Attachment contract


OTHER submitted by WB Holding 1 LLC



This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20020321-00027 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                          Wilev Rein &Fielding LLP                                                   ORIGINAL
                                                                                                         Chin Kyung Yo0
1776 K STREET NW          September 8,2006                                                               202.719.3581
                                                                       RECEIVED - FCC
PHONE 202.719.7000
FAX       202.719.7049

Virginia Office
                          Robert Nelson
                          Chief - Satellite Division                       SEP    - 8 2006                  RECEIVED
                          International Bureau
SUITE 6200                                                                 Communication bmmision
McLEAN, VA 22102
                          Federal Communications Commission                         me
PHONE 703.905.2800        445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                                                           Satellite DivisiDn
FAX       703.905.2820    Washington, DC 20554                                                             InternationalBureau                          Re:      Ku-bund Coordination of WildBlue-1 ut 111.1O W.L.

                          Dear Mr. Nelson:

                                 WB Holdings 1, LLC (“WildBlue”) has entered into a contract under which
                          WildBlue-1 and its Ka-Band payload will be controlled and operated by Telesat
                          Canada (“Telesat”). Telesat holds a Canadian license at 111.1” W.L. for its Anik F2
                          spacecraft, containing a Ka-Band payload and, on August 4,2006, was authorized
                          by Industry Canada to collocate and operate WildBlue-1 at the same slot (letter
                          attached hereto). Pursuant to footnote US334 of the U.S. Table of Frequency
                          Allocations, Telesat would like to commence coordination discussions with those
                          U.S. government agencies that have frequency band overlap with WildBlue 1’s
                          planned operations in the 18.3-18.8 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz downlink frequency
                          bands.’ Note that this satellite is currently scheduled for launch on or about
                          November 30,2006.

                                   In order to commence this coordination, Telesat asks the Commission to
                          initiate the necessary process with NTIA to facilitate operator-to-operator
                          discussions. Both Telesat and WildBlue will participate in such discussions, with
                          WildBlue being the primary point of contact. In accordance with Commission
                          guidelines, Telesat and WildBlue will keep the Commission informed of the venue,

                          ~            ~~

                                  WildBlue has filed to modify its FCC earth station licenses to authorize both subscriber
                                  terminals and gateway antennas in the United States to communicate with the Canadian
                                  controlled WildBlue-1 at the 111.1’ W.L. orbital location. See File No. SES-MFS-20060811-
                                  01347 (call sign E050033).

Wiley Rein &Fieldmg LLP

Page 2

agenda and outcome of any such meetings. The contacts for the WildBlue-I
coordination are:

                        Erwin Hudson
                        WildBlue Communications, Inc.
                        5970 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard
                        Suite 300
                        Greenwood Village, CO 8011 1
                        EHudson @

                        John Forsey
                        Telesat Canada
                        1601 Telesat Ct.
                        Ottawa, ON KlKOH2
                        613-748-8700ext. 2530
                        j.forsey @

         If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

                                               Sincerely yours,

                                               Bert W. Rein
                                               Carl R. Frank
                                               Chin Kyung Yo0
                                               Counsel for Telesat Canada

cc:      Scott Kotler


                  Industre Caracja

                                                       Our file 46215-1 84538DM

Mr. Ted Ignacy
Chief Financial O f i c a
Telesat Canada
1601 Telesat Court
Gloucester, Ontario
K1B 5P4

Dear Mr. Ignacy:

        I refer to your letter of Apnl 18,2006 and your supplemental submission
of June 19,2006 requesting approval of Telesat Canada's plan to test and operate
the WiidBlue 1 Ka-band satellite.

          The Department has assessed your application within the context of the
initial approvals provided to Telesat Canada in 1997 and 1999 for the Anik F
program. The Department notes that this Ka-band satellite is an additional facility
to Telesat's Anik F2 satellite which is currently operating in the 11l.loWL
orbital position and the importance to Telesat Canada of this additional facility in
providing service in Canada if there is a Ka-band capacity shortage and as a
potential backup facility. The Department also notes the role the satellite will
play in securing long term Canadian access to the Ka-band spectrum at the
 1 1 1.1 OWL orbital position. The Department has concluded that approving this
plan i s in the public interest.

