Attachment PDR Space Imaging

This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20030912-00315 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                       Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                               )
                                               )     IB Docket No. 02-34
Amendment of the Commission’s Space            )
Station Licensing Rules and Policies           )

To:    The Commission

                          PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION

                                               SPACE IMAGING LLC

Alison Alfers, Esquire                         Raymond G. Bender, Jr., Esquire
General Counsel                                Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
Space Imaging, LLC                             Suite 800
12076 Grant Street                             1200 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Thornton, CO 80241-3102                        Washington, D. C. 20036
                                               Tel: (202) 776-2758

September 12, 2003


         By this Petition, Space Imaging LLC (“Space Imaging”) asks the Commission to clarify

how the rules and policies adopted in the recent Satellite Licensing Order will apply to remote-

sensing satellite system applications. Specifically, Space Imaging urges the Commission to rule

that applications for new or modified non-geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”) satellite

systems in the Earth Exploration Satellite Service (“EESS”) shall be processed under the first-

come, first-served procedure applicable to geostationary satellite orbit- like (“GSO- like”) satellite

systems and not under the modified processing round procedure applicable to NGSO-like


         A first-come, first-served procedure is better suited to applications for NGSO remote-

sensing satellite systems than the modified processing round approach. Band segmentation is not

required for the licensing of remote-sensing satellite systems, nor would the use of processing

rounds in this context serve any useful purpose. Unlike typical NGSO-like systems described in

the Satellite Licensing Order, such as NGSO mobile-satellite service systems, NGSO remote-

sensing satellite systems are fully capable of sharing the same EESS band segments with other

NGSO remote-sensing systems, and they also can share the EESS spectrum with GSO remote-

sensing satellite systems as well. Indeed, the Commission has routinely licensed both NGSO and

GSO remote-sensing satellite systems in the 8025-8400 MHz band on a de facto first-come, first-

served basis, precisely because such systems are able to use EESS frequencies on a coordinated


         In addition, any application to modify an existing NGSO EESS license that is required to

be placed in the application queue, such as an application to increase operating EESS spectrum,


also should be subject to the first-come, first-served procedure for the same reasons that new

NGSO EESS system applications must be handled in this way.

       The Commission should not apply to EESS system applications the policy announced in

paragraph 58 of the Satellite Licensing Order that, in cases where there are no service rules

establishing sharing criteria for NGSO and GSO satellite systems in a particular frequency band,

it would consider only applications of the kind first filed, i.e., NGSO or GSO, until sharing

criteria are established. NGSO remote-sensing systems are able to share spectrum with each

other and with GSO remote-sensing systems. Indeed, the Commission consistently has held that

service rules were not required in the case of the EESS service, and it has licensed both NGSO

and GSO remote-sensing satellite systems in EESS frequency bands given the licensees’ ability

to resolve potential interference problems through private coordination efforts.

       Granting the requested relief would serve the public interest because it would clarify the

Commission’s intent with regard to the processing of NGSO remote-sensing applications; would

ensure tha t remote-sensing satellite systems are licensed in accordance with a process that is

“best suited” to this important service; and would lead to an orderly and efficient satellite

licensing process.


                                                TABLE OF CONTEN TS


I.     Background .........................................................................................................................3

II.    The Commission Should License NGSO Remote-Sensing Satellites In
       Accordance With the First-Come, First-Served Procedure ................................................6

III.   Conclusion........................................................................................................................12


                                            Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                      )
                                                      )      IB Docket No. 02-34
Amendment of the Commissio n’s Space                  )
Station Licensing Rules and Policies                  )

To:    The Commission

                             PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION

       Space Imaging LLC, licensee of a U.S. commercial remote-sensing satellite system,

hereby requests the Commission to clarify how the rules and policies adopted in the above-

referenced proceeding will apply to remote-sensing satellite system applications. Specifically,

the Commission should rule that applications for new or modified non-geostationary satellite

orbit (“NGSO”) satellite systems in the Earth Exploration Satellite Service (“EESS”) shall be

processed under the first-come, first-served procedure applicable to geostationary satellite orbit-

like (“GSO-like”) satellite systems and not under the modified processing round procedure

applicable to NGSO- like systems. 1

       Space Imaging and other commercial EESS licensees operate or propose to operate

remote-sensing satellite systems using X-band spectrum in the 8025-8400 MHz band. The X-

band frequencies are used primarily to downlink satellite imagery data to a limited number of

ground stations in the United States and to other ground stations located in other regions of the

