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LETTER submitted by Telesat Canada

EPDF tables


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


epfd limits at the Earth’s surface for downlink transmissions

Table 4 of the Petition: Minimum discrimination angle calculation for the Polar Orbits in the band 17.8-18.6 GHz
Applicable Table from Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations                               TABLE 22-1B                             TABLE 22-4A1           TABLE 22-4B
Reference GSO earth station antenna diameter [m]                              1                2                     5        3                     10         1.8
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m2/40 kHz)]                          -175.4           -178.4                -185.4   -182                   -185       -164
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m2/MHz)]                             -161.4           -164.4                -171.4   -168.0             -171.0        -150.0
epfd limit for each satellite (since N a = 2) [dB(w/m2/40 kHz)]             -178.4           -181.4                -188.4   -185                   -188       -167
epfd limit for each satellite (since N a = 2) [dB(w/m2/MHz)]                -164.4           -167.4                -174.4   -171.0             -174.0        -153.0
Peak EIRP density [dB(W/Hz)]                                                 -50               -50                  -50      -50                    -50        -50
Peak EIRP density [dB(W/MHz)]                                                10                10                   10       10                     10         10
Minimum satellite to Earth distance [km]                                    1000              1000                 1000     1000                   1000       1000
D/λ for f=17.8 GHz                                                          59.3              118.7                296.7    178.0                  593.3      107.2
D/λ for f=18.6 GHz                                                           62               124                   310      186                   620        112.0
Gr,max [dBi] using ITU-R Rec. S.1428 for f=17.8 GHz                         43.2              49.9                 57.8     53.4                   63.9       49.0
Gr,max [dBi] using ITU-R Rec. S.1428 for f=18.6 GHz                         43.5              50.3                 58.2     53.8                   64.2       49.4
Gr(ϕ) for f=17.8 GHz[dBi]                                                    -0.3              3.5                  4.4      3.4                   10.8       17.0
Gr(ϕ) for f=18.6 GHz[dBi]                                                    0.1               3.8                  4.8      3.8                   11.2       17.4
ϕ [deg] for f=17.8 GHz                                                      14.8              10.4                  9.6     10.5                    5.3        3.0
ϕ [deg] for f=18.6 GHz                                                      14.3              10.1                  9.3     10.2                    5.1        2.9
Minimum downlink discrimination angle (ϕ) that should be met [deg]   14.8


epfd limits at the Earth’s surface for downlink transmissions

Table 5 of the Petition: Minimum discrimination angle calculation for the Inclined Orbits in the band 17.8-18.6GHz
Applicable Table from Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations                             TABLE 22-1B                          TABLE 22-4A1           TABLE 22-4B
Reference GSO earth station antenna diameter [m]                              1                2                5        3                     10         1.8
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m2/40 kHz)]                          -175.4           -178.4           -185.4   -182                   -185       -164
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m2/MHz)]                             -161.4           -164.4           -171.4   -168.0             -171.0        -150.0
epfd limit for each satellite (since N a = 2) [dB(w/m2/40 kHz)]             -178.4           -181.4           -188.4   -185                   -188       -167
epfd limit for each satellite (since N a = 2) [dB(w/m2/MHz)]                -164.4           -167.4           -174.4   -171.0             -174.0        -153.0
Peak EIRP density [dB(W/Hz)]                                                 -50               -50             -50      -50                    -50        -50
Peak EIRP density [dB(W/MHz)]                                                10                10               10      10                     10         10
Minimum satellite to Earth distance [km]                                    1248              1248             1248    1248                   1248       1248
D/λ for f=17.8 GHz                                                          59.3              118.7           296.7    178.0                  593.3      107.2
D/λ for f=18.6 GHz                                                           62               124              310      186                   620        112.0
Gr,max [dBi] using ITU-R Rec. S.1428 for f=17.8 GHz                         43.2              49.9             57.8    53.4                   63.9       49.0
Gr,max [dBi] using ITU-R Rec. S.1428 for f=18.6 GHz                         43.5              50.3             58.2    53.8                   64.2       49.4
Gr(ϕ) for f=17.8 GHz[dBi]                                                    1.7               5.4             6.3      5.3                   12.8       18.9
Gr(ϕ) for f=18.6 GHz[dBi]                                                    2.0               5.8             6.7      5.7                   13.1       19.3
ϕ [deg] for f=17.8 GHz                                                      12.4               8.8             8.1      8.9                    4.5        2.5
ϕ [deg] for f=18.6 GHz                                                      12.0               8.5             7.8      8.6                    4.3        2.4
Minimum downlink discrimination angle (ϕ) that should be met [deg]   12.4