       Accordingly, I am pleased to provide you with this approval in principle,
granted to Telcsat Canada, to test and operate the WildBlue 1 Ka-band satellite at
the 109.2"WL and 11 1.loWL orbital positions, respectively, using the radio
frequency bands and frequencies set out in the table below.

           Radio Frequency Band                                Use
  I   Earth-to-Space: 29.5 to 30 CHz           Service to Subscribers
      Space-to-Earth: 19.7 to 20.2 GHz
  2   Earth-to-Space: 28.35 to 28.6 GHz &      Feeder Links
                      29.25 to29.5 GHz
      Space-to-Earth: 18.3 to 18.8 GHz


                   .   - ... .... - ....


                                                 Telemetry, Tracking and Control
     Command: 29999.5 MHz                        - On station
     Telemetry: 20196.0 & 20199.5 MHz

     Command; 5859.5 & 6423.5 MHz                - Transfer orbit and emergency
     Telemetry: 3701.5 & 4198.0 MHz
     Earth-to-Space: 29500.50 MHz                Beacon
     Space-to-Earth: 20199.798 MHz

         This approval in principle is subject to the conditions set out in
attachments 1 and 2 to this letter. Please note that in issuing a licence, other
conditions may be required pursuant to Ministerial authority as set out in section
5.( I)(a)&(b) of the Radiocommunication Act. As you are also aware, Industry
Canada is consulting with the Department of Foreign Affairs concerning treatment
ofthis satellite under the internationai liability and registration conventions for
space objects. It should be noted that additional conditions may be required to
give effect to any understandings developed between the Government of Canada
and any other country respecting the treatment of the WildBlue 1 satellite.

        Please note that the Department is currently reviewing the documentation
provided by Telesat Canada relating to its ownership and control. Accordingly,
this approval in principle is subject to Telesat Canada fully demonstratingthat it is
Canadian owned and controlled. In the event that the Department is not able to
conclude that Telesat is Canadian owned and controlled, a licence permitting
operation of the WildBlue 1 satellite would not be forthcoming.

       In keeping with our commitment to open, fair and transparent licensing
processes, this letter will be posted on the Department's Spectrum Management
and Telecommunications website.

                                                 Y o m sincerely,

                                                 Jan Skora
                                            'Director   General
                                                 Radiocomunications and
                                                 Broadcasting Regulatory Branch

Attachments (2)

Attachment 1

                              Conditions of Approval in Principle
                                       Telesat Canada

      Interim Use of the 1
                         093°\'      Orbital position to Test the WildBlue 1 Satellite
                     Prior to Moving it to the 111.1OWL Orbital Position

      Prior to commencing operidtion of the WildBlue 1 satellite at the 109.2OWL position and
      prior to the transit of the satellite liom the 109.2"WL position to the 111.1 OWL position,
      Telesat Canada must demonstrate to the Department that coordination of the satellite with
      potentially affected satellites has been successllly completed.

      Industry Canada requires Telesat Canada to provide the Department with the information
      listed in Annex B of the Department's CPC-2-6-02. Licensing of Space Stations in
      Sewices Other than h e Amateur Satellite Service and the Broadcasting Sutellife Service
      in Planned Bands, 60 days prior to the intended commencement of operation of the
      WildBlue 1 satellite at 109.2"WLorbital position.

      Telesat Canada must advise the Department when insrbit testing has been completed
      and, at least two days in advance, when the transit from the 109.2OWL to the 111.1OWL
      orbital position will take place.


    Attachment 2

                                Conditions of Approval in Principle
                                           Telesat Canada

                Operation of WiidBlue 1 Satetlite at the 11 1 . 1 O W L Orbital Position

    1)    To the extent that Telesat Canada may act as a telecommunications common carrier under
          thc Telecommunication Act through its use of the WildBlue 1 satellite, Telesat Canada
          must make the satellite capacity available on a nondiscriminatorybasis.

