Attachment exparte

This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20020425-00071 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                           HENK BRANDS              DALE M. SARRO
                                                                                                           PATRICK S. CAMPBELL      JOSEPH J. SIMONS
                                                                   I 285 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS            KENNETH A . GALLO        PHILLIP L. SPECTOR
I 8IS L    STREET. NW                                                                                      ROBERT P . PARKER        W A R T 0. STEINGOLD
                                                                         NevYwRK. Nr 1 m 1 m
                                                                                                           WARREN E RUDMAN. OF COUNSEL
W A S H I N G T O N , DC    20036-5694                                TELEPHONE (2IU 3733000
TELEPHONE ( 2 0 2 ) 2 2 3 7 3 0 0                                      FACSIMILE I 2 I2) 7 5 7 - 3 8 9 0
                                                                                                           NEALE M ALBERT.            RUBEN KRAIEM.
FACSIMILE      (202)2 2 3 - 7 4 2 0                                                                                                   DANIEL J KRAMER.
                                                                                                           MARK H A L C W
                                                            0 2 , RUE DU FAUBOURG     SAINT-NO NOR^        ALLAN J ARFFA.             DAVID K LAKHDHlR
                                                                          75008 PARIS. FRANCE              ROBERT A ATKINS'           JOHN E UNGE.
LLOYD K. GARRISON          (19-11D91'
                                                                                                           JOHN F EAUGHMAN.           DANIEL J LEFFELL.
RANDOLPH  E. PAUL          (10-1956)                               TELEPHONE (33I ) 53 43 I 4 I 4          LYNN E BAYARD.             MARTIN LONDON
                                                                    FACSIMILE (331 ) 53 43 00 23           DANIEL J BELLER            JEFFREY D M A R E L Y
SIMON H RIFKIND            (105*1-5)                                                                       MITCHELL L BERG'           MARC0 V MAS-
LOUIS S WEISS              ( 1 0 2 7 - IDSO)                                                               MARK S BERGMAN.            EDWIN S MAYNARD.
JOHN F WHARTON             (lP27-1077)                                   N K O K U SElMEl BUILDING         ERUCE ElRENEOlM            TOBY S MYERSO?.
                                                                     2-2 UCHISAIWAICHO 2-CHOME             H CHRISX)PHER BOEHNING.    JOHN E NATHAN
                                                                                                           RICHARD 5 BORISOFF'        KEVIN J 0 ERIEN'
                                                                                                           JOHN F BREGLIO.            ALEX YOUNG K OH*
                                                                                                           RICHARD J BRONSTEIN.       JOHN J O'NEIL
                                                                                                           JEAN-       K CHAN:        KELLEY D PARKER'
                                                                        CSIMILE (8 1-3)3507-8I 2 0         YVONNE Y F CHAN            MARC
                                                                                                                                      MARK FE P
                                                                                                           D O U G U S A CIFU.
                                                                                                           LEWIS R CLAMON             VALERIE E RADWANER.
                                                                                                           JAY COHEN                  C A R E Y R RAMOS
                                                                                                           RUSSELL E COLWELL'
WRITER'S DlRECT D I A L NUMBER                                                                             KELLEY A CORNISH..
                                                                                                           DOUGLAS R DAVIS            WALTER RIEMAN
                                                                                                           JAMES M DUBIN              SIDNEY s ROSDEITCHER
                                                                                                           LESLIE GORDON FAGEN        RICHARD A ROSEN.
                                                                                                           MARC FALCONE.              ANDREW N ROSENBERO.
   202-223-7340                                                                                            PETER L FELCHER'
                                                                                                           PETER E FISCH.
                                                                                                                                      STEVEN E ROSENFELD.
                                                                                                                                      PETER J ROTHENBERG
WRITER'S      DlRECT FACSIMILE                                                                             ROBERT C FLEDER'
                                                                                                           MARTIN FLUMENEAUM
                                                                                                           ANDREW J F O L D *
                                                                                                                                      ?2r%?Lt       S%%E!N*
                                                                                                                                      JEFFREY B SAMUELS
                                                                                                           HARRIS E FREIDUS'          TERRY E SCHIMEK.
   202-223-7440                                                                                            MICHAEL E GEKIZMAN.
                                                                                                           PAUL D GINSBERG.
                                                                                                                                      K E N N n H M SCHNEIDER.
                                                                                                                                      ROBERT B SCHUMER'
WRITER'S DIRECT E - M A I L ADDRESS                     1      ~ ~ HONG KONG CLUE BUILDING
                                                            2 FLOOR.                                       ERIC s GOLDSTEIN.          JAMES H SCHWAB.
                                                                     3 A CHACER ROAD. CENTRAL              ERIC GOODISON.             MICHAEL J SEGAL.
                                                                                                           CHARLES H GOOGE. J R *     DAVID R J
                                                                                                                                      STEPHEN     SICULAR*
                                                                                       HONG KONG           ANDREW G GORDON.                                           TELEPHONE ( 8 5 2 ) 253b0033
                                                                     FACSIMILE (8521 2 5 3 6 9 0 2 2
                                                                                                           BRUCE A GUTENPLAN.
                                                                                                           GAINES GWATHMM. 111.
                                                                                                                                      MOSES SILVER)?AN*
                                                                                                                                      STEVEN SIMKIN
                                                                                                           ALAN S HALPERIN'           MARILYN SOEEL.
                                                                                                           CLAUDIA HAMMERMAN.         AIDAN SYNNOTT.
                                                                                                           GERARD E HARPEF            ROBN
                                                                                                                                         I   F TARNOFSKY.
                                                                                      ALDER CASTLE         ROEERT M HIRSH             JUDITH R THOYER.
                                                                                  I O NOBLE STREET         STEVEN R HOWARD'           DANIEL J TOAL'
                                                                                                           JOYCE S HUANG              MARK A UNDEREERO'
                                                                        LONDON EC2V 7JV. U K               JEH CHARLES JOHNSON        MARIA T VULLO.
                                                                                                           MEREDITH J KANE'           THEODORE V WELLS. JR
                                                                TELEPHONE (44 EO) 7367 1000                                           ?iTEVEN L .WOLFRAM
                                                                                                           ROBERTA A KAPLAN'
                                                                 FACSIMILE (44 20) 7367 I 6 5 0            BRAD 5 KARP.               LISA YANO
                                                                                                           JOHN C KENNEDY.            JORDAN E YARElT.
                                                                                                           ALAN W KORNBERG            ALFRED D YOUNOWOOD

