Response to OneWeb

REPLY submitted by Telesat Canada

Telesat Canada response to Oneweb


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                              )
Telesat Canada                                )   File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108
Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Grant      )
Access to the U.S. Market for Telesat’s       )
NGSO Constellation                            )


                                           TELESAT CANADA
                                           Elisabeth Neasmith
                                            Director, Spectrum Management
                                                and Development
                                           1601 Telesat Court
                                           Ottawa, Ontario
                                           Canada, K1B 5P4
                                           (613) 748-0123

Of Counsel:
Henry Goldberg
Joseph A. Godles
Jonathan L. Wiener
1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-4900

July 7, 2017

                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.     INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY.................................................................1

       AND EXPERTISE ARE UNPARALLELED .......................................................3

       UNSUPPORTED, AND COUNTERPRODUCTIVE ........................................5


       SATISFY COMMISSION REQUIREMENTS ...................................................16

        A.       Telesat’s EPFD Analysis .........................................................................16

        B.       Telesat’s Coverage Showing ..................................................................19

VI.    CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................23


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                    )
Telesat Canada                                      )    File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108
Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Grant            )
Access to the U.S. Market for Telesat’s             )
NGSO Constellation                                  )


        In the above-referenced Petition for Declaratory Ruling (“Petition”), Telesat

Canada (“Telesat”) seeks access to the U.S. market for Telesat’s planned low earth orbit

(“LEO”), non-geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”) satellite system (the “Telesat LEO

Constellation” or “LEO Constellation”). WorldVu Satellites Limited, doing business as

OneWeb (“OneWeb”), filed Comments with respect to Telesat’s Petition. 1 Telesat

hereby responds to OneWeb’s Comments.


        Telesat’s LEO Constellation will be comprised of over 100 advanced satellites

that will deliver high capacity, high speed, low latency data services with a distributed

space architecture designed to enhance network security and resiliency and the ability

to provide coverage anywhere in the world. The innovative design combines polar and

1Comments of WorldVu Satellite Limited, File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 (filed June 26, 2017) (“OneWeb


inclined orbits, incorporates advanced technologies that will make effective and

efficient use Ka-band spectrum to bring needed services to the public, including many

presently underserved areas. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

(formerly Industry Canada) has authorized Telesat to launch and operate this LEO

Constellation and Telesat has filed the Petition for authority to serve the U.S. market.

        OneWeb was recently granted conditional access to the U.S. market for its own

NGSO constellation, subject to the outcome of a rulemaking on the rules to govern such

constellations. 2 OneWeb has raised questions concerning Telesat’s Petition and an

associated filing Telesat made in response to a letter from the International Bureau’s

Satellite Division.3 OneWeb claims resolution of these questions is necessary to address

what it characterizes as “the physical coordination and space debris issues presented by

[Telesat’s] proposed orbital altitude, which overlaps with the OneWeb constellation.”4

        As discussed below, OneWeb has not shown any basis in the FCC’s rules or in

international rules and regulations for its suggested 125 kilometer “Safety Buffer Zone”

around its NGSO constellation and other NGSO constellations. OneWeb also has not

provided any technical analysis for its proposal. Physical spacing of LEO constellations

2 See WorldVu Satellites Limited, Petition for a Declaratory Ruling Granting Access to the U.S. Market for the
OneWeb NGSO FSS System, IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041, Order & Declaratory Ruling, FCC 17-
77 (rel. June 23, 2017) (“OneWeb Grant”).
3 See Letter from Elisabeth Neasmith, Telesat, to Jose Albuquerque, Chief, FCC Satellite Division, regarding

response to March 15, 2017 letter requesting additional information regarding Telesat’s Petition for Declaratory
Ruling Requesting Access to the U.S. Market for Its Non-Geostationary Orbit Constellation, Call Sign S2976 IBFS
File No. SAT-LOI-20161115-00108 (April 14, 2017) (“Telesat’s Response Letter”). See also Letter from Jose
Albuquerque, Chief FCC Satellite Division, to Elisabeth Neasmith, Telesat Canada regarding Telesat Canada’s
Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Call Sign S2976, IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20161115-00108 (March 15, 2017)
(“Satellite Bureau Inquiry”).
4 OneWeb Comments at 2.


needs to be resolved through coordination among all LEO operators not by establishing

a large exclusion zone around any one LEO operator’s constellation to the detriment of

the other operators. Telesat stands ready to work with OneWeb and other operators of

NGSO constellations to work out appropriate physical spacing among their

constellations, just as the Commission has required OneWeb to do.

