Attachment NewSkies


LETTER submitted by New Skies

Letter requesting location change


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20020930-00179 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                      ‘__\   W               3B

                                                                                             L T &E bkd T 2 &
                                                                                     New Skies Satellites K.V.
                                                                                     Rooseveltpiantsoen 4
                                                                                     2517 KR        The Hague

 .                                                                                   The Nethérlands
Via Fax 202—418—2818 and Post

                                                                                     PG       Box   821 97

September 30, 2002
                                                                                     2508 FD        The Hague

                                                                                     Iel      +311 70 306 41 00

Mr. Donald Abelson                                                                   farx +31 70 306 41 01
Chief, International Bureay                                                          uy wwine wskies. Co m
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
United States of America

          Re:      Relovution of the NSS—7 Sqtellte 10 22 °W L.

Dear Mr. Abelson:

On May 28, 2002, the Chuef of the Internauonal Bureau‘s Satellite Division released an
Order in the above referenced proceedings placing NSS—7, a satellite launched and
operated by New Skies Satellites N.V. ("New Skies"), on the Permitted Space Station
List (the "Permitted List") at the 21.5° WL. (338.5° E.L.) orbital location.‘ As the
Radiocommumcauons Agency of the Netherlands recently informed the Commisaion,
pursuant to the coordination agreement between New Skies and Intelsat that has been
approved by the U.S. and Netherlands governments, the NSS—7 satellite will be relocated
from 21.5° W.L. (338.3° E.L.) to the 22° W.L. (338° E.L.) orbital location. The
relocation process will commence on or about November 1, 2002 und be completed
within 75 days. This relocanon has been fully coordinated with all relevant U.S5.—licenased
systems — and in fact improves the sharing environment by achieving two degree spacing
from the nearest {ntelsa; satellite — and entails a movement of only 0 5° of longitude.

Accordingly, New Skies requests that the Commission revise NSS—7‘s entry on the
Permitted List to reflect the satellite‘s new locauon. With such a revision, each earth
stanon with "ALSAT" designated as a point of communication will contunue to have
authority to provide Fixed—Satellite Services ("FSS"), excluding FSS Direct—to—Home
services to, from, or within the Unuted States, by accessing the NSS—7 satellite at the 22°
wWL. orbital location in the 3700—4200/3925—6425 MHz and the 11.7—12.2/14.0—14.3 GHz
frequency bands. In addition, we request that such earth stauons be authorized to provide
FSS services by accessing the NSS—7 satellite during the penod of is migration from
21.5° W.L to 22° W.L.

     New Shies Suiéllitey N Y . 17 FCC Red. 10349 (Int‘] Bur 2002)(~NSS—7 Order‘}.

                                                                                     Chamber t Commernce

                                                                                     [0¢qistram&n number

                                                                                     33 30 28 55

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CGiven that the satellite‘s migranon is scheduled to beain on November 1, your expedited
consideration in this matter would be sreatly appreciarted

Sincerely yours,

Andrew R. D‘ Uva
Vice President & Associsate General Counsel

Document Created: 2002-10-04 08:56:27
Document Modified: 2002-10-04 08:56:27

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