LeoSat Surety Bond R

OTHER submitted by LeoSat MA, Inc.

Surety Bond Rider


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00112 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                              1 8 0 0 M S T R E E T, N W
                                                                              SU ITE 800N
                                                                              W ASHINGTON, DC 20036
                                                                              TEL    202.783.4141
                                                                              FA X   202.783.5851
                                                                              W W W .W BKL AW .C O M

March 18, 2019

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20010

                  Re:     Submission of Surety Bond
                          LeoSat MA, Inc.,
                          IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00112 (Call Sign S2979)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

In accordance with Section 25.165 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.165, and paragraph
25.a of the Order and Declaratory Ruling1 granting access to the U.S. Market to LeoSat MA, Inc.
(“LeoSat”) for the operation of a non-geostationary satellite system operating in Ka-band
spectrum, LeoSat hereby submits the attached surety bond rider.

The surety bond rider is in the dollar amount of $60,000 (increasing the bond amount to
$1,280,000) which is the amount required to cover the 31-day period from March 19, 2019 until
April 19, 2019 pursuant to the formula set forth in Section 25.165(a)(1) of the Commission’s
rules. 2 LeoSat and the surety will execute a rider to the bond on or before April 19, 2019 to
increase the amount of the bond in accordance with the Commission’s requirements. Following
the close of LeoSat’s Series A financing, which LeoSat expects to occur shortly, LeoSat expects
to file future riders covering periods of time of one year or longer.

 See LeoSat MA, Inc., Petition for Declaratory Ruling Concerning U.S. Market Access for the LeoSat
Ka-band Low-Earth Orbit Satellite System, Order and Declaratory Ruling, FCC 18-164, ¶ 25.a (rel. Nov.
19, 2018).
    47 C.F.R. § 25.165(a)(1).

Marlene H. Dortch
March 18, 2019
Page 2

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                             Respectfully Submitted,

                                             /s/ Lynne M. Montgomery
                                             Lynne M. Montgomery
                                             Phillip R. Marchesiello

                                             Counsel to LeoSat MA, Inc.


                                                                   SURETY RIDER

     To be attached to and form a part of

      Bond No. 800041798

          dated            11/19/2018

   executed by LeoSat MA, Inc.                                                                                                     ,   as Principal,

         and by Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company                                                   ,   as Surety,

     in favor of United States Treasury
      in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained the Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing

   The Bond Amount to:

      One Million Two Hundred Eighty Thousand And No/100 ($1,280,000.00)

     Nothing herein contained shall vary, alter or extend any provision or condition of this bond except as herein expressly stated.

     This rider
     is effective                      3/19/2019

     Signed and Sealed                 3/14/2019

                     LeoSat MA, Inc.


                     Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company

                     Maureen McNeilI, Attorney-in-Fact

S-0443/GEEF 10/99

     INSURANCE           GROUP
                                                                      Power of Attorney

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corporation with its principal office in Plymouth,
Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint: Francis J. Curran, Marina A. Kenney, Maureen McNeilI, each individually if there be more than one named, its true and
lawful Attorney-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and all other writings
obligatory in the nature thereof; provided that no bond or undertaking executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of: sixty million doBars ($60,000,000) and
the execution of such bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon
said Company as if they had been fully signed by an authorized officer of the Company and sealed with the Company seal. This Power of Attorney is made and executed by
authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY on the twenty-fifth day of September, 2012:
              Resolved: That the President, any Senior Vice President or Vice-President (each an “Authorized Officer”) may execute for and in behalf of the Company any and
              all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and affix the seal of the Company thereto; and that the
              Authorized Officer may appoint and authorize an Attorney-in-Fact to execute on behalf of the Company any and all such instruments and to affix the Company
              seal thereto; and that the Authorized Officer may at any time remove any such Attorney-in-Fact and revoke all power and authority given to any such Attorney-in-

             Resolved: That the Attorney-in-Fact may be given full power and authority to execute for and in the name and on behalf of the Company any and all bonds,
             recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall
             be as binding upon the Company as if signed and sealed by an Authorized Officer and, further, the Attorney-in-Fact is hereby authorized to verify any affidavit
             required to be attached to bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof.

This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of ATLANTIC SPECIALTY
INSURANCE CDMPANY on the twenty-fifth day of September, 2012:
              Resolved: That the signature of an Authorized Officer, the signature of the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary, and the Company seal may be affixed by
              facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing an Attomey-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and sealing any bond,
              undertaking, recognizance or other written obligation in the nature thereof, and any such signature and seal where so used, being hereby adopted by the Company
              as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Company, to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though
              manually affixed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by an Authorized Officer and the seal of the Company
to be affixed this twenty-sixth day of October, 2017.

                                                                              :“C       INd”,,

                                                                          111         1988                          By
STATE OF MINNESOTA                                                         \“5%v        s0H5’/                            Paul J. Brehm, Senior Vice President
HENNEPIN COUNTY                                                                 “<t    *,t:>”

On this twenty-sixth day of October, 2017, before me personally came Paul J. Brehm, Senior Vice President of ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, to me
personally known to be the individual and officer described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the tame, and being by me
duly sworn, that he is the said officer of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instmment is the seal of said Company and that the said seal and the
signature as such officer was duly affixed and subscribed to the said instmment by the authority and at the direction of the Company.

                                                                       My Comm ssion Expires
                                                                          January3i.2020                                  NotaryPublic
                                                L W         -r

I, the undersigned, Secretary of ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York Corporation, do hereby certify that the foregoing power of attorney is in full
force and hat not been revok d, d the resolution s t fortllMabov e w in force.
Signed and sealed. Dated____________ day of        M.gw’t,
                                                                                ,}s’t IN31,”\

    This Power of Attorney expires                                        j           1986       OJ
           October 1, 2019                                                 %,c.         yo $/
                                                                                                                          Christopher V. Jerry, Secretary

Document Created: 2019-03-18 12:30:34
Document Modified: 2019-03-18 12:30:34

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