      With regard to the other matters raised by OneWeb: (i) Telesat responds to

OneWeb’s list of informational requests regarding Telesat’s orbital debris mitigation

showing; and (ii) Telesat demonstrates that its EPFD and coverage showings satisfy

Commission requirements.


      In its Comments, OneWeb implicitly questions Telesat’s experience, technical

qualifications and expertise to implement its NGSO system, including Telesat’s

capability to guard against collisions. There is no basis for OneWeb’s stated concerns.

      As more fully set forth in its Petition, since launching the first domestic

commercial geostationary satellite in 1972, Telesat has evolved into an international,

diversified, and end-to-end satellite services company, with an unparalleled reputation

for innovation, technical and operational expertise and customer service. Telesat has

been an industry leader in collision avoidance and reducing debris in the space

environment for 2 decades, most particularly since the 1997 failure of Telstar 401.

Telesat designs and operates satellites to avoid debris generation both during mission


and post-disposal by following and regularly exceeding international standards for

deorbit and pacification.

       Telesat shares its satellites’ ephemeris data with JSpOC, CANSpOC, the Space

Data Association, the Canadian Space Agency, MIT Lincoln Labs, and fellow operators

both routinely and upon request (currently including NASA, Star One and EchoStar for

near orbit coordination operations).

       Telesat receives high-precision orbits for passive space objects from MIT Lincoln

Labs to further refine Space Situational Awareness (SSA) conjunction assessments.

MIT/LL also supports periodic calibration of Telesat’s tracking systems. These

measures increase the accuracy of our orbit determination process and improve

Telesat’s situational awareness.

       Through Telesat’s prime involvement in the RadarSat 2 mission, Telesat holds

the Flight Dynamics and Satellite Engineering Lead role. As such JSpOC collision

avoidance notifications are analyzed and implemented as required, using proven

collision avoidance software and accepted statistical best practices for LEO SSA.

       In summary, during its almost 50 years of history Telesat has met all

international and domestic regulatory requirements for orbit housekeeping and

disposals of its retired spacecraft. Telesat intends not only to comply with the current

de-orbiting and debris mitigation requirements, but to continue to be a leader in the in-

orbit housekeeping community.


        OneWeb proposes that Telesat be required to maintain an approximate 125 km

altitude buffer zone, which OneWeb describes as a “Safety Buffer Zone,” between its

constellation and OneWeb’s constellation, “subject to physical coordination with

OneWeb.”5 The Commission already has considered and resolved this issue in

connection with OneWeb’s application. OneWeb’s proposal conflicts with the

Commission’s prior determination.

        The Commission has addressed this issue by requiring that NGSO operators

work cooperatively to coordinate the physical operation of their spacecraft to avoid

collisions. To that end, only two weeks ago the Commission conditioned its grant of

market access to OneWeb on compliance with the following condition:

        “OneWeb must coordinate physical operations of spacecraft with any operator
        using similar orbits, for the purpose of eliminating collision risk and minimizing
        operational impacts. The orbital parameters specified in this grant are subject to
        change based on such coordination “6

        OneWeb’s proposal conflicts with the Commission’s prior holding both because

(i) it would elevate OneWeb’s system above other systems by requiring other operators

to coordinate with OneWeb, rather than making it a matter of mutual discussions and

agreement, and (ii) it would mandate a predetermined 125 km altitude between

5 Id. OneWeb also contends that Telesat should have to maintain this altitude separation with other
NGSO systems. Id.
6 OneWeb Grant at ¶25 (d).


satellites. OneWeb offers no support, technical or precedential, for its conflicting


        The duty that the Commission placed upon OneWeb is clear: it must coordinate

the physical operations of its spacecraft with other operators using similar orbits,

including Telesat. Nothing gives OneWeb priority in its coordination with Telesat or

entitles OneWeb to a 125 km altitude buffer which, as discussed below, could

effectively prevent Telesat from operating in low earth orbit.

        Furthermore, OneWeb presents no engineering analysis for its proposed altitude

separation, and in fact NGSO satellites can and do operate at distances much closer than

125 km.7 For example, Iridium and Orbcomm operate constellations separated by less

than 30 km in altitude.8 Similarly, OneWeb cites no Commission or international rule or

regulation in support of its position.

