Response to SpaceX

REPLY submitted by Telesat Canada

Telesat Canada response to SpaceX


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                              )
Telesat Canada                                )   File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108
Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Grant      )
Access to the U.S. Market for Telesat’s       )
NGSO Constellation                            )

                     TECHNOLOGIES CORP.

       In the above-referenced Petition for Declaratory Ruling (“Petition”), Telesat

Canada (“Telesat”) seeks access to the U.S. market for Telesat’s planned low earth orbit

(“LEO”), non-geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”) satellite system (the “Telesat LEO

Constellation” or “LEO Constellation”).

       Telesat’s LEO Constellation will be comprised of over 100 advanced satellites

that will deliver high capacity, high speed, low latency data services with a distributed

space architecture designed to enhance network security and resiliency and the ability

to provide coverage anywhere in the world. The innovative design combines polar and

inclined orbits, incorporates advanced technologies that will make effective and

efficient use Ka-band spectrum to bring needed services to the public, including many

presently underserved areas. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

(formerly Industry Canada) has authorized Telesat to launch and operate this LEO

Constellation, and Telesat has filed the Petition for authority to serve the U.S. market.


        Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (“SpaceX”) filed Comments with respect

to Telesat’s Petition. 1 Telesat hereby responds to SpaceX’s Comments. Telesat

demonstrates that the Comments provide no basis for delaying a grant of Telesat’s


        I.      DISCUSSION

             A. SpaceX’s Assertions Are Vague and Unsubstantiated

        The limitations SpaceX seeks to impose on Telesat’s operations have no basis in

the Commission’s rules. Even SpaceX does not argue that they do. There is, therefore,

no basis for these restrictions.

        Furthermore, while calling for restrictions, SpaceX does not clearly articulate

what it believes those restrictions should be. For example, SpaceX asks the Commission

to “consider whether any grant of Telesat’s application should be conditioned so as to

encourage deployment of [narrow] beams” instead of wider beams, but exactly what

“encouragement” SpaceX has in mind it does not say.2 Such a vague suggestion

without even a hint of a Commission rule that would support it, is no basis for a

condition on a grant of Telesat’s Petition.

        B. The Commission Previously Disposed of Similar SpaceX Arguments

        SpaceX acknowledges that “the Telesat system includes many technical

characteristics that may facilitate coordination and spectrum sharing with other NGSO

1 Comments of Space Exploration Technologies Corp, File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 (filed June 26, 2017)
(“SpaceX Comments”).
2 Id. at 2.


systems.”3 Nevertheless, SpaceX claims Telesat’s system design potentially could make

inefficient use of spectrum. SpaceX’s argument is similar to an argument it made

against OneWeb.4 Based on this argument, SpaceX sought as to One Web, and now

seeks as to Telesat, that operational limits be imposed to facilitate what it calls

“spectrum sharing.”

        The Commission determined with respect to OneWeb that this issue should be

resolved in the Commission’s pending NGSO rulemaking proceeding, not in individual

application proceedings.5 To that end, the Commission conditioned OneWeb’s grant on

the outcome of the rulemaking.6 The same result should obtain here. Telesat has no

objection to accepting a condition similar to the condition the Commission applied to

OneWeb, stating that any earth station licenses granted in the future “would be subject

to modification to bring them into conformance with any rules or policies adopted by

the Commission in the future.”7

        C. SpaceX’s Comments Are Inconsistent with its NGSO Rulemaking Filings
        SpaceX’s Comments conflict with the positions SpaceX has taken in the

Commission’s Ka-band NGSO NPRM proceeding.

3 Id. at 1.
4 See Comments of Space Exploration Technologies Corp, In re WorldVu Satellites Limited Petition for a
Declaratory Ruling Granting Access to the U.S. Market for the One Web NGSO System, IBFS File No.
SAT-LOI-20160428-00041 (August 15, 2016) at 8-17.
5 See WorldVu Satellites Limited, Petition for a Declaratory Ruling Granting Access to the U.S. Market for the

OneWeb NGSO FSS System, IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041, Order & Declaratory Ruling, FCC 17-
77 (June 23, 2017) (“OneWeb Grant”) at ¶12, referencing Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-
Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and Related Matters, 31 FCC Rcd. 13651 (2016) (the “NGSO
6 Id.
7 Cf. OneWeb Grant at ¶ 26.


        For example, SpaceX, having urged the Commission to expand the applicability

of its 10-degree avoidance angle as a measure of interference between systems, without

regard to system parameters,8 complains in its Comments that such an angle would not

adequately define interference as between the Telesat and SpaceX systems.9 Telesat

demonstrated in its submissions in the Ka-band NGSO NPRM proceeding that the 10-

degree avoidance angle does not adequately define when interference between NGSO

systems will occur.10 SpaceX’s Comments support Telesat’s position.

