Links

                This exhibit provides additional technical information regarding the VIASAT-

NGSO system’s satellite-to-satellite (i.e., NGSO-to-GSO) links, and the NGSO-to-GSO payload

that will facilitate the operation of those links.

                As described in the Technical Annex of ViaSat’s Petition, the technical operating

characteristics of the NGSO-to-GSO payloads on the VIASAT-NGSO satellites will closely

resemble those of typical VSAT earth stations in ViaSat’s GSO satellite networks. In a typical

ViaSat fixed VSAT network, ViaSat VSAT earth stations first acquire reception of the downlink

signal originating from the relevant hub side gateway or satellite access node (SAN) serving that

location. This outbound or forward link transmission contains information that tells the VSAT

site which frequencies are available for it to use for its uplink carrier and when it can burst into

the MF-TDMA return link. This is also true for the earth stations in motion (ESIMs) that already

operate within ViaSat GSO networks. Information in the forward link transmission from the

SAN is used to update the coverage maps and satellite ephemeris database in the ESIM’s modem

and antenna controllers so they know which beams/frequencies to use on each satellite within the

ViaSat network and about any coverage limitations, etc. As the ESIMs travel, they automatically

switch frequencies, data rate, polarization, and even satellites as appropriate. Where geographic

coverage limitations are encountered, the ESIM automatically stops transmitting until it moves

outside a restricted location and/or back inside the satellite network’s defined coverage.

                The NGSO-to-GSO payloads will also operate at the same data rates, at the same

power levels, and within the same footprint beams as a typical VSAT/ESIM. The VIASAT-

NGSO satellites are expected to use antennas of similar size class to a typical VSAT/ESIM and,

in the examples that follow, a 75 cm class antenna has been assumed. As the VIASAT-NGSO

satellites travel through their orbit and pass within the coverage of a ViaSat GSO satellite, the

receiver of the NGSO-to-GSO payload will lock to the same downlink signal of the

forward/outbound transmission as a normal VSAT/ESIM and will download any required

updates to its databases prior to attempting to transmit up to the target GSO satellite. These

updates will include any coverage or operational restrictions for the NGSO-to-GSO link.

                The operation of the NGSO-to-GSO links will occur within the coverage areas of

the target GSO satellites. Assume, by way of example, a GSO satellite with visible Earth

coverage. The operation of the NGSO-to-GSO links communicating with that particular GSO

satellite will occur within the cone of coverage projected from that GSO satellite to the Earth.

This is depicted graphically in Figure 1, where the coverage area of the GSO satellite on Earth is

depicted by the cone. The VIASAT-NGSO satellites outside the “coverage cone” and marked

with an X in the link will not communicate with that GSO satellite when they are outside that

cone of coverage. But if those VIASAT-NGSO satellites were within the “coverage cone” of

another GSO satellite, they could communicate with that other GSO satellite.

                For the NGSO-to-GSO payloads, the transmission levels required to produce a

signal at the target satellite with the desired signal to noise ratio are similar to those of a typical

VSAT or ESIM. Actually, the NGSO-to-GSO link has slightly less path loss and no atmospheric

losses to overcome, so the resulting transmitted e.i.r.p. density is about 3.5 dB lower than for a

typical VSAT or ESIM. With respect to adjacent GSO satellites, the NGSO-to-GSO payloads

actually generate less unwanted energy than a typical VSAT or ESIM due to the larger off-axis

angle from MEO altitude toward the adjacent GSO spacecraft.


               Figure 1 – Operational Coverage Area For NGSO-to-GSO Links

               In Tables 1 and 2, a simple Earth-to-space link is presented for both a fixed VSAT

and for an NGSO-to-GSO satellite-to-satellite link. Table 1 shows that the transmitted power

required from a NGSO-to-GSO payload is about 3.5 dB less than for a typical fixed VSAT on

the ViaSat-2 network. Table 2 shows a similar Earth-to-space link but this time examining the

I/N at potential victim satellites. Note that because the MEO orbit of 8200 km altitude is closer


to GSO, the effective off-axis angle between two GSO satellites is larger than the topocentric

angle from the Earth’s surface. This results in increased off-axis gain reduction than for a

VSAT/ESIM on the Earth. The potential adjacent satellites examined were Inmarsat’s GX

satellite at 55º W, the EchoStar/HNS Jupiter 2 satellite at 97.1º W, the EchoStar XVII satellite at

107.1º W, and a notional GSO satellite separated by only 2 degrees from a ViaSat target GSO.

In each case, the target ViaSat satellite for the satellite-to-satellite link was selected to be the

closest in longitude to the adjacent GSO satellite so as to make the off-axis angle between the

VIASAT-NGSO satellite and the adjacent GSO as small as possible. In the case of Inmarsat GX,

the ViaSat-2 satellite at 69.9º W was used as the target satellite, and in the case of Jupiter 2,

ViaSat-3 at 89º W was used as the target. For the EchoStar XVII analysis, WildBlue-1 at 111.1º

W was used as the target satellite.