        Taken to its logical extreme, and assuming, as OneWeb apparently does that it

has been ceded an altitude of 1200 km, OneWeb’s proposed “Safety Buffer Zone,” taken

together with Iridium’s operations at 780 km, Boeing’s proposed orbits of 1030 to 1080

7 Factors that can affect necessary distances between constellations, include cooperation between
neighboring operators, especially in the cases of polar orbit constellations vs. inclined Walker-type
constellations, where the co-operative placement of the argument of perigee and choice of eccentricity can
increase separation, and other colocation strategies used in geostationary operations, of which Telesat,
with almost 50 years of satellite operating experience, is very familiar. Minimum standards of operation
as well as operator competence are other significant factors in assessing how close in physical proximity it
is safe for constellations to operate.
8 See Application of Iridium Constellation LLC for Modification of License to Authorize a Second-Generation

NGSO MSS Constellation, File Nos. SAT-MOD-20131227-00148, SAT-AMD-20151022-00074, Call Sign
S2110, DA 16-875 (IB 2016) at ¶2; see also Application of Orbcomm License Corp. For Authority to Modify its
Non-Voice, Non-Geostationary Satellite System, Order and Authorization, 23 FCC Rcd 4804 (IB and OET


km, and GlobalStar’s operations at 1414 km would take up the entire low earth orbit


       Rather than overturning its precedent based on a OneWeb argument that lacks

technical or legal support, the Commission should adopt a physical coordination

condition for Telesat that is comparable to the condition it adopted as to OneWeb.

       OneWeb’s contention that the need for “greater certainty in the shared orbital

environment” is sufficient justification to deny Telesat’s flexibility to grow its

constellation is equally unavailing. As with the case of the physical altitude of satellite

constellations, Telesat urges the Commission to reject OneWeb’s efforts to prevent

OneWeb’s competitors from using LEO orbits and spectrum to its fullest.

       For all of these reasons, OneWeb’s proposal for a 125 km altitude separation

should be rejected.


       OneWeb is insisting on far more information than the Commission itself

requested of Telesat to evaluate Telesat’s orbital debris mitigation showing.

Nevertheless, to dispose of OneWeb’s arguments, Telesat provides the following point

by point response to OneWeb’s informational requests:

9 See The Boeing Company, IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20160622-00058 and SAT-AMD-20 170301-00030 (Call
Sign S2966); see also Stamp Grant, Globalstar Licensee LLC, FCC Call Sign S2115, FCC File No. SAT-MOD-
20130314-00030 (September 18, 2014).


             “[T]he probability of collision with debris <1 cm that could result in loss of ability to

         Telesat’s analysis (under NASA-STD 8719.14A Change 1 Requirement 4.5-2) has

been done based upon conservative design assumptions, since a spacecraft

manufacturer and deployed configuration of subsystems are to be finalized. Based

upon those assumptions, the risk is 0.000629 and is therefore compliant with NASA

standards. Telesat is cognizant of the various design solutions to mitigate debris <1 cm

and will ensure such solutions are incorporated into the spacecraft designs to meet or

exceed the NASA standard.

             [T]he accuracy with which orbital parameter knowledge will be maintained”11

         As per Telesat’s previous response to this question from the Satellite Division,12

Telesat’s space station orbit parameters will be maintained with the following accuracy:

         Apogee or Perigee Altitude                                      300 meters
         Inclination                                                     0.04 degrees
         Right Ascension of the Ascending Node                           1 deg

10 OneWeb Comments at 3.
11 Id.
12 Telesat’s Response Letter at 4.


          In response to OneWeb’s question as to how these parameters should be

interpreted, 13 Telesat adds the following information:

          Apogee or Perigee Altitude                                  300 meters
          This value is in relation to the target apogee and
          target perigee, not mean altitude.

          Inclination                                               0.04 degrees
          This value is in relation to the target mean inclination,
          not osculating inclination.

          Right Ascension of the Ascending Node                      1 deg
          This value is in relation to the target ascending node. For Walker constellation
          this is referenced to the key satellite, not a particular RAAN (0-360 deg).

