Attachment ownership

This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20020425-00071 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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     Ms.s. Marlene
              Marlene H. Dortch
                          Dortl                    ramby       s
     Secretary                                           offen t ecviny
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554
                    RE:    File Nos. SAT—PDR—20020425—00071 et al.
                           Notification of SES Americom, Inc. and Columbia
                           Communications Corp. pursuant to Section 1.65
     Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom") and Columbia Communications
     Corp. (‘Columbia®), by their attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.65 of the
     Commission‘s rules, hereby update their pending space station applications to
     reflect recent changes in the ownership of their parent company, SES Global SA.
     These changes affect the information previously provided in the pending
     proceedings in exhibits to FCC Form 312. Revised exhibits for SES Americom and
     Columbia are attached to this letter, along with a list of the affected applications.

                    Please direct any questions regarding this submission to the
                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                              /       + /           C          3
                                             Karis A. Hastings
                                             Counsel for SES Americom, Inc. and
                                             Columbia Communications Corp.






                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                          Exhibit A
                                                                         Page 1 of 1
                              ALrEN ownERsHIP
                              (Response to Item 34)
             The applicant, SES Americom, Inc. (SES Americom"), is a wholly—
owned, indirect subsidiary of SES Global S.A. (‘SES Global"), a Luxembourg
company. Non—U.S. citizens hold an economic interest of approximately 70% and
voting power of approximately 80% in SES Global.
             Currently, the major non—U.S. shareholders of SES Global are:

              Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de ‘Etat (‘BCEE") and Société Nationale
de Crédit et d‘Investissement (‘SNCT), each of which is an institution created by
act of the Luxembourg Parliamentand 100% owned by the State of Luxembourg,
own shares of SES Global, as does the State of Luxembourg. Together, the State
and these two institutions own a combined total economic interest of 16.67% and
voting power of 34.90% in SES Global. The principal business of both BCEE and
SNCI is financial services.

            The remaining shares of SES Global owned by non—U.S. holders are
held either directly or through Fiduciary Depositary Receipts (°FDR«®) traded on
the Paris and Luxembourgstock exchanges.\ These holdings constitute
approximately 58% of the economic interest and 44% of the voting interest.

*      SES Global has de—listed its FDRs from the Frankfurt stock exchange
effective December 7, 2004.

                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                          Exhibit B
                                                                         Page 1 of 3
                       (Response to Item 40)
              The applicant, SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom‘),is an indirect
wholly—owned subsidiaryof SES Global S.A. (SES Global"). SES Global—Americas,
Inc. and four wholly—owned subsidiaries of SES Global—Americas, Inc. (SES
Subsidiary Inc. 23, SES Subsidiary Inc. 24, SES Subsidiary Inc. 25 and SES
Subsidiary Inc. 26) together directly hold 100% of the capital stock of SES
Americom. SES Global Americas Holdings GP, a Delaware general partnership
that is wholly owned by SES Global, holds 100% of the capital stock of SES Global—
Americas, Inc. With the exception of SES Global, all of these entities are U.S.
corporations or partnerships.
             SES Global is a Luxembourg company, formed for the purpose of
holding indirectly 100% of the shares of SES Americom and directly 100% of the
shares of SES ASTRA (formerly Société Européenne des Satellites S.A.), as well as
other non—European and non—U.S. satellite interests that were formerly owned by
SES Americom and SES ASTRA. Throughits subsidiarics and affiliates, SES
Global engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America,
Europe and Asia.
            SES Global has offices at L—6815 Chiteau de Botzdorf, Luxembourg.
The address of the intermediaryholding companies is 4 Research Way, Princeton,
NJ 08540.

             The directors of SES Americom are:

                   Romain Bausch
                   Robert Bednarek
                   Perdinand Kayser
                   Mark Rigolle
                   René Steichen
             The address of Messrs. Bausch, Bednarek, Steichen, Rigolle and
Kayser is SES Global S.A., 1—6815 Chiteau de Betzdorf, Luxembourg. Mr.
Bednarek is a U.S. national; Messrs. Bausch, Steichenand Kayser are Luxembourg
nationals; and M. Rigolleis a Belgian and British national.

