Response to OneWeb 0


Ex parte reponse to OneWeb


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


    1601 Telesat Court                                                            August 3, 2017
    Ottawa, CANADA
    K1B 5P4

Mr. Jose P. Albuquerque
Chief, Satellite Division- International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

                              Re: Telesat Canada, Petition for Declaratory Ruling
                                  Requesting Access to the U.S. Market for Its
                                  Non-Geostationary Orbit Constellation, Call Sign S2976
                                  Ex parte, File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108

Dear Mr. Albuquerque:

      Telesat Canada (“Telesat”) hereby submits this ex parte response to certain
arguments in the “Reply Comments”1 submitted by WorldVu Satellites Limited
(“OneWeb”). The Reply Comments address Telesat’s above-referenced Petition for
Declaratory Ruling (“Petition”) requesting access to the U.S. market for its non-
geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) Ka-band system.

       Telesat demonstrates below that OneWeb’s concerns regarding Telesat’s
compliance with the ITU’s EPFD limits are baseless. Telesat also shows that OneWeb’s
assumptions about the deficiencies of Telesat’s showing of U.S. coverage are incorrect
and its claims about the sufficiency of Telesat’s orbital debris mitigation showing are
baseless. The Commission, therefore, should reject OneWeb’s arguments and grant
Telesat’s Petition without further delay.

1Reply Comments of WorldVu Satellites Limited, File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 (July 14, 2017)
(“OneWeb Reply”).


    A. OneWeb’s Suggestion that Telesat Would Operate with EPFD Levels that Exceed ITU
       Limits is Unfounded.

       In its Reply Comments, OneWeb alleges that other NGSO licensees will be
disadvantaged by permitting Telesat to operate with EPFD levels that in OneWeb’s
view exceed the ITU limits. Since Telesat complies with the ITU limits, there is no basis
for OneWeb’s concern. Telesat has designed its constellation to meet the ITU EPFD
limits and has provided the required data to the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau
(BR). Telesat expects a favorable finding from the ITU in due course.

      In any event, with respect to ITU EPFD compliance, Telesat will accept a
comparable condition on a grant of its Petition as the Commission specified in its grant
of OneWeb’s U.S. market access petition. That condition is:

        “Prior to initiation of service, OneWeb must receive a favorable or “qualified
        favorable” finding in accordance with Recommendation 85 (WRC-03) with
        respect to its compliance with applicable EPFD limits in Article 22 of the ITU
        Radio Regulations.”2

       Beyond that, the “critical geometries” which OneWeb alleges Telesat has
ignored3 have been taken into account when generating the PFD and EIRP mask data4
that Telesat has provided the ITU with in accordance with the provisions of Resolution
85 (WRC-03) and thus will be considered by the ITU when it analyzes Telesat’s
conformance with the relevant EPFD limits. While Telesat disputes OneWeb’s
interpretation of ITU EPFD requirements,5 there is no need to engage in a further back

2 See WorldVu Satellites Limited, Petition for a Declaratory Ruling Granting Access to the U.S. Market for the
OneWeb NGSO FSS System, IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041, Order & Declaratory Ruling, FCC 17-
77 (rel. June 23, 2017) (“OneWeb Grant”), at ¶ 24.d. Telesat noted what appears to be a typographical
error in the quoted OneWeb condition; we believe that the reference in the condition to
“Recommendation 85 (WRC-03)” is intended to mean Resolution 85 (WRC-03). See Telesat Canada’s
Response to Comments of WorldVu Satellites Limited, File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 (July 7, 2017)
(”Telesat’s Response to OneWeb”), at 16 and n.27.
3 See OneWeb Reply at 2-3.
4 That is, the data elements under §A.14 of Appendix 4 of the ITU Radio Regulations.
5 Among other defects in OneWeb’s analysis, OneWeb misstates the ITU standard for evaluating Telesat’s

EPFD showing by suggesting that Telesat must meet the strictest of the EPFD limits,
−190.4 𝑑𝐵(W/m2/40 kHz), for 100% of the time. That is not the case. Rather, the ITU permits this limit to
be exceeded by certain amounts for specified percentages of the time. For example, in the case cited by
OneWeb, the −190.4 𝑑𝐵(W/m2/40 kHz) value may be exceeded by 9 dB for up to 9% of the time, or by
20 dB for up to 0.2% of the time. See ITU-RR Article 22, Table 22-1C, 90 cm antenna. As demonstrated in
Telesat’s Response to OneWeb’s original Comments on Telesat’s Petition - in fact in the very graph
reproduced by OneWeb in its Reply - Telesat will comply with the ITU’s EPFD limits in the very example
cited by OneWeb. See Telesat Canada’s Response to Comments of WorldVu Satellites Limited, File No.
SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 (July 7, 2017), at 17-19 and OneWeb’s Reply at 5.


and forth with OneWeb on this issue. The matter of Telesat’s compliance with ITU
EPFD requirements will be resolved by the ITU’s finding.

    B. Telesat’s NGSO Constellation Complies Fully With The Commission’s Domestic
       Coverage Requirement

      OneWeb claims Telesat cannot meet the Commission’s domestic geographic
coverage requirement. OneWeb simply is wrong.