          Target values are determined by Walker orbit design and phasing for the

inclined constellation. Target values are determined by initial polar orbit deployment

and phasing for the polar constellation, as this configuration is sun synchronous.

              “[T]he risk to the International Space Station (“ISS”) posed by deorbiting Telesat

          Calculated using the NASA DAS program for the probability of collision with an

object of greater than 10 cm, the collision risk, per satellite, rounded to five decimals, is

0.00000. Given that the probability of collision is less than the resolution of the DAS

software, the aggregate risk for the entire constellation would also therefore be near


          The values shown above reflect a recent Telesat determination to use highly

elliptical orbits of approximately 750 km x 150 km to deorbit its satellites. This

13   OneWeb’s Comments at 4.
14   Id. at 3.


determination follows up on Telesat’s statement in its Response Letter that it was

analyzing a more efficient elliptical orbit configuration with lower perigees for de-

orbiting to minimize the fuel usage, time in the disposal orbit and debris generation.

This information also resolves OneWeb’s questions about Telesat’s intended disposal


           At the time of entry into disposal phase, Telesat will custom design disposal orbit

parameters that minimize probability of collision with the International Space Station

(ISS). To pre-predict the required parameters about 15 years in advance would be

premature, but Telesat is experienced in eccentricity and inclination collocation and

probability of collision avoidance strategies. At this eccentricity, even a passive

disposal strategy, with properly chosen argument of perigee and orbital parameters,

will create significant separation.

              “[T]he quantity of fuel being reserved for deorbit”15

           This determination will be made upon finalization of satellite design and

operating experience. Telesat notes in this regard that it has found chemical propulsion

residuals will be significantly different than ion propulsion residuals due to different

operating strategies. In any event, Telesat will reserve sufficient fuel for the energy

required, with margin, for deorbit.

15   Id.


              “the method for addressing fuel gauging uncertainty”16

           Telesat will use both individually, and as a cross check against each other,

manufacturer baseline empty tank thermal testing, in orbit thermal testing, cross fleet

analysis and trending, and bookkeeping backed by orbital performance, updated as

required by such testing methods that may be developed over time. Telesat is familiar

with and has experience with all of the above cited methods both for ion and chemical

satellite propellant gauging.

              “with respect to intra-constellation conjunctions, the nominal miss distances,
               sensitivities of these miss distances to orbital parameter variations, and the
               constraints this imposes on station-keeping requirements”17

           Intra-constellation satellite separations are expected to be smaller near the poles

for the polar constellation. This will be addressed by proper phasing of the satellites

within each plane and will be managed by the operations team to avoid conjunctions.

Intra-constellation satellite separations for the inclined constellation are taken into

account by orbit parameter design. Telesat will be using a Walker constellation design

(like Globalstar) and will fix and manage all satellite separations, constellation phase

angles and orbit velocities to the “key” satellite’s point of right ascension. All station-

keeping required due to perturbations will be done in a distributed manner in relation

to the constellation phasing.

           In a Walker constellation, perturbations are generally distributed evenly across

the constellation throughout the year and as such station-keeping strategies for each

16   Id.
17   Id.


satellite are necessarily referenced to the overall constellation station-keeping strategy.

Intra-constellation nominal miss distances will be much larger then accepted

probability of collision debris avoidance nominal miss distances. Telesat intends to

share orbital information as it currently does on all of its operational satellites. This

information will be shared with all interested operators.

            •      Other Miscellaneous Issues Raised

            In addition to its catalogue of information requests, OneWeb raises several other

questions, some of which have been addressed above; responses to other items follow:

                      ••OneWeb questions why in its response to questions from the Satellite Division,
                      Telesat stated that the deorbit rate for its polar constellation will be eleven
                      satellites per year and the deorbit rate for the inclined constellation will be
                      fourteen satellites per year.18

            The question to which Telesat responded asked Telesat to make calculations for a

140 satellite deployment, without an indication as to the breakdown between satellites

in Telesat’s inclined and polar constellations. Telesat’s conservative assessment for the

worst case was to double the number of inclined orbit satellites which would be de-

orbited, which explains what appears to be the higher rate for inclined orbit satellites.

The assessment as provided in Telesat’s response for the deorbit rate for inclined orbit

satellites was thus deliberately conservative.