                                                                                                           *NOT AN A C n M MEMBER OF THE DC BAR

                                                                           March 3 1,2004

                  Bv Hand

                  Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                  Federal Communications Commission
                  445 12th Street, N.W.,
                  Washington, DC 20554

                                               Ex Parte Communication - Report No. SPB-196;
                                                      (SAT-PDR-20020425 - 0 0 0 7 0

                  Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                 On March 30,2004, Nancy Eskenazi, Vice President and Associate
                  General Counsel of SES AMERICOM, Inc. ("SES AMERJCOM'));Kimberly Baum,
                  Manager, Satellite Market Development, SES AMERICOM; and the undersigned,
                  attorney for SES AMERICOM, met in person with Jennifer Manner, Office of
                  Commissioner Abemathy; Paul Margie, Office of Commissioner Copps; and Sam Feder,
                  Office of Commissioner Martin, for the purpose of discussing matters identified in the

                  Doc #:DCI:140862.l

P A U L , W E I S S .R I F K I N D W
                                   , HARTON   a   G A R R I S O N LLP
         Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                         2

         attached document, which was distributed at the meeting. We are filing an original and
         one copy of this letter and the attachment in each of the referenced dockets.

                                                              Respect fully submitted,

                                                              Phillip L. Spector
                                                              Attorney for SES AMEFUCOM, Inc.

         cc (via e-mail, with attachment):
                 Jennifer Manner
                 Paul Margie
                 Sam Feder
                 Qualex International

         Doc #:DC1:140862.1

SESAAMERICOM           An SES GLOBAL Company                                  Ex Parte, SPB-196
                                                                     SAT-PDR-20020425 -0007 1
                                                                              March 30,2004