   This Petition is being filed within the applicable time period under Section 1.429 of the rules
for filing petitions for reconsideration of the Satellite Licensing Order in the above-referenced
proceeding. In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Rules and Policies
and Mitigation of Orbital Debris, IB Docket Nos. 02-34 and 02-54, First Report and Order and
Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in IB Docket No. 02-34, and First Report and Order in
IB Docket No. 20-54, released May 19, 2003 (“Satellite Licensing Order”).

world. EESS systems are fully capable of sharing the same spectrum throughout the 8025-8400

MHz allocation because of the use of tracking earth stations that provide discrimination between

the wanted and potentially interfering satellites. Indeed, the Commission has authorized multiple

EESS systems to use overlapping frequencies based on the ability of remote-sensing licensees to

coordinate their operations.

       Typically NGSO satellite systems, such as NGSO Mobile-Satellite Service (“MSS”)

systems, cannot operate in the same spectrum without causing unacceptable interference to each

other, because the mobile earth terminals typically use near-omnidirectional antennas and

therefore have no significant discrimination between the wanted and interfering satellites. 2 For

this reason, the Commission’s recent Satellite Licensing Order adopted a modified processing

round procedure using a spectrum-splitting framework for NGSO-like system applications.

Unlike typical NGSO satellite systems, however, remote-sensing satellite systems using NGSO

architecture are fully capable of sharing the same spectrum with other remote-sensing systems.

Band segmentation of EESS spectrum therefore is not required to accommodate multiple remote-

sensing systems in the same frequency bands. In fact, splitting the available EESS spectrum

among various remote-sensing systems would deprive system operators of the wide band

segments that are required for downlinking satellite imagery data. In this regard, NGSO EESS

applications are akin to GSO Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”) operations because NGSO EESS

systems, like GSO FSS satellites, generally are authorized to operate throughout broad frequency

bands, and large frequency assignments do not preclude additional market entry.

   The exception to this is the use of CDMA which does allow co-frequency MSS systems to co-
exist without causing unacceptable interference. However, in this case, the spectrum capacity
available to each co-frequency MSS system is correspondingly reduced in proportion to the
number of systems sharing the same spectrum.


        For this and other reasons discussed herein, new and modified NGSO EESS system

applications should be subject to a first-come, first-served procedure by which they are processed

one at a time in the order that they are filed. Issuance of a ruling to this effect would serve the

public interest because it would clarify the appropriate licensing procedure to be used for NGSO

remote-sensing satellite systems.

        I.      Background

        In the Satellite Licensing Order, the Commission revamped the satellite licensing process

that has been in effect since the early 1980s. A principal objective of these procedural reforms

was to accelerate the satellite licensing process and thereby eliminate the delay inherent in

existing procedures. As a threshold matter, the Commission adopted an application queue for

considering all new satellite proposals. Moreover, it concluded that different kinds of satellite

systems raise different processing issues, and it therefore adopted two different licensing

frameworks—a modified processing round approach for NGSO-like systems; and a “first-come,

first-served” procedure for GSO-like systems.

        The new framework adopted in the Satellite Licensing Order was based on the notion that

band segmentation is preferable for some but not all satellite applications. 3 The Commission

concluded that the following classifications should be used: (1) applications for NGSO satellite

constellations and GSO satellite constellations with earth stations with omnidirectional antennas

(“NGSO-like” applications), and (2) applications for GSO satellites communicating with earth

stations with non-omnidirectional antennas (“GSO-like” applications). The Commission stated

that NGSO-like satellite systems are those in which the earth station has little or no directivity

towards a satellite, so that the earth station must provide the necessary gain towards the wanted

    Satellite Licensing Order, ¶ 21.


satellite in all directions, such as ha nd- held satellite telephones. NGSO- like systems generally

cannot operate on the same spectrum without causing unacceptable interference with each other.

The Satellite Licensing Order describes GSO-like satellites, on the other hand, as those using

earth stations with antennas with directivity towards the satellites, such as Fixed-Satellite

Services (“FSS”), and Mobile-Satellite Service (“MSS”) feeder links which use GSO satellites.