                    ••OneWeb questions several elements of Telesat’s response to the Satellite
            Division Inquiry regarding the collision risk of its satellites, were there to be failures of
            Telesat’s satellites resulting in their inability to perform collision avoidance procedures of
            10, 5, and 1 percent:

18   Id. at 4-5.


            First, responding to OneWeb’s complaint regarding Telesat’s extrapolation of

DAS data for collisions below 700 km instead of performing a separate analysis using

the DAS program for collision risks above 700 km,19 Telesat has reviewed the issue,

agrees with OneWeb that the DAS program does permit analysis for satellites above 700

km, and has conducted an analysis of collision probabilities under DAS at its mission

altitudes. That analysis shows that the extrapolation method used in Telesat’s Response

Letter overstated the collision risks. Thus, calculated by planned orbital planes as

described in Telesat’s Response Letter and using the DAS software, yields a single

failed spacecraft probability of collision in the polar constellation of 0.00097 and 0.00009

in the inclined constellation over a 12-year period, as compared with 0.0012 and 0.0002,

respectively, as originally set forth in Telesat’s Response Letter. For a two-spacecraft

failure at the mission orbit, the overall collision probability would approximately

double over 12 years, to 0.00194 and 0.00018 for the polar and inclined constellations

respectively, as compared with 0.0024 and 0.0004, respectively for those constellations,

as originally set forth in Telesat’s Response Letter.

            Second, OneWeb challenges Telesat’s assertion that the failure of satellites in one

orbital plane would pose no material risk to satellites operating in a different plane,

stating that this analysis does not take into account the risk of collision between

operational and non-operational satellites.20 Yet, OneWeb does not explain why any

19   Id. at 5.
20   Id.


such added risk is any more or less than the risks normally taken into account by the

DAS program analysis, including adjustments made in that program analysis as the

space environment changes. Given the maneuver capability and other means that

Telesat has to identify and avoid collisions with large space objects, based upon

Telesat’s operational experience, Telesat regards any additional risk as negligible and

stands by its statement that there would be no material risk.

           Third, OneWeb claims Telesat erred in responding to the Commission’s inquiry

on this subject by providing an analysis based upon failures by orbital plane instead of

by constellation.21 Telesat disagrees and has received nothing from the Commission

questioning Telesat’s approach. Nevertheless, to put this matter to rest, Telesat has

conducted a further analysis using the worst case of all failures occurring on satellites in

its polar orbit constellation, and has further conducted the analysis both with its

minimum number of polar satellites, plus spares: 78, and a larger expanded number of

100 satellites.

           Under this analysis, rounding up, a one percent failure equates to one satellite; a

five percent failure equates to four satellites (out of 78) or five satellites (out of 100); and

a ten percent failure equates to eight satellites (out of 78) or ten satellites (out of 100).

Over a twelve year, applying the DAS software, the risks of collision with debris of

greater than 10 cm are 0.00097 for one satellite; 0.00388 for four satellites; 0.00495 for

five satellites; 0.00776 for eight satellites; and 0.0097 for ten satellites. As noted, this

21   Id.


analysis assumes all failures occur in the polar constellation. The risk of collision from

failures if they occurred in the inclined orbit constellation would be considerably less.

           It should be noted, moreover, that while the responses address the

Commission’s hypothetical of uncontrolled orbit failures of up to 10%, Telesat fully

expects the actual probability of a failed satellite, especially a failure that results in a loss

of any maneuver control, to be less than one percent. Such reliability will be produced,

among other ways, in the redundancy of critical subsystems, including in propulsion,

mechanisms, sensors, spacecraft computer and power subsystems, as well as best

practices in satellite operation by experienced and well-trained engineering personnel.

                  ••OneWeb concludes its discussion of orbital debris mitigation by noting the
                  possibility that the Commission is considering modifying it standards as they
                  apply to constellation systems and stating that a Telesat grant should be
                  conditioned on Telesat’s compliance with such revised standards. 22

                  As to the possibility of changes in the Commission’s rules as to this or

          other matters, Telesat is ready to accept the same condition that the Commission

          specified for OneWeb, that a “grant of U.S. market access and any earth station

          licenses granted in the future are subject to modification to bring them into

          conformance with any rules or policies adopted by the Commission in the


22   Id. at 6.
23   OneWeb Grant at ¶26.



       OneWeb also questions Telesat’s EPFD and coverage showings. There is no

apparent connection between these questions and the stated focus of OneWeb’s

Comments on “physical coordination and space debris issues.”24 In any event, Telesat

addresses OneWeb’s questions below.