0   The FCC rules already provide an effective mechanism for evaluating proposals for
    satellites at reduced spacing.

       o The DBS bands are internationally planned, and governed by Appendices 30 and 30A
         of the ITU Radio Regulations.
       o Appendices 30 and 30A contain procedures for modifying the “BSS Plans,” including
         to accommodate satellites at reduced orbital spacing. These procedures prescribe
         international coordination to protect existing systems.
       o The FCC rules incorporate these international procedures. Compliance with these
         rules is essentially the only technical qualification imposed by the FCC on DBS
         applicants. (See 47 C.F.R. $4 25.1 1 l(c), 25.1 14(c)(22), 25.148(f).)
       o In its 2002 revision of the DBS rules, the FCC explicitly held that these procedures
         ensure adequate protection of existing systems, while permitting new entry. With
         reduced-spacing scenarios fully in mind, the FCC declined to adopt other technical
         constraints. (2002 DBS Order, 7 130.)

0   The FCC should continue to support the existing coordination procedures.

       o   The FCC has consistently followed the international procedures in licensing U S .
           DBS satellites.
              .    The modification procedures have been used for all U.S. DBS satellites in

               .   operation today.
                   The FCC itself has undertaken to modify the BSS Plans to introduce satellites
                   at locations that were not assigned in the original BSS Plans, not only for

                   service to the Americas, but also to Europe and Asia.
                   The FCC has required U.S. licensees to honor the ITU priority system.
                   The FCC is currently participating in a number of coordinations involving
                   DBS satellites at reduced spacing, including SES AMERICOM’s proposed
                   satellite at 105.5”.
       o Coordination will result in more DBS capacity than a rulemaking.
                   Coordination avoids imposing restrictive “one-size-fits-all” requirements.
                   Technical rules cannot effectively take into account the differences in the
                   sharing conditions at each individual DBS slot, and can preclude otherwise

              .    viable sharing arrangements.
                   Coordination allows the sharing arrangement between operators to evolve as
                   requirements change, for example, as new satellites are launched. Formal

              .    rulemakings cannot keep up with such changes.
                   The acceptable range of values for many technical parameters (such as power
                   levels) depends on the values of other system parameters. Rules of general
                   applicability cannot take advantage of such flexibility.

                                                                             Ex Parte, SPB- 196
                                                                       SAT-PDR-20020425 -0007 1
                                                                                March 30,2004

               .   A satellite designed to meet a one-size-fits-all requirement in all operational
                   scenarios will necessarily result in degraded capacity at some or all orbital

               .   slots, resulting in lost capacity to the consumer.
                   Innovations -- such as spot beams, higher order modulation and coding, and
                   HDTV -- can be, and routinely are, taken into account in coordination.
                   All of these advantages of coordination have been exploited by U.S. DBS
                   operators to date, to permit, for example, smaller dishes and spot-beam
       o Coordination has been used successfully for decades across many satellite bands.
         Even among potential competitors, agreements permitting new services have been
         developed in good faith. There is no reason why coordination will not function well
         in this case.
       o The FCC, via its participation in each coordination, and its ultimate responsibility for
         agreements reached, can fully pursue its policy objectives.

0   The FCC should reject EchoStar's proposal to tie the technical issues of reduced orbital
    spacing to the question of U.S. market entry by foreign-licensed satellites.

       o The two issues are not linked in any logical way.
       o There is no reason to re-open issues resolved by adoption of the ECO-Sat test.

0   Initiation of a rulemaking conflicts with key FCC policy objectives that require
    increased DBS capacity in the near-term.

       o The FCC has found that more competition is needed in multichannel video.
       o It has also encouraged DBS providers to offer more local-into-local and HDTV
       o Authorization of new BSS satellites, consistent with ITU coordination procedures,
           will further these policy objectives within a two-year timeframe.
       o By contrast, a rulemaking will introduce more delay, in a process that has already
         been delayed unreasonably.

0   SES AMERICOM could have launched a BSS satellite for 105.5" WL in 2004.

       o The SES AMERICOM Petition for Declaratory Ruling has been pending with the
         FCC for two years, despite the fact that the Petition complies with all FCC rules and
         policies and is ripe for grant.
       o When it filed this Petition in April 2002, SES AMERICOM indicated it could launch
         a new satellite, offering new DBS services, by 2004.
       o The FCC should focus on authorizing new services and promoting competition,
         resisting DirecTV's self-serving attempt to introduce additional delay.


Document Created: 2004-04-06 18:19:40
Document Modified: 2004-04-06 18:19:40

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