The Commission noted that GSO satellites can operate on the same spectrum at two-degree

orbital spacing. 4

          The Satellite Licensing Order states that the NGSO-like classification describes the

universe of satellite applications for which band segmentation is preferable because it promotes

the goal of trying to license as many satellite systems as possible, thereby stimulating as much

competition as possible for each satellite service. 5 The Commission noted that if it adopted the

first-come, first-served procedure for NGSO- like satellite applications, then the first qualified

applicant could request authority to operate in so much of the spectrum that additional market

entry would be precluded. Thus, for NGSO-like systems, the Commission concluded that band

segmentation is preferable because it facilitates competitive market entry, and the Commission

therefore decided to award spectrum for NGSO-like systems through modified processing round s

with a pre-set band-splitting mechanism. Under this approach, the available spectrum will be

divided equally among the qualified applicants for NGSO-like systems, which the Commission

found to be the best way of issuing licenses to NGSO-like systems quickly and fairly. 6

          The Commission concluded, however, that a first-come, first-served procedure is the best

option for licensing GSO-like satellite systems, i.e., satellite systems where the earth station

    Satellite Licensing Order, ¶ 22.

antennas accessing the satellites in that system can provide the necessary isolation toward

satellites other than the one at which it is directly pointed. The Commission noted that a band

segmentation approach for GSO FSS satellite applications would limit satellite operators to only

a fraction of the frequencies in the band, and therefore would not allow them to develop a viable

business. 7 The Commission stated that the concerns that led it to reject the first-come, first-

served procedure for NGSO-like satellite systems do not apply to GSO-like systems.

Specifically, using a first-come, first-served procedure for NGSO-like systems would allow an

applicant to request so much spectrum as to preclude additional entry, but this concern does not

apply to GSO-like systems because assigning a frequency band segment to one GSO licensee

does not preclude other licensees from using the same frequency segments. 8 Thus, under the

first-come, first-served procedure applicable to GSO- like satellite applications, the Commission

will consider applications for a particular GSO satellite license one at a time in the order that

they are filed.

         While the Satellite Licensing Order adopts procedures for all satellite applications other

than direct broadcast satellite (“DBS”) and digital audio radio satellite (“DARS”) systems, it

does not specifically address NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems or explain precisely how

the Commission will license such systems under the new framework. The Commission did

observe, however, that historically it has granted licenses for remote-sensing satellite systems

outside of processing rounds. 9 Space Imaging respectfully submits that there is no reason to

change current licensing procedures for NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems, and that the

    Id., ¶ 78.
    Id., ¶ 79.
   This assertion was made in the context of showing that the Commission is not legally bound
to consider satellite license applications in processing rounds. See Satellite Licensing Order,
¶ 103.

Commission should continue to use the first-come, first-served procedure for new and modified

remote-sensing satellite systems, whether an application proposes an NGSO or GSO system


           II.    The Commission Should License NGSO Remote-Sensing Satellites
                  In Accordance With the First-Come, First-Served Procedure

           The Commission stated in the Satellite Licensing Order that it was basing its new

licensing reforms on a determination “that one size does not fit all—that different procedures are

better suited to applications for different kinds of satellite systems.”10 The Commission

recognized “that different kinds of satellite applications raise different kinds of issues, and

therefore it may be reasonable to adopt different procedures to address the issues raised by each

kind of satellite application.”11 Essentially, Commission decided that satellite applications for

which band segmentation is preferable, i.e., NGSO-like applications, should be considered

pursuant to a modified processing round procedure whereby the available spectrum would be

divided equally among applicants, and that all other types of satellite applications, i.e., those for

which band segmentation is not required, would be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

           Unquestionably, the first-come, first-served procedure is “better suited” to applications

for NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems than the modified processing round approach. Band

segmentation is not required for the licensing of remote-sensing satellite systems, nor would the

use of processing rounds in this context serve any other purpose. Unlike typical NGSO-like

systems described in the Satellite Licensing Order, such as NGSO MSS systems, NGSO remote-

sensing satellite systems are fully capable of sharing the same EESS band segments with other

NGSO remote-sensing systems, and they also can share this EESS spectrum with GSO remote-

     Satellite Licensing Order, ¶ 5.


sensing systems as well. Indeed, the Commission routinely has licensed both NGSO and GSO

remote-sensing satellite systems in the 8025-8400 MHz band on a de facto first-come, first-

served basis, precisely because such systems are able to use EESS frequencies on a coordinated

basis. 12

            Spectrum sharing between NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems is possible for two


            First, the downlink transmissions of NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems are received

by relatively large earth stations that track the movement of the NGSO satellite in its orbit.