                                      Fixed VSAT            NGSO
 Antenna input power                          25.0               11.3   W
 Symbol rate                                 160.0              160.0   MBd
 Antenna input density                         -8.1             -11.5   dBW/MHz
 75 cm antenna gain                           44.5               44.5   dBi
 EIRP density                                 36.4               33.0   dBW/MHz
 GSO altitude (nadir)                     35786.0            27586.0    km
 Path loss                                   212.7              210.5   dB
 Atmospheric loss                               1.2               0.0   dB
 Power density at GSO                       -177.5             -177.5   dBW/MHz
 Satellite antenna gain                       61.0               61.0   dBi
 Signal at satellite receiver (S)           -116.5             -116.5   dBW/MHz
 Satellite noise                           1050.0             1050.0    K
 Satellite G/T                                30.8               30.8   dB/K
 Thermal noise at receiver (N)              -138.4             -138.4   dBW/MHz
 Signal to noise at receiver (S/N)            21.9               21.9   dB

                Table 1 – NGSO-to-GSO link e.i.r.p. density calculation


                                     NGSO       GX 55 W      Jupiter 2     Echo XVII     2 Deg Sat
Antenna input power                      11.3                                                         W
Symbol rate                            160.0                                                          MBd
Antenna input density                   -11.5                                                         dBW/MHz
Off-axis angle to victim                             22.5          40.1            6.1          3.1   deg
75 cm antenna gain                                    -1.8          -8.1           9.4         16.9   dBi
EIRP density                                        -13.3         -19.6           -2.1          5.3   dBW/MHz
GSO altitude (nadir)                             27586.0       27586.0       27586.0       27586.0    km
Path loss                                           210.5         210.5         210.5         210.5   dB
Atmospheric loss                                       0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0   dB
Power density at GSO                               -223.8        -230.0        -212.6        -205.1   dBW/MHz
Off-axis angle towards transmitter                       0             0             0            0   deg
Satellite antenna gain                               41.0          53.0          53.0          53.0   dBi
Interference at sat receiver (I)                   -182.8        -177.0        -159.6        -152.1   dBW/MHz
Satellite noise                                     690.0       1250.0        1250.0        1250.0    K
Satellite G/T                                        12.6          22.0          22.0          22.0   dB/K
Thermal noise at receiver (N)                      -140.2        -137.6        -137.6        -137.6   dBW/MHz
Interference to noise at rx (I/N)                   -42.6         -39.4         -22.0         -14.5   dB

                  Table 2 – NGSO-to-GSO link I/N calculations

                  In Table 2, it is assumed that, for each of the adjacent spacecraft, the maximum

on-axis gain value has been used for the receiving antenna at the satellite. This is based on the

assumption that the NGSO-to-GSO link falls within an area of peak gain of the adjacent

spacecraft. The resulting I/N in each case is less than -12.2 dB, and in most cases considerably

so. Accordingly, the rise in thermal noise at the victim is less than 6% delta T/T in all cases.

                  In the case of OneWeb and O3b, their orbits fall below that of the VIASAT-

NGSO orbit by 7000 km and 200 km, respectively. Because the antenna for the NGSO-to-GSO

link will be located on the side of the spacecraft facing the GSO orbit, the off-axis angle toward

each of the two lower orbits will be nearly 180 degrees and in addition to the off-axis gain

reduction in that direction, signals in the direction of the lower orbits will be further attenuated

by the body of the spacecraft, which is between the antenna and the lower orbits.

                  Similarly, the Earth-facing antennas on the OneWeb and O3b spacecraft are

assumed to be nearly 180 degrees off-axis toward the VIASAT-NGSO satellites. There may be


additional blockage in the direction of the VIASAT-NGSO satellite by the OneWeb or O3b

spacecraft body, but,in any case, with each antenna pointed nearly 180 degrees from the other,

any interference from the NGSO-to-GSO link will be very small.

                To further verify the above calculations for the interference from the VIASAT-

NGSO satellite’s NGSO-to-GSO links, as well as the presumed lack of signal coupling in the

case of OneWeb and O3b, Visualyse simulations were developed to validate the lack of


                In the case of Inmarsat, a variety of tracking scenarios were examined where

ViaSat-2 was set up as the target satellite so as to provide the least off-axis gain discrimination

toward the Inmarsat GX satellite at 55º W – see Figures 2 and 3 for a 2D and 3D depiction of the

satellites in the simulation and the related links. The simulation was set up to look at the

interference into a single GX spot beam, while the NGSO orbits were propagated over a 30-day

simulation period. As show in Figure 4, the worst-case I/N reported by Visualyse was -45.6 dB.

The simulation was repeated for a number of different spot beam locations, with no difference

observed in the worst-case I/N.