                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                         Exhibit B
                                                                        Page 2 of 3
               The officers of SES Americom are:

                   NAME                                      TITLE
Paula Fairle                                Senior Vice President
Andreas M. Georghiou                        Senior Vice President
Anders Johnson                              Senior Vice President
Robert J. Kisilywicz                        Senior Vice President/CFO
Bryan McGuirk                               Senior Vice President
Brent Bruun                                 Senior Vice President
Michael Agostinells                         Vice President
William Berman                              Vice President
Carl Capista                                Vice President
Cynthia Dickins                             Vice President
Nancy J. Eskenazi                           Vice President/Ascistant Secretary
Peter Gustafson                             Vice President
Daniel J. Harel                             Vice President
Richard A. Langhans                         Vice President
David J. Lidstone                           Vice President/Assistant Secretary
Monica Morgan                               Vice President
Sergy Mummert                               Vice President
John A. Nelsen                              Vice President
Michael J. Noon                             Vice President
Maureen Offord                              Vice President
Orlando Skelton                             Vice President
Elias Zaccack                               Vice President
Steve Corda                                 Vice President
Stanley Konopka                             Assistant Treasurer — Taxes
Hanaa Nasr                                  Assistant Treasurer — Taxes

            The address of all the officers is SES Americom, Inc., 4 Research Way,
Princeton, NJ 08540. All of the officers are U.S. nationals.

             The names, addresses, and citizenship of stockholders owning of record
and/or voting 10 percent or more of SES Global‘s voting stock are:
   1. General Electric Capital Corporation (‘GB Capital") holds shares of SES
      Global representing an economic interest of 30.73% and voting power of
      20.10%. GBE Capital is a corporation organized under the laws of New York.
      GE Capital engages in a broad spectrum of financial services, including
      distribution, sales financing, commercial and industrial financing, real
      estate, transportation and reinsurance. GE Capital‘s address is as follows:

                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                             Exhibit B
                                                                            Page 3 of 3
                   General Electric Capital Corporation
                   260 Long Ridge Road
                   Stamford, CT 06927

   2. The State of Luxembourg and Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de I‘Etat (‘BCEE*)
      and Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement (‘SNCT®), each of which is
      an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament and 100% owned
      by the State of Luxembourg, hold shares of SBS Global, representing a
      combined total economic interest of 16.67% and voting power of 34.90%. The
      principal business of both BCEE and SNCI is financial services. The
      addresses of BCEE and SNCI are as follows:
                   Bangue et Caisse d‘Epargne de IEtat
                   1, place de Metz
                   1—2054 Luxembourg
                   Société Nationale de Crédit et dInvestisement
                   7, place du St. Esprit
                   1—1475 Luxembourg
The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de In
Congrégation, L—2910, Luxembourg.

                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                           Exhibit A
                                                                         Page 1 of 1

                              ALIEN OWNERSHIP
                             (Responseto Item 34)
            The applicant, Columbia Communications Corporation (‘Columbia®), is
a wholly—owned subsidiary of SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom"). SES
Americom is a wholly—owned, indirect subsidiary of SES Global S.A. (‘SES Global"),
a Luxembourg company. Non—U.S. citizens hold an economic interest of
approximately 70% and voting powerof approximately 80% in SES Global.
             Currently, the major non—U.S. shareholders of SES Global are:

            Bangue et Caisse d‘Epargne de IEtat (‘BCEE®)and Société Nationale
de Crédit et dInvestissement (‘SNCT®), each of which is an institution created by
act of the Luxembourg Parliamentand 100% owned by the State of Luxembourg,
own shares of SES Global, as does the State of Luxembourg. Together, the State
and these two institutions own a combined total economic interest of 16.67% and
voting power of 84.90% in SES Global. The principal business of both BCEE and
SNCI is financial services.
              The remaining shares of SES Global owned by non—U.S. holders are
held either directly or through Fiduciary Depositary Receipts (‘FDRs®) traded on
the Paris and Luxembourg stock exchanges.* These holdings constitute
approximately 58% of the economic interest and 44%of the votinginterest.

