Attachment ex parte

This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20020425-00071 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                                                        LCENVED                          KMH K
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~HI September 21, 2004                                  ser 2 2 2004                                 t       ;
                                                 reseat Communicaton Commiasion
                                                        fceot Seaniy
                                                                                   In?! Burgay
     Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                          e        3
     Offce of the Secretary                                                        $EP 29 209
     Federal Communications Commission                                            Eus
     445 12" Streat, S.W.                                                         FTONtOffice
     Washington, DC 20554
     Re: Report No. SPB—196; SAT—PDR—20020425—00071
     Dear Ms. Dortch:
     in these proceedings, the FCC is considering various proposals for new DBS orbial locations
     that would be spaced only 4.5 degrees away from existing DBS orbital locations, thereby
     halving the current separation. To date,the materials submifted to the FCC appear to have
     fecused on the impact of such proposals on conventional DBS service to small satelite
     dishes mounted on subscribers‘ homes. However, there is a growing DBS submarket—
     service to moblle platforms such as cars, boats, and commercial and private aleraft — that
     must also be considered.
     The ECC has recognized that moblle applications fll within the defintion of DBS service,
     and that such applcations are,just k stationary applications, worthy of inteference
     protection. Indeed, the FCC has even considered whether addional measures were
     necessary to protect mobile receivers." As discussed below, the proposed "tweener"
     satelltes would have an even more serious and detrmental affect on such moble plattorms
     than they would on fixed antennas.
     KVH Industries, Inc. is an infernational leader in designing and manufacturing innovative
     satellte television antennas for moblle applications on land or sea. KVH has been bringing
     DBS service to moble consumers since 1995, and the company now supplies more in—
     motion satelite television systems fothe marine and landmoblle markets than any other
     manufacturerin the world. Tens ofthousands of beat, RV, and motor coach owners enjoy
     digtat—qualty television programming thanks to KV‘‘s famly of award—winning TracVision®
     antennas. Most recenty, KVH has applied is technological leadership to the automotive
     maket to develop the Trac¥ision AS, an advanced hyb phased—array antenna wih a
     profie small enough (approximately five inches high)that it can be attached to most standard
     roof racks of SUVs, mini—vans, vans, and knury cars." Regardiess of vehicle motion,

     ! goo.a0.             2                            a
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     EreavencyRanas,Fest Reportand Order and Furter Nobceof Proposed Rule Making, 16       Kiintste, inc. i
     Eooa0%0, 4173 (2000) considaing whether eilonal measures were necessary t rotct     0 Enteise Center
     $BS senvice o area agant NGSC es snstems}                                           mgdetom, nt ooo | *
      A picure o the TrecvisonAS uns ataches to is atr                                   usa
    Camd                                                                                 m oo s sser
     Bo‘s                                                                                fuc sors500s

    S00t £                                                                               inniiscon

TracVision AS automatically finds and tracks the DBS satelite and relays the signals to any
standard invehicle passenger video display system, providing relable and uninterrupted
reception on open roads throughout the continental United States.
Since theirinception, DBS operations in the United States have been charactorized by the
use of high—power satelites and nine degree ortital spacing. KVH designed its advanced
mobile antenna systems to operate in this environment. in designing such systems, KVA
faces two challenges that are not relevant to stationary DBS antennas, First the antennal
radome must have a low profile to decrease drag on the moving vehicle. Second,the
antenna must be able to track the apparent satelite position as the vehicle moves.
As a resut,the antenna beam pattems for mobile receive antennas are asymmetrical, with
broader gain in the elevation axis (due to the smaller near dimension) compensated to
some extent by the design in the azimuth direction. Even with state—Fthe—arttechnology,
the inherent imitations of a moble environment resultin smaller inmargins and lower
avalabilty than can be expected for fxed antennas operating in the same area.
To date, lower margins and availablity have not been a problem for moblle DBS receive
systems, as they were contemplated in the design of mobile systems and viewers are
accustomed to moblle services that are somewhatless robust than stationary services.
However,i the orbial spacing of DBS satelltes were halved from nine degrees to 4.5
degrees, the ink would be signifcantly degraded — to the point where in many citesthe
signal could not be received even in clear sky conditions using the antennas already
designed and deployed.
The example lnk budget below shows the sensitviy ofthe TracVision antenna to
interference from satelites with 4.5 degree spacing." The diference in of—asis dicrimination
ofthe TracVision antenna with orbial spacing of nne degrees versus 4.degreas is
dramatl — over 8 dB. This decreases the rato of the desired signal to ntorfering signals
from adjacent satelites (or °C/)from 18 dB to 9.5 dB. As shown in the example below, the
presence of a "weener" satelite resuts in negathve Ink margin, which means thatte lik
does not close and the subscriber receives no signal even in clear sky condiions.
Link Budget — Washington, DC
                                                                     Siy                Rain On
                                                                    wits—      Raln      was
                                                     GlearSky        dog       Down       dog
Uplink GN
(thermab, aB        Transmit power. cBW                 14           ma         ma        4
                    Transmi osses. c8                   20           20         20        20
                    Ground antemna gain, 06             ses          ses        ces       ses
                    Antenna poining loss. d             EB           a5         <5        <5