               A. Telesat’s EPFD Analysis

       OneWeb complains that Telesat has not submitted a PFD/e.i.r.p. mask, SRS

database files, and other EPFD statistical analysis that OneWeb claims it needs to see to

validate Telesat’s EPFD compliance demonstration.25 The Commission does not require

such submissions for Ka-band applicants. Telesat has provided all of the EPFD-related

information requested by the Commission.26

       Independently of the Commission, the ITU conducts its own analysis of EPFD

compliance. Telesat has submitted all required information to the ITU in connection

with this analysis, and the ITU’s finding, once concluded, is expected to be public

information. Telesat has no objection to a condition on its grant that would be

consistent with27 the following condition the Commission specified for OneWeb: “Prior

to initiation of service, OneWeb must receive a favorable or ‘qualified favorable’ finding

24 OneWeb Comments at 2.
25 Id. at 6-7.
26 Telesat Response Letter at 2-3 and Attachment 1.
27 We note what appears to be a typographical error in the quoted OneWeb condition; we believe that the

reference in the condition to “Recommendation 85 (WRC-03)” is intended to mean Resolution 85 (WRC-


in accordance with Recommendation 85 (WRC-03) with respect to its compliance with

applicable EPFD limits in Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations.”28

           OneWeb, moreover, states that Telesat has not provided any assessment of the

EPFD resulting from an inline event with a victim GSO earth station. This statement is

factually wrong, as Telesat has provided such assessment in its application.29

           In reference to the geometry of an inline event with a victim GSO earth station

for operations in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band, OneWeb also seems to have misunderstood

the meaning of the 32.8-degree discrimination angle indicated in the technical exhibit of

the Telesat application, how this parameter was calculated and how it should be used in

the assessment of how a non-GSO constellation complies with the ITU EPFD levels. To

put this matter to rest, Telesat offers a further explanation here below.

           The 32.8-degree discrimination angle is the minimum off-axis angle that a

receiving GSO earth station with a 0.9m antenna whose reference antenna pattern is in

accordance with Recommendation ITU-R S.1428 needs in order not to suffer from

harmful interference when the Telesat LEO constellation generates a downlink EPFD of

-190.4 dB(W/m2/40 kHz) on the ground. Together with other relevant data, such

discrimination angle is taken into account by the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau

when it carries out the analysis in accordance with Resolution 85 (WRC-03).

           Therefore, Telesat does not need to demonstrate that its satellite antennas

provide 52 dB of what OneWeb calls “rejection at this exclusion angle”. In fact, Telesat

28   OneWeb Grant at ¶ 24.d.
     See Telesat’s Petition, Appendix A, Technical Exhibit, at 17.


only needs to make sure that its LEO system meets the relevant ITU EPFD limits.

Although the Commission does not require that applicants demonstrate that their

proposed systems meet the abovementioned ITU EPFD limits, in order to address the

specific case mentioned by OneWeb, Telesat is pleased to provide the chart below,

showing that Telesat will be fully compliant with the ITU EPFD limits in the case cited

by OneWeb.



  LEO Constellation EPFD Validation Results for the 19.7 – 20.2 GHz band using a reference
antenna diameter of 0.9 m produced with the use of VisualyseEPFD software Version from
                                    Transfinite Systems

                   B. Telesat’s Coverage Showing

            OneWeb identified a discrepancy in the numbers in Telesat’s Schedule S and the

remainder of Telesat’s technical showing, including its coverage exhibit.30 As OneWeb

correctly surmised in its Comments,31 the Right Ascension of Ascending Node (RAAN)

values for Telesat’s five inclined orbits are separated by 72°, i.e., the RAAN values for

30   Id. at 8-9.
31   Id. at 8.


the 5 inclined orbits are 0°, 72°, 144°, 216°, and 288°. All the calculations, analysis,

demonstrations, figures, and the video presented in Telesat’s Petition are based on the

72° separation for the RAAN values for the inclined orbits. However, there were two

typos in the RAAN values in Schedule S.32 Specifically, in the Schedule S the RAAN

values for the five inclined orbits were as shown in Table 1:

Table 1: The RAAN values from the submitted Schedule S which included typos

Orbital Plane             RAAN [degrees]

Number in the

Schedule S

           6                          0

           7                         36

           8                         72

           9                         108

          10                         144

The correct value of RAAN for Orbit 7 is 216° and the correct value of RAAN for Orbit 9

is 288°. Table 2 shows the correct RAAN values for the five Inclined Orbits.

