SpaceX Comments - Vi

COMMENT submitted by Space Exploration Technologies Corp.

SpaceX Comments


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00120 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Before the
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                           )
VIASAT, INC.                               )              Call Sign: S2985
Petition for Declaratory Ruling Granting   )              File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120
Access to the U.S. for a Non-U.S.-Licensed )
Nongeostationary Orbit Satellite Network )


         Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (“SpaceX”) hereby comments on the

petition filed by ViaSat, Inc. for authority to serve the U.S. market with its proposed non-

geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”) system providing Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”)

in the Ku and Ka bands. The proposed system would consist of 24 satellites evenly divided

across three orbital planes, at an altitude of 8,200 km using Ku and Ka band spectrum.1

ViaSat proposes to use extremely large “footprint coverage” beams to transmit and receive

control signals as well as narrow steerable service beams that may be redirected anywhere

within that footprint.2 As depicted in ViaSat’s technical appendix, each of these footprints

is significantly larger than the entirety of North America.3 ViaSat’s use of such large

    See Petition for Declaratory Ruling Granting Access to the U.S. for a Non-U.S.-Licensed
    Nongeostationary Orbit Satellite Network, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00120, at 3-4 (Nov. 15,
    Id., Attachment A at 2.
    Id. at 3.

coverage areas will greatly complicate equitable spectrum sharing between NGSO systems

in these bands, and reduce spectral efficiency.

             In addition, due to ViaSat’s proposed operational altitude, its uplink beams are

likely to cause significant interference to LEO satellites whenever a LEO satellite passes

through a ViaSat earth station’s main beam or sidelobe. This would effectively prevent a

LEO system with steerable beams (like SpaceX’s) from working around the in-line event,

forcing the default arrangement of band segmentation. The Commission should ensure

that all system types under consideration in this processing round will be able to equitably

share spectrum with one another while making efficient use of this scarce resource. If

necessary, the Commission should impose license conditions to ensure that operators have

the proper incentives to coordinate fairly and effectively with every other NGSO system.


             When the Commission adopted its current avoidance of in-line interference

approach, it anticipated that in-line events would be relatively infrequent.4 However, due

to the very large footprint of ViaSat’s satellites, there will virtually always be at least one,

and often more LEO satellites within that footprint, greatly increasing the frequency of

apparent in-line events beyond what the Commission anticipated. In fact, such in-line

events involving three or more operators may not be uncommon.

             Large coverage areas and high altitude increases the number of in-line events that

a ViaSat satellite is likely to experience with other systems, increases the duration of those

         Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit, Fixed Satellite
         Service in the Ka-Band, Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 14708, ¶ 19 (2003).

in-line events, and increases the odds that a given satellite will experience in-line events

with multiple operators at one time. Instead of a fleeting event, an in-line event with a

ViaSat satellite will last a significant period of time, during which affected satellites will

remain in either a band-splitting or other spectrally inefficient coordination regime. LEO

satellites may experience long-duration in-line events with a ViaSat satellite and a large

number of LEO satellites may be affected simultaneously by one single ViaSat

satellite. Both operators will take the burden of long periods of in-line coexistence due to

ViaSat’s large satellite footprint and high altitude. This will significantly reduce the

spectrum available to the ViaSat system itself and also other systems, especially in cases

of in-line events with more than one operator.

       Figure 1 illustrates the size of a ViaSat Ku-band satellite footprint and the huge area

within it affected by in-line events with the SpaceX constellation. All of the area in red is

considered in-line based on a 10 degree separation angle—though this illustration actually

understates the problem as it ignores service over the ocean.

                 Figure 1. Illustration of ViaSat In-Line Event Scope


Troublingly, because ViaSat coverage beams will only illuminate a fraction of a given

satellite’s footprint at a given time, the large majority of these in-line events would, in fact,

be “false” in-line events that, unbeknownst to other operators, would not have caused

harmful interference. ViaSat can avoid this and greatly increase spectral efficiency by

committing to provide real-time coordination data with other operators that includes the

steering angle of each of its beams at a given time. However, in the absence of this

information, other operators will be forced to assume that in-line interference is possible at

anytime, anywhere within the ViaSat footprint. Yet addressing the false in-line event issue

does not resolve the very real interference issues arising from the operation of ViaSat’s

NGSO system.


        The ViaSat system, and other systems with high operational altitudes, are likely to

cause interference to LEO systems due to the very high EIRP of these systems’ earth station

uplink beams. For example, in order to communicate with satellites at altitudes of 8,200

km, ViaSat’s uplink beams will transmit at EIRP levels much higher than SpaceX’s. With

such an extreme EIRP disparity, the ViaSat uplink beam would likely degrade SpaceX’s

or any other LEO satellite’s ability to receive any uplink signal in the affected band from

any location on the Earth, whether or not it is near the transmitting ViaSat earth station.

