Attachment July 1 2009

July 1 2009


July 1 2009


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20011016-00137 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   Call Signs $2756, $2463
                                           July 1, 2009

       The application of New Skies Satellites, B.V. (New Skies) to modify the Commission‘s
Permitted Space Station List (Permitted List) authorization for the C—band NSS—9 space station at
the 177° W.L. orbital location to reflect an altered frequency channel plan for certain
transponders on the space station IS GRANTED. Specifically, although the NSS—9 space station
will continue to provide Fixed—Satellite Services in the 5925—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space) and
3700—4200 MHz (space—to—Earth) frequency bands, certain channels of the communications
payload have center frequencies that are three megahertz lower than those submitted as part of
New Skies‘ petition for inclusion of the NSS—9 space station on the Permitted List. Accordingly,
New Skies‘ Permitted List authorization for the NSS—9 space station is modified to include these
altered frequency channel plans, as set forth in its modification application.
        1. The modified authorization for NSS—9 is subject to the previously established
conditions that were placed on the NSS—9 space station when it was added to the Permitted List,
see IBFS File No. SAT—PPL—20080811—00152, as amended by SAT—APL—20081212—00230
(granted February 10, 2009).

        2. We also update the Permitted List to reflect New Skies‘s retirement of NSS—5 from
177° W.L. See Letter from Joslyn Read, Vice President — Regulatory Affairs for New Skies
Satellites B.V., to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, IBFS File No. SAT—PDR—20011016—00137, dated
April 16, 2009.     New Skies states that, while NSS—5 may not be taken out of service
permanently, it is being relocated out of the 177° W.L. orbital location from which it was
authorized to provide service to the U.S. market. Consequently, NSS—5 is removed from the
Permitted List. Any operator seeking to use NSS—5 to provide service to the U.S. market from
another orbital location at a later time may file an application or petition for declaratory ruling
requesting such market access.

         3. This action is taken pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately. Petitions for reconsideration under
Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s rules, 47
C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the public notice indicating
that this action was taken.

                                                    | File #_SAT— moL— 200%30233\— 00640

                                                     Call Sign S275(G__       Grant Date o7/or/0g
                                                     (or other identifier)
                                                                              Term Dates
                                        iTE          From                           7:

                                        i1 Bureau    Approved:         M’)            7@!&//
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                                                                                     SESANEW SKIES

                                                             April 16, 2009


      Marlene H. Dortch
      Office of the Secretary
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12"" Street, S.W.
      Washington, D.C. 20554

               Re:      File No. SA T—PDR—200110]6-00]3 7; Call Sign $2463

      Dear Ms. Dortch:

               New Skies Satellites B.V. ("New Skies") writes to inform you that on April 14, 2009, it initiated
      redeployment of the Netherlands—licensed NSS—5 satellite from 177° W.L. to another orbital location
      under Dutch authority. While New Skies will not be seeking U.S. market access for NSS—5 at its next
      orbital location, it does anticipate relocating NSS—5 at a later date to a portion of the geostationary arc
      from which service to the U.S. will be possible.

              Therefore, New Skies respectfully requests that the Commission not terminate NSS—5‘s
      Permitted Space Station List status at this time, but rather suspend it pending return of the spacecraft to
      a location capable of providing U.S. service. Such a course of action will conserve Commission
      resources by avoiding the need for the Commission to review a largely repetitive New Skies filing
      seeking NSS—5 market access when the Commission has already determined that NSS—5 is eligible for
      Permitted List status. Instead, New Skies would propose filing in advance of NSS—5‘s arrival at a later
      U.S.—visible orbital position only the information relating to NSS—5 that will change as a result of
      deployment of the spacecraft to a new orbital location, such as the service contours and interference

                                                                                  $2463     SAT—PDR—20011016—00137
                                                                                  NEW SKIES SATELLITES N.V.
                                                                                  NSS—803 now NSS—5

Rooseveltplantsoen 4 | 2517 KR The Hague | The Netherlands | tel: +31 (0)70 306 4100 | fax +31 (0)70 306 4101 |—
NEW SKIES SATELLITES B.V. | Chamber of Commerce registration number 30 14 62 77

Marlene H. Dortch
April 16, 2009
Page 2

         If you have any questions, please direct them to me.

                                              Sincerely yours,

                                              Joslyn Read
                                              Vice President — Regulatory Affairs
                                              for New Skies Satellites B.V.

CC.      Robert Nelson
         Stephen Duall

Document Created: 2019-04-12 02:44:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 02:44:05

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