Attachment ex parte

This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20020425-00071 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    EX PARTE OR LaTe FILED

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                                              SEP 1 5 2004
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                                              Front Office
                                        September 9, 2004

   Marlene H. Dortch                             Int! Bureau             S° ~5 *
   l?efn?::altE?,ZS’“Z'.Z';'.L.S Commission       S8P 15 209 """CefgSeived
   Iastinginn He.sisse                           Front Office             sE 59 im
          Re: Ex Parte Presentation                                      im;{);:”Ehv‘m;u
              Report No. SPB—196; SAT—PDR—20020425—00071
   Dear Ms. Dortch:

           On September 8, 2004, Romulo Pontual, Susan Eid, and undersigned counsel on
   behalf of The DIRECTV Group, Inc. (DIRECTV*), had separate meetings with Sam
   Feder, Legal Advisor to Commissioner Martin; Jennifer Manner, Senior Counsel to
   Commissioner Abemnathy; Paul Margie, Legal Advisor to Commissioner Copps; Barry
   Ohlson, Legal Advisor to Commissioner Adelstein; and Shery! Wilkerson, Legal Advisor
   to Chairman Powell, to discuss the enclosed materials (which were distributed at the
           In this presentation, DIRECTV discussed the impact that the short—spaced DBS
   slot proposed by SES Americom would have on DIRECTV‘s services and subscribers
   DIRECTV also summarized its recent study ofthe interference environment in which
   European DBS/DTH systems operate, which was undertaken in order to evaluate the
   claims made in recent ex partefilings by SES Americom. As demonstrated in the
   attached materials, that studyshows that the interference levels claimed by SBS are
   grossly overstated.
                                                  Sincerely yours,

                                                  William M. Wiltshire
                                                                         No: ofCopies res >
                                                                         l   skepismea_O+3

Hamms, Wiursue & Growis cur
Marlene H. Dortch
September 9, 2004
Page 2 of2

ces    Sam Feder
       Jennifer Manner
       Paul Margie
       Barry Ohison
       Shery! Wilkerson
       Phillip Spector (counsel for SES Americom)

Impact of Introducing Short—
   Spaced DBS Satellites

      September 8, 2004


                               September 2004

        DIRECTV Continues to Enhance
                 MVPD Competition                                                      4

    *   DIRECTV is a proven innovator with a large and growing subscriber base
    *   Over the last six months:
         — DIRECTV has launched local—into—local services in 40 additional markets, and
           is in the process of launching at least 24 more
         — DIRECTV has ordered four new satellites and revised the design of two others
           in order to increase its capacity
             * Will create more capability for HD and local—into—local transmissions
             * Represents a significantcapital investment
         — DIRECTV hasstruck deals for the seamless integration of customers formerly
           served through NRTC and Pegasus
    *   DIRECTV invested in developing advances in modulation and coding by
        Hughes Network Systems that provide an increase in spectrum efficiency
        of 30%, which can be used for additional channels/new services — if it is
        not needed to overcome new sources ofinterference

£                                                                                      September 2004

           MIREECTY Service Quality                                           D

    *   DIRECTV takes pride in ensuring that its customers receive the best
        possible service
         — Acquires superior and wide—ranging content
         — Employs high quality video encoding
         — Supplies state—of—the—art consumer equipment
         — Achieves highservice availability
         — Provides new services, such as mobile video to aircraft and cars
    *   With this service comes a responsibility to our 13 million customers to
        maintain the best possible multi—channel video experience
    *   Any change to the existing adjacent satellite spacing and power levels can
        potentially impact the consumer experience, and must be considered with
        great care

£                                                                                 September 2004

        SES Proposes to Introduce New,                                . l
           Short—Spaced DBS Slots                                     pirecrv

    *   SES hasfiled at the ITU for new DBS slots at 105.5° WL and
        114.5° WL
         — Spaced 4.5° from existing U.S. DBS assignments at 101° WL, 110°
            WL, and 119° WL
         — Current DBS operations based on I°spacing under original
           international plan
         — Other administrations have also filed for short—spaced slots
    * SES seeks to operate at power levels comparable to existing
      U.S. DBS operators
    * SES‘s ITU filings have international priority over U.S. DBS
      satellites already in operation
         — e.g., DIRECTV 48, DIRECTV 78

a                                                                         September 2004