epfd limits at the Earth’s surface for downlink transmissions

Table 6 of the Petition: Minimum discrimination angle calculation for the Polar Orbits in the band 19.7-20.2 GHz
Applicable Table from Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations                                           TABLE 22-1C                             TABLE 22-4A1           TABLE 22-4B
Reference GSO earth station antenna diameter [m]                              0.7               0.9                    2.5       5        3                     10         1.6
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m 2/40 kHz)]                          -187.4            -190.4                 -196.4   -200.4   -182                   -185       -157
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m 2/MHz)]                             -173.4            -176.4                 -182.4   -186.4   -168.0             -171.0        -143.0
epfd limit for each satellite (since N a = 2) [dB(w/m2/40 kHz)]              -190.4            -193.4                 -199.4   -203.4   -185                   -188       -160
epfd limit for each satellite (since N a = 2) [dB(w/m2/MHz)]                 -176.4            -179.4                 -185.4   -189.4   -171.0             -174.0        -146.0
Peak EIRP density [dB(W/Hz)]                                                 -56.4             -56.4                  -56.4    -56.4    -56.4                  -56.4      -56.4
Peak EIRP density [dB(W/MHz)]                                                 3.6               3.6                    3.6      3.6      3.6                    3.6        3.6
Minimum satellite to Earth distance [km]                                     1000              1000                   1000     1000     1000                   1000       1000
D/λ for f=19.7 GHz                                                           46.0              59.1                   164.2    328.3    197.0                  656.7      107.2
D/λ for f=20.2 GHz                                                           47.1              60.6                   168.3    336.7    202.0                  673.3      109.9
Gr,max [dBi] using ITU-R Rec. S.1428 for f=19.7 GHz                          40.9              43.1                   52.7     58.7     54.3                   64.7       49.0
Gr,max [dBi] using ITU-R Rec. S.1428 for f=20.2 GHz                          41.2              43.3                   52.9     58.9     54.5                   65.0       49.2
Gr(ϕ) for f=19.7 GHz[dBi]                                                     -8.1              -8.9                   -5.3     -3.3    10.7                   18.1       30.4
Gr(ϕ) for f=20.2 GHz[dBi]                                                     -7.9              -8.7                   -5.1     -3.1    10.9                   18.3       30.6
ϕ [deg] for f=19.7 GHz                                                       30.4              32.8                   20.5     17.5      5.4                    2.7        0.9
ϕ [deg] for f=20.2 GHz                                                       29.8              32.1                   20.1     17.2      5.3                    2.7        0.9
Minimum downlink discrimination angle (ϕ) that should be met [deg]    32.8