32Contemporaneously herewith, Telesat is submitting an Erratum to its Petition to correct these
typographical errors.


Table 2: The correct RAAN values for the 5 Inclined Orbits

Orbital Plane          RAAN [degrees]

Number in the

Schedule S

           6                     0

           7                    216

           8                    72

           9                    288

           10                   144

       All of the calculations, analysis, and demonstrations presented in the Technical

Exhibit of Telesat’s Petition were based on the correct RAAN values of Table 2.

Specifically, as noted in OneWeb’s comments, Figure 2 of Telesat’s Technical Exhibit

corresponds to the correct RAAN values shown in Table 2. The coverage requirement

demonstrations presented in Section A7 of the Technical Exhibit, including Figure 6 and

Figure 8 of the Technical Exhibit correspond to the correct RAAN values shown in

Table 2. The video submitted as part of Telesat’s Petition (called Telesat-

Simulation.wmv) corresponds to the satellite constellation with the correct RAAN

values shown in Table 2. The ten snapshots of the simulation video presented in Annex

3 of the Technical Exhibit of Telesat’s Petition correspond to the correct RAAN values of

Table 2.


       In summary, the typos appeared only in the Schedule S and did not affect any

part of the calculations, analysis, pictures, video, and demonstrations presented in

Telesat’s Petition. As demonstrated in the Technical Exhibit, Telesat’s LEO Constellation

will meet the coverage requirements of Section 25.145 of the Commission’s rules.

       OneWeb’s remaining “doubts” about Telesat’s coverage and insistence on some

unspecified, but more detailed information showing than presented in Telesat’s Petition

are not supported by any analysis on OneWeb’s part and go beyond the requirements

specified in the Commission’s rules. Nevertheless, in response to OneWeb’s “doubts,”

Telesat notes, as pointed out in Telesat’s Petition, that its satellites will use Direct

Radiating Array (DRA) antennas and beam forming to generate a minimum of 16

downlink user beams and a minimum of 16 uplink user beams, and that the user beams

are steerable and shapeable. Each satellite will have two steerable spot beams for

communication with gateways, and each satellite will have a wide-area receive beam (in

addition to the above-mentioned user beams and gateway beams) that will allow the

satellite to detect user requests to initiate communication.

       Given this design, it is unclear why OneWeb has suggested that the use of the

wide-area receive beam would prevent Telesat from providing continuous coverage.

Based on the simulations performed by Telesat, the coverage requirements of Section

25.145 will be met with the associated earth stations operating at elevation angles of 10

degrees or more.


       In any event, Telesat’s Radio Resource Management system will use a

combination of discrimination angles and adjustment of power levels as well as

handovers to more suitably placed spacecraft as part of the mechanism to protect the

geostationary satellite networks while maintaining continuous U.S. coverage.

       VI.     CONCLUSION

       Telesat urges the Commission to grant Telesat’s Petition, consistent with the

action taken by the Commission with respect to OneWeb’s own petition for access to the

U.S. market. Nothing in OneWeb’s Comments warrants delaying such favorable action.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  TELESAT CANADA

                                  Elisabeth Neasmith
                                   Director, Spectrum Management and Development
                                  1601 Telesat Court
                                  Ottawa, Ontario
                                  Canada, K1B 5P4
                                  (613) 748-0123

Of Counsel:
Henry Goldberg
Joseph A. Godles
Jonathan L. Wiener
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright LLP
1025 Connecticut Avenue
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-4900

July 7, 2017

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that on this 7th day of July, 2017, a copy of the foregoing Reply

to Comments of WorldVu Satellites Limited was sent by first-class, United States mail

to the following:

       Mariah Shuman                           Brian D. Weimer
       Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs     Douglas A. Svor
       WorldVu Satellites Limited              Ashley Yeager
       1400 Key Boulevard, Suite A1            Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
       Arlington, VA 22209                     2099 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 100
                                               Washington, D.C. 20006

                                                 Brenda Campbell

Document Created: 2017-07-07 16:47:51
Document Modified: 2017-07-07 16:47:51

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