    2)    Telesat Canada must comply on an on-going basis with the eligibility criteria as set out in
          section 1Q( 2)(d) of the Radiocommunication Regulations.

    3)    Telesat Canada must provide the Department with the information listed in Annex B of
          the Department's CPC-2-15-02,Licensing of Space Stations in Sewices Other than the
          Amateur Satellite Service and the Broadcasting Satellite Service in Planned Bands,
           1 5 days prior to commencing operation of the WildBlue 1 satellite at the 11 1.1 OWL
          orbital position.

    4)    The authorization of the Minister is required for any proposed transfer of licence,
          whether in whole or in part, including any change which would have a material effect on
          the Canadian ownership and control in fact of the licensee.

    5)    Telesat Canada must invest as a minimum 2 percent of its adjusted gross revenues
          resulting from the operation of the WildBlue 1 satellite facility on satellite-related
          research and development activities. This requirement to invest begins with the
          commencement of commercial operation of the satellite, and may be averaged over a five
          year period. Eligible research and development is that which meets the definition
          adopted by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.

          The term "adjusted gross revenues" in this context is defined as those revenues
          attributable to the use of the space segment capacity, including any pre-sold capacity and
          revenues arising from my sale of transponders, less inter-canier payments, bad debts,
          third party commissions, and provincial and federal sales, goods and services taxes.

    6)     a) Telesat Canada must, with the assistance of the Department, and at Telesat Canada's
           own expense, effect the successhl coordination and notification of the satellite network;
           provide the Department, in a form acceptable to the International Telecommunication
           Union (ITU), with all required information; and be responsible for the payment of all ITC
           charges related to the processing of this information.

                                              Page 1 of 3

     b) Telesat Canada must comply with provisions of the ITU Radio Regulations and all
     international coordination mangements to which Canada is a party for the operation of
     the WildBlue 1 satellite.

     c) Telesat Canada may operate the satellite on assignments for which the ITU
     coordination/ notification process is yet to be successfully concluded, on a no
     interference, no protection basis pursuant to provision No. 4.4 of Article 4 of the ITU
     Radio Regulations. Should interference occur, Telesat Canada will immediately, and at
     its own expense, take steps to eliminate the interference situation.

7)   Telesat Canada must deorbit the satellite at the end of its life. The satellite shall be
     removed from the geostationarysatellite orbit region in a mannm consistent with
     Recommendation ITU-RS.1003 Environmental Protection of the Geostationary Sarellite

8)   Telesat Canada must submit an annual report for each of the first five years fn>m the date
     of issuance of this licence which would include:
              an update indicating continued compliance with all licence conditions;
              an update on the usage and status of each transponder;
              a statement of adjusted p s s revenues and an audited statement of research and
              development expenditures as required under condition 5 above, and a description
              of Telesat Canada’s research and development activities related to these
              a copy of any existing corporate annual report for your fiscal year with respect to
              this authorization.

     These reports are due April 30 and are to be submitted in writing to the Manager, Satellite
     Services Authorization Policy, Space and international Regulatory Activities,
     Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch.

9)   Telesat Canada must submit a traffic report for the satellite at the commencement of
     operations at the 1 1 1.1OWL position, and every three months thereafter, indicating:

              the transponders in use, and the date of bringing into use of each transponder;
              the nature of the signals carried in each transponder;
              the channel capacity of each transponder in terms of the number of telephone
              channels canied in a transponder, or telephone channel equivalencies as
              determined by application of section 58 of the Radiocommunication Regulations
              including all supporting information used to make this determination.

     These traffic reports are to be submitted, in writing, to the Manager, Satellite
     Authorization Policy, Radiocommunicationand Broadcasting Regulatory Branch.

                                          Page 2 of 3


    10)   Applicable authorization fees, as set out in the RadiocornmunicafionRegulations for
          radio licences, will be payable by Tdesat Canada on or before commencement ofthe
          operation of the satellite. Applicable annual authorization fees will be payable on or
          before March 3 1,2007 and on or before March 3 1 of each year thereafier.

                                              Page 3 of 3

Document Created: 2006-09-18 11:11:40
Document Modified: 2006-09-18 11:11:40

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