ViaSat NGSO App Resp

SUPPLEMENT submitted by ViaSat, Inc.

Response to IB Request for Additional Information


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00120 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                          Madrid          Washington, D.C.
Secretary                                                      Milan

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

                 Re:   ViaSat, Inc., IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20161115-00120, Call Sign S2985

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         ViaSat, Inc. (“ViaSat”) submits the attached response to the Commission’s request dated
March 10, 2017 for additional information regarding the above-referenced petition for a
declaratory ruling requesting U.S. market access for a non-geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) fixed-
satellite service system. The attached response provides the technical information and analysis

       If you have any questions regarding this submission, please contact the undersigned.

                                            Respectfully submitted,


                                            John P. Janka
                                            Elizabeth R. Park
                                            Jarrett S. Taubman


cc:    Jose Albuquerque
       Stephen Duall

 Response to Request for Information

To aid in the Commission‘s evaluation of ViaSat‘s petition, please provide additional information
concerning the post—mission disposal plans for ViaSat‘s satellites. In particular, please provide a
statement and/or analysis with respect to the long—term stability or instability of the proposed post—
mission storage orbit. Such analysis should address any measures, such as selection of orbital
parameters, that may affect the long—term evolution of orbital parameters, with particular attention to
addressing any such evolution that would result in the satellites entering the LEO protected region, i.e.,
the area below 2000 km.


As stated in the ViaSat—NGSO application:

        At EOL, ViaSat will dispose of the VIASAT—NGSO satellites by moving them to
        a storage orbit at 8,500 km. This is compliant with U.S. Government Orbital Debris Mitigation
        Standard Practices, Objective 4, Post—mission Disposal Of Space Structures. Sufficient fuel will
        be reserved for the post—mission disposal maneuvers.

U.S. Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices (USGODMSP), Objective 4, Post—mission
Disposal Of Space Structures, provides for three disposal options — atmospheric reentry, maneuvering to
a storage orbit, and direct retrieval. For the second option, maneuvering to a storage orbit, USGODMSP
identifies four storage regimes — Between LEO and MEO, Between MEO and GEO, Above GEO, and
Heliocentric (Earth escape). The Between LEO and MEO regime is described as:

        Maneuver to an orbit with perigee altitude above 2000 km and apogee altitude below 19,700 km
        (500 km below semi—synchronous altitude)

This is the option that ViaSat has selected for disposal of the ViaSat—NGSO constellation. ViaSat will
reserve sufficient fuel at EOL to maneuver the ViaSat—NGSO satellites to a storage orbit 300—km above
their operational orbit altitude.

These 8,500—km altitude, 87° inclination, circular post—mission storage orbits are stable for all initial
values of RAAN and mean anomaly under the combined effects of gravitational anomalies, solar
radiation pressure, solar and lunar perturbations, and atmospheric drag.

The ViaSat—NGSO vehicles are based on the Boeing 702HP bus which has the following parameters:

        Total Solar Pressure Area, A = 128 m*

        Dry Mass of Satellite, M = 4197 kg

        Solar Pressure Radiation Coefficient, C; = 1.3

The effective area—to—mass ratio is given by C; * A / M = 0.0396 m*/kg.

ViaSat has conducted extensive simulations to verify these parameters are sufficient to ensure long—
term stability of the post—mission disposal orbits. NASA‘s DAS 2.1 tool was used to evolve the perigees
of satellites in the disposal orbit over 100 years, which is the maximum assumed period allowed by this
software. The minimum perigee observed over this assumed time frame was above 8,475—km. This is
less than a 25—km decrease over 100 years, and still 6,475—km above the LEO protected region. In
addition, a similar analysis using NASA‘s GMAT R2016a tool confirms disposal orbit stability for over 200


                 I hereby declare that I am the technically qualified person responsible for

preparation of the engineering information contained in this Response to Request for Information

of ViaSat, Inc. ("Response"), that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s rules, that I

have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in this Response, and

that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

                                                   Daryl T. Huntér, P.E.
                                                   Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs
                                                   ViaSat, Inc.
                                                   6155 El Camino Real
                                                   Carlsbad, CA 92009

April 11, 2017

Document Created: 2017-04-11 14:56:27
Document Modified: 2017-04-11 14:56:27

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