Attachment ex parte

This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20020425-00071 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                              EX PARTE OR LATE FILED
PAUL, WEISS, RIFKIND, WHARTON 8 GARRISON LLP                               rypememeer n memens
vavs c meer e                                    sees amur ormemencis      mm mere          Halre mes,
Wadhnaron, oC roose ses                             enreuren                    Tt s movin orcovnhs

2022237440                              fekcie

                                                 August 18, 2004
        BX HAND
        Marlene H. Dortch                                     RECEIVED
        (onPommmenione Commtenion                                aus 1 8 200
        445 — 12th St, S.W.                               Fedeal Conmuncaton Connianon
        Washington, DC 20554                                      OteaotSecay
                Re:   ExParte®               ;       Report No. SPB—196;   SAT—PDR—20020425—
        Dear Ms. Dortch:

                       On behalf of SES AMERICOM,Inc.(°SES AMERICOM®), we writein
        response to an exparfiling submitted by The DIRECTV Group, Inc. (°DIRECTV®) in the
        above—referenced dockets." The DIRECTV Ex Parte consists of materials presented to
        International Bureau ("IB") staff in a meeting on July 22, 2004, responding to an SES
        AMERICOM ex parte presentation made on June 15, 2004, on the topic ofDirect Broadcast
        Satelite (‘DBS") and Direct—to—Home (‘DTH") satellite operations in Europe:*

        t        x Pare Notie, The DIRECTV Group,In., Report No, SPB—196; SAT—PDR—20020425—00071, July
        23, 2004 (he "DIRECTV & Pare‘)
        4        Ex ParieNotics, SES AMERICOM In, Report No. SPB—196; SAT—PDR—20020425—00071, Jun15,
        2004 (the "SES AMERICOM Ex Pare).                                          h                          ofl
                                                                                       5. of Copios recid _

raull weiss. RIFKIND, wharton a carrison Lip
     Marlene H. Dortch                                                                                 2

     L       Introduction and Summary

                      In June, SES AMERICOM presented to Commission staff an overview of
     European DBS/DTH satellte operations, focusing in detail on the interference into the
     consumer dishes of one DTH satelite from closely neighboring satellites. That DTH satellite,
     Astra 1G, is currently serving millions ofhouscholds in Europe, with high availability, in a
     fiercely competitive marketplace. The SES AMERICOM study shows that DTH services are
     being delivered successfully in an interference environment that is greater and more complex
     than the current 9*—spacing environment in the United States.
                      DIRECTV argues that the presented analysi is not relevant to the DBS
     environment in the United States, due to differences in the services and technical parameters
     of the satellites considered in the study. However, the interference analysis performed by
     SES AMERICOM depends on the actual interference contributed by the neighboring
     satellites, and not on their services per se, and takes into account differences between
     Buropean and U.. DTH systems, such as dish size. Therefore, the resulting interference
     levels can be meaningfully compared to U.S. levels, and such a comparison supportsthe
     viability oreduced spacing in the United States.
                      Importantly, however, there is no need for the Commission to determine
     whether reduced U.S. DBS spacing is feasible in the general case or in any specific case.
     Rather, the Commission should follow existing international and domestic rules for entry of
     new DBS satellites, which prescribe case—by—case coordination ofproposed new systems
     under the auspices ofthe Intemational Telecommunication Union (‘TTU). The Commission
     should fully support these ongoing proceedings, and should refrain from adopting rules or
     policies that could arbitrarily and unnecessarily constrain the coordination agreements which
     may be reached by the operators.
     11.     The Experience of Buropean DTH Operators Supports the Viability of Reduced
             Spacing in the United States.
                     DIRECTV claims that the SES AMERICOM analysis of European DTH
     operations is not relevant to the question of reduced satellite spacing in the United States,
     because the analysis does not show DTH/DBS sharing that involves co—frequency and co—
     coverage service using 60 em antennas."". DIRECTV also argues that, even if such sharing

     f       DIRECTV x Part,slide 6. Forthisreason, DIRECTV claims thatthepresentation was*misleading."
     1. However, SES AMERICOM explicity indcated in the mesting with TB stafFand in the £t Partnoice that
     the two neighboring Eutesatsatlites included in the anlysis provided primarily ingle channel percarier
     (‘SCPC)serviees,and hatthe neighboringAsta 3A saelit included in the analysis provided primaily diect
     to—cable service (although wth DTH—lik signal characteritic). See SES AMERICOM At Part t 1; see also
     (d. sid 4 (indieatngthatthe neighboring steies considered in the analysis are providing "other servies")