       First, OneWeb used only the 19.7 – 20.2 GHz band in its coverage calculations.
The 19.7 – 20.2 GHz band has the strictest EPFD limits which results in larger
discrimination angles and therefore less coverage. The Telesat NGSO constellation also
uses the 17.8 – 18.6 GHz and the 18.8 – 19.3 GHz bands. In particular, the 17.8 – 18.6
GHz band, including the 18.3-18.6 portion thereof, has smaller discrimination angles
due to the less stringent ITU EPFD limits.6

       Second, OneWeb‘s argument is based on discrimination angles that are not
representative of Telesat’s operations.7 The discrimination angles OneWeb used in its
coverage calculations came from Telesat’s example of how it could comply with the
ITU’s EPFD requirements even in conditions that are “worst case” from an EPFD
perspective. The conditions Telesat chose are, in fact, hypothetical “worst case” as it is
impossible for some of them even to occur in the United States.8 It is simply incorrect to

6 As mentioned, the Telesat system is designed to operate in the 18.8 – 19.3 GHz band as well. That band
is subject to the provisions of No. 9.11A of the ITU Radio Regulations and No. 22.2 does not apply.
Therefore, discrimination angles can be calculated once the results of coordination with applicable
networks and systems is known.
7 Petition, Appendix A, Technical Exhibit at 16-17.
8 Telesat made the following assumptions in its example calculation of discrimination angles; these

assumptions are not representative of either actual operating conditions or the parameters used to
establish EPFD compliance in accordance with Article 22:

        1) That the GSO earth station would receive the same interfering power from the two satellites
        that Telesat assumed would be simultaneously transmitting during handover. This is not
        possible, as not only do the slant ranges and propagation conditions differ between the GSO
        earth station and each of the two satellites, but the GSO earth station antenna will provide
        isolation with respect to the ascending of the two satellites;

        2) That the slant range would be equal to the orbit radius, which is true at the equator but is
        impossible for U.S. coverage purposes because the U.S. territory Telesat is required to cover all
        lies above the equator. The larger the slant range, the smaller the discrimination angles; and

        3) That the NGSO and GSO earth stations would be effectively co-located, which is a worst case


take those worst case discrimination angles and transform them into the basis for a U.S.
coverage evaluation.

        Figure 1 below shows the U.S. coverage of Telesat’s NGSO constellation while
operating in, for example, the 18.3 – 18.6 GHz band with actual operating conditions.9
The figure shows that Telesat complies with the Commission’s U.S. coverage
requirement. Telesat derived the figure, moreover, by using operating parameters that
are in fact more stringent from a coverage perspective than the operating parameters
used by Telesat to generate the PFD and EIRP mask data already provided to the ITU in
accordance with the provisions of Resolution 85 (WRC-03). In particular, in calculating
coverage below, Telesat used larger discrimination angles and lower power levels to
calculate coverage than it used to calculate ITU EPFD compliance.

Figure 1: Telesat NGSO Constellation User Coverage for actual operations in the 18.3 –
18.6 GHz band

    Accordingly, OneWeb’s questioning of Telesat’s compliance with the
Commission’s coverage requirements is fatally flawed.

9   Forward Link downlink operated with a 2.5 dB back-off, and taking into account the real slant ranges.


      C.       Telesat Has Provided All Necessary Information Regarding Its Plans to Mitigate
Against the Risks of Orbital Debris.

      Telesat has provided all necessary information regarding orbital debris
mitigation. In its Petition, Telesat made a showing that is responsive to the
Commission’s orbital debris mitigation rules. The Commission asked Telesat to
elaborate on certain elements of its showing; Telesat responded. In its initial Comments
on Telesat’s Petition, OneWeb raised questions about portions of Telesat’s showing.
Although arguably unnecessary, Telesat responded fully to those questions, too.
OneWeb’s Reply Comments provide no basis for requiring additional mitigation
information from Telesat.

       Similarly, Telesat already has shown OneWeb’s proposal for a 125 km “buffer
zone” between constellations to be unsupported and unwarranted.10 OneWeb’s Reply
Comments provide no basis for departing from the physical coordination approach the
Commission took with respect to OneWeb. The Commission conditioned OneWeb’s
grant on a requirement that OneWeb “coordinate physical operations of spacecraft with
any operator using similar orbits, for the purpose of eliminating collision risk and
minimizing operational impacts.”11 A comparable condition should attach to Telesat’s

      As shown above, OneWeb’s concerns regarding Telesat’s NGSO constellation are
misplaced and should be summarily rejected by the Commission. Telesat’s Petition
should be granted without further delay.

                                                  Very truly yours,

                                                  /s/______________        _
                                                  Elisabeth Neasmith
                                                  Director, Spectrum Management and
Of Counsel:
Henry Goldberg
Joseph A. Godles
Jonathan L. Wiener
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright LLP
1025 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-4900

10   See Telesat’s Response to OneWeb at 5-15.
11   OneWeb Grant, ¶ 25.d


                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that on this 3rd day of August, 2017, a copy of the foregoing ex

parte response to the Reply Comments of WorldVu Satellites Limited was sent by

electronic mail to the following:

        Mariah Shuman                          Brian D. Weimer
        Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs    Douglas A. Svor
        WorldVu Satellites Limited             Ashley Yeager                      Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

                                                Michael Lehmkuhl


Document Created: 2017-08-03 11:32:14
Document Modified: 2017-08-03 11:32:14

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