        SES‘s European Comparison Is                                       . ]
         Misleading — and Erroneous                                        birecrtv

    *   SES has submitted an analysis of DBS/DTH operations in Europe that
        purports to show sharing with 2.3° to 4.3° spacing between satellites
    *   The analysis is misleading
         — No sharing among co—frequency, co—coverage services both operating at high
           power — which is the U.S. situation for DBS
         — Sharing scenario presented by SES is actually common for U.S. FSS — where
           2° spacing and larger receive antennas are the norm
    *   The analysis is also erroncous
         — Actual interference levels measured by Plenexis in European test are less than
           half the levels claimed by SES
         — In fact, almost all measured C/I levels are more favorable to SES than the
            protection levels proposed by DIRECTV in its petition for rulemaking

s                                                                                   September 2004

                                                                        Measured Interference
                                                                           vs. SES Claim                                                            -J
                                              c o B 8 s s s 3 s s 8
      Anterference Relative to SES Claim, &

                                                                      ses gos   on   rio   on   on   ons   on   rzo   ros    bor   doe   m   ma   ons   onr   me
                                                                                                       Astra 1G/IH Channel

    All measurements made by Plenexis in Hameln, Germany, August 3—4, 2004.
    Full report of Plenexis tests filed Sept. 7, 2004.
6                                                                                                                                                             September 2004

  SES‘s Proposal Would Harm                                                 . ]
               U.S. Consumers                                               DIRECTV.

SES‘s operations would preclude DIRECTYV‘s introduction of technological advances needed
to support additional services
 — Most problematic for spot beams — local—into—local subscribers served by spot beams on
   DIRECTV 48 and DIRECTV 78 already at risk because of higher priority short—spaced
   filings at the ITU
     Satellites and technologies nearing deployment(e.g., additional spot beams, advanced.
     modulation) also would be affected, endangering DIRECTV‘s plans for increasing HD
     and local—into—local programming
 — Gives SES effective veto power over advancesin U.S. DBS satellitesat prime U.S.
     orbital assignments
In order simply to maintain currentquality of service in the presence of SES‘s short—spaced
satellites, many DIRECTV subscribers would need to replacecurrent dishes with larger ones
  — Current 45 cm U.S. standard supplanted by 60—90 cmEuropean standard
 —   Service disruptions and significant inconvenience for consumers
 —   Increased costs ultimately will be borne by consumers, further undermining MVPD

                                                                                     September 2004

     Far From Increasing Competition,
        SES Will Harm Competition                                 P1

    * SES claims its proposal is pro—competitive
    * However, proposed short—spaced satellites will hobble
      technological advances by U.S. DBS operators, rendering DBS
      less competitive with cable
       — Because local—into—local service on spot beams would be most at risk,
         SES‘s proposal threatens single biggest factor driving DBS subscriber
    * Moreover, SES has already leased the capacity at 105.5° W.L.
      to EchoStar — not an avenue for new DBS entry
       — Merely redistributes existing capacity
       — Explains EchoStar‘s flip—flop on the issue

8                                                                         September 2004

                        Conclusions                                              DJ

    *   DIRECTV is a proven leader in innovation with a large and growing
        subscriber base
    *   Introduction of the short—spaced DBS slots proposed by SES would
         — Give SES effective veto power over technological advances and service
            innovations by U.S. DBS operators
         — Harm consumers
         — Relegate advances in spectrum efficiency to overcoming interference rather
           than increasing capacity to provide more services
         — Effectively hijack capacity currently available to U.S. operators
    *   SES‘s claim that DBS/DTH operations in Europe validate its proposal is
        misleading and not supported by the evidence
         — The cases in U.S. vs. Europe are not comparable
         — In fact, SES operates with less than half theinterferenceit claims
         — SES‘s short—spacing proposal would cause much greaterlevels ofinterference
           to DIRECTV than SES currently faces in Europe

o                                                                                   September 2004

Document Created: 2004-10-15 12:39:54
Document Modified: 2004-10-15 12:39:54

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