These receiving earth stations therefore point towards the intended satellite, and provide angular

discrimination, and therefore signal suppression, for almost all of the time towards any other co-

frequency NGSO satellite that might be visible in the sky. This ensures an extremely low

probability of an interference event occurring, which is operationally acceptable to these types of


            Second, because the downlink transmissions of NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems

are not continuous, but occur on a periodic basis only, EESS systems are able to coordinate their

operations if necessary on a time scheduled basis. As explained by the Commission in the Space

Imaging Order:

                            Typically, a Space Imaging satellite would contact any given earth station
                   less than 10% of the time. For example, a satellite in a 98- minute orbit would be
                   in range of an earth station for an average of about 8 minutes per orbit. Orbits
                   that pass over 2 earth stations would give a maximum contact time of
                   approximately 15 minutes for that orbit. Given these constraints, [Space Imaging]
                   satellites will use data compression techniques to maximize the amount of useful

    See Space Imaging, L.P., Order and Authorization, 10 FCC Rcd 10911 (IB 1995) (“Space
Imaging Order”); Orbital Imaging Corporation, Order and Authorization, 14 FCC Rcd 2997 (IB
1999) (“Orbital Imaging Order”); EarthWatch Incorporated, Order and Authorization, 10 FCC
Rcd 10467 (IB 1995) (“EarthWatch Order”); and AstroVision International, Inc., Order and
Authorization, 15 FCC Rcd 22299 (IB 2000) (“AstroVision Order”).


                data that can be transmitted from a satellite and minimize the amount of
                bandwidth required. Consequently, it is undisputed that multiple systems could
                share the 8025-8400 MHz band requested by Space Imaging by coordinating
                orbits, orbit times, and the location of earth stations. Space Imaging has agreed
                to coordinate its operations with those of any other licensed system operator to
                avoid harmful interference. 13

        Similarly, in authorizing Orbital Imaging to launch and operate an NGSO remote-sensing

satellite system, the Commission noted that the Orbimage satellites “will transmit digitized

image data to the ground only when they are within line of sight of a receiving earth station.”14

The Commission observed that orbital dynamics and the location of Orbital Imaging’s two U.S.

earth stations physically limit earth station visibility to a maximum of 12.5 minutes per 94-

minute orbit, and that typically an Orbimage satellite would contact the two U.S. earth stations

less than 15 percent of the time. 15 The Commission held that “because the Orbimage system will

transmit only when a satellite is within view of a receiving earth station, it may be possible for

other remote-sensing systems to share frequencies with Orbimage by coordinating orbital

geometries, downlink data times, and the location of earth stations.”16 Likewise, in autho rizing

EarthWatch’s NGSO remote-sensing satellite system, the Commission observed that “because

the EarthWatch system is to transmit only when a satellite is within view of an EarthWatch earth

station, it may be possible for other remote-sensing systems to share frequencies with

EarthWatch by coordinating orbits and the location of ground stations.”17

        The Commission also authorized AstroVision to launch and operate a remote-sensing

system consisting of two GSO satellites in the 8025-8400 MHz band, finding that AstroVision’s

     Space Imaging Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 10912 (footnotes omitted) (emphasis added).
     Orbital Imaging Order, 14 FCC Rcd at 2998.
     Id. at 3000.
     Id. at 3001.
     EarthWatch Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 10469.


GSO system could share the frequenc y band with NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems.

AstroVision noted, among other things, that its system was designed to implement spatial

diversity isolation between its system and other EESS licensed systems, i.e., the ability to

communicate with alternative earth stations in the event interference or other operational

anomalies so require. 18 Based on AstroVision’s showing, the Commission concluded:

                AstroVision’s proposed system appears to be technically sufficient and its
        operation will not preclude other commercial remote-sensing systems. AstroVision has
        demonstrated sufficient use of spatial diversity techniques that will maximize the
        potential for entry for new remote-sensing systems. Moreover, it may be possible for
        other remote-sensing satellite systems to share frequencies with AstroVision by
        coordinating their operating parameters and the location of earth stations. 19

Thus, NGSO remote-sensing systems not only can share spectrum with each other, they also can

share spectrum with GSO remote-sensing satellites as well.