epfd limits at the Earth’s surface for downlink transmissions

Table 7 of the Petition: Minimum discrimination angle calculation for the Inclined Orbits in the band 19.7-20.2GHz
Applicable Table from Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations                                         TABLE 22-1C                            TABLE 22-4A1           TABLE 22-4B
Reference GSO earth station antenna diameter [m]                             0.7               0.9                   2.5       5        3                    10         1.6
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m 2/40 kHz)]                         -187.4         -190.4                   -196.4   -200.4   -182                  -185       -157
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m /MHz)]                             -173.4         -176.4                   -182.4   -186.4   -168.0            -171.0        -143.0
epfd limit for each satellite (since N a = 2) [dB(w/m /40 kHz)]             -190.4         -193.4                   -199.4   -203.4   -185                  -188       -160
epfd limit for each satellite (since N a = 2) [dB(w/m /MHz)]                -176.4         -179.4                   -185.4   -189.4   -171.0            -174.0        -146.0
Peak EIRP density [dB(W/Hz)]                                                -56.4           -56.4                   -56.4    -56.4    -56.4                 -56.4      -56.4
Peak EIRP density [dB(W/MHz)]                                                3.6               3.6                   3.6      3.6      3.6                  3.6         3.6
Minimum satellite to Earth distance [km]                                    1248            1248                    1248     1248     1248                  1248       1248
D/λ for f=19.7 GHz                                                          46.0            59.1                    164.2    328.3    197.0             656.7          107.2
D/λ for f=20.2 GHz                                                          47.1            60.6                    168.3    336.7    202.0             673.3          109.9
Gr,max [dBi] using ITU-R Rec. S.1428 for f=19.7 GHz                         40.9            43.1                    52.7     58.7     54.3                  64.7       49.0
Gr,max [dBi] using ITU-R Rec. S.1428 for f=20.2 GHz                         41.2            43.3                    52.9     58.9     54.5                  65.0       49.2
Gr(ϕ) for f=19.7 GHz[dBi]                                                    -6.2              -7.0                  -3.4     -1.4    12.6                  20.0       32.3
Gr(ϕ) for f=20.2 GHz[dBi]                                                    -5.9              -6.8                  -3.2     -1.2    12.8                  20.3       32.5
ϕ [deg] for f=19.7 GHz                                                      25.5            27.5                    17.6     15.1      4.5                  2.3         0.7
ϕ [deg] for f=20.2 GHz                                                      25.0            26.9                    17.4     14.9      4.4                  2.2         0.7
Minimum downlink discrimination angle (ϕ) that should be met [deg]   27.5


epfd limit at the geostationary orbit for uplink transmissions

Table 8 of the Petition: Calculation of the uplink discrimination angle needed to meet the uplink epfd limit
NGSO earth station antenna diameter [m]                                                                    1                  3.5
NGSO earth station antenna pattern                                                                  ITU-R Rec. S.1428   ITU-R Rec. S.1428
epfd limit for the constellation [dB(w/m /40 kHz)]                                                        -162                -162

Maximum number of co-frequency operating NGSO earth stations visible by a GSO satellite                    78                  78
epfd limit for each satellite [dB(w/m2/40 kHz)]                                                          -180.9              -180.9

Minimum distance between the NGSO transmitting earth station and the GSO satellite [km]                 35786               35786

Peak uplink power spectral density fed into the NGSO transmitting earth station [dB(W/Hz)]                -67                 -67

Peak uplink power spectral density fed into the NGSO transmitting earth station [dB(W/40 kHz)]           -21.0               -21.0
D/λ for f=27.5 GHz                                                                                        91.7               320.8
D/λ for f=30 GHz                                                                                          100                 350
Gt(θ) for f=27.5 GHz[dBi]                                                                                 2.12                2.12
Gt(θ) for f=30 GHz[dBi]                                                                                   2.12                2.12
θ [deg] for f=27.5 GHz                                                                                    11.9                11.5
θ [deg] for f=30 GHz                                                                                      11.9                11.5
Minimum uplink discrimination angle (θ) that should be met [deg]                                 11.9


epfd limit at the geostationary orbit for downlink transmissions

Table 9 of the Petition: Demonstration of compliance with the ITU epfd limit at the geostationary orbit for downlink transmissions
                                                                                                       Polar Orbits   Inclined Orbits
Satellite peak downlink EIRP density [dB(W/Hz)]                                                               -50          -50
Satellite transmit antenna gain discrimination toward the GSO arc compared to the beam peak
[dB]                                                                                                          15            25
Maximum satellite downlink EIRP density toward the GSO arc [dB(W/Hz)]                                         -65          -75
Geostationary orbit to Earth distance [km]                                                               35786           35786
NGSO to Earth distance [km]                                                                               1000            1248
Minimum distance between NGSO satellite and the geostationary orbit [km]                                 34786            34538
Peak power flux density generated by each satellite at the geostationary orbit under worst-case
assumption [dB(W/m2/40 kHz)]                                                                             -180.8           -190.7
Maximum number of satellites in Polar Orbits or Inclined Orbits visible by a GSO satellite at any
given time                                                                                                    50            30
Peak power flux density generated by all satellites of the Polar Orbits or Inclined Orbits at the
geostationary orbit under the worst-case assumption [dB(W/m2/40 kHz)]                                    -163.81         -175.97
Peak power flux density generated by all 117 satellites at the geostationary orbit under worst-
case assumption [dB(W/m2/40 kHz)]                                                                   -163.55


Document Created: 2017-04-27 13:00:31
Document Modified: 2017-04-27 13:00:31

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