This would essentially prevent a LEO satellite with steerable beams from using that

steering capability to avoid an in-line event, forcing both operators to default to band



        To illustrate this point, consider two in-line scenarios involving the NGSO systems

proposed by ViaSat and SpaceX. As depicted below, in Scenario 1, the SpaceX LEO

satellite is in the main beam of the ViaSat earth station uplink to a ViaSat MEO satellite.5

In Scenario 2, the SpaceX and ViaSat earth stations are essentially collocated while their

satellites have an apparent angular separation of 10 degrees.

                  Scenario 1                                         Scenario 2

Using operational parameters from the SpaceX and ViaSat applications, we can determine

the impact (measured as ∆T/T) of these in-line events.

    Note that, given the extreme difference between the operating altitudes of the two systems, the
    separation angle between MEO_ES and LEO_ES from the LEO satellite perspective is essentially the
    same as the angle between MEO and LEO from the LEO_ES perspective.


          For example, Table 1 below sets forth the analysis of the impact that the uplink

  beam from a ViaSat 7-meter earth station would have on SpaceX in Scenario 1. As this

  analysis demonstrates, the uplink beam from a ViaSat earth station would cause a dramatic

  increase in noise temperature relative to the desired signal at the receive antenna of SpaceX

  satellites, with ΔT/T of 208,412%, assuming 10 degrees of angular separation.6

SpaceX SAT Rx antenna gain at nadir [dB]                 41.00
SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at nadir [dB/K]                13.70     see SpaceX FCC filing
SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at 10º [dB/K]                  -20.30    32-25log(φ) at 10° separation
ViaSat ES EIRP [dBW/40kHz]                               53.20     for 7m ES in 27.5-28.6 GHz
ViaSat ES EIRP [dBW/Hz]                                   7.18
I/N [dB]                                               33.19  at 10° separation
ΔT/T [%]                                             208,412% at 10° separation
                 Table 1. Impact of 7 m ViaSat Earth Station in Scenario 1

  Smaller earth stations will have similar effects, with a 60 centimeter earth station causing

  ΔT/T of 2,624%, and a 30 cm earth station causing ΔT/T of 644%, as shown in Tables 2

  and 3, respectively.

 SpaceX SAT Rx antenna gain at nadir [dB]                 41.00
 SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at nadir [dB/K]                13.70   see SpaceX FCC filing
 SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at 10º [dB/K]                 -20.30   32-25log(φ) at 10° separation
 ViaSat ES EIRP [dBW/40kHz]                               34.20   for 0.6m ES in 27.5-28.6 GHz
 ViaSat ES EIRP [dBW/Hz]                                 -11.82
 I/N [dB]                                              14.19      at 10° separation
 ΔT/T [%]                                             2,624%      at 10° separation
                Table 2. Impact of 60 cm ViaSat Earth Station in Scenario 1

      For purposes of this analysis, SpaceX used a representative frequency (28 GHz) and a representative
      orbital altitude for its system (1,110 km), and EIRP values for ViaSat earth stations taken from the
      EPFD_up simulations submitted with its application. I/N is calculated using this equation (where k =
      Boltzmann constant):
                                          10 log 4       10 log             10 log

SpaceX SAT Rx antenna gain at nadir [dB]                41.00
SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at nadir [dB/K]               13.70     see SpaceX FCC filing
SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at 10º [dB/K]                -20.30     32-25log(φ) at 10° separation
ViaSat ES EIRP [dBW/40kHz]                              28.10     lowest EIRP, 0.3m ES, 27.5-28.6 GHz
ViaSat ES EIRP [dBW/Hz]                                -17.92     lowest possible ES EIRP used here
I/N [dB]                                                  8.09    at 10° separation
ΔT/T [%]                                                 644%     at 10° separation
               Table 3. Impact of 30 cm ViaSat Earth Station in Scenario 1

In all three cases, interference is so strong that it would prevent the SpaceX satellite from

using its steerable beams to service other users (even outside the area subject to the in-line

event) using spectrum shared with ViaSat, and thus essentially prevents SpaceX from using

those frequencies anywhere during the in-line event.

         An analysis of Scenario 2 yields similar results, although here it is the sidelobes of

the various ViaSat earth stations7 that interfere with the main beam of the SpaceX earth

station’s uplink transmissions. Tables 4, 5, and 6 below show the increase in noise

temperature expected in the SpaceX uplink when the separation angle between a SpaceX

satellite and a ViaSat satellite is 10 degrees from the point of view of ViaSat earth stations

of various sizes.

    SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at nadir
    [dB/K]                                               13.70    see SpaceX FCC filing
    ViaSat ES Diameter D [m]                             0.30     per ViaSat FCC filing
    ViaSat ES Gmax [dB]                                  36.64    estimated
    ViaSat ES Gain @ 10º [dB]                            7.00     32-25log(φ), per Rec. ITU-R S.465-6
    ViaSat ES EIRP @ 10º [dBW/40kHz]                      -1.54   lowest EIRP, 0.3m ES, 27.5-28.6GHz
    ViaSat ES EIRP @ 10º [dBW/Hz]                        -47.56
    I/N [dB]                                            12.45 at 10º separation
    ΔT/T [%]                                           1,756% at 10º separation
                  Table 4. Impact of 30 cm ViaSat Earth Station in Scenario 2