        Band segmentation plainly is not required to accommodate multiple NGSO remote-

sensing satellite systems in the same frequency bands, and the use of processing rounds for

licensing NGSO remote-sensing systems is therefore not necessary or appropriate. Indeed, there

is no risk that a single lead NGSO remote-sensing applicant would gain access to so much of the

spectrum resources that additional market entry would be precluded. On the contrary, NGSO

remote-sensing systems can be licensed over wide frequency band segments, or even across the

entire 8025-8400 MHz band, without precluding other remote sensing satellite systems from

using the same spectrum. 20 NGSO remote-sensing systems are similar in this respect to GSO-

     AstroVision Order, 15 FCC Rcd at 22302.
     Id. at 22304.
    Open market entry opportunities in the remote-sensing service have shaped other important
FCC policies. For example, the Commission consistently has found that it is not necessary to
hold remote-sensing licensees to any particular financial standard because grant of these licenses
would not prevent other systems from pursuing and implementing competing remote-sensing
systems. Space Imaging Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 10913; EarthWatch Order, 10 FCC Rcd at

like satellite systems : each type of licensee typically is authorized to operate throughout a broad

frequency range, and large spectrum assignments to each type of applicant do not preclude

additional market entry. Moreover, there is no need to adopt a pre-set method of assigning

bandwidth (i.e., dividing the spectrum equally among the applicants) in either case to expedite

the licensing, essentially because the Commission relies successfully in these situations on the

good faith coordination efforts of the respective licensees.

       The formation of processing rounds—and an equal division of spectrum among qualified

applicants--would be counterproductive in the case of remote-sensing systems because it would

deprive licensees of wide band segments required for a viable business. As remote-sensing

technology continues to mature, EESS spacecraft will require even wider bandwidths to

downlink increasing amounts of data at faster rates. 21 The idea of segmenting the remote-

sensing frequency bands and licensing operators to use only a fraction of the available bandwidth

cannot possibly satisfy the spectrum needs of the remote-sensing operators. For this reason, the

processing round approach adopted for typical NGSO-like satellite systems is unworkable in the

case of NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems and should not be used. Therefore, NGSO

remote-sensing satellite systems should be excluded from the defined term “NGSO-like satellite

10469; Orbital Imaging Order, 14 FCC Rcd at 3001; and AstroVision Order, 15 FCC Rcd at
    One NGSO remote-sensing licensee, DigitalGlobe, Inc. (formerly EarthWatch), recently
advised the Commission that spectrum requirements for its next generation system cannot be met
at X-band, and that it anticipates applying to the Commission to use the EESS band at 25.5-27.0
GHz. See Comments of DigitalGlobe, Inc., dated May 15, 2003, filed in Amendment of Parts 2,
25, and 87 of the Commission’s Rules to Implement Decisions From World Radiocommunication
Conferences Concerning Frequency Bands Between 28 MHz and 36 GHz and to Otherwise
Update the Rules in this Frequency Range; Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission’s
Rules to Allocate Spectrum for Government and Non-Government Use in the Radionavigation-
Satellite Service, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, ET Docket No. 02-305, RM-10331, released
October 7, 2002. See also Written Ex Parte Presentation of Space Imaging LLC in the same
proceeding, filed June 24, 2003.


system” for purposes of applying the modified processing round procedures of Section 25.157 of

the rules.

        Applications for new NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems should be processed

pursuant to the first-come, first-served procedure, and applications to modify existing NGSO

EESS authorizations should be processed in the same manner. Thus, for example, any

application to modify an NGSO EESS license that is required to be placed in the application

queue, such as an application to increase operating EESS spectrum, should be subject to the

first-come, first-served procedure for the same reasons that new NGSO EESS system

applications must be handled in this way. 22

        The Commission also should clarify a related issue vis-à-vis the licensing of remote-

sensing satellite systems. The Commission stated in paragraph 58 of the Satellite Licensing

Order that, in cases where there are no service rules establishing sharing criteria for NGSO and

GSO satellite systems in a particular frequency band, it would consider only applications of the

kind filed first, i.e., NGSO or GSO, until sharing criteria are established. 23 As shown above,

NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems are able to share spectrum with each other and with GSO

remote-sensing satellite systems as well. The Commission has consistently held that service

rules were not required in the case of the EESS service, and it has licensed both NGSO and GSO

remote-sensing satellite systems in EESS frequency bands given the licensees’ ability to resolve

potential interference problems through private coordination efforts. 24 For this reason, the

   See discussion of modification requests for GSO-like applications in the Satellite Licensing
Order, ¶¶ 141-144.
     Satellite Licensing Order, ¶ 58.
   See e.g., Space Imaging Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 10913; EarthWatch Order, 10 FCC Rcd at
10469; see also Orbital Imaging Order, 14 FCC Rcd at 3000-01; and AstroVision Order, 15
FCC Rcd at 22304-05.