     Marlene H. Dortch                                                                                 3

     were present,the differences in the operational characteristies and environmental factors
     facing satellites in Burope and the U.S. would render such an instance oflitle value in the
     U.S. context.". DIRECTV mischaracterizes both the purpose of, and the importance of the
     results from, SES AMERICOM‘s analysis.
                     As an initil matter, SES AMERICOM has never presented European spacing
     scenarios as perfect analogies to the U.S. DBS environment.® The subject & Parte
     presentation, which stemmed from discussions with TB staffmembers, was intended to aid in
     understanding the situation in Europe, in which DTH services o small dishes are successfully
     provided in an environment that includes interference contributed by closely—spaced, co—
     frequency, co—coverage satellites, at higher levels than currently experienced in the U.8
     environment of uniform 9° spacing.
                     Because ofthe differences in the European environment (in terms of satellite
     spacing, antenna size, etc.), SES AMERICOM focused its study on a parameter that measures
     the true impact of adjacent satellites on a DTH system, independent of such details: the
     interference level received by that system, expressed relative tothe desired signal strength
     (ie., the carrier—to—interference ratio, or "C/1"). SES AMERICOM computed the aggregate
     C/1into consumer dishes served by the Astra 1G satellte from several closely—spaced (2.39,
     3.25,and 4.3°), co—frequency and co—coverage satellites (Eutelsat II3, Eutelsat W2, and Astra

     DIRECTV alssttes that one of thase Batesatsatlites, Eatlsat HP,is operate in an inclied.orbit and
     therefore cannot be used for DTH service. See DIRECTV Ee Parie at2, and slde2. However,SES
     AMERICOM‘s analysi id noassume that the satelite was used for DTH service. As discussed below,the
     contrbution ofht sitelite t heintrfrence experienced bythe Asta 1G satlite was detrmined based on is
     actal signal characterisis(athenomina orbitlloction, and it is that contribution (and not th servicesper
     ) that is elevantto th results presenie y SES AMERICOM
     £       DIRECTV Ex Parteat 2. For example, DIRECTV notes that largr dishes(60—90 enare usd in
     Europe, while 45 em dishesare usein the United Sutes. DIRECTV A Parie, slides3, 4.
     ¢       In fct, thstelites studied by SES AMERICOM —at 2383.2%, and 4.3 spacing from the Asta 1G
     satelite oinerest —are closer(itwo cases farclosenthn SES AMERICOM‘s proposed DBS satelite would
     be to any US. DBS satelte. See SESAMERICOM, In, Pettonfor Declaratory RulingTo Serve the US
     Merket Using BSSSpectunfom the 105 3° W L. Orbital Location, SAT—PDR—20020425—00071, April 25, 2002
     (the "SES AMERICOM Pertion®), The satlite roposed by SEAMERICOM at108.5° W.L. would be 4.5°
     from DIRECTV and EchoStar satlites at 101° W.L.and 110° W


rauc. weiss. RIFKIND. wharton 8 CarRIsoN Lr
     Marlene H. Dortch                                                                                4

     3A, respectively)." The EIRP levels of each satelite, including relevant factors such as
     transponder back—offdue to multi—carrier operations, were taken into account in the analysis."
                     As indicated in the SES AMERICOM presentation, the satellites adjacent to
     Astra 1G contribute a combined interfering power density similar t the contributions of an
     adjacent, reduced—spaced DTH satellite.* The interference contributed by these neighboring
     satelites, and not the type of services these satellites provide,is the critical factor in the
     presented interference analysis.. Whether or not the interference comes from satellites
     providing DTH service is irrelevant." It is the resulting C that determines the impact on
     Astra 1G services.

