Response - v2.pdf

LETTER submitted by Kepler Communications Inc.



This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00114 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                              Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                        675 King Street West, #204
                                                                                              Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                         M5V 1M9

                                             Before the
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                        Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of                                           )
                                                                  IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20161115-00114
 Kepler Communications Inc., Petition for                   )
                                                                             (Call Sign S2981)
 Declaratory Ruling                                         )


        Kepler Communications Inc. (Kepler) is hereby providing the Commission with further
information on its non-geostationary satellite orbit (NGSO) fixed-satellite service (FSS) system, for which
market access to the US was requested.

    1. Kepler is including for reference the changes made to schedule S. The changes made were to fix
        errata or further clarify how the system intends to operate based on the request of the International

          Change                  Type             Description
          Removal of Min /        Errata           As described in Kepler’s earlier submission Saturation
          Max Saturation Flux                      Flux Density is not an applicable parameter since Kepler
          Density of all Beams                     does not employ a bent pipe architecture. The inclusion
                                                   of SFD in the prior Schedule S was an error.
          Addition of receive Clarification At the request of the Commission these receive beams
          beams:                                   were added to clarify the capable operating range of the
          UG1r, UG3, UG4,                          system. They are used to show both LHCP and RHCP
          UU2,      UU3,   UU4,                    operation, in additional to lower and upper bounds on
          UU5, UU5r, UU6,                          operating elevation angles of the system. Note, receive
          UU6r, UG5, UG5r,                         beams for gateways are included for completeness
          UG2, UG2r                                though at present Kepler does not intend to operate
                                                   gateways within the United States.

26 June 2017                               Kepler Communications Inc.                                       1 of 6

                                                                            Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                   675 King Street West, #204
                                                                                         Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                    M5V 1M9

          Addition of receive Clarification At the request of the Commission these receive channels
          channels:                             were added to show the operating range of Kepler’s
          UUal, UUah, UUbl,                     SDR.
          UUbh, UUcl, UUch,
          GUal, GUah
          Correction of G/T at Errata           G/T was updated to take into account the elevation angle
          Max. Gain Point                       of communication as presented in the service area
          Addition of transmit Clarification At the request of the Commission these transmit beams
          beams:                                were added to clarify the capable operating range of the
          DG2,     DU2,    DU3,                 system. They are used to show both LHCP and RHCP
          DU3r, DG3, DG4,                       operation, in additional to lower and upper bounds on
          DU1r, DU2r                            operating elevation angles of the system. Note, transmit
                                                beams for gateways are included for completeness
                                                though at present Kepler does not intend to operate
                                                gateways within the United States. Should Kepler
                                                operate a gateway within the United States in the future
                                                it will maintain the same constant EIRP density
                                                demonstrated in these transmit beams in order to
                                                maintain EPFD compliance.
          Correction of PFD Errata              It was noted that PFD values were incorrectly calculated
          values                                for all beams. This was corrected for all beams.
          Correction of EIRP Errata             It was noted that EIRP density was inconsistently
          density values                        calculated using different reference bandwidths. This has
                                                been recalculated using the same reference bandwidth
                                                across all beams to emphasize the use of a constant EIRP
          Correction of Max. Errata             Corrected Max. Transmit EIRP to take into consideration
          Transmit EIRP                         the elevation angle of communication as presented in the
                                                service area description.
          Addition of transmit Clarification At the request of the Commission these transmit channels
          channels:                             were added to clarify the capable operating range of the

26 June 2017                            Kepler Communications Inc.                                     2 of 6

                                                                                    Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                               675 King Street West, #204
                                                                                                     Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                                M5V 1M9

            DUcl, DUch, DUbl,                          system. Note, transmit channels for gateways are
            DUbh, DUal, DUah,                          included for completeness though at present Kepler does
            DGb1, DGbh, DGal,                          not intend to operate gateways within the United States.
            DGah,                                      Should Kepler operate a gateway within the United
                                                       States in the future it will maintain the same constant
                                                       EIRP density demonstrated in these transmit beams in
                                                       order to maintain EPFD compliance.

       2. As noted previously, Kepler’s satellite is designed to maintain a target power-flux density (“PFD”)
           at the surface of the earth as shown in Figure 5 of Kepler’s petition for declaratory ruling1. For
           further clarity, this is achieved by maintaining a constant EIRP density across all bands and
           bandwidths. Ensuring EPFD, and PFD compliance independent of how the SDR parameters2
           change to support coordination and customer requirements. As noted in Schedule S, the maximum
           EIRP density that is maintained across all beams is -50.5 dBW/Hz. This EIRP density is constrained
           by the software onboard the Kepler SDR, which is preprogrammed prior to launch. The SDR will
           host a look up table of bandwidth, data rate, and power. This look up table will define the allowable
           operating parameters of the SDR to ensure a constant EIRP density. In operation, the SDR will
           select the complimentary parameters from this look up table prior to a transmission.

    See Kepler Technical Narrative and Kepler’s letter to the Commission date June 8th, 2017
    Power, bandwidth, and center frequency

26 June 2017                                   Kepler Communications Inc.                                          3 of 6

                                                                                           Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                                     675 King Street West, #204
                                                                                                           Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                                      M5V 1M9

    3. As requested by the Commission, Kepler is providing the following set of figures that show
        Kepler’s antenna gain contours overlaid on a plot of the coverage region.

        Figure 1: Single Kepler satellite beam gain contour visible on the ground. Dashed line represents service area.

                       Figure 2: Zoomed in version of Figure 1 to show gain contour lines more clearly.

26 June 2017                                    Kepler Communications Inc.                                                4 of 6

                                                                                            Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                                      675 King Street West, #204
                                                                                                            Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                                       M5V 1M9

    Figure 3: Single beam gain contour visible on the ground when steered to a 64 degree off bore-sight angle. Dashed line
                                                    represents service area.

  Figure 4: Single beam gain contour visible on the ground if simultaneously steered in every direction. This is the assumption
             made when computing EPFD for the full satellite constellation. Dashed line represents coverage region.

26 June 2017                                     Kepler Communications Inc.                                                 5 of 6

                                                                              Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                    675 King Street West, #204
                                                                                          Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                     M5V 1M9

Respectfully submitted,

        Kepler Communications Inc.                      -           June 26, 2017
        By: __/s/ Nickolas G. Spina_
        Nickolas G. Spina
        Manager of Launch and Regulatory Affairs
        Kepler Communications Inc.

26 June 2017                           Kepler Communications Inc.                                       6 of 6

Document Created: 2017-06-26 11:47:33
Document Modified: 2017-06-26 11:47:33

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