 The in budget assumes thatth weane sataite operais atthe EIRP levels ht war ied wih the TV for
the USAT—S1 HOD—A and IOMBSS—1 sataites,a wel as .1 degre stator—keeping(ota) and no recave
anienna misponing.

                                                             Siy           Rain n
                                                            wias.   Raln   was
                                                 ClearSky   _dog    Down    deg
                 Free space loss, aB              EH        288     268    2088
                 Amospheri oss. dB                 <2        a2     o2      _2
                 Upinicrain ls, a8                 00        o0     00      00
                 Sateite 67.daik                   so        20      20     a0
                 Bendwdth, dbiz                   430       130     430     130
                 Botzmann‘s constan,
                 dowhiek                          228       208     2258   208

Total Ulink GN                                     27       EA      EsA     27

Downlink CN      Satelite EIRP (4S), aBWas
thermat, 08      mite                              sse      sse     ses     sos
                 Free space loss dB               200       200     200    200
                 Amaspheri loss, ds                02        42      42
                 Downlnk rainloss. B               50        00      45
                 Rain temp increase, o6            o0        a0     20
                 Rev. antenna pointng loss, iB    45        45      45
                 Radome loss, dB                  44        44      44       .
                 Ground G, dbiK                   105       105     105    105
                 Bandwith, iiz                    REt       430     30     430
                 Batzmann‘s constant,
                 cowhizk                          288       228     z0e    zes

Total Downlin
on                                                 128      128     93      s3

Totals           Upink GN (hemal, ds               274      274     2       2
                 Downink GN themmal, dB            128      128     EH      83
                 xpolintererence, dB               192      192     192     192
                 Ac.c8                             20       z0      z0o     |_zoo
                 Aggregate Ofom 809.
                 ASL c                             180      180     180     180
                 Aagregale Gilfom 4.5—de9.
                 ASL c8                            w0        as     seo     as
                 Total ASL, dB                     180       s3     180     a9

                 iemetocs                          foa       es     ai      a7
                 Required GiteD: db                Ts        Ts     Ts      1s
                 Margin, iB                        2s       a7      as      4s

Tens of thousands of mobile craft currentl recaive service from U.S. DBS satelites, and we
expect DBS service for vehicles to become even more popularin the nearfture. The ECC
has recognized that this use is consistent with the DBS service rules and is worthy of
protection from Interference. The introduction of "weener® DBS satelites would increase
Interference to the point where there would be no ink margin remaining and service to
thousands of deployed antennas would be interupted, at least occasionall if not,
permanently. The result for moble DBS system manufacturers and consumers would be
devastating, and what is currently a promising and growing application of DBS technology
wil be stifed in is infancy.
Under these circumstances, the FGC should dismiss any request for authorty to operate a
DBS satelite spaced at less than nine degrees fom existing U.S. operations. KVH strongly
urges the FCC to do so as quickly as possible in order to avoid creating uncertainty that
could delay further innovation in mobile DBS technology.

Martin Kits van Heyningen

The TracVision A5 satellite TVantenna offers a patented,
 sleek, and rugged design that houses KVH‘s innovative
         bhybridphased—array antenna technology.

Document Created: 2004-10-06 17:31:04
Document Modified: 2004-10-06 17:31:04

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