     €      In its presentition, DIRECTV suggests hatt orbital spacingfor ixed—steit ervice (*FSS") and
     broadcasting—sitelit service(‘BSS") in Buropeistypically 6. DirecTV Ee Parc,slde 10. However, as
     evidenced by SES AMERICOM‘sanalysis, o—fequency, co—coveragestelltesarespaced asclos as 23 t .3
     dearces rom an operating DTH FSS satelite
     v      See SES AMERICOM Ex Part, slide7, whererous 6,7 and 8 othe C1 calcultiontabl provide
    various fctor employed in the analysis. As explainedtoTB staffdaring the presentiion, these fctostake ino
    accountthe différence in the power densitesdue o (1) thdifference i sturated EIRPs between the iterfring
    sateieand Asta 1G (row 6) (2) thdifferencein transponder bandwidtis between th interferingsatellteand
    Astra 1(row 7(3)the transponder backofofthiterferig satelit dueto mult—carter operation 3 dB
    reductonin EIRP for both Butelat satlltes(row 6), and (4) th eduction in iterfring power density due to
    approsimated carie spacing (0.5 dB reduction in power densty for both Eutlststelits) (row 8).
    *         Indeed, tAstra 3A satellte, spaced 4.3 rom Astra 1transmis fully—saturated diial video
    carviers, atcomparable power densites to 1G, repardless ofwhether the signals are being received by cable
    hexd—andsor consumerdishes.Itisnot he case,as DIRECTV suggests (DIRECTV &Pore,slide 5 thtthis
    satelte operates at lower powe levelsthin DTH service. (Note tht, while the saturted EIRP on Astra 1G and
    3A is equivalen, the C/ analysi assumed a pover density1.4 B lowerforAsta 3A because t uses 36 MIte
    iranspondes, while Asta 1G uses 26 MHs tansponders See SBS AMERICOM B Porie, slie 7
    Moreover, DIRECTV is wrong when iarguesthatthe Ast 3A "hardly representsa compotitve sharing
    seetariosince SBS has ull contrl oboth stelites and can adjst parametersat anytime to optimize servic."
    14, slide2; see also id, side 13. As SES AMERICOM has explained, the Astra stelits are operted as open
    architectre plaforms, providing capacit t hid—party eail DTH service providers. SES AMERICOM &
    Parie Notice,side 2. Full transponder usrs are given fillpower and bandwidih ofthe transponders without
    downlink power or bandwidthresticions.I2. For thisreason, Buropean satelite operators have much less
    contrl ovethe loading ofhei ransponders than do the U.S. DBS providers 0.
    f       However,as noted above, theAsta 3A stelit,4.3° fom Astr 1G, trnsmits DTH—lik signals in
    terms ofbotl pover and signal charicterstis)providing an accurte madel ofth impact ofa closey—spaced
    DTH stelte on Asta 1G DTHI operations.


raukl weiss. RirkIND wharton s carrison Lr
     Marlene H. Dortch                                                                                5

                     Moreover, the C/Ifigure takes into account and subsumes antenna size, power
     fevels, and other parameters that differ between European and U.S. systems, and allows
     comparisons to be made among systems based solely on the level of interference in which
     they operate."" The results show that the Astra 1G system receives a higher level of
     interference from neighboring systems relative to the strength ofitsdesired signal than do
     U.S. DBS systems. The fact that the systems employ different dish sizes, for example,is
     irrelevant t this fundamental conclusion.
                      For the above reasons, the C/I levels computed by SES AMERICOM
     accurately model the interference experienced by the Astra 1G DTH system, and can be
     directly compared to the C/I levels of U.S. DBS systems. DIRECTV dismisses the relevance
     of that result, arguing that, for a variety of reasons, higher C/I levels are required in the United
     States. As explained in detail in the attached Technical Appendi, this is not the case. None
     of the reasons proffered by DIRECTV necessarily produce the impact claimed by DIRECTV,
     and all can be — and routinely are — dealt with in coordination.
     11.     Coordination, and Not a Commission Rulemaking, is the Appropriate Forum for
             Dcbate of These Issues.
                     The European environment llustrates the possibilities for reduced spacing in
     the United States. However, as SES AMERICOM has explained repeatedly in various fora,
     each case is different and must be assessed individually."" The feasibility ofcoordinating a
     new satelite at a given spacing from existing satellites depends on a variety of considerations,
     including the proposed spacing; the power levels, frequeney plans, coding techniques, and
     coverage pattems of proposed and existing satelltes; and the services provided by the
                    Importantly, SES AMERICOM is not asking the Commission to determine
     whether 4.5—degree spacing is feasible in the general case or in any specific case, and there is
     no need for the Commission to do so. Rather, the Commission should follow existing
     intemational and domestic rules and proceduzes for entry of new DBS satellites, which

