Attachment response


RESPONSE TO REPLY COMMENTS submitted by Microcom



This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20010906-00082 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            01 0906—00082
     Fi1 le No. SAT—PDR —20
                           020321 —00027
     File No. SAT-PDR-20

                                         Before the


                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                )
                                                )      paoz3490             MAR 2 8 2003
Authorization to Serve the US Market Using )                                 Policy Branch
Ka Band Capacity on Anik F—2                    )                         International Bureau

                             Response to Telesat Comments on

                                Petition for Reconsideration

       Microcom acknowledges it may not have filed the petition in a procedurally

correct manner, however, procedural correctness should not stand in the way of pointing

out harm to the pufilic interest. Neither should the issue ofMicrocom‘s standing to file.

The public interest is the key issue in the petition. Ifthere is a net loss of broadband

internet service to existing customers in Alaska and Hawaii as a result of the approval of

Telesat‘s petition, that is not a "non—cognizable loss of a private interest" to the 1000

subscribers who no longer have broadband service. It is a loss of access to critical

weather information for air taxi operators, access to state and federal information by

village governments, affordable internet access for home schoolers, loss of internet

service in rural schools with limited budgets and loss of service to a myriad of other users

all who have come to depend on access to satellite broadband. That is the public interest

we are referring to. Microcom would certainly welcome multiple competitors in this

market, but unfortunately, we don‘t have that luxury in Alaska and Hawaii. Competition

is good, but it should not result in a loss of service to a segment of the population.

          Telesat correctly points out "there is a compelling need for such service in rural

areas, such as Alaska and Hawaii". However, Telesat‘s assessment of the health and

vitality of US Ka—band satellite industry is wildly optimistic. Telesat‘s US partner,

Wildblue, is the only US licensee with plans to launch a satellite aimed at providing

direct to home service and the date for that appears to be early in 2005 (Aviation Week

and Space Technology, Feb 24,2003, p 31). Wildblue has no plans to serve Alaska

contrary to Telesat‘s allegation. Wildblue‘s Chairman confirmed this as recently as

February 2003 in discussions with Microcom at the Satellite 2003 Conference in

Washington DC. This confirmed a previous discussion at the same conference in 2001.

However, in 2001 the Chairman indicated that through Wildblue‘s agreement with

Telesat, Alaska would be receiving service. Unfortunately, this doesn‘t seem to be the

case. _

          We are compelled to point out the process that Telesat must follow to construct

and launch a satellite into a slot allocated by the ITU to Canada is substantially different

than the process that a US licensed operator must follow. While "none of the

authorizations contain the kinds of conditions" our petition suggests, US licensees in their

application for the orbital position must indicate how the services and systems they plan

to provide will meet the public interest. A key element ofthat public interest is the

geographical area of coverage. Telesat on the other hand is not subject to this level of

review in the engineering design of their satellite platforms. This being the case, a

foreign satellite provider who is first to market with a new technology in the United

States could conceivably result in the situation we see developing with the Telesat entry

into the US Ka—band market. For example, a foreign satellite provider would not have to

serve the same geographic area as a US licensee, choosing to focus on those areas with

the greatest business potential. In a first to market scenario similar to what happened

between DirecTV/Dish Network and PrimeStar, the technology of one service replaces

another. However in this cése rathef than improved service to the customers of the older

technology, the result seems to be a possible lqss of service to some areas a US licensee

would have to serve. In this respect we believe that the Commission may have erred by

not applying a geographic test used to award US licenses to granting a foreigfi satellite

provider access to the US market.

       In summary, the Commission must decide if potentially sacrificing existing

Alaska and Hawaii broadband customers is a lesser impact on the public interest than

granting the relief asked in the Microcom petition.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Tom Brady
                                              Manager Data Services
                                              1143 East 70°" Ave
                                              Anchorage, AK 99518
March 21, 2003

                                              Certificate   of Servi

       I, Tom Brady, do hereby certify that I have on this 21" day of March 2003 caused

a copy of the foregoing "Response to Telesat Comments on Petition for Reconsideration"

to be served by first class mail, postage pre—paid, upon the following:

       Carl R. Frank
       Jennifer D. Hindin
       Kyong Wang
       1776 K Street, N. W.
       Washington, DC 20006

                                                             Tom Brady

Document Created: 2019-04-10 18:35:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 18:35:11

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