Commission should continue to consider both NGSO and GSO remote-sensing applications

despite the absence of EESS service rules. Applying the policy announced in paragraph 58 of

the Satellite Licensing Order to remote-sensing satellite systems would serve no purpose, but

would only frustrate the legitimate licensing expectations of the remote-sensing industry.

        Finally, a ruling that NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems will be processed in

accordance with the first-come, first-served procedure would serve the public interest in several

respects. First, issuing a ruling will clarify the Commission’s intent with regard to the

processing of NGSO remote-sensing applications, especially since this matter was not

specifically addressed in the Satellite Licensing Order. Second, such a ruling would ensure that

NGSO remote-sensing satellite systems are licensed in accordance with a process that is “best

suited” to this satellite service, especially considering the unique characteristics and spectrum

requirements of the EESS service. Third, issuing the requested ruling will lead to an orderly and

efficient licensing process for this important satellite service and this will achieve, in turn, the

Commission’s primary goal of expediting the satellite licensing process. 25

        III.    Conclusion

        The Satellite Licensing Order did not discuss the unique characteristics of NGSO remote-

sensing satellite systems or the capability of such systems to share the same frequency band

segments with other NGSO and GSO remote-sensing systems. The Commission did note,

however, that historically remote-sensing satellite systems have never been licensed through

    The U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Policy (“U.S. Policy”) issued by the White House on
April 25, 2003, solidifies the close relationship between the U.S. Government and the
commercial remote-sensing industry, and it reflects the increasing reliance the Government
intends to place on commercial remote-sensing satellite systems. The adoption of this U.S.
Policy on remote sensing confirms the need for an efficient and orderly FCC licensing process
for this important satellite service.


processing rounds. For reasons discussed herein, the modified processing round procedures

adopted for NGSO- like applications should not apply to NGSO EESS systems. Instead, the first-

come, first-served procedure is the only suitable approach for processing and licensing such

systems. Accordingly, the Commission should rule that applications for new NGSO satellite

systems in the EESS service shall be processed on a first-come, first-served basis; and

applications for modification of EESS authorizations placed in the queue also should be licensed

on a first-come, first-served basis.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                      SPACE IMAGING LLC

Alison Alfers, Esquire                                  Raymond G. Bender, Jr.
General Counsel                                         Its Attorney
Space Imaging, LLC
12076 Grant Street                                    Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
Thornton, CO 80241-3102                               Suite 800
                                                      1200 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
                                                      Washington, D. C. 20036
                                                      Tel: (202) 776-2758

September 12, 2003


                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Vicki Lynne Lyttle, a legal secretary at Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, PLLC do
hereby certify that on this 12th day of September, 2003, copies of the foregoing “Petition
for Clarification” of Space Imaging LLC were served as follows:

Donald Abelson                                   Jennifer Gilsenan, Esquire
Bureau Chief                                     Chief, Policy Branch
International Bureau                             Satellite Division
Federal Communications Commission                Interna tional Bureau
445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-C750                 Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                             445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-A520
                                                 Washington, DC 20554
Tom Tycz
Chief, Satellite Division                        John Martin
International Bureau                             Senior Engineer, Satellite Division
Federal Communications Commission                International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-A665                 Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                             445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-A426
                                                 Washington, DC 20554
Cassandra Thomas
Deputy Chief, Satellite Division                 Robert Nelson
International Bureau                             Chief, Engineering Branch
Federal Communications Commission                Satellite Division
445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-A666                 International Bureau
Washington, DC 20554                             Federal Communications Commission
                                                 445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-B554
Fern Jarmulnek, Esquire                          Washington, DC 20554
Deputy Chief, Satellite Division
International Bureau                             Diane Garfield
Federal Communications Commission                Engineering Branch
445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-A523                 Satellite Division
Washington, DC 20554                             International Bureau
                                                 Federal Communications Commission
Karl Kensinger, Esquire                          445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-A425
Associate Division Chief                         Washington, DC 20554
Satellite Division
International Bureau                             Steven Spaeth, Esquire
Federal Communications Commission                Satellite Division
445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-A663                 International Bureau
Washington, DC 20554                             Federal Communications Commission
                                                 445 12th Street, SW, Room 6-B540
                                                 Washington, DC 20554

                                                     __________/ s /___________
                                                           Vicki Lynne Lyttle

Document Created: 2019-04-09 04:04:08
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 04:04:08

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