     1*=—   For thisreason, ts imelevant that Buropean DTH and DBS operations aresubject o PFD limits. See
     DIRECTV Ex Part, lides 3,4.
     *       See, e Comments of ES AMERICOM, Inc, Report No. SPB—196, Jantary 23, 2004 (‘SES
     AMERICOM Reduced Spacing Comments")at 21—2, 27—33;Reply Commens ofSES AMERICOM Inc,
     Report No SPB—196, Febrwary 13, 2004 (‘SES AMERICOM Reduced Spacing Reply") at 10—10


pauL, weiss. RIFKIND, wharton s carrison Lip
      Marlene H. Dortch                                                                                 6

     prescribe individual coordination ofproposed new systems..". The appropriate forum for
     resolution of the issues raised by DIRECTV is coordination under the auspices of the TTU."
                     The eoordination procedures allow the determination ofthe appropriate
     protection levels for systems on a case—by—case basis by the involved operators, avoiding the
     need for generic measures that would place unnecessary constraints, based on worst—case
     assumptions, on the introduction of new systems. The limitations that result from a one—size—
     fits—al, worst—case analysis are significant, and would render such new systems commercially
                    The ongoing coordination of the proposed SES AMERICOM satellite at 105.5°
     W.L. involves study ofthat satellite and neighboring satellites o a level of detailfar beyond
     what is possible in a rulemaking proceeding. This effort is necessary to permit introduction of
     new, competitive DBS services at reduced spacing. The Commission should fully support
     these ongoing proceedings, and encourage good fuith among the participants. Most
     importantly, the Commission should not prejudge the outcome ofthe coordinations by
     adopting rules or policies that would unnecessarly constrain the agreements that may be
     reached by the concerned partis.
                     For these reasons, the Commission should act quickly to dismiss the
     DIRECTV ralemaking petiion, " and to grant the SES AMERICOM Petition, subject to the
     outcome ofcoordination.""
                                                 Respectfully submitted,
                                                  ///,// 74 eZe i
                                                 Phillip L. Spector
                                                 Diane C. Gaylor
                                                 Attorneysfor SES AMERICOM, Inc

     9       SBS AMERICOM Reduced Spacing Comments at —15; SES AMERICOM Reduced Spacing Replyat
     8       See, eg, Conlidted Reply of ES AMERICOM, Inc., SAT—PDR.—20020425—00071, Jly3, 2002 (the
     "SBS AMERICOM Reply)at 27—29; SES AMERICOM Reduced Spacing Reply t 13
     i       ‘See Pettionof DIRECTV Emerprises, LLC for a Rulemaking on the Feasibilty of Reduced Orbial
     Spacing in the U.S. DiectBroadeast Satelite Servie, RM No. 10804, Sept 5,2003; Public Norice, Report No:
     5PB—196, December 16, 2003.
     !5—     SeeSES AMERICOM Reduced Spacing Commentsat3536,


rauL, weiss, RirIND, wharton s carrison Lup
     Marlene H. Dortch

     ec:——   Thomas Tycz
             John Martin
             Sclina Kahn
             Chip Fleming
             Rockie Patterson
             JoAnn Lucanik
             Marilyn Simon
               Intemational Bureau
             William M. Wiltshire, Bsq.
               Attomey for DIRECTV

