Attachment de facto control

de facto control

NOTICE submitted by PanAmSat/Horizon

de facto control


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20030210-00015 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                 August 19, 2004
                                                                                             J 5 an,
      BY HAND DELIVERY                                                                    ""%,.ffivm
      Marlene H. Dortch
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12th St, SW.
      Washington, DC 20554
                      Re:     Notification of Change in Ownership of Horizons I
                              Eile Nos. SAT—PDR—20030210—00015 & SAT—PPL—20040112—00004
      Dear Ms. Dortch:
             Horizons Satellite LLC ("Horizons LLC"), pursuant to the Satellite Licensing
      Streamilining Order"and Section 25.137(g)? of the Commission‘s rules, hereby notifies the
      Commission of a change in defacto control of PanAmSat Corporation ("PanAmSat"),
      one of Horizons‘ two members. Horizons LLC is a 50/50 joint venture between
      PanAmSat and JSAT International, Inc. ("JSAT*), a subsidiary of JSAT Corporation.
      ! Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Polices, Frst Report and Order and
      Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18 FCC Red 10760 (2003)
      mar orn bescrg

Marlene H. Dortch
August 19, 2004
Page 2


        Horizons LLC is the owner of Horizons I, which is the Ku—band payload on
Galaxy 135 Horizons I operates at 127° W.L. and is lcensed by Japan. On November
24, 2003, the Commission added Horizons I to its Permitted Space Station List
(PSSL."),* and on May 27, 2004, the Commission modified the PSSL entry for the
satellite by adding authority for Horizons I to be used to provide one—way direct—to—
home services5
       After the Commission added Horizons I to the PSSL,it consented to a transfer of
control of PanAmSat. More specifically, the Commission authorized Hughes
Electronics Corporation ("Hughes")° to transfer control to The News Corporation
Limited (News Corp.") of various Commission licenses and authorizations held by
Hughes and its wholly— or majority—owned subsidiaries, including PanAmSatThe
parties subsequently consummated this transfer of control.®
         Procedurefor PSSL Ownership Changes
         The Commission‘s procedure for changing ownership of PSSL satellites is "very
simple."? As described in its Satellite Licensing Streamlining Order, the Commission,
after "the transaction has taken place," will issue a public notice announcing the
transaction and "inviting comment on whether the transaction affects any of the
considerations made when the original satellite operator was allowed to enter the U.S

        satelite was formerly known as Galaxy XHIL PanAmSat recently began identifying the satelites in
 the Galaxyfeet using Arabic numerals instead of Roman numerals, The Commission has authorized
PanAmSats subsidiary, PanAmSat Licensee Corp, to operate the C:band payload on Galaxy 13 at 127
WL See ile Nos.SAT—LOA—19991207—00118, SAT—AMD—20030228—00020
"Horizons Stelite LLC Petition fr Declaratory Rulingto Add Horizons I t he Permited Spoce StationList,
Order, DA 03—3760 (el. Nov. 24,2003)
5 See Order and Authorization, DA 01315
* Hughes subsequently changed its name to The DIRECTV Group,Inc.
7 See General Motors Corporation, Hughes Electronics Corporation, and The News Corporation Limted,
Mesmorandum Opinion and Order, MB Docket No. (9—124, 19 FCC Red 473 (2004). Se also General Motors
Cororation, Hughes Blectroncs Corporation, and The News CorporationLinited, Supplemental Order, DA 04—
961 (Apr 9, 2004) at47.
* See Leter from William M. Wiltshire and Michael D. Nilsson, Harris, Wilishire& Grannis LLP, Counsel
for News Corp, to Marlene Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission (Dec. 23, 2003)
* Satelite Lcensing Streamlining Order at 1326

                                            corpHERG, GoDLES, WIENER & WRIGHT

Marlene H. Dortch
August 19, 2004
        Application of PSSL Ownership Change Procedures to the Transfer of Control of
      The Commission previously determined, based on its consideration of
competition issues and Horizons LLC‘s financial, legal, and technical qualifications, that
adding Horizons I to the PSSL was in the public interest." It reaffirmed that
determination when it authorized Horizons LLC to provide one—way DTH services via
Horizons L

       Transferring control of PanAmSat to News Corp. has no impact on these
considerations. The Commission‘s competition analysis was based on the fact that
Horizons 1 is licensed by Japan, and the change in de facto control of PanAmSat does not
change the identity of the licensing country or otherwise alter the analysis. Horizons
LLC‘s financial qualifications are no longer relevant, because Horizons I has been
constructed and launched and is operating. The only change to Horizons LLC‘s legal
qualifications is that News Corp. now has defacto control of PanAmSat, one of Horizons
LLC‘s two members. As discussed above, however, the Commission already has found,
following a thorough evaluation, that News qualified to control PanAmSat!®
Finally, there have been no changes to Horizons LLC‘s technical qualifications, because
the operating parameters for Horizons I have not been altered.
       Accordingly, and for the reasons stated herein, Horizons LLCremains qualified
to serve the United States via Horizons I following the transfer of control of PanAmSat
to News Corp

                                                             drneyfor PanAmSat Corporation
                                                         Member, Horizons Satellite LLC

" Herizons Stelite LC Petiion for Declratory Ruling to Add Horizons I tothe Pernitted Spac Station Lis,
Order, DA 03—3760 (rl. Nov. 24, 200)
"* Order and Authorization, DA 041315 (May 27,2004).
" Seen.7, supra. 1t also noted that News Corp deficto control of PanAmSat is temporary, because the
Commission has consented to a further ransfer of control of PanAmSatfrom News Corp. t ive limited
Habilty companies owned by private equity partnerships. See Public Notice, DA 02509 (Aug.1, 2004)
Consurnmation ofthat transfer of control is imminent, following which PanAmSat will be iling a further
notification concerning Horizons L.

                                             GoLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT

Document Created: 2004-09-25 18:22:22
Document Modified: 2004-09-25 18:22:22

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