     For this analysis, SpaceX determined off-axis gain of ViaSat earth stations using the formula 32 -
     25log(ϕ) from Recommendation ITU-R S.465-6, available at pubrec/itu-

    SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at nadir
    [dB/K]                                             13.70    see SpaceX FCC filing
    ViaSat ES Diameter D [m]                            0.60    per ViaSat FCC filing
    ViaSat ES Gmax [dB]                                42.66    estimated
    ViaSat ES Gain @ 10º [dB]                           7.00    32-25log(φ), per Rec. ITU-R S.465-6
    ViaSat ES EIRP @ 10º [dBW/40kHz]                   -1.46    for 0.6m ES in 27.5-28.6GHz
    ViaSat ES EIRP @ 10º [dBW/Hz]                      -47.48
    I/N [dB]                                         12.53 at 10º separation
    ΔT/T [%]                                        1,789% at 10º separation
                 Table 5. Impact of 60 cm ViaSat Earth Station in Scenario 2

    SpaceX SAT Rx antenna G/T at nadir
    [dB/K]                                             13.70    see SpaceX FCC filing
    ViaSat ES Diameter D [m]                            7.00    per ViaSat FCC filing
    ViaSat ES Gmax [dB]                                64.70    estimated
    ViaSat ES Gain @ 10º [dB]                           7.00    32-25log(φ), per Rec. ITU-R S.465-6
    ViaSat ES EIRP @ 10º [dBW/40kHz]                   -4.50    for 7m ES in 27.5-28.6GHz
    ViaSat ES EIRP @ 10º [dBW/Hz]                      -50.52
    I/N [dB]                                            9.49    at 10º separation
    ΔT/T [%]                                           888%     at 10º separation
                  Table 6. Impact of 7 m ViaSat Earth Station Scenario 2

As these tables demonstrate, the high EIRP of the ViaSat earth stations will make efficient

and equitable spectrum sharing difficult or impossible. Because SpaceX will experience

an unacceptable level of interference without a separation angle much larger than 10

degrees, the operators would have to expand the in-line event zone which would negatively

impact spectral efficiency and usable capacity for both systems.

         Without effective coordination, this pervasive interference will significantly reduce

the overall utility of NGSO operations throughout the band. The Commission is currently

considering whether to adopt default limits for EIRP density of NGSO uplink transmissions

in order to facilitate spectrum sharing among systems,8 and SpaceX believes that such

     See Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and
     Related Matters, 31 FCC Rcd. 13651, ¶¶ 28-30 (2016).


limits will be critical to equitable spectrum sharing among non-homogeneous NGSO

systems. At a minimum, any grant of ViaSat’s application should be conditioned upon

compliance with the outcome of that rulemaking proceeding. The Commission should also

consider whether it would be appropriate to impose additional conditions to address this

potential interference and enhance the potential for efficient spectrum sharing.


       In effect, systems operating at high altitudes and with large coverage areas cause a

very large number of in-line events inefficiently splitting spectrum during a large portion

of its satellites’ time on orbit. Higher-altitude systems such as ViaSat’s compound these

challenges by posing an asymmetric interference risk to lower-altitude operators whenever

they pass through the main beam or sidelobe of a ViaSat uplink transmission. The

Commission should carefully consider whether the public interest would be served by

authorizing systems that are only workable if other, more adaptable systems take a

disproportionate burden of sharing, as the compromises required would reduce the overall

capacity available to serve consumers, and also evaluate how it can foster spectrally

efficient coexistence between systems of widely differing altitudes.


                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    SPACE EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGIES CORP.

                                    By: /s/ Tim Hughes
 William M. Wiltshire               Tim Hughes
 Paul Caritj                        Senior Vice President, Global Business
 HARRIS, WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP    and Government Affairs
 1919 M Street, N.W.
 Suite 800                           Patricia Cooper
 Washington, DC 20036                Vice President, Satellite Government
 202-730-1300 tel                    Affairs
 202-730-1301 fax                   SPACE EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGIES CORP.
                                    1030 15th Street, N.W.
 Counsel to SpaceX                  Suite 220E
                                    Washington, DC 20005
                                    202-649-2700 tel
                                    202-649-2701 fax

June 26, 2017


                         ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION

The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission as

 (i) I am the technically qualified person responsible for the engineering information
     contained in the foregoing Comments,

 (ii) I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission's Rules, and

 (iii) I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information contained in the
       foregoing Comments, and it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge
       and belief.


                                            /s/ Mihai Albulet
                                            Mihai Albulet, PhD
                                            Principal RF Engineer
                                            SPACE EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGIES CORP.

                                            June 26, 2017

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I hereby certify that, on this 26th day of June, 2017, a copy of the foregoing
Comments was served by electronic mail upon:

                              John P. Janka
                              Elizabeth R. Park
                              Jarrett S. Taubman
                              Latham & Watkins LLP
                              555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
                              Suite 1000
                              Washington, DC 20004

                                                    /s/ Sabrina McMillin
                                                    Sabrina McMillin

Document Created: 2019-04-10 18:33:42
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 18:33:42

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