                                                 SES AMERICOM Ze PartePresenation
                                                 Report No. SPB—196,SAT—PDR—20020425—00071
                                                 August 18,2004

                                    Technical Appendix
                As explained in the attached letter, SES AMERICOM has computed the
C/1levels experienced by a successfully—operating DTH platform in Burope. DIRECTV
has argued that the analysis is rrelevant because higher C/I levels are needed in the
United States, for a variety ofreasons. However, none ofthe reasons proffered by
DIRECTV necessarily produce the impact claimed by DIRECTV, and all can be — and
routinely are — dealt with in coordination.
                Spot Beams and Dish Size. DIRECTV argues that higher O/I levels are
needed in the United States to accommodate higher power spot—beams, which must
contend with adjacent beam interference." DIRECTV also argues that a lower CT
would requireit to adopt larger receive antennas in order to maintain its quality of
               DIRECTV‘s claim that reduced—spacing would unduly limit use ofspot—
beams is unsupported by any analysis. Similarly, DIRECTV provides no support for its
laim that larger dishes would be required in the United States for reduced spacing
operations." SES AMERICOM believes that coordination of spot beam operation is
feasible in a reduced spacing environment, as is coordination ofthe earth stations
deployed for DBS service in the United States. This assessment is based on SES
AMERICOM‘s review ofthe C/1‘s resulting from analysis performed for the 105.5°
W.L. sharing scenario."
               SES AMERICOM is not alone in its conclusion that reduced spacing in
the United States can be successfully coordinated. In its comments in the
Commission‘s proceeding on reduced spacing, EchoStar stated that ts "more advanced
assessment of interference in a 4.5° orbital spacing environment llustrates very well
C        x Parte Noics, The DIRECTV Group,In., Report No. SPB—196; SAT—PDR20020425—00071,
July 23, 2004 (he "DIRECTV & Part‘),slte 3.
*        14 ar2
*        In the past, DIRECTV has atempted o jusify such conclusions based on application of the
coordination triggercrterionemployed by the ITU‘s MSPACE program. Se, eg. Oppostton of
DIRECTV, . File No. SAT—PDR20020425—00071, Jane 17, 2002, at17—18, Technical Amner at8—9;
Ex Parie Notic, DIRECTV, Inc, File No. SAT—PDR—20020425—00071, November 12, 2002,at67;
Comments of DIRECTV, In., Report No. SPB—196, Jammary 23,2004at 4. As SES AMERICOM has
explained on ntmerous occasions, MSPACE analyisfunctions asa coortinationtigner only, and cannot
support DIRECTV‘s claims regarding spo.beams and dis izes. See, eg, Consoldated Reply ofSES
AMERICOM, In, SAT—PDR—20020425—00071,July3, 2002(‘SES AMERICOM Reply®)ar22.25,
         ‘SeeSES AMERICOM Reply, Appendix 1. These sharing studies have contined to evlvein
the context oth ongoing coordination ofthe 105.5° W.L.satlite. However,SES AMERICOM‘s
findamenialconclusion regarting the feasblity ofcoordination has not changed.


                                                 SES AMERICOM Et Parie Presetation
                                                 Report No. SPR—196,SAT—PDiR—20020425—00071
                                                 August 18, 2004

Technical Appendix

how detailed technical coordination between satellite operators can ensure mutually
compatible operation, whereas the application of worst case interference assessment can
lead to the conclusion that such operation is not possible."

               Like DIRECTV, EchoStar has a spot beam satellite currently in
operation 4.5° away from the 105.5° W.L. orbital position. In the analysis presented in
its comments, EchoStar reviewed the shoring scenario between 105.5° W.L. and its
spot—beam satellite, considered the availability achieved for these areas, and addressed
certain spot beams on a case—by—case basis." The EchoStar analysis supports SES
AMERICOM‘s assessment that creative solutions permitting DBS reduced—spacing can
be developed through detailed coordination discussions among the involved parties. As
discussed in the attached letter, the appropriate forum in which to assess the needed C
for DIRECTV‘s systems is the ongoing coordination under the auspices ofthe ITU.
                Limits. DIRECTV argues that BSS and FSS operations in Europe
are subject to power flux—density (°PFD") limits, which is not the case in the United
States. First, however, power limits are irrelevant to the C/I calculations performed by
SES AMERICOM, because these computations assess reative, not absolute, power