        Similarly, in its Comments SpaceX requests that the Commission impose EIRP

density limits on Telesat’s earth station uplink beams, arguing that such limits are

necessary to provide for “equitable and efficient spectrum sharing among non-

homogeneous NGSO systems.”11 In its reply comments in the NGSO rulemaking,

however, SpaceX argued against these limits:

                 “The NPRM requested comment on the possibility of adopting EIRP
                 density limits on NGSO FSS uplink transmissions, downlink power limits,
                 and earth station receive gain criteria similar to those applicable to GSO
                 systems. In theory, adopting such default limits could facilitate spectrum
                 sharing among NGSO systems. However, SpaceX agrees with Boeing and
                 OneWeb that adopting such limits at this early stage in the development
                 of NGSO systems could constrain ongoing technological development and
                 future innovation.”12

8 See Comments of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-
Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and Related Matters, IB Docket Np. 16-408 (February 27, 2017)
at 16-21.
  See SpaceX Comments at 5.
10 See Comments of Telesat Canada, Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite

Service Systems and Related Matters, IB Docket Np. 16-408 (February 27, 2017) at 9-10 and Attachment A.
11 See SpaceX Comments at 5.
12 See Reply Comments of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-

Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and Related Matters, IB Docket Np. 16-408 (April 10, 2017) at 13.


       SpaceX cannot have it both ways. There cannot be a 10-degree avoidance

standard when it suits SpaceX’s purposes and no such standard when it does not. And

there should not be constraints on uplink transmissions just because SpaceX has now

decided that it would like to limit another system’s operations. In any event, the

appropriate context for resolving these issues is the NGSO rulemaking proceeding.

       D. SpaceX’s Complaints Against Telesat’s System Design Do Not Withstand
       SpaceX makes interference claims based on the width of Telesat’s beams and the

power of Telesat’s uplink transmissions. Those claims should be rejected out of hand,

because Telesat’s beam widths and uplink power fully comply with Commission

requirements. Telesat, however, notes the following:

       First, the most significant factor in the potential for interference between

Telesat’s and SpaceX’s systems is that the two systems will operate on the same

frequencies in overlapping locations, not the width of Telesat’s beams or the power of

its earth station uplinks. Had Telesat chosen to design its system more like SpaceX’s,

which has over 4,000 satellites, the interference potential between the systems would be

greater, not less.

       Second, SpaceX’s interference “analysis” is impossible to review. SpaceX has not

provided even the most basic information; it has supplied neither a C/I assessment nor

a link analysis. Based on what Telesat has been able to glean from SpaceX’s filing and


its associated ITU submissions, however, SpaceX has substantially overstated the

potential for interference.

       Telesat’s variable beam width and the power of its uplinks are essential elements

of Telesat’s economically and spectrally efficient system design. This technology

enables Telesat to tailor the breadth and depth of its coverage to the requirements of

particular areas. The power of Telesat’s ground segment uplinks translates directly into

the capacity of its service. Cut that power and capacity is reduced. SpaceX should not

be permitted to hide behind a claim of frequency sharing to hamstring Telesat’s service

to the public.

       E. The Deficiencies in SpaceX’s Positions Underscore the Benefits of Relying
          on ITU Coordination Procedures
       Finally, SpaceX ignores the role of ITU coordination procedures and the priority

rules that are associated with them. The Commission should look to these time-tested

procedures, not one applicant’s positions that vary from proceeding to proceeding, for

the clarity and certainty that is required to resolve NGSO sharing issues.


       II.     CONCLUSION

       Telesat urges the Commission to grant Telesat’s Petition, consistent with the

action taken by the Commission with respect to OneWeb’s petition for access to the U.S.

market. Nothing in SpaceX’s Comments warrants delaying such favorable action.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  TELESAT CANADA

                                  Elisabeth Neasmith
                                   Director, Spectrum Management and Development
                                  1601 Telesat Court
                                  Ottawa, Ontario
                                  Canada, K1B 5P4
                                  (613) 748-0123
Of Counsel:
Henry Goldberg
Joseph A. Godles
Jonathan L. Wiener
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright LLP
1025 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-4900

July 7, 2017

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I hereby certify that on this 7th day of July, 2017, a copy of the foregoing

Response to Comments of Space Exploration Technologies Corp was sent by first-class,

United States mail to the following:

       Tim Hughes,                            William M. Wiltshire
         Senior Vice President, Global        Paul Caritj
         Business & Government Affairs        HARRIS, WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP
       Patricia Cooper                        1919 M Street, N.W.
         Vice President, Satellite            Suite 800
         Government Affairs                   Washington, DC 20036
       Space Exploration Technologies
       1030 15th Street, N.W.
       Suite 220E
       Washington, DC 20005

                                                Brenda Campbell

Document Created: 2017-07-07 16:39:35
Document Modified: 2017-07-07 16:39:35

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