*      SES Global has de—listed its FDRs from the Frankfurt stock exchange
effective December 7, 2004.

                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                          Exhibit C
                                                                         Page 1 of 2
                       (Response to Item 40)
             The applicant, Columbia Communications Corporation (‘Columbia®)is
a wholly—owned subsidiary of SES Americom, Inc. (‘SBS Americom"). SES
Americom is an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of SES Global S.A. (‘SES Global").
SES Global—Americas, Inc. and four wholly—owned subsidiaries of SES Global—
Americas, Inc. (SES Subsidiary Inc. 2, SES Subsidiary Inc. 24, SES Subsidiary Inc.
25 and SES Subsidiary Inc. 26) together directly hold 100% of the capital stock of
SES Americom. SES Global Americas Holdings GP, a Delaware general
partnership that is wholly owned by SES Global, holds 100% of the capital stock of
SES Global—Americas, Inc. With the exception of SES Global, all of these entities
are U.S. corporations or partnerships.
             SES Global is a Luxembourg company, formed for the purpose of
holding indirectly 100% of the shares of SES Americom and directly 100%of the
shares of SES ASTRA (formerly Société Buropéenne des Satellites S.A), as well as
other non—European and non—U.S. satellite interests that were formerly owned by
SES Americom and SES ASTRA. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, SES
Global engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America,
Europe and Asia.
            SES Global has offices at L—6815 Chiteau de Betzdorf, Luxembourg.
The address of the intermediary holding companies is 4 Research Way, Princeton,
NJ 08540.
             The directors of Columbia are Romain Bausch and Robert J.
Kisilywiez. The address of Mr. Bausch is SES Global S.A., L—6815 Chiteau de
Betzdorf, Luxembourg. The address of Mr. Kisilywicz is Columbia Communications
Corporation, 4 Research Way, Princeton, NJ 08540. Mr. Kisilywicis a U.S.
national. Mr. Bausch is a Luxembourg national.

              The officers of Columbia are:

Brent Bruun                  Vice President
Robert J. Kisilywice         Vice President
Stanley Konopka              Assistant Treasurer — Taxes
Hanaa Nase                   Assistant Treasurer— Taxes
David J. Lidstone            Acting Secretary
Nancy J. Eskenazi            Assistant Secretary

             The address of all the officers is Columbia Communications
Corporation, 4 Research Way, Princeton, NJ 08540. All of the officers are U.S.

                                                                      FCC Form 812
                                                                          Exhibit C
                                                                         Page 2 of 2
             The names, addresses, and citizenship of stockholders owning of record
and/or voting 10 percent or more of SES Global‘s voting stock are:

   1. General Electric Capital Corporation (‘GE Capital") holds shares of SES
      Global representing an economic interest of 30.73% and voting power of
      20.10%. GE Capital is a corporation organized under the laws of New York.
      GE Capital engages in a broad spectrum of financial services, including
      distribution, sales financing, commercial and industrial financing, real
      estate, transportation and reinsurance. GE Capital‘s address is as follows:
                   General Electric Capital Corporation
                   260 Long Ridge Road
                   Stamford, CT 06927
   2. The State of Luxembourg and Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de I‘Etat (BCEE‘)
      and Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Tnvestisement (‘SNCT®), each of which is
      an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliamentand 100% owned
      by the State of Luxembourg, hold shares of SES Global, representing a
      combined total economic interest of 16.67% and voting power of 34.90%. The
      principal business of both BCEE and SNCI is financial services. The
      addresses of BCEE and SNCI are as follows:
                   Bangue et Caisse d‘Epargne de ‘Etat
                   1, place de Metz
                   L—2954 Luxembourg

                   Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement
                   7, place du St. Esprit
                   L—1475 Luxembourg
The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de la
Congrégation, 1—2910, Luxembourg.

Document Created: 2004-12-15 12:04:09
Document Modified: 2004-12-15 12:04:09

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