          For ESS in the 12.5—12.75 GHtz band, the subject of the SES
AMERICOM presentation, Region 1 (the ITU Region encompassing Europe) does have
PFD limits in Article 21 of the Radio Regulations. However,the PFD limits in 12.5—
12.75 GHte apply only to countries specified in Nos. 5.494 and 5.496 ofthe Radio
Regulations. Germany, the country used in the SES AMERICOM analysis, not

*         Comments ofEchoStar Satelite LLC., Report No. SPB—196, January 23, 2004, Technical
Annex,at2. EchoStar notedthat ts original astessment of ES AMERICOM‘s proposal conservatively
assumed wors—case valvesfothe parametersused in the interfrence clculations, which ld to
HchaSa‘s earlr concluton hataccommodation othe proposed new satelte was nottechnically
feasible, 2d,at 1. EchoSta demonstited that such analysis s not an accurte predictor ofechnical
feasibilit in many case, and that detailed coortination is necessary fopartesto reach informed
conclusions with respect t th possiblity ofDBS opertion in a 4.5 spacing environment 14. In
particul, Echoar demonstrted the importance otaking int accountthespecific charactrise ofthe
particalarstelit under consideation (sich as frequency plas,and modultion and coding). 24at67
EEchoStaralso explained how coortiation allows the parties o conside a wide range ofparametrs(such
as relative EIRP level or C/levels, l ofwhich may provide acceptable end resuls, when viewed in
combination with othr fctors. 2L at$, 14—18.
€         14, 15—18; EchoStar compotesa C aslow as 145 dB forthe worst—cas iterferenceinto the
edge ofcoverage ofone ofts spot beams.


                                               SBS AMERICOM & Pore Presentation
                                               Report No. SPB—196, SAT—PDR.—20020425—00071
                                               August 18, 2004

Technical Appendix

included (nor are most other Buropean countries), which means that the PFD limits do
not apply in Germany.
                For BSS, European BSS and Region 2 BSS are treated in the same
manner in Appendix 30. Both have PFD levels that trigger coordination with terrestrial
services on an administration‘s territory, but only in channels that are not assigned to
that administration in the Plan or List for BSS. Setting aside whether or not the PFD
levels apply in each territory, for the United States and Germany these PFD levels are
quite permissive, allowing EIRP levels ofapproximately 63 dBW in 27 MHz or 62.7
dBW in 24 MHz. These levels certainly allow for higher EIRP in Europe than the
satellites considered in SES AMERICOM‘s analysis (where the maximum EIRP
considered was on the order of53 dBW in 26 MHz).
             Rain. DIRECTV also argucs that lower C/I levels are acceptable in
Burope because it experiences less rain than does the United States."

               However, the westem half of the United States has comparable rain rates
to Europe, or much lower rain rates.". In the southeastem United States, which does
have higher rain rates, the impact ofrain is ameliorated by U.S. operators by use of
higher EIRP in that area than in other parts of the United States. In a coordination, if
the adjacent satellites have similar concentrations ofhigher EIRP levels in the
southeast, the C/I levels can be optimized.
                In addition, the southeastem United States, because of its lower latitudes,
has greater topocentric angles than do northem parts of the United States. A greater
topocentric angle means a greater off—axis discrimination of the earth station, and hence
a higher C/L. In Germany, where the SES AMERICOM analysis was performed, the
latitude ranges from approximately 45 to 55 degrees north latitude. This is much
further north, and with a correspondingly smaller topocentric angle, than the
southeastem United States, which ranges from approximately 25 to 35 degrees north
latitude. Depending on the orbital separation considered, the receive anterna size, and
the roll—aff ofthe reference anterna pattem, relatively small variations in the
topocentric angle can result in over a dB difference in C/.