Figure 2 – Visualyse 2D simulation view for Inmarsat scenario showing NGSO-to-GSO link


Figure 3 – Visualyse 3D simulation view with Inmarsat GX, ViaSat-2, and NGSO-to-GSO link

Figure 4 – NGSO-to-GSO link I/N into Inmarsat GX as a percentage of time


               Similarly, the simulation for EchoStar/HNS was configured to use the worst-case

closest ViaSat satellite to the adjacent EchoStar/HNS satellite. In this case, WildBlue-1 at 111.1º

W was the target GSO satellite and EchoStar XVII at 107.1º W was the adjacent spacecraft,

because this combination represented the smallest orbital separation of the various

ViaSat/EchoStar parings. After a 30-day simulation period, the worst-case reported I/N into one

of the spot beams was -22.6 dB. Figure 5 shows the I/N into EchoStar XVII as a percentage of

time. As was the case with Inmarsat GX, moving the location of the adjacent satellite’s spot

beam about the coverage area did not change the worst-case I/N or the distribution as a

percentage of time.

               Figure 5 – NGSO-to-GSO link I/N into OneWeb as a percentage of time

               As expected for the LEO and MEO NGSO systems with lower altitude than the

VIASAT-NGSO satellites, and with the antennas of each system pointed in opposite directions,


the I/N values reported by Visualyse were considerably lower than for the GSO satellites above.

The worst-case I/N observed for OneWeb was for all practical purposes immeasurable at -86.5

dB, and for O3b with the shorter path loss between systems, the worst-case I/N observed was

somewhat higher at -51.9 dB, but still vanishingly small. Figure 6 shows the Visualyse 3D

simulation view for OneWeb and Figure 8 shows a similar 3D view for O3b. In each of the

views, the red dots represent the VIASAT-NGSO satellites and the blue dots represent the other

NGSO satellites. A green line is used to represent the desired link between the other NGSO

system’s earth station and satellite. The blue line represents a link between a ViaSat earth station

and GSO satellite. A brown line represents a ViaSat earth station to VIASAT-NGSO link. A

magenta line represents a ViaSat NGSO satellite’s NGSO to GSO link. Figures 7 and 9 show the

resulting I/N from the ViaSat NGSO-to-GSO links into the other NGSO system as a percentage

of time.

Figure 6 – Visualyse 3D simulation view with OneWeb and active NGSO-to-GSO link


Figure 7 – NGSO-to-GSO link I/N into OneWeb as a percentage of time

Figure 8 – O3b Visualyse 3D view of O3B system and active NGSO-to-GSO link


Figure 9 – NGSO-to-GSO link I/N into O3b as a function of time



               I hereby declare that I am the technically qualified person responsible for

preparation of the engineering information contained in the foregoing Consolidated Opposition

and Reply Comments of ViaSat, Inc., that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s rules,

that I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted with this pleading,

and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

                                                 Dary] T. Hunter, P.E.
                                                 Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs
                                                 ViaSat, Inc.
                                                 6155 El Camino Real
                                                 Carlsbad, CA 92009

July 7, 2017

                                        CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

         I, Jarrett S. Taubman, hereby certify that on this 7th day of July, 2017, I served true and
correct copies of the foregoing Consolidated Opposition and Reply Comments of ViaSat, Inc. via
first-class mail upon the following:

     Elizabeth Neasmith                                 Gerald E. Oberst
     TELESAT CANADA                                     SES S.A.
     1601 Telesat Court                                 1129 20th Street, N.W., Suite 1000
     Ottawa, Ontario                                    Washington, D.C. 20036
     Canada, K1B 5P4

     Suzanne H. Malloy                                  Karis A. Hastings
     O3B LIMITED                                        SATCOM LAW LLC
     900 17th Street, N.W., Suite 300                   1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400
     Washington, DC 20006                               Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                        Counsel to SES S.A. and O3b Limited

     Jostein Rønneberg                                  Phillip L. Spector
     SPACE NORWAY AS                                    Lafayette Greenfield
     Drammensveien 165                                  MILBANK, TWEED, HADLEY & McCLOY LLP
     0277 Oslo                                          1850 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100
     Norway                                             Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                        Counsel to Space Norway AS

     Giselle Creeser                                    Jennifer D. Hindin
     INMARSAT INC.                                      Katy M. Ross
     1101 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 1200          WILEY REIN LLP
     Washington, D.C. 20036                             1776 K Street, N.W.
                                                        Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                        Counsel to Inmarsat Inc.

     Mariah Shuman                                      Brian D. Weimer
     Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs                Douglas A. Svor
     WorldVu Satellites Limited                         Ashley Yeager
     1400 Key Boulevard, Suite A1                       Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
     Arlington, VA 22209                                2099 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 100
                                                        Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                        Counsel to WorldVu Satellites Limited

     Tim Hughes                                         William M. Wiltshire
     Patricia Cooper                                    Paul Caritj
     1030 15th Street, N.W., Suite 220E                 1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800
     Washington, D.C. 20005                             Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                        Counsel to Space Exploration Technologies Corp.

     Jennifer A. Manner
     Brennan Price
     11717 Exploration Lane
     Germantown, MD 20876

                                                    /s/ Jarrett S. Taubman
                                                   Jarrett S. Taubman

Document Created: 2017-07-07 23:13:45
Document Modified: 2017-07-07 23:13:45

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