       DIRECTV Bx Part, lides —12
1      See Recommendation ITU—R P.837—2. Germany hasrainintensity for 0.01%6 othe average year
from 25—30 mmThe UnitedStatesranges from 80 mm in Floidato15 man‘h in th southwest


                                               SES AMERICOM & Pare Presentatin
                                               Report No. SPB—196, SAT—PDR20020425—00071
                                               August 18, 2004

Technical Appendix

               Polarization. DIRECTV also argues that Europe employs lincar
polarization (‘LP")." which provides better cross—polarization (*X—pol") isolation during
rain than circular polarization (°CP")."
                In general, however,tdifference in the link performance of a CP
system as compared to an LP system is not significant. Furthermore, for DTH
applications, the X—pol efféct on an average CP or LP link (with decent installer
polarization alignment for LP) is almost negligible, so any difference between CP and
LP X—pol performance does not significantly affect the analysis.
               More generally, there are differences in the performance and installation
of CP and LP dishes that each operator or service provider assesses in detail prior to
deciding which polarization to use. LP dishes have a more complex installation
process, because in addition to pointing towards the desired orbit location, the
horizontal and vertical polarizations must be rotationallyaligned. This additional
alignment requirement can lead to additional losses for LP dishes ifnot performed
properly. It is often the simplified installation process that encourages the use of CP for
DTH services
                Dish Pointing. DIRECTV suggests that U.S. receive antennas are more
difficult o point than are European anternas, particularly considering the use oftriple=
feed dishes in the United States.""    The relevant issue here is whether the mispointing
angle that SES AMERICOM assumed in its European C/I analysis is appropriate.
              First, SES AMERICOM used a mispointing of 0.4 degress for the 50 and
60 em dishes in its analysis. In its Petition for Rulemaking, DIRECTV stated that a 0.5
degree mispointing should be used for 4 em dishes."" If one scales the mispointing
angle based on increased antenna size, then 0.4 degrees for 50 em dishes is consistent
with the 0.5 degree value that DIRECTV proposes
               Moreover, even if one assumes that the Buropean dishes are casier to
point, for 60 em dishes — where the scenarios considered in SES AMERICOM‘s

*      As noted in the SES AMERICOM presentation,all Ku—band operationsin Europe today are
lieatly pobarized, including DBS. £ Parte Noice SES AMERICOM In. Report No. SPB—196; SAT—
PDR—20020425—00071, June 15, 2004 (he"SES AMERICOM & Paree®), slie 3.
         DIRECTV &Pare,side 3.
A      w
 °.     DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Pettionfora Rulemaking on the Feasillity ofReduced Orbial
Spacing in the U.S. Diect Broadeast Satelite Service, RM No. 10804Sept 5, 2003,at 17


                                            SES AMERICOM & Parte Presenttion
                                            Report No. SPB—196, SAT—PDR20020425—00071
                                            August 16, 2004

Technical Appendix

presentation are generally in the 29—25 log (off—axis angle) portionof the
Recommendation BO.1213 antenna pattem — use of a smaller mispointing (such as 0.3
degrees) would only result in a small (about a couple oftenths of a dB) change in the
earth station off—axis gain. Use of a smaller mispointing assumption for Europe would
not significantly raise the computed O/I values.
                Conclusion. DIRECTV has not demonstrated that higher C/I levels are
needed in the United States than in Europe In any case, each proposal for a satellte at
reduced spacing should be judged on its own meris, which requires evaluation ofthe
specific operational characteristics of the neighboring satelltes. The C/Irequirements
ofthe DIRECTV satellites should be dealt with in the context ofthe ongoing



               Ihereby dectare thatI am a technically qualified person responsible for
preparation ofthe engineering information contained in this expurte presentation, that I am
familiar with Part 25 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, and that have either prepared or
reviewed the engincering information submitted in this exparte presentation, and that it is
complete and accurateto the best ofmy knowledge and belief.

                                            By                            ¢

                                                            . Satlite Markert
                                                   SES AMERICOM, Inc.

August 18, 2004

Document Created: 2004-09-29 13:38:32
Document Modified: